Flagler County and Florida both set new records for coronavirus infections this week as the state Health Department today reported 11,458 new infections in the state, shattering a record set two days earlier and pointing to 200,000 infections by the end of the weekend. Gov. Ron DeSantis says he’s not changing course on Phase 2 reopening, which began June 5.
Infections in Flagler totaled 90 in the past seven days, breaking the previous record of 61 set at the end of April, with almost half the county’s cumulative total infections occurring since Phase 2 reopening. The county’s positivity rate–the rate at which those being tested are testing positive has risen sharply in the last two weeks, suggesting significant community spread. About 1,000 people were tested in the past seven days.
Flagler had been among the more successful of Florida counties to contain the spread of the disease, its recorded infection rate among the 10 lowest in the state, but that success is now at risk of erosion.
Holland and the chairpersons of the Flagler Beach and county commissions on Thursday all said they would seek mask mandates through their respective governments. But on Friday the Observer reported that a meeting of administrative, non-elected leaders in the county, along with Sheriff Rick Staly, elected not to pursue a mask mandate.
The proposed mandate is still on Flagler Beach’s commission meeting agenda next week, and Holland said today she still intends to pursue a mandate proposal when the Palm Coast City Council meets Tuesday.
“At the very least this needs to be discussed and vetted as a policy decision from the policy makers,” Holland said today. “I understand that the sheriff doesn’t want to put his limited resources to an enforcement of masks but I think we can strike a good balance between the guidelines proposed and an educational campaign. Our residents did an outstanding job when the governor shut the state down and I know that they want to help. ”
Alachua, Broward, Duval, Gadsden, Hillsborough, Indian, Leon, Martin, Miami Dade, Monroe, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas and Seminole all have mask mandates in some form, most of the mandates applying to all people in indoor public places, including businesses. Numerous cities have also adopted mandates, among them St. Augustine and Daytona Beach, according to a count by floridapolitics.com. DeLand, New Smyrna Beach and Ormond Beach have also adopted mandates.
Flagler County Health Department Chief Bob Snyder and Stephen Bickel, a physician and the medical director at the Flagler and Volusia health departments, have both called for a mask mandate locally.
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday was still boasting that Florida’s death rate from Covid-19 was lower than that of many other states. While acknowledging the surge in cases, he’s interpreted the rise as less concerning than in April because a much larger number of younger people less susceptible to hospitalizations have been testing positive while deaths have not been increasing.
Neither claim is entirely accurate. While the median age of those infected has unquestionably fallen down to the 30s–it averaged 35 over the past 14 days–it still means that half the people getting infected are older than 35, and because the number of those getting infected is 10 times higher than it was in April, the number of elderly people most at risk of complications has risen in comparison to April.
The rise has been accompanied by an alarming increase in emergency room admissions related either to flu-like symptoms or Covid-like symptoms both across the state and in Flagler. In the state, Covid-like visits to emergency rooms have risen from just over 2,000 the week of May 17 to 10,000 the week of June 21–even before the bulk of the surge in new cases developed. The number of visits related to influenza-like symptoms rose from about 1,500 the week of May 17 to 5,000 the week of June 21.
Total hospital bed capacity in the state is at 25 percent as of today, according to the Agency for Health Care Administration, and at 19 percent at Flagler’s AdventHealth Palm Coast hospital. Intensive Care bed capacity is at 20 percent statewide, 27 percent in Flagler.
On June 6, the day after Phase 2 reopening, cumulative hospitalizations in Flagler had stood at 22, with four deaths. Today’s report by the health department places cumulative hospitalizations at 34 (with one additional deaths), which means that a third of all hospitalizations have occurred since Phase 2 reopening.
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland said on Thursday that an AdventHealth Palm Coast official was reporting Covid-19 hospitalizations “higher than April.”
The health department’s report shows a doubling in the number of people going to the emergency room with either influenza-like or Covid-like symptoms in Flagler, and a sharp jump of 8 percent in cough-related emergency room visits resulting in admissions in the last reported week (compared to 3 percent or less since early April). Those numbers corroborate what the hospital official told Holland.
Across the state, cough-associated admission had risen to 1.6 percent in early April, fallen to under 0.6 percent by late May, and have now been steadily rising again, standing at 1 percent in the last reported week.
