FlaglerElections.gov is now the official website domain of the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Office. A .gov web address helps ensure that Florida voters know that they are communicating with an official government organization and a trusted source of election information.
Website domains that end with .gov are reserved for U.S. government organizations. Managed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), .gov domains are protected by enhanced security features that make it more difficult for malicious actors to impersonate. Usage of the .gov domain is a best practice recommendation for elections offices, which have been designated part of our nation’s critical infrastructure.
“We (the DotGov program) have rules that minimize the risk that .gov domain names could mislead users about the source or purpose of a given government organization or activity, and we require registrants to carefully maintain a .gov domain name after registration,” a U.S. government website about the designation explains.
“Our office is committed to providing fair, accurate, and secure elections for Flagler County’s voters,” Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart said. “Making this change to a .gov domain is an essential step to protect and provide official elections information.”
FlaglerElections.com, the previous domain, will now be directed to FlaglerElections.gov. Voters can use either address (.com or .gov) to access the Elections Office’s website, and Elections Staff by email.
Other local governments, including Flagler County government and Palm Coast government, have also made the switch. Flagler schools remain in the .com world for now.
Learn more about election security: https://www.flaglerelections.gov/election-security
Dan the man says
Interesting, I hope this one works better than the one the county Building Department uses and now we find out they are scrapping it to go to the one Palm Coast uses. What a waste of money.