Gov. Ron DeSantis today vetoed a bill that could have made it easier for officials to choose electric cars when buying vehicles for government fleets.
The measure was approved 115-1 in the House and 38-0 in the Senate. It had cleared three Senate committees on unanimous votes each time–including the votes of Sen. Travis Hutson, who represents Flagler County. And it had won the support of House Speaker Paul Renner, who represents Flagler County. Both are Republicans.
The bill (SB 284) would have directed officials making decisions about buying government vehicles to consider the “lowest lifetime ownership costs,” including costs for fuel and maintenance. It would have directed the Department of Management Services to make recommendations to state agencies about buying electric vehicles, natural gas-fueled vehicles and other types of vehicles powered by renewable energy.
The bill also requires, when available, the use of ethanol and biodiesel blended fuels and natural gas
fuel when a state agency purchases a vehicle with an internal combustion engine, according to a legislative analysis. It exempts emergency vehicles.
The bill would have resulted in no additional spending either by the state or local governments. Its intent was the reverse. And it would have increased economic opportunities in the private sector.
“Section 4 of the bill, allowing the use of private providers to inspect the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and solar energy and energy storage installations or alterations, may increase efficiencies and lower costs for its owners,” the legislative analysis states. “Additionally, persons qualified to be a private provider will be able to offer official inspection services, increasing business opportunities.”
The same section of the bill would have reduced the workload of the local governments relating to inspections, the analysis states. “However, each inspection performed by a private provider will reduce the revenue otherwise collected by the local governmental entity that would have conducted the inspection.”
DeSantis did not detail a reason for the veto. But Republicans in Florida have been increasingly partisan against the Biden administration’s push for vehicle electrification and energy efficiency away from fossil fuels, and DeSantis is positioning himself as Biden’s opponent in the 2024 election–assuming DeSantis defeats Donald Trump in the primary, an increasingly unlikely scenario.
Deborah Coffey says
Ron DeeSantis will get tens of thousands of more Floridians killed. Has he even been outdoors this week in the brutal heat? He is a one-man wrecking ball on everything he touches. Migrants are leaving Florida in droves. Will there even be food here? I’m sure all the DeeSantis lovers will run right out and pick all the crops out of sheer devotion.
Dave says
Migrants leaving Fla in droves, where. We just came back from south Fl and they are everywhere working in the fields.
But DeathSantis is losing votes ( a good thing) each and everyday, from getting in a pissing game with Disney which he will lose, so keep it up Ron, ( little trump) your going backwards.
Linda D. says
Already seeing the effects at the grocery stores…
Can u say snooty? says
Another Democrat who believes that immigrants are here to pick our crops and clean our homes. Get a life!
Atwp says
People continue to vote for Republicans, this is what they get.
justin case says
You say that, but look at the votes on the bill. ALL Republicans voted “YEA”, the only “NAY” was Hinson, a Democrat. Not all Republican voters chose Trump or Desantis. Do your research before voting, it isn’t about party affiliation. Choose the best candidate.
Me Too says
Amen Justin!
DMFinFlorida says
Heil, mein Führer!
Does anyone know if Hobby Lobby carries swastika decals? Asking for a friend.
Samuel says
No wonder his ratings are going down to get into the White House. He wants to destroy the US like he is doing to Florida.
Skibum says
Color me surprised. Shortly after the city council boneheads vote down the opportunity to apply for a $15,000,000 federal grant to put in EV charging stations here in Palm Coast, the state’s bonehead-in-chief stamps his veto on a nearly unanimous legislative vote in support of EVs for state government workers. I’m sure somewhere in the gov’s little brain was a dire warning that the bill was “woke”, or possibly somehow linked to “DEI” or some other dastardly communist plot that might sink his already dismal poll numbers even deeper into the toilet bowl of what remains of the republicon sinkhole. Well, for the rest of us, it is just further evidence that our current despicable gov has absolutely no interest or desire to do anything good for FL He is desperately trying to attract national support, but apparently ONLY from those who watch fauxinfotainment and other even more far out right-wing conspiracy platforms, promising that he will do to the country what he has been doing to FL. I hope all voters keep their eyes and ears open to witness the path of demagoguery and destruction he leaves behind wherever he goes.
The dude says
One mans will overrides the representatives of the will of the entire states population.
Authoritarian much?
This fascist, dangerous ideologue needs to be kept as far away from the reins of national power as possible. We’re fighting Putin by proxy over there, we simply don’t need Putin, or Putin lovers in the WH over here.
cgm says
U left out a lot of questions
how long are the cars kept, cost of battery replacement and many more
how about the rest of the story.
Michael Cocchiola says
There can be no doubt among Republicans that DeSantis cares nothing for the health and well-being of all Floridians. He cares only about fighting his culture wars to the detriment of us all.
Override this veto!!
