Businesses will remain open for the economic well-being of the state even as ccoronavirus cases continue to surge in Florida, the head of a Senate select committee on the pandemic said this week.
And if similar pandemics occur in the future, the state intends to have guidelines that would keep businesses from again facing closures, said Sen. Danny Burgess, a Zephyrhills Republican who chairs the Select Committee on Pandemic Preparedness and Response.
Burgess said a lesson from covid-19 is the economic carnage created when businesses were closed last year to slow the spread of the virus, which has killed more than 24,700 Floridians since March.
“I think everyone is on the same page now that we absolutely in no circumstance should go back to where we were before, when we shut down our economy,” Burgess said during a webinar held by the Florida Economic Development Council. “Our economy was strong. Our economy is strong. And our economy is bouncing back. But there are so many people who lost jobs, and so many businesses who shuttered and who may never open again, and who won’t open again, for sure, because of what we’ve done.”
Burgess’ comments came as President Joe Biden released a national strategy focused on speeding up the manufacturing, testing and distribution of vaccines and other medical supplies. Biden’s effort also will require people to wear face masks on such things as trains and airplanes.
Burgess’ approach echoes the position of Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has said for months he does not think lockdowns and fines for violating mask restrictions are effective.
DeSantis has also opposed requests from local government officials to enact their own rules to curb the spread of covid-19.
“We will categorically not allow any local government to lock people down. We will not let any local government kick anybody out of their job,” DeSantis said Jan. 6 while in Pensacola. “We will not let any local government fine individual Floridians. We will not let any local government shut down schools. And we’re not going to let any local governments do those things.”
Burgess, whose committee is set to meet for the second time next week, added that there is a belief that “we know how we can handle this, how we can navigate this virus and that we need to navigate it responsibly,” which includes people wearing masks, washing their hands and socially distancing.
Lawmakers also are moving quickly on a proposal (SB 72 and HB 7) that would provide covid-19 liability protections to businesses.
While vaccines are gradually becoming available to people 65 and older, the state Department of Health as of Wednesday had reported an average of 14,587 new covid-19 cases a day since the start of January. The state had also posted an average of 153 deaths a day since the start of the month.
In December, the daily average of new cases was 10,800, while the daily death toll averaged 103.
Burgess views the select committee as a two-year process, with the initial focus being ways to increase the availability of vaccines to meet the high demand. The longer-term aspect is to craft a report outlining steps for handling future pandemics, he said.
“Pandemics and viruses were here before us. They will be here after us. And so, we have to be ready for the next time,” Burgess said. “Hopefully very soon, we can get back to life as we knew it, you know, and get out of this new normal.”
Mary Koonce says
Fl. Republicans don’t give a damn for anything but money. To hell with life.
Michele says
Recall them all! Start with DeSantis and Burgess!
Tim Mcauliffe says
DeSantis and Burgess show the benefits of a Medical Degree from Trump U.
Richard says
Personally it is my opinion that the businesses across this country should have NEVER been closed down in the first place. After all, look at the number of “essential” businesses that remained open during the entire pandemic. It has done irreparable harm to millions of businesses and people throughout this country. Plus I don’t believe that it slowed the virus for one second. The virus did what it was going to do and it is still doing it and will continue for years to come. Closing down some businesses while keeping other open doesn’t make any sense at all. Now if ALL businesses were shuttered and people locked up in their homes and never came out for the duration of the pandemic now that most likely would have had a major impact on the spread. BUT then again is that really a feasible alternative, NOT!
The Voice Of Reason says
Compared to the rest of the world, we failed miserably handling covid. We have the most deaths by far and our businesses are recovering slower than most countries, if we’re recovering at all. Greedy republicans are penny wise and dollar foolish. trump has added debt of 7-8 trillion in 4 years, most of it before covid. Cut taxes and spend wildly, the right in action.
Steve says
IFF A Federal mandate or plan were executed appropiately and on a timely basis, i.e. WE were handed the Truth originally, most activities could and should have stayed open provided the masses played by the rules. C19 was allowed to do what it did by poor to NO Leadership. I along with the rest watched in realtime as it unfolded before our eyes. Being forewarned some heeded the call others not so much. So We agree to disagree
The Voice Of Reason says
The florida republican way. Throw the citizens under the bus. After all, they’re just dumb southerners. They’ll vote gop even if we run over their granny.
LetThemEatCake says
Something tells me he wants control of every uterus in the state of FL too. Total hypocrite.
Mike Cocchiola says
What he’s saying is that Floridians should be prepared to die for the greater glory of DeSantis’ economy. The only thing I can’t figure out is why is DeSantis seemingly giving seniors priority for virus shots when we’re clearly expendable? Oh, right, there are almost no vaccines available anyway. So it’s an empty gesture.
Steve says
He wants their Votes plain and simple.
Mark says
What a loser and complicit in the “let em die” stategy of incompetent Florida leaders. We need the econimy cloaed for the safety of our people. Wil Florida be giving out stimulis checks like other states? Or will be left high dryband dying thanks to the non repsonse from Florida srate goverment. And now we must wear masks for years to come. Thanks alot!
Tony says
Another flat earth promoter
Jack Howell says
I bet this a-hole would sing a different song if somebody very close to him died of COVID!
Laura says
So happy to live in FL where a governor uses science & priorities those for the shot who are most likely to die (65+) vs continuing to divide (and delay) with “ethic task forces” and lockdowns that kill both economy and people (see CA or NYC for reference). If you like those policies there please go & we (like TX) will welcome the silicon valley companies & billionaires
Steve says
Your orange koolaid seems to be spiked with a mind altering substance. Granted its way too late for lockdowns etc. now but it wasnt . Science and priorities by DeSantis? laughable. He is still holding back data vaccines etc. Total failure. Liken him to a Hollywood set, nothing behind the curtain .