Gov. Ron DeSantis spent the first 13 minutes of a news conference in Fort Pierce Tuesday bashing Biden administration policies and praising his own before getting to the ostensible official point of the visit: announcing a $2.7 million grant to fix downtown infrastructure.
The governor was about 20 minutes into a second appearance that day in Live Oak in North Florida before announcing a $1.9 million grant to finance improvements to an industrial park. Again, he delivered essentially a campaign stump speech comparing his record to Biden on issues including COVID safeguards, immigration policy, student loan forgiveness, and inflation.
To paraphrase Capt. Louis Renault, it’s perhaps too much to declare oneself shocked, shocked, to find that politics are going on in here.
But in balancing legitimate policy announcements and electioneering, “He’s clearly over the line,” Mac Stipanovich, former GOP strategist turned independent Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis critic, said in a telephone interview.
Stipanovich, who came to Tallahassee as top adviser when Republican Gov. Bob Martinez took office in 1987, acknowledged that past governors scheduled news conferences in the “hope to get some benefit” politically. DeSantis goes beyond that, he added.
“These performances — not press conferences because quite frequently they exclude members of the press that they don’t want to talk to or be questioned by or don’t take questions — these performances are primarily political and policy is just incidental,” Stipanovich said.
DeSantis spokesman Bryan Griffin called such criticism “off-base. The governor’s press conferences are always for official state purposes – announcing programs, initiatives, or state actions that affect Floridians.”
“It wouldn’t be right to only interact with Floridians residing in or traveling to Tallahassee, just as it wouldn’t be appropriate to make himself available to only the Tallahassee media market,” Griffin said by email.
“Florida is more than 800 miles long, from Pensacola to Key West, and almost 400 miles wide from Jacksonville to Pensacola. Thus, travel, including travel by state aircraft, is a necessary function of the office. The governor has visited all 67 counties since his inauguration in 2019 to interact with as many Floridians as possible,” he added.
The people’s business
For the record, DeSantis, who’s running for reelection against Democratic congressman Charlie Crist, did perform the people’s business on Tuesday, distributing money from the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund, an initiative of the governor’s that promotes investments in infrastructure and job training. Communities and businesses can compete for these grants. He even handed out oversized checks (noting the real money transfer would come later).
DeSantis cast the grants within the context of a major theme of his administration, promoting apprenticeships and other alternatives to “brick and ivy” college educations, which he argues can lead to well-paid jobs without the need to amass student debt.
“We’re proud to have been able to, you know, have an active agenda in Florida which we have strong support across the state for on all our initiatives,” DeSantis noted in Fort Pierce, in St. Lucie County on the Atlantic coast.
p“The governor also frequently takes Q&A from local media in the various markets he visits across Florida. If the media raise a political question, the governor is at liberty to answer. He is also at liberty to comment on any topic that affects Florida, which may include political topics,” Griffin said in his email.
“But there is a vast difference between commenting on political topics … and campaigning for office.”
Whatever the governor is doing seems to be working. In a recent Florida Chamber of Commerce poll, 54 percent of the likely voters surveyed approved of the job DeSantis is doing, including 88 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of registered independents.
At the same time, the governor packs these events with supporters who cheer him plus local officials and administration figures who lavish him with praise.
‘Zombie studies’
He loves to mock elites, sneering Tuesday at academic programs in “zombie studies,” as he did on Tuesday. (Actually, these represent serious academic inquiries.) He consistently blames Joe Biden for illegal immigration and drug smuggling over the southern border, even though immigration policy has vexed presidents for generations.
As Stipanovich pointed out: “It’s been a mess for decades and it’s been a problem for more than a half century. Eisenhower had problems with illegal immigration on the southern border. This is not news, but what it is is something on which he can capitalize by stoking outrage and fear among the Republican base.”
In a press release Tuesday, the Florida Democratic Party accused DeSantis of ducking big issues including abortion and skyrocketing housing and insurance costs. The party suggested someone ask the governor whether he agrees with the judge who denied an abortion to a 16-year-old orphan or whether he supports a total ban on the procedure, for example.
The Democrats also noted that DeSantis finances his grants using federal COVID stimulus money forwarded by the Biden administration but never mentions its source. Some $10 billion in the current year state budget came from the feds.
“It’s disappointing but not surprising to see Gov. DeSantis hold a press conference taking credit for infrastructure funding passed by President Biden and Democrats,” party spokesman Travis Reuther said in a written statement.
“After all, this isn’t the first time DeSantis has tried to take credit for Democrats’ accomplishments. While DeSantis focuses on furthering his political career and punishing people who disagree with him, President Biden and Democrats are delivering on an economic agenda that creates jobs and lowers costs for Floridians.”
–Michael Moline, Florida Phoenix
Alexander says
Can’t wait to watch two want to be dictators debate each other to get into the White House. Should be a real show to watch.
Chump says
DeSantis = Autocrat/Nazi. He’s far worse than a dictator. His actions have shown that. He’s running by the Nazi playbook for crying out loud. Biden, is not a dictator either. See, dictators don’t give $10,000 SL forgiveness. They don’t pass legislation to help working class people. Reading a book will do you good.
Jim099 says
Ron Desantis thinks this is Russia or China. Thinks everyone should fall in line behind him and never question anything he says or his policies. As a 40+ year Republican, I am embarrassed to say he is in the Republican party. Look at his latest television add, Top Gun. Really? What did you do in the military? Fly jets? NO. His next commercial will probably be him riding a horse along a beach shirtless.
