Two teens—18-year-old Danquelle Nash and a 17 year old—were arrested Monday afternoon following a car theft, an attempted home invasion, and a car and foot chase through the R and W Sections of Palm Coast. The midday incident had residents of the southwest corner of the W Section concerned as it teemed with cops and roadblocks checked vehicles going in and out of the neighborhood. No one was hurt.
For the resident of 4 Riverina Drive, it was a frightening experience. The resident—a 34-year-old woman—was in the shower around 11 a.m. when she heard a loud bang at her door and her doorbell ringing. She went to the front of the house, looked out, and saw what appeared to be a Hispanic man banging hard on her front door, kicking it, and looking as if he were attempting to break down the door.
The man then walked back to the road as a white BMW SUV backed through the swale, closer to the woman’s home. Then a black youth got out of the car and both individuals walked back to the front door. The woman yelled at the two to leave. They ran back to the car and sped off. She called the cops.
While Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy Daniel Parthemore was at the scene with Cpl. Kevin Byrnes, the two cops saw a white BMW turn onto Riverina Drive, from Riviere Lane. A vehicle matching that description had been reported stolen earlier in the day, from an Arrowhead Drive house in Palm Coast. The two cops activated their emergency lights. The BMW sped off, taking Rymfire Drive, Ruth Drive then Russell Drive, where the chase reached speeds of 50 mph before accelerating to 70 mph down Rolling Sands Drive and Rockefeller Drive. Somewhere in the area of Rolling Sands and Rockefeller, Parthemore and Byrnes lost sight of the vehicle.
At the same time, a perimeter was set up in the southwest corner of the W Section, where the vehicle was last seen speeding by passersby—and the abandoned BMW was soon discovered near 22 Wood Amber Lane. A K-9 unit was brought in and a search on foot resumed, with deputies checking empty houses along the way.
Shortly after 1 p.m., a deputy on Wood Arber Lane spotted two men emerging from the woods and approaching White View. Noticing the cops, the two spun back toward Wood Amber Lane, but cops were ready there, too, and arrested them both at a minute’s interval.
The woman on Riverina Drive was able to identify both individuals as those who’d attempted to kick in her door: Danquelle Nash, the 18 year old, and the 17 year old, whose identity has not been released.
The car at the center of the episode was a 2006 four-door BMW X5 belonging to Mike Kettler, 29, of Palm Coast. Nash is accused of breaking into a sedan that had been parked in the driveway of the Arrowhead house, ransacking it, and stealing the garage-door opener, giving him access to the BMW, which he is accused of stealing. The BMW is valued at $26,000.
The juvenile is charged with Burglary of a Conveyance, Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling, Grand Theft, Attempted Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling, Fleeing and Eluding and Resisting Arrest without Violence. He was taken to the Division of Youth Services in Daytona Beach.
Nash, of 49 Radcliffe Drive in Palm Coast, is charged with Burglary of a Conveyance, Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling, Attempted Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling and Resisting Arrest without Violence. He was taken to the Flagler County jail, where he remained Tuesday afternoon on $27,500 bond.
A.S.F. says
A terrible experience for all of the victims. I am glad that no one got seriously physically injured. I am sure that is due to the fine work of the FCSO.
Paul Anderson says
[Comment disallowed: bigoted.–FL]
orphan says
On and on we go.
What a country we have created. :(
I recently read a book about the lives of the original Disney ‘Mouseketeers’. Nowhere in this book did I see the trash that I see here every day. (‘here’ being any media available to any person in any area of this country)
What a loss of a once great country. :(
I do understand that we aren’t living back in the fifties and sixties, but there is no reason for our government to have allowed the current situation to evolve. I feel so sorry for all of the generations following ours. Yes-they are enjoying a wonderful and tech-filled life. But they are missing out on so many experiences that we as a generation of kids for the most part took for granted. And that means…
I, in my ‘old peoples’ way, will say this: “Crack down on these people who consistently break/ ignore our laws! Stop with this “Oh, I’m so afraid that I might hurt his/her feelings” and let’s get on with the business of reclaiming America while there is still? a chance!
ted bundy says
[Comment disallowed: bigoted.–FL]
Glad I left Palm Coast says
Those 2 do not realize how lucky they are, if it were my house I would have had a Ruger mini-30 waiting for them and the result would have been a little different. 2 body bags would have been the result. Useless punks who need to removed from society. Good work FCSD!!!
Linda says
Attempted violent crime against the woman and bond is only $27,000. I shudder to think what would have happened if they’d gotten into the woman’s home. And now she has the fear of knowing they’re out. Disgusting. What’s wrong with these judges?
My Daily Rant says
[Comment disapproved: offensive and racist.–FL]
A.S.F. says
I know I am probably being naïve but on what do the judges base their bonding amount decisions? If the amounts are based on past precedents which may be outdated and insufficient by today’s standards, can the system be changed to serve the current needs of the community? Or, are bond amounts completely within the power of each judge to determine in each case, unrelated to guidelines and restrictions?
Linda says
Point well made and taken. We elect the judges, so I guess we should know these things before passing judgment on what they’ve ordered. Then we can know whether to vote them out or keep them on.
ryan says
These kids are nothing but little punks who reinforce negative stereotypes about young black men as criminals and gang members. These little thugs will hopefully pay the price of what they have done and they need to learn that respect is earned, not an entitlement. At least the victim was not harmed.
Outsider says
Linda, perhaps I can help alleviate some of your anguish thinking about what would have happened had they gotten into this woman’s home with what would have happened had they gotten into my home. Let’s just say it involves a 12 gauge and a messy ending. Now, I don’t relish that idea nor am I trying to put loads of bravado on display, but I think it’s only fair to make these punks understand that they are playing a deadly game and the rules do not work in their favor. When they choose to break into my or another like-minded person’s home they force one to choose between wondering what they are up to and firmly defending family members.
Sgt. Steel says
The woman who was “almost” a crime victim, better get down to Florida Gun Exchange and buy a firearm. Next time you take a shower, always bring your trusty friend with you .
so unfair says
So Ryan does that mean you carry the weight of every white criminal klansmen or skin head guilty of a crime? You make a persons insecurities a whole races problem when in fact the problem is your generalizing, you made the sterotype.
Genie says
Commit a crime, better be prepared to do the time. There is no sugar coating this.
Brittney says
Not for nothing … but the story is missing one big thing, it was yelled out ” I have a gun” she was scared but was ready to defend her self and her home , that should be apart of the story.
I know here WELL…
wake up says
can’t wait to hear the parents..”OH NOT MY KIDS”
Ed says
I’d say these 2 teens are very lucky to have another chance. They could very well have picked the wrong house and today might have been their last.
jp says
[Comment disallowed: racist.–FL]
A.S.F. says
What is it about the R and W sections? There were yet more shots reportedly fired in the R section today.