Joan says
No surprise that “king” DeSantis would impose his own desires/agenda upon everyone else despite their own wishes…
EV's are NOT green! says
We have plenty of oil, but we cannot Extract it pipe it to refineries or use it under biden, We have to import oil from horrible countries who absolutely hate us in enormous gas guzzling mega tankers. Then we need to produce diesel and lots of it. Why you ask? Because a Cat D3 Dozer burns 500 gallons of it per shift thats why, and thats the kind of machinery you need to unearth the ore to make lithium You would be appalled if you saw the conditions little brown children are forced to work in in the cobalt mines carrying woven baskets on their heads with comparable ore weight to their little bodies. We need to burn a shit ton of fossil fuel to make an EV car battery. Then the same diesel burning machines are used to mine the coal that heats the water into steam to spin the turbine generators to make the electricity. How does it get from the mine to the power plant you ask? Well the endless diesel powered coal train of course! You see any hydro electric power plants (Dams) around here? Nope. Not enough elevation. See any windmill farms around here? nope no mountains to mount them on. Solar farms? maybe a rooftop here and there but nope too expensive Forget about wave energy nobody wants that crap on the beach. Looks like were burning that coal!!! We need to charge all these lithium batteries in Biden’s EV revolution now that China owns most of GM. He wont even mention Tesla or invite Elon Musk to energy summits, just bail outs for GM and Ford to make EVs that suck and nobody can afford but China Joe, Oh wait he’s sticking to his gas guzzling Corvette parked next to all those classified documents! LOL
Ban the GOP says
Ron knows best for all people doctors, teachers, economist they are all woke.. Just ask rascist ron, Nazis are winning ; get your stuff ready cause may get real. We dont need reform we need a revolution cause the corruption is out of control.
Wow says
DeSantis is an angry, blind bull wrecking the shop. Is this how he shows leadership? He is despicable.
Ed says
Sb 284 was vetoed for a solid reason. An ev saves an average of $3,000 in operating costs over 5 years. If the vehicle cost is more than the expected 5 year savings, and most municipal vehicles are replaced at or before an actual savings is realized then it’s not fiscally responsible.
Until electric vehicle prices find parity with combustion engines or efficiency is improved, it would cost taxpayers money.
Additionally, there will be a substantial cost of integrating fleets. Let’s do it when it is more cost effective.
Everyone wants our elected officials to be fiscally responsible and this bill would not do that. Period.
Bob J says
Can you imagine what he will do as president…….I scared.
Bill C says
Does DeSantis sit in a closed garage with the engine running (the “Think Tank”) to make his woozy decisions?
Laurel says
Clearly, DeSantis is doing what’s best for himself; Florida is his stepping stone to Presidency. He’s doing what his financial backers want him to do. Floridians are of no importance.
Speak to the facts says
Not to get at all political, but just stepping back making some general observations regarding this movement to “electric / battery powered vehicles”.
Taking a look at Cell Phones and Cordless Power tools-
Corded Power tools are significantly less expensive than Battery operated power tools. Corded Power tools will last a lot longer too, if not seeming will last forever if taken care of.
But Battery Power Tools are exceptionally convenient and super handy on most jobs. We are paying for the awesome convenience.
A name brand power tool will last the normal person for about 5 years. As long as the manufacturer continues to support that model battery style.
For commercial use and construction these battery operated tools last about a year or two. batteries being the costly replacement item.
In summary the battery operated technology on powers tools changed the dynamics of tools lasting for 10 years or seeming lasting for forever, to a Battery Operated Power tool being a disposable commodity lasting about 5 years at best.
Again the retail market or resale market on “used” battery operated tools is pretty minimal. No one wants to invest money in trash lol.
So battery operated tools changed the dynamics on the retail and economics of the power tool industry. For manufacturers it was a benefit, as it created greater demand as these tools all have to be replaced after 5 years they’re about. It created the battery manufacturing market too.
This all comes at a greater cost to the consumer. It also creates more waste to include plastic waist (more consumption of petroleum based material). So the “green footprint” on Mother Nature isn’t any better.
Then look at cell phones. Today’s newer generation goes through cells phones like they do underwear. These new kids want the latest and greatest when it comes this battery operated technology. A majority of the new generation seems to get a new cell phone every year!
For most everyone else they replace their cell phones every 3 to 4 years (5 years tops).
Again the life of the battery is the life of the phone in most cases. Additionally the manufacturers supporting of the operating system/software for the phone. Eventually they manufacture stops supporting obsolete old cell phones as the technology is always changing. This also how they can get the consumer to upgrade and replace their phone.
Cell phones are a disposable battery operated product lasting at best 5 years. Remember the new generation seeming is replacing cells phones every year.
Cell phones value or cost are nearly $800 to $1000… most of the new generation “leases” these phones adding to monthly expenses in life.
For manufacturers disposable battery operated technology is a money maker!
Note that the retail market or resale of “used” cellphones is not much of a market. Again it doesn’t make sense to invest money in trash.