Its nice Ron is finally giving out money to cities and counties across the state. Oh yeah, its an election year. Plus a lot of that money came from the government to assist Florida during the pandemic. Not as much as it should be because you refused to take advantage of some of what was available.
I just don’t get it. How have people become so ugly and mean? What happened to having a conversation? Discussing things that would make everyone better. Not just one group who puckers up, yells and screams when you talk. I hear nothing of plans to try and work with democrats, independents, and even those who don’t vote. Its just hate, hate, hate. No ideas or suggestions.
You use to represent Flagler County. When was the last time you came by your neighborhood and talked?
Stop running for President. Your our governor now and running for reelection. You can try and run for president next year. Fix what you have now before trying to take on more. Get good at one thing first.
Been There says
Please, Dear God, don’t let your next ad prediction be true. Nobody wants to see that.
Enough says
I have a few questions I would like to see this BS artist respond to: 1) what involvement are you in regarding high rents in Fl.? 2) what are you doing about it? 3) Why aren’t you addressing the high volume of crime in this state and what solutions do you have to curb it? 4) Why do you ALWAYS take credit for what the Dems have accomplished ; 5) In fact ,why do you ALWAYS take any credit when something positive comes from city officials meetings that you have absolutely no idea how to resolve? 6) Why do you blame everyone else for your lack of judgement when your stupid ideas fail, over and over again? 7) Why did you do nothing when the elderly as well as others, were dying from Covid? 7) Why are you currently ignoring the Monkey Pox problem in Florida; you don’t even mention it!! 8) Why are you so afraid of children learning that there are many different kinds of people and different beliefs in the “real” world, instead of banning books and trying to convince us that your misguided ignorance is the only one to listen to?
I can go on and on! But this is the reality of it: You will say anything and possibly do anything for a vote in your favor. You don’t give a rats ass about anyone but your own selfish ambitions, no matter what political party they are affiliated with. But the dolts listen and you take advantage of that.
How about instead of travelling all over the country pushing your crap, you actually stay where you belong and do the job you are supposed to be doing??
Can’t wait to get your worthless butt out of office.
Confused says
Hi Enough say; Just trying to understand both sides. You ask a lot of questions, most require a personal response from him but; #4 what has he taken credit for that the Dems accomplished, #5 what did he take credit from our city officials, #6 which stupid ideas failed, #7 COVID what should have been done, #8 Monkey Pox what should be done, #9 the books, do you have children? I’m sure you have plenty of examples, but providing a little substance would help.
Enough says
I don’t need to provide the substance; that’s what the Governor is supposed to do. Yes, a lot of questions and never once have I heard him address any of them, except to ridicule and blame others. Let me give you another one: what is he doing about the insurance companies leaving Florida? Not one word!!
Nephew of Uncle Sam says
Biggest poser of a Governor ever. Bitches about President Biden and the federal government but has his hands out all the time taking their money. Though this came from a Florida Growth Fund this time he’ll dole out money while not acknowledging where it came from the rest of the time.
Kmine says
President Biden has done nothing for this country but ruin it . He is ignoring the crisis at the border putting this whole country in danger. K
c says
“Whataboutism” only works if it is done intelligently … see above for an example of a bad “Whataboutism”.
Been There says
How is that ruining the country. The way I see it, we should vet them, train them, and fill up some of these job shortages we have. That would help the economy by increasing the tax base. How does this affect you personally? Just curious.
Jimbo99 says
Sounds like Biden on an average day, clinging to & blaming Trump for Jan 6th for the current state of the union.
c says
I repeat, “Whataboutism” only works if it is done intelligently .
For a second example of a terrible “Whataboutism” – see above
Maga man says
Bash Biden
Now that will make a GREAT Tee-Shirt
Can’t wait to wear mine.
Tom says
Are Florida democrats in la la land? I travel for a living. Last week: New York is a cesspool the homeless camps are impinging on Time Square. New Jersey. Stayed at a Marriott. There is class screens in front of the front desk and bar. All staff are double masked. I asked one if people are dying at a large rate? They said: they didn’t know but their government tells them to do it. Wanna go to your child’s basketball game? Students are masked while playing! Everyone I meet wants to move to Florida for our lifestyle and no income tax. But they m sure when enough of you get here, it’ll turn into a liberal shit hole
A.j says
I guess the Repubs are on another planet. I guess the Repub states don’t have a homeless problem. Go to any major city in the country and you will see homeless people. This is a systemic problem not a Dem problem. I’ve seen homeless people in Palm Coast and Daytona. That’s right Ron is a Repub. In your travels to Repub states look for the homeless there and try to help them, that is what Repubs say they do. Ron is taking all the credit and fighting Biden. The money he is talking about is a result of Bidens signature. Ron is nothing but a weak Trump puppet. A Repub was the President during the insurrection. Just a reminder of how crazy the Repubs are. If people come from New York and Cali that is good politics for the Dems because those are biiiiiig Dem states. I forgot don’t forget the water crisis in Jackson Miss they have a Repub Gov. Jackson is a Black city, wonder do that city get a lot of tax dollars, probably not.
Alphonse Abonte says
I’ve said it before and I will say it again.
Nobody, but nobody, can suck a city completely dry while simultaneously driving off the tax base like democrats can. It is really the only thing they are very good at.