Calling it a “big win,” Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry said Friday he envisions the Republican convention in August as an opportunity to showcase his city and get his people back to work following massive shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
He did so on a day when Florida broke a new record for daily coronavirus infections, with 1,902 reported by the Florida Department of Health today, after Thursday had broken a previous record, with 1,698. The state has recorded well over 1,000 new infections a day for 10 straight days, returning to numbers last seen during the previous peak of the epidemic in April. The last 10 days’ numbers have been reported weeks after the state moved to Phase 1 reopening, then Phase two, with continuing plans to reopen the economy more swiftly ahead, and plans to reopen schools in early August.
Testing has increased significantly in the state as well, with 20,000 to over 30,000 tests a day in the last 10 days, resulting in positive results ranging between a low of 2.5 percent on June 6 to three successive days of above 5 percent in the last three days. Cumulative cases in Flagler are at 202, with only 12 new cases in the last 10 days and a total of five deaths since the beginning of the pandemic: a fifth death was recorded this week, involving an 80-year-old man.
The Miami Herald reported that, based on its analysis “of public and non-public Cocid-19 data found that as of June 3, new cases in the state had consistently been trending up since mid-May and the trends could not be attributed solely to increases in testing, which had been inconsistent and sometimes declining during that period.”
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has attributed the higher infection numbers to increased testing and the state’s success in “flattening the curve.”
“But a review of the data the governor was using shows his public pronouncements were often in conflict with real-time facts,” the Miami Herald reported. “He either wasn’t aware the data showed that community spread, regional outbreaks and death tolls were worse than he was telling Floridians, or he selectively focused on outdated statistics to make his case.”
The Centers for Disease Control is now projecting between 124,000 to 140,00 deaths related to Covid-19 in the United States by July 4, far higher numbers than projections made in late April when states were ramping up reopenings.
Curry held an early morning video conference with reporters, following the Republican National Committee’s announcement late Thursday evening that major portions of the GOP presidential nomination convention will be moved to Jacksonville.
He did so the same day the CDC released new guidances for events and gatherings of larger size. Among the recommendations: limiting events that draw participants from long distances. “Consider limiting event attendance to staff and guests who live in the local area (e.g., community, city, town, or county) to reduce risk of spreading the virus from areas with higher levels of Ccovid-19,” the guidance states. “If attendance is open to staff and guests from other communities, cities, town or counties, provide information to attendees so they can make an informed decision about participation.
Curry said Jacksonville proved last month that the city has the ability to hold a “smooth, safe, and secure event” by hosting mixed martial arts contests at an empty VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena. The 15,000-capacity center will host the Republican National Convention’s main event — President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech — in a little over two months.
“As we’ve proven weeks ago, when we hosted the first professional sporting event during COVID-19, UFC, which we did in a safe and responsible way, we’ll also be able to do that with the Republican National Convention, given where we are with the effects of this pandemic that we’re emerging from,” Curry said.
As protests continue nationwide over the May 25 death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis police, the mayor said he expects the costs of increased security to be covered by federal and state resources. Jacksonville’s law enforcement ranks also will be bolstered by statewide agencies, he said.
Curry, a former Republican Party of Florida chairman, also expects the federal government to reimburse the city for other costs from the convention.
“We have cash on hand,” Curry said, pointing to the city’s ability to cover hurricane-related costs. “We don’t expect to get to that situation in this event. But we’ve always gotten reimbursed and gotten reimbursed timely.”
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced Thursday night that the party was moving most of the convention’s showcase events, including Trump’s acceptance speech, out of Charlotte, following a dispute between the president and the governor of North Carolina over COVID-19 precautions. GOP leaders had planned the Charlotte event for two years.
Trump does not wear a mask in public, and many of his supporters also eschew face coverings. Public health officials shuttered crowded gatherings earlier this year to combat the novel coronavirus, which is spread by close contact between people or through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
When asked if the city had to assure that Trump would be able to address a crowd not wearing face coverings, Curry said “there are no guarantees, when it comes to public safety, in any situation.”
“You have to act according to the situation at that moment in time,” the mayor said. “Clearly, the RNC wants a large event with a lot of people. I want that too. By the way, I want sports back with a lot of people in arenas and stadiums. And it seems we’re headed that direction. And that’s how we’re planning, we’re acting now given the data that we have.”
Curry, who is setting up a host committee for the convention, estimated the event will provide a $100 million economic impact to the region.
“I believe we’re going to be back in business and have a lot of people in a safe responsible way,” he told reporters Friday morning. “If COVID-19 presents challenges in the weeks ahead as we move into August, that we have to adapt to keep people safe, we will put the safety of people first based on the information and data that I see now. I expect that this event is going to demonstrate that Jacksonville is back in business.”
The GOP’s selection of Jacksonville highlights the importance of Florida, a battleground state with a history of razor-thin elections, in Trump’s effort to secure a second term. Both parties consider a Sunshine State win crucial for a White House victory.
In a press release Thursday night, Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Terrie Rizzo expressed concern about the safety of attendees, accusing Trump of having “abandoned North