Shortly after midnight Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies were alerted to a fire at the Citgo gas station at 4920 Belle Terre Parkway in Palm Coast. The fire had been set on a fence attached to the business and to a dumpster. A witness reported seeing someone in a gray shirt and black pants light the fire.
Less than 20 minutes later, a deputy spotted someone driving a car with a license plate taped over with cardboard. The deputy pulled over Daniel Da Costa, a 26-year-old resident of 36 Pretoria Lane in Palm Coast.
DaCosta was nervous and shaking, according to sheriff’s deputy Phil Conway.
“Why are you acting so nervous?” Conway asked him. Whenever the deputy would ask him a question, DaCosta would answer with a question, his voice cracking. DaCosta said his cousin placed the cardboard over the license plate because he was spray-painting the vehicle.
As the deputy tells the suspect of his concerns, people driving by stop and tell deputies of another fire nearby, next to Publix. Deputies initially thought it had been the original fire that had reignited. But it was a different fire, its flames reaching as high as 15 feet, embers flying through the air. A deputy tried to suppress the fire with an extinguisher, to no avail.
“I radioed dispatch informing them we had an arsonist on our hands,” Conway reported, “due to the fact that two separate fires were lit in a small proximity.” The search was on for a man with a gray shirt and dark pants. A review of video surveillance from a business showed the same Ford Fusion DaCosta had been driving, backing into a spot on the west side of the Publix parking lot. The video shows a man stepping out of the car with an object in his hand. The man matches the description of DaCosta.
By then DaCosta had been released from the initial traffic stop and had gone home, but somehow two hours later was brought back to the scene.
DaCosta at first denied having anything to do with the fire, but then allegedly confessed and walked the deputies through each step he took to light the two fires, starting with what he said caused him to do it: he’d been upset after an argument with his mother, and because his father had died two years before. He said he’d placed the cardboard over the license plate himself. After lighting one of the fires with a homemade firebomb, he checked on it to make sure it was burning well. He then proceeded to the next location, where he used cardboard and newspapers to light that fire. Afterward, he checked on both fires to ensure they were burning.
“This dumpster was in close proximity of the business and had a great likelihood of catching the business on fire if it was not dismantled,” a deputy reported.
“This is a textbook arsonist,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “Start fires and then remain in the area to watch. He could have easily caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage due to his criminal actions. If not for community members calling when they saw something, a traffic stop for a hidden tag, technology and the quick actions and investigation by our deputies, this could have had a catastrophic outcome and he may not have been caught.”
DaCosta was charged with two counts of second-degree arsons and a count of manufacturing a firebomb, all felonies. He’s being held at the Flagler County jail.

ASF says
I have seen this guy stalking the area plenty of times before–and he’s usually got some buddies with him.
Duh says
See something, say something. Duh.
ASF says
You can’t “report” someone to the police for simply hanging around just because they make hairs on the back of your neck stand up. DUH.
Duh says
Yes, you can. Know the laws! Google “Online Sunshine Loitering or prowling 856.021”. That should be enough for you there to read.
I’m not blaming you for not saying anything, but I’m just saying everyone needs to be more conscious and just report suspicious behavior. Sure it may be nothing, but sometimes it DOES turn out to be something.
Just next time you see something, and this is for anyone, call the non emergency line (if necessary, or 911 only if needed) and report it.
Local says
This used to be such a great place to live before palmcoast was here.
Jim says
What about the firearm?
Land of no turn signals says says
He had a fight with his mommy WA,WA,WA.Grow up your 26 start being a man get a job or two then maybe you won’t have so much free time on your hands.
Brian says
Why was he released from the initial stop? Was the gun legal? Seems like some gaps in this story.
Friend says
I worked with Daniel at Publix years ago. He was such a sweet young man – always willing to help his coworkers and customers alike, working hard to advance his career with the company. He was very passionate about his family, and brought the most delicious food to share around Christmas. Assuming he is guilty, his father’s death has obviously taken a toll on his mental health. I hope he gets the help he needs. Thank God no one got hurt…
CB from PC says
We all have losses which take a “toll” on our mental health. That does not permit us to commit arson or other crimes. No excuse…rational enough to plan a nd commit a crime.
Andy says
I know Daniel personally. Honestly one of the friendliest guys I know. Would never expect this…. but mental health should be evaluated before anything else. This man is fighting demons and he needs help, not punishment.