Now setting those observations aside… let’s look at this movement towards battery operated vehicles.
A gasoline powered vehicle if taken care of can last a person easily 10 years if not longer.
The thing that impacts the néw manufacturing auto market is the “used” auto market. One can easily finance and purchase a gasoline engine car with 50,000 miles or even a 100,000 miles on the car. If that car is taken care of and well maintained the odds are that used car could last someone another 100,000 miles. The used auto market is a less expensive option, where people can pay off any financing faster or buy the vehicles outright and not have to finance at all.
That share of the auto market is helping people to become financially more independent in a sense.
If we compare the trends of the other battery operated technologies in other industries and apply that same pattern to the auto market… it’s going to be very similar.
Electric cars are more expensive. The batteries and the operating software technology is only going to last about 5 years.
Electric vehicles are going to become a disposable commodity.
These cars operate with software and operating systems, they connect to the internet. As technology is changing every day. An electric car will ideally last about 5 years.
I think the manufacturers and the financing industry are more than aware of this. This will benefit them as it will ultimately force people to buy and finance new cars at a much faster rate and frequency than gasoline engine cars.
Then on top of that, the additional equipment and need for charging devices and charging stations. It also needs immediate upgrades and development in the power grid.
Power and energy companies will have to produce more power. As these energy companies will lobby to have the government incentivize, subsidize, and fund the development of new power grid… that will come to an increased cost to the taxpayers. The taxpayers will ultimately end up paying for all of that cost, plus pay the energy companies directly for the electricity and services.
As far as the “green foot print”- if the average vehicle is lasting about 10 years. Now everyone is being forced to go electric, and having to replace their car every 5 years. The consumption of plastics and other petroleum base materials is going to increase creating more waste.
All of this increase in taxes, over all cost to the consumer, and increase waste is to improve the “air quality” and stop Mother Nature from “changing” and ice caps melting ????
As if humans are in control over the universe and Mother Nature????
They want to make government emergency service agencies and public schools all switch to electric vehicles????
A school diesel bus for a public school can last about 10 to 15 years. The power management on a Tesla with Air conditioning and all its electronics is one thing. The power management on a school bus with its need for air conditioning, heat, and all of its electronics is another thing. The battery needed for bus is going to be astronomical in cost. And like wise with all battery operated technology it will likely need replaced after 5 years. Again this increases operating cost for schools or any government agency. That increased cost comes to the burden of its tax payers.
And for Florida when hurricanes and storms hit, and the power grid goes down. Emergency service agencies will need additional equipment and back up fossil fuel generators to power these charging stations so they can continue to provide services.
This equipment will come at a cost to the tax payer.
Also most Law enforcement agencies run on 12 hour shifts.
I’m not sure how long a battery operated patrol car will last on a single charge. But most road patrol is responding to calls for services consistently during that 12 hour shift. If they have to stop to charge their cat and go out of service, that is going to change the dynamics of shift management for law enforcement agencies. This will require additional patrol cars and additional road patrol personnel to maintain coverage and call service response.
Thus government agencies will have to invest not only the charging equipment needed, but will have to invest in more personnel and vehicles. This again will come at an expense to the tax payer.
As you listen to some politicians who are advocating for the end of gasoline engines and demanding a mandate for Electric vehicles only…
I’d imagine the manufacturing companies see dollar signs. Politicians see increase in spending and need for increase taxes. Energy Companies see tax funded grants, incentives, subsidies, and tax breaks to pay for the development of néw infrastructure to which they will charge consumers for energy services.
This all comes at the cost of the American Tax payer. Not only will taxes and National debt increase… but the cost to live and operate in America will increase.
My understanding was that air quality had improved over the past few decades in comparison for America.
And in comparison to China and other countries are air quality is astronomically better than these other countries.
I don’t see how creating more plastic waste and other waste and increased consumption of vehicles at a faster frequency is making the planet any more healthy?
Laurel says
Speak: Much of what you say is true. However, the problem is that you are stating that we would be basically at a stand still with this electric energy. Not so. People are currently working at creating better batteries that will be smaller, and much more efficient. It will continue to evolve. Oil does not. Big oil spends a great deal of money and lobbying to keep the status quo.
Claiming that we have no control over our planet’s health is, plain and simple, denial. Stating that because China’s air quality is terrible does not make it okay to dismiss our attempts to improve our very thin atmosphere.
Yes, we are a throw away society and that needs to change. It is currently fashionable for young adults to purchase thrift clothing, and hang onto clothing much longer. Some are opting for flip phones. I believe they do care, and want better products in the future.
Sherry says
@speak. . . pontificating (ad nauseam) on “one point in time”, while living self indulgently with an incredibly closed mind, in a backwards state rapidly heading towards DeSantis’ fascism, simply does not allow for an evolving world. An entire world that needs to believe in the future of human life on our planet, and strive, in EVERY WAY possible, to save our planet from premature extinction.