As if it weren’t bad enough that fanatics posing as Islamic purists are demolishing and desecrating cultural relics in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, vandals in Palm Coast are aping the same disregard for public art.
Sometime in the night of July 9, a group of five teen-looking walkers were caught on surveillance video smashing a small replica of the famed Greek Venus de Milo, on display at the entrance to European Village. The statue will cost $3,500 to replace, according to Mark Pierro, who reported the vandalism to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office mid-month.
Pierro told deputies that he checked European Village’s surveillance cameras and saw five suspects (one female, four males) enter the courtyard at 12:02am. The suspects walked over to the water fountain at the center of the interior courtyard. One of the five sat there while the others “messed around with bikes that were not secured to the bike rack,” the report on the incident states. The five then left European Village at 12:12 a.m.
“As the male suspects walked past the statue they began to push it as the female continued to walk towards Palm Harbor Parkway,” the incident report states. “The statue then fell over causing its head and arms to break. The suspects then ran towards Palm Harbor
Parkway out of the camera’s view.”
The suspects are a white female approximately 5’5 120 pounds with dark hair wearing dark shorts and a white shirts, a white male approximately 5’7 160 pounds wearing a dark shirt and light colored pants with a thick necklace around his neck, a black male approximately 5’10 160 pounds, wearing a dark hat, a multi colored tank top and dark shorts, a black male approximately 5’8 150
pounds wearing a dark shirt and shorts, and a Hispanic or light colored black male approximately 5’7 160 pounds, wearing a dark shirt and light colored shorts.
All suspects appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties. When the investigation was conducted on July 17 the deputy was not able to have a copy of the surveillance video but it was subsequently made available.
“I was not able to identify the suspects,” the investigating deputy noted in the incident report. “No evidence was collected because of the delay in making the report and the damaged has already been cleaned up. Mark also advised he has not found the head to the statue.”
The destruction of the Venus de Milo at European Village falls more in the category of the destruction of property than the destruction of art–the small statue being an often-reproduced replica–but the crime is nevertheless an unsettling if very distant echo of a the wanton, ongoing disregard and destruction of cultural heritages such as those carried out by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria currently.
Such vandalism is rare in Palm Coast, but not unheard of. In April 2012, a Madonna and Child statue at Mother Seton Catholic Church on Belle Terre Parkway was smashed up.
Anyone with information on the European Village incident is urged to contact Deputy Daniel Parthemore at 386-313-4911 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-888-277-TIPS (8477). You can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
The Truth says
The images from the tape are pretty clear. I’m very confident these punks will be caught soon enough.
m&m says
When school starts that may take them off the streets..
Dlf says
Maybe the cops catching them will take their ass off the street
YMCA says
What did the “Village People” get bored of making albums? Looks like they jumped out of a bad dream. grow up!
Genie says
These kids need to be arrested, charged with vandalism and curfew violation. And then they need to pay for the damage.
jack says
Curfew violation? When’s curfew lmao?
JoJo says
The cost to each vandal is $700 for the $3,500 repair. I don’t think they are near 20? More like 16, 17? Go to the gym and work out that extra energy rather than being hoodlums.
ted bundy says
the youth of america is such a waste and disgusting..
Umm says
There’s no curfew in Flagler County. The only restriction is if they are driving a vehicle past a certain time when they still have a permit. Law enforcement needs to have a sit down with the parents and find out why their children are roaming the streets at midnight?!?
A.S.F. says
I hope the parents of these kids will recognize them and react in a way that will help them appreciate the consequences of their actions. The worst thing that parents can do in situations like these is enable their kids to become even more reckless and irresponsible.
Seminole Pride says
Flagler County needs to enforce a curfew during the Summer from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. unless you are at work, for anyone under the age of 20 years old.
The Truth says
Why does Flagler County need to be parents? Parents need to step up and raise their children the right way. Teach them right from wrong and teach them there are consequences for everything.
rosslynn.jenkins says
what are you talking about a curfew until 6pm.get real. kids vandalize, it’s something they’ve always been doing and always will. it’s not right, but it’s not unheard of. this is not a news story, this is town gossip.
Tom C. says
Bet the School Board will think that we must be taxed more to keep the kiddies from being bored after school.
The parents of these jerks must have seen the pictures….they must be so proud.
MaryJo says
I must say I have no idea why there is a push to compare this to the Islamic state or Syria. Really, they are two entirely different things and being done for entirely different reasons. These are a bunch of boobs that need a knock in the head. And I agree with ASF…their parents if they see the video will know who it is. They should take them by the hand and walk them straight into the sheriff’s office. :)
Anonymous says
Bad parenting will never lessen until parents are fully held accountable for their children’s actions…and the only time they do that is for truancy. Imagine that..
America youth says
First off I wanna say this is ridiculous for some kids to do this and disrespectful. But @ ted bundy to
Say the. Youth of America is a waste a disgusting is almost as upsetting as this artical. The problem with this city is that almost anyone that does t have a kid growing up here acts as if all the youth are nothing but punk gangbangers. When in all reality I’m one of the disgusting waste youth of America 20y/o with a bachelors degree a full time job where I work for a very large business in PC about to hit 60k for the year. But hey I’m just some punk because of my age and just cause other people screw up I get treated like a criminal in my own town by Americas small minded elders.
Genie says
I’m not sure these are kids, at least not young kids, looking at them and because of the hour. And I think there “might” be 3 females and two males in this photo.
The upsetting thing is they have so little respect for a beautiful statue. Hope somebody nabs them. Maybe we need a reward?
A.S.F. says
It appears that the alleged perpetrators are well-dressed and fully accessorized. May I suggest that, once apprehended and fairly prosecuted, they be made to pay full financial reparations for the damage along with a probationary period that includes community service. Such a result might help them learn, not only the personal consequences of their actions, but also teach them that they have responsibilities as residents and members of this community.
steveg says
Guarantee, these punk wont amount to much in life, and will have to resort to criminal activity…..
Linda McKenney says
I do not understand how you can equate teenage vandalism to ISIS. This is an example of irresponsible journalism. I think the way this was written encourages others to act out for attention.