David Lloyd Rockey, a 67-year-old resident of Palm Coast, was killed this morning just after 8 as he rode his Honda motorcycle north on U.S. 1, just past the Volusia-Flagler County Line.
Julia Tucker, 57, was driving her 2011 Nissan Xterra west on Plantation Bay Road. She came to a stop at a stop sign at the road’s intersection with U.S. 1, but then, according to a Florida Highway Patrol accident report, she failed to yield to Rockey’s right of way and crossed the northbound lanes of U.S. 1 as she was attempting to make a left turn and go south.
Rockey was traveling on the inside lane. He struck the left, driver-side door of the Nissan and was ejected from his motorcycle, which ended up blocking both travel lanes. Rockey was pronounced dead at the scene. He was wearing a helmet.
Tucker was transported to a local hospital in serious condition. Charges are pending.
John Smith says
I feel the loss of Rocky personally. I am praying for him and his family for there loss. The last three words in the story say it all Charges are pending and as well they should be. This is another case of a car driver not paying attention and taking a life. May she pay dearly for this great mistake.
So Sad says
How sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tucker and the family of the deceased. Something like this can happen so quickly. Accidents happen and Ian sure Ms Tucker wishes she could turn back time.
Joe A. says
How many of these reports are we going to have to hear before something gets done? We need more education of drivers to look both ways. There are way to many motorcyclist killed because of drivers failing to yield. My prayers to the family for their loss.
concerned says
There will be many more accidents at this site. I pass it twice a day and can not tell you how many times I have slammed my brakes on. My prayers to his family for there loss. I would seriously question if she really did stop. They need a red light right there. I rarely see anyone stopping at the intersection of US 1 and Plantation Bay I was behind the City of Daytona Beach offiicer who was first emergency on scene. I pray that Tucker’s family will be the last to suffer a loss there and the County realizes it is time for yet another Red light as people do not know what the big red octagon is for.
Annie says
The same exact thing happened to me several years ago. Luckily, I survived. This is just plain negligence on the part of the Xterra driver.
Roy says
Accidents happen but this didn’t have to. In just the past two weeks I have had three different situations where cars pulled in front of me, twice while on my motorcycle and once while driving my car. Each time the other driver pulled out from a side road or in the first case, a strip mall entrance , and pulled not just into the right lane, but into the 2nd lane, each time without even looking twice. You would think I was invisible – but the weather was clear, visibility excellent, road conditions dry and each time the other driver continued as if they didn’t care that they almost killed someone! What do we need to do – report their plates? Blow out their tires? Chase them all the way to where they are going to give them a piece of our mind?
revenge of the nerds says
There will never be a red light coming out of a gated community. I blame the people from the gated community who come on a HWY with traffic going 65mph+ in both directions when they have no right to. They must wait until the coast is clear. Just like someone said above, I too have swerved or slammed on my breaks on US 1 heading both north or south b//c some moron out of this gated community decided they would just come unto the road or cross over 4 lanes of traffic.
concerned citizen says
My heart goes out to the family. I too pass thru there twice a day and they don’t stop, they just roll on out and then they pull right in front of you and stop moving. I’m surprised many other drivers hasn’t been killed. People are in such a rush, trying to get to wherever they be going. Its costing too many lives, its time to slow down and pay more attention to the road. May they should set there clocks 10 minutes faster, that way they wouldn’t kill someone or get into an accident along the way. May God Bless his wife and family, Lord give them the strength to keep going on. I know the feeling of losing a loved one in an accident, because I lost my son at an early age in a car accident. I will continue go pray for this family. God Bless.
Palm Coast Resident. says
As someone who knew David Rocky personally and a fellow co-worker of, I’ve woken up the past two mornings not believing it actually happened…I met him about two years ago almost, and opened the Palm Coast Autozone store together and have shared many a story. He’s a great guy, just too sad to see him go so soon. Extremely dissapointed in the lack of attention towards others on the road. Look both ways…and then LOOK AGAIN! This right here should be an instant life long loss for the privilege of driving. may you rest in peace Rocky. :(you will be missed!
palmcoaster says
We need less linient laws for these drivers that kill pedestrians, motorcyclist and/or cyclist in the same manner. Long jail time and mandatory community service while doing it, will reduce this problem.
charles says
well that sucks people in cars need to look for motorcycles they just dont care anymore and i thought helments save lifes it shows how true that is ha