Deaths are also increasing again in the state. When Phase 2 began, the state had recorded 2,660 deaths. The total today was 3,803, an increase of 43 percent in that time span. Gov. Ron DeSantis has been claiming that the surge has not been accompanied by an increase in deaths. That’s not accurate. The seven-day average of Covid-19 related deaths has risen back to nearly where it was at the previous peak of the pandemic in Florida, with an average of 49 deaths reported in the last two week-span.
Public health officials have warned that even though a larger number of younger people is getting infected, those younger carriers, many of them asymptomatic, are carrying and spreading the disease to older, at-risk people, with a lag between infection s and complications.
In Flagler, where infections have also been affecting younger people, a still-large number of older people are getting infected, and for the 10 cases confirmed on July 3, the median age was 69.
Nationally, new coronavirus cases have increased by 89 percent over the past 14 days, with daily records being set (53,340 on Friday), though the number of deaths have fallen by 19 percent in that time span. The numbers have fallen, but are still high: there were 582 Covid-related deaths on Friday, for a total of 129,400 since the pandemic began. The total in Florida is 3,683, placing the state’s per-100,000 death rate of 17 in 27th place among the 50 states, but 9th worst in net number of people who have lost their lives. Florida’s infection rate per 100,000 had been low until the June outbreak, but the state has been climbing the national chart since, standing in 15th place today. Florida, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina and California are among the worst hot spots at the moment, with Florida by far leading the way in new daily cases.

Dan says
One would be safe to assume the the Sheriff in Flagler county is ignoring his oath to protect its citizens. The same oath Deputy Varnes took. Is now the time to turn your back on the safety of those your swarn to protect? Stop using resources to go after law abiding citizens with small amounts of cannabis and use them to enforce the mask mandate.
Bogart says
cannabis smokers don’t wear masks. so go after them
Trailer Bob says
Depends somewhat on age, not if they smoke weed or not. But you may wish to post that comment on Fox News, that is where I see similar posts. Most of them fake.
Sam says
I havent met one pot smoker that doesnt wear a mask. Most who smoke pot are considerate and very well aware of the dangers and would be caught dead not wearing a mask
Daryl harris says
How could you say that the sheriff and deputy are not doing their jobs. Not only are they protecting you they are dealing with the pandemic and BLM bullshit. Anyone that says law enforcement are not doing their job for not enforcing a mandatory mask wear is out of their minds
Horace says
What does BLM has to do with enforcing mask wearing. Why are things that support black citizens are always a “problem” for the police and people like you.
Anthony Fennick’s Mother says
Unfortunately this department under Staly has become nothing more than a publicity stunt for him. If you really think he actually cares about human life, I’m sorry to say, but he does not. He is very good at cover ups that he thinks will take the spotlight off of him, for example, my son loosing his life due to the gross neglect of his staff.
mark101 says
There is NO Mask mandate in Flagler County. YET !
A. J. says
Well said.
Lil ol Me says
I am completely against a mask mandate. This really is an issue of personal responsibility. We are supposed to be social distancing. If we are in a crowded space (where we shouldn’t be anyway), or in a place where we are unable to keep any distance (like in a nail salon), we need to wear a mask.
The experts said masks were not needed to be worn in public unless you were sick, frail or otherwise immunocompromised. Those are the guidelines the experts gave us to keep us safe. I am following those guidelines.
I have found people to be very respectful whether they are wearing a mask or not. I have noticed some crowding outside a few restaurants, which is not safe.
Stores are doing their part and have put up plexiglass shields at registers and markers on the floors. If a business requires their customers to wear a mask, we can choose to go there wearing a mask, or not go.
So now, the virus is spreading and government experts are saying we should assume we are asymptomatic carriers and EVERYONE should wear a mask. Officials and a large percentage of comments on this site are saying we have a responsibility to our community to wear a mask. It is made to sound like Flagler County is some kind of metropolis and we are coughing and sneezing on each other.
Believe it or not, there are risks in wearing a mask. There have been plenty of well-documented studies done. Mask-wearing reduces blood and tissue oxygenation (which can be deadly) while increasing carbon dioxide levels, causes stress, hinders detoxification that occurs when we exhale, compromises our immune system and can cause many other ailments, both physical and emotional.
