Washington Oaks Gardens State Park and The Friends of Washington Oaks announce the 24th Earth Day Celebration on April 20 and 21. As hosts, the Friends will welcome all visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The two-day event will include live entertainment, living history re-enactors, talks by environmental groups and arts and crafts.
Activities and interests for all ages will abound. A Youth Section devoted to environmental activities will enhance the children’s experiences. Guests will also enjoy results of Friends of Washington Oaks Photo Contest. Chance drawings for great prizes and Friends Gift Shop, presenting many unique and beautiful articles, will add to the experience.
A variety of food will be available, highlighted by a bake sale. The plant enthusiasts and gardeners, among our visitors, will enjoy a plant sale of Florida varieties. Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions.
Special Park Admission fees for Earth Day are $10 per car for up to 8 people. Part of the ticket will include an entry into the door prize drawing for an Annual Family Florida Park Pass and a year’s Friends Membership provided by the Friends of Washington Oaks.
For additional information, please contact Melissa Kafel, Park Service Specialist at 386/446-6783 or by email. Visit the Washington oaks website here.