Hunter Detherow, a 22-year-old former U.S. Marine, is at the Flagler County jail on $300,000 bond following accusations that he repeatedly stabbed one man and beat up another after a discussion on religion took a bad turn at the Circle K on Palm Harbor Parkway near midnight Sunday.
Don, 49, and John, 51 (their names have been changed) are friends. Sunday night they rode their electric bike to the Circle K convenience store. Detherow was outside. Don stayed outside with the bikes, thinking the man “suspicious.” John went inside to get a few drinks. Detherow then approached Don and the two started talking about bikes, then about religion. Before long, John joined them and the discussion continued.
John told Detherow that Don practices Buddhism, and when Detherow was talking about his own religious views, Don–according to John–cut him off, and someone made what to Detherow may have sounded like a dismissive quip about Jesus. He was “infuriated,” according to his arrest report, and a verbal argument started. (Don would later tell sheriff’s deputies that he at no time heard a rude comment from John.)
John tried to deescalate the situation, only for Detherow allegedly to start attacking John, who ended up on his back on the ground as Detherow pummeled him.
When Don came to his friend’s aid, Detherow allegedly turned and attacked him before the two friends managed to grab their bikes and leave the scene. Detherow disappeared on foot through the woods. Back home, the two friends took an assessment of their injuries and called 911.
Don at first didn’t realize that he’d been stabbed. He had a laceration to the left side of his face, “a minimum pf three deep lacerations to his left back shoulder,” a sheriff’s report states, “and a puncture wound to the left side of his abdominal area.” He had also been bleeding from his ear. He was transported to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach
John wasn’t stabbed, but he had a large contusion and swelling on his lower back, a bruise on his right side near the kidney, and reddish bruising on his chest. He was complaining of pain and having trouble breathing, thinking he had a broken rib, but declined medical help.
Surveillance video and the two men’s descriptions of the alleged assailant, including a distinctive neck tattoo, helped the investigation: within the hour, deputies were at Detherow’s door at 94 Forsythe Lane, the house his parents have owned for about seven years. After he was read his miranda rights, he asked for an attorney and all questions stopped.
Laurel says
Poor Jesus, I feel ya. The far right are worshiping Trump, who is at the other end of the spiritual spectrum (if on it at all) and the crazies are beating people up in Jesus’ name. Up is down, and down is up. Strange times.
Louis Tart says
It was self defense.
Mental Health Checks says
JFC do people not realize you never discuss religion, with anyone not part of your “faith family?” It never ends well.
First, this ex-Marine needs a mental health screening, clearly if he’s getting that worked up over a man that may or may not have lived thousands of years ago who may or may not be the son of a creator.
In fact all military personal should be subject to mental health screenings periodically. How many times do we hear former-military member shot, stabbed, murder-suicide, etc. Hint, it’s a lot. They sign up for a job that involves stressful situations. They agree to these terms when they enlist. They don’t always anticipate how difficult those terms may be and a person’s psyche can only handle so much before it breaks. The stigma around mental health is changing but not fast enough. Until it does, more stories like this will exist. And mind you, it’s all people, not just former military that have issues handling stress. Each person should have a check-in with a professional at least twice a year. It doesn’t mean medication. It’s an unbiased ear listening and offering advice, most times.
At the end of the day, don’t talk to strangers about personal “hot button” beliefs like religion, sexuality, education, abortion, guns, etc. It’s not worth the potential fallout that could result in your death.
DaleL says
For some people, everything is a “hot button” subject these days. Before COVID, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons occasionally came around to talk religion. I don’t recall any of those folks ever pulling a knife or even getting offended.
Now there are some people whom the weather (climate change), cars (horrible EVs), health (vaccines), well just about anything, is off limits. I blame it mostly on a particular politician and his followers. A person who finds it acceptable to insult war heroes, disabled people, and dead soldiers. A person who has arguably violated the first four of the Ten Commandments and definitely violated the last four. Despite this, he is backed by “Christians”.
As Laurel wrote, “Up is down, and down is up.”
Tg says
Rights right
Left is left…
Law is the law.
Thank God for our Soldiers..
Thank God for our Laws!!!
JimboXYZ says
This can’t be real, not even for the legendary Florida Man in Biden’s America 2024.
Steve says
He’s a trumpet Mr orange Kool aid swiller Belly up the shows about to begin for you.
Kris says
Wow! Palm coast is great!
Wow says
Nothing says religion like a knife fight.
Anonymous says
Free my brother! FREE HUNTER
Tg says
This is why Law Enforcement was formed!!!
One just can’t go around stabbing people in public. 🚫🚫🚫⚠️
Louis Tart says
It was self defense!
Shark says
Should have kept their mouth shut and got on their bikes and departed the circle K.
Tg says
I know these 2 guys personally. They are good guys and do stay to themselves.
One shouldn’t fear to take a bike ride to local store!!!
Dave gross says
Thank you Sir. I am the guy who got stabbed. There was no religious conflict. Dude just wanted to beat up my buddy. I jumped in to save him. Got stabbed for it. No Good reason. How am I the bad guy? This day and age, things are crazy. I hope he gets mental help. Learn from your elders. Stop assuming you know everything.Try to be a Good neighbor
PJP says
The first I read about this story, from another news source, made me immediately think the two bike boys were looking to stir things up. Well, they sure did and got more than they could handle for a guy half their age. They sound like jerks…and the lone guy certainly needs some mental health care.
We are not a well society.
Tg says
These two guys do not go to around stirring trouble. Fact.
I’ve went around myself with these 2 guys.
They are most friendly ones. Mostly into nature.
As well as biking for exercise…
Mr.mike says
Electric bikes do not give you exercise dumbass.
Don says
You do realize these bikes have pedals? Dumbass. Unless you are fat and lazy. I use mine for exercise.
T says
Wow no one deserves to be assaulted over their beliefs.
Mental check up needed for you all who believe otherwise.
Tg says
Thumbs up to the FlaglerCo.
Police / Detective /Medical
Units. 👍👍👍
Keeping our public safe, thank you all so much!!!
Quick job!!!
Safer county with excellent Law Enforcement
Mike Diamond says
Let’s All Pray for Hunter and Have Peace around Palm Coast and Throughout the World.
Davy Jones says
Scum bag will meet the 2A soon acting like that