I don’t want to be forced to wear a mask in public because others are fearful or irresponsible. Our first responsibility is to ourselves. We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our children and others in our charge or help those in need.
Outsider says
So you’re saying stop going after people who are breaking the law, and start going after people who are not. Makes perfect sense to me.
The Voice Of Reason says
As a country and state with failed leadership, a mask mandate desperately needs to be put in place. Masks and hand sanitizer needs to be handed out free by the state National Guards in the same way they hand out MREs and cases of water like they do during hurricane conditions. Make non compliance like a warning first, then a ticket with growing fines. Like a driving ticket. Many in our population have chosen to foolishly politicize this issue. That’s nonsense. Please, care for your fellow man. Health and safety first.
CB from PC says
Cannabis smokers aside, the FCSO have to deal with stupid ass citizens carjacking ec-boyfriend, a fugitive pulling a gun on them and walking on eggshells to not have the whole department labeled as “racist” should they enforce the law. Ironic isn’t it though that a minority hire is in the process of being fired for documented racial slurs against an elderly white guy. These Deputies are not paid enough to go through this bullshit.
Steve Robinson says
Have to say I am dismayed and surprised by Staly’s comments that a mask ordinance would be “unenforceable,” and possibly “unconstitutional.” The latter point is absurd, as entire states–including, recently, Texas–have mandated masks, and I am not aware of a single, successful legal challenge to this simple health measure. As for “unenforceable,” no one is suggesting Staly order his deputies to fill the “Green Roof Inn” with violators. Laws exist not only to prescribe punishment for crimes, but also to make very clear to all in a civilized society what behavior is acceptable and what is not–especially when public safety is at stake. Are speeding laws “unenforceable”? Any trip down I-95 would provide an obvious answer, as most everyone is driving over the speed limit. Occasionally someone gets pulled over, but not very often. Should we get rid of speed limits? The simple solution, if a mask ordinance is passed, is to have deputies, when they see a close crowd of unmasked people, tell people to please put on a mask. If they are asked why, their answer is simple: Because it’s the law.
Anthony Fennick’s Mother says
Staly will only involve himself in anything that will give him the opportunity for a photo opportunity and a pat on the back. Being involved in helping everyone being cautious with mask wearing isn’t a big enough headline for him, therefore he doesn’t want any part of it. He doesn’t care about anyone but HIMSELF, but he IS good at cover ups when it comes to owning up that my son died under his watch. People’s lives do not mean anything to him… trust me.
MRC says
PLEASE Palm Coast mandate masks. I would love to go frolic and play like nothing is happening, nothing is happening, nothing is happening, it’s not true, it won’t affect me, I don’t know anybody who has died, you can’t take my rights. What the heck is wrong with you guys? You act as if you are lemmings headed for the cliff. I guess that’s nature’s way. Your version of Darwinian theory backfires. They think that only the fittest will survive, ergo that makes them ten foot tall, bulletproof, and immune. Go ahead I guess it is your choice to head for that cliff. Just don’t forget that you are taking potentially thousands down with you. I choose not to be one of your victims. Masked and Smart…
Trailer Bob says
Or wear a plastic face shield as I do. You can breathe and drink a beer easier that way. Surprised more people are not using them, as they also protect the virus from getting in via your eyes.
Maria Torres says
We need to wear masks! We are not declining we have not even flattened the curve!!!! Please Wear Masks…
LetThemEatCake says
People cannot follow the guidelines at Publix, which says more about the person ignoring the guidelines than the one asking for their enforcement. Something happened after Trump was elected. This sense of entitlement, rude, obnoxious, un-American behavior became prominent. The very definition of Patriotism is doing what you can to help your fellow citizens. These people are doing everything but that. Sad really.
PB says
Took a ride to Flagler Beach today and was surprised. Outdoor dining was happening but not crazy same with the beach. Shuttle area on 100 did not appear to busy! Are some learning?
A. J. says
Well spoken.
Think says
It’s happening because of the people walking around in public without a face covering. The same people tend to not keep their distance either. Bottom line: If you do not wear some type of face covering while in a public place, you are spreading the virus which can and will kill someone. I cannot explain it any clearer than that. It’s not political but it is personal. If you fail to cover your face whether You are high risk or not, you are literally harming others. You are being selfish and disrespectful to other people and especially to the physicians and nurses who have to risk their lives to save people infected by you.
Seriously, how much actual cognitive inertia do you typically harbor in your brain which doesn’t allow you to comprehend this?!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
I am shocked that the Sheriff didn’t come up with a civil fine with a first warning together with a free mask ! One warning goes into computer and second violation civil fine ( amount less than$100 ) but still better than risking my health as he has chosen it appears ! I am.shocked that such a hard working sheriff has such an irresponsible attitude about my health as His number 1 priority.
I have been a fan of his even though he openly supported Joe Mullins because personal feelungs have no business being mixed with obligations to ‘ we the people’
I have my rights to be protected regarding my health..safety and welfare with no excuse!
We are allowed to.drive at posted speeds..to wear seatbelts?and nor text while driving!
Has anyone ever filed a lawsuit in Flagler County that their (fantasized) definition of their ‘constitutional right’s ( non specified by anyone) ?
Shame on you sheriff Staly. You lost a big mouth supporter of you as my Sheriff with your new fears of being sued more important than doing everything in your power to protect my life.
I am a registered Republican but I see the virus as a political issue instead of its real health issue.
Quityerbitchen says
Ok so your “personal” health should be the sheriff’s responsibility?
You’re a grown up. Be responsible for yourself and your family. If you are that concerned don’t go out.
Ps. I’m not against a mask mandate but I’m old enough to realize that personal responsibility begins with me. If I go out I assume the risk.
Anthony Fennick’s Mother says
It is good to see that you and others are seeing Staly’s true colors. If it does not benefit him or his ego, he can care less. One thing he is good at is, his half a** cover ups when his gross neglect in his department caused the death of my child. You said it correct, SHAME ON YOU STALY!!
Maria Darcy says
Holland, once again, wants to do things her way, the hell with personal freedom, this control freak has to be voted out.
Willy Boy says
A segment of the population would not follow a mask mandate anymore than a ban on fireworks within the city. Attempting to enforce such mandates would waste law enforcement resources and create a virtual police state. Mob rule has become the norm. The cops have enough to do keeping the vicious folk under control. Can’t be wasting time trying to herd cats.
beachcomberT says
Thanks for the latest stats, but what are the policy implications of a rising caseload? Are schools going to reopen in August or not? So far we’ve heard very little about how education will get back to normal. By the way, have any teachers been laid off or given layoff warnings? If we’re going to limp along with some form of home schooling or Internet classes, are we still paying for classroom instructors? If so, what are they providing in terms of contact and supervision of individual students? Then, turning to tourism, are we going to encourage it, or continue discouraging it? How much longer will Disney remain shut down while other theme parks are open? Which beaches are open and under what restrictions? Just heard on TV that Cocoa Beach is allowing beach groups of 10 maximum, while Volusia has a limit of 6? What is the rational basis of either restriction? And why do we limit beach attendance but set no limit on political rallies and marches? Lots of important issues to sort through, but local and state officials are good at ducking them.
Lynnette says
I as a mom and Nana agree with wearing facemasks. I think people who don’t are selfish, ignorant and disrespectful. Do to others as you yourself would want done to you…as it is written! Other Counties smartened up so what’s the problem with Flagler County? Isn’t death a good enough reason? How many more before you decide to make the Trump Copy Cats wear a mask? I now travel away from my area (Palm Coast) to a county who cares about their residences safety to shop. My family’s lives are important to me and apparently not to you! I’m Ashame to live in Palm Coast! Get your boxer gloves off and put your masks on!!
Mythoughts says
I realize putting a mandatory of requiring masks puts an additional strain on the FCSO bit the Sheriff also needs to think about the health not only of his Deputies but also the health and safety of our community. Why are our governing officials dragging their feets on the safety of our citizens? Are they waiting until it gets worse in Flagler County and then they will have to shut everything down again or more people get infected and could cause possible deaths?
Lil ol Me says
I am completely against a mask mandate. This really is an issue of personal responsibility. We are supposed to be social distancing. If we are in a crowded space (where we shouldn’t be anyway), or in a place where we are unable to keep any distance (like in a nail salon), we need to wear a mask.
The experts told us masks were not needed to be worn in public unless you were sick, frail or otherwise immunocompromised. Those are the guidelines the experts gave us to keep us safe. I am following those guidelines and have found people to be very respectful whether they are wearing a mask or not. Lately I have noticed some crowding outside a few restaurants, which is not safe.
Stores are doing their part and have installed plexiglass shields at registers and markers on the floors. If a business requires their customers to wear a mask, we can choose to go there wearing a mask, or not go.
So now, the virus is spreading and government experts are saying we should assume we are asymptomatic carriers and EVERYONE should wear a mask. Officials and a large percentage of comments on this site are saying we have a responsibility to our community to wear a mask when out in public. It is made to sound like Flagler County is some kind of metropolis and we are going around coughing and sneezing on each other.
Believe it or not, there are risks in wearing a mask. There have been plenty of well-documented studies done. Mask-wearing reduces blood and tissue oxygenation (which can be deadly) while increasing carbon dioxide levels, causes stress, hinders detoxification that occurs when we exhale, compromises our immune system and can cause many other ailments, both physical and emotional.
I do not want to be forced to wear a mask in public because others are fearful or irresponsible. Our first responsibility is to ourselves. We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our children and others in our charge or help those in need.
Rose says
I really wish they would make a mandate in Palm Coast for facemasks or elderly people and people with compromised immune systems including myself are afraid to go to the hospital are very ill and it’s not good to be stuck home but you go out and nobody’s wearing a mask and you have to worry about every little thing I believe more needs to be done and protecting ourselves and we need to be given this information as well as appropriate facemasks to protect elderly people and immune compromised people..I really wish they would make a mandate in Palm Coast for facemasks or elderly people and people with compromised immune systems including myself are afraid to go to the hospital are very ill and it’s not good to be stuck home but you go out and nobody’s wearing a mask and you have to worry about every little thing I believe more needs to be done and protecting ourselves and we need to be given this information as well as appropriate facemasks to protect elderly people and immune compromised people.
Norman Tucker says
Let’s wear masks like people do in China. Defund the police. Make white people a minority. Get Trump out of office. Raise taxes on rich people. That’s America. The country I want my kids to grow up in!
LYNN says
Real Heroes WEAR Masks!
R on says
Masks mandatory are the stupidest thing ever.
It’s what 107 outside and u want people to wear masks.
It’s control is all it is.
I for one will not wear a mask.
This isn’t through a court it isn’t law and I will file any and all lawsuits against any of the fat head overpowered idiots in power of Palm coast
Also pushing everyone to vote them ALL out.
We’re told 2 weeks flatten curve
It’s been 5 months.
When does the control end
U say stay 6 ft apart to help stop
Then wear a mask to help stop spread
Well if wearing a mask stops the spread why stay 6 ft apart
If staying 6 ft apart helps why wear a mask.
I won’t take the advice from Dr doom and gloom
I’m a grown woman who will make her own decisions
U have ruined jobs
Some of u haven’t even opened back yet
Which is pathetic
We are paying the town to have offices open and where are u.
Collecting a paycheck to sit home.
Bull 💩 💩 we are done with the control
This will never be our new normal
Are we going to get a real count of cases
Because flu season is always as bad but why never no death count.
I don’t care who agrees and who don’t
Open the damn stores
And businesses
Stop the nonsense
If people are scared
Sick what ever stay home.
U can’t be that worried u people pack the stores every day.
Remove the masks
There is more to this and it isn’t for protection from a virus it’s control of people.
BillC says
As my friend who is a Covid nurse in Palm Beach County told me this morning, the staff at her hospital have a new saying: MASK IT OR CASKET.
Sherry says
Those who continue to comment about face coverings being unhealthy. You do understand that physicians and nurses wear them day after day with no ill effects, right? Please post a link to all those “CREDIBLE” medical studies that back up your claim. Otherwise, you have nothing credible to say.
Those who continue to say that they have a constitutional right to endanger the lives of others by not wearing a face covering, please cite the exactly language in the constitution where that right is recorded. There are many areas of our country where wearing a mask is legally mandated and fines are imposes for violators, just as “smoking” is restricted, and driving while texting or drunk is illegal. All of these legal restrictions are for the public safety and health. . . . are they all unconstitutional because “you” say so? If so, please educate us with your “legend in your own mind” legal expertise which you seem to believe is greater than all the attorneys and judges across the nation.
Spreading misinformation, especially at a time like this, is completely reprehensible! You “should” be ashamed!
Christopher Lemke says
Good to see that Sheriff Staley has not lost his mind! He’s the greatest! Not sure how a mandate would be enforced anyway. Not surprising that President Trump’s name comes up almost every discussion. Even the CDC has stated that masks are ineffective-the particles are too small to prevent their entry. And the funky facemasks I see people wearing! You’ve got to be kidding me. For the most part these people are responding to the fear that has been pounded into them day after day. Check out the success rates of the countries that have not required face coverings or lockdowns. Seems like Flaglerlive is enthusiastically pursuing the same manipulative path of most of the national media and Democrat run states.
It’s a very bad sign to see the mayor and city council considering mandating face coverings. These people are either ignorant or sinister.
So, it’s your right to choose to be sheeple or informed responsible adults. I, for one will not join your ranks.
John R says
Think we have issues now, lets see how we look after this 4th of July weekend. Better yet lets see by mid August when we send kids back to school with no mandates on anything. Business as usual. just giving the option for virtual or on site teaching. Some parents have no choice but to send their kids to school because they need to work. they don’t have the choice of virtual schooling. for those who do opt to go to the schools, they leave themselves and others, especially the teachers open to catch this virus and bring it home for everyone to enjoy. No safety for the kids or the teachers. I honestly can’t believe it with the state setting new records. I would have thought that this new superintendent, coming from St. Johns, would have followed their lead. Nope, we risk all of our kids and teachers. So this means by the beginning of September,
capt says
I would be ok with NO mask if everyone would follow social distancing guidelines and ensure they get tested, and stores and businesses would wear mask BUT ! that’s not happening in our county or state or the Nation. People just don’t care, that its, and there are a lot of selfish people that can’t seem to get it. You can have this virus and not know it. But, it will be too late when one of these non mask wearers infects some friend or loved one. I wonder if they would care then, like what if I !
Google it says
Ever heard of “Covid herd immunity” ?
Gary R says
Why are there doctors who say masks and respirators do not work? Also, they say face masks pose serious risks to the healthy. Anybody got an answer?
Sam says
Which “Doctors” are saying this? I’ve not heard any MD saying not to wear a mask. Just the opposite. Pls refer to CDC website where they explain children under 2 years, people with severe breathing problems or incapacitated people who cannot move should not wear a mask. Also, understand that those with severe breathing problems are likely at home hooked up to O2 and not running errands in public. They wouldn’t survive COVID if they did get it. Please specify where you heard a physician say other than this. Thank you.
marlee says
It is so reassuring that there are so many Doctors and Scientists on this Comment page!
John Stove says
Johnny Proud day starts:
I am not wearing a mask, this is Americuh!….by god I am going to go to the store, gas station, Publix and exercise all of the rights granted to me in the Constitution! You are scared snowflake? stay home!
Joe Smith’s day starts:
I need to go to Publix to get my prescription filled or cant miss my Doctors appointment etc…but I have been minimizing going out, self isolating at home for weeks and exposing others….what do i do? Ok, guess I have to risk it so I put on my mask, gloves and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with me.
At the store, Joe inadvertently walks thru an unseen cloud of airborne mist emitted from someone who IS NOT WEARING A MASK, who has Covid-19 but has no symptoms. The droplets from the mist land somewhere on the face, body of Joe and without knowing it Joe has come in direct contact with the virus.
Both people go their separate ways without realizing what just happened….
A few days later Joe wakes up with a headache, sore throat and short of breath…………
Someone calls Johnny Proud to tell him that his Grandfather, Brother, Father, Friend etc etc has been admitted to the hospital….
Really…..you wont wear a mask? Guess its all about you
Regulator says
I have my rights to be protected regarding my health..safety and welfare with no excuse! Sound familiar Jane. I have rights also . I have congestive heart failure and have enough problems breathing as it is. I will refuse to wear a mask and I will not stay in my house. I haven’t looked into yet but I’m sure there might be something in the disability act. Now ya’ll have a nice day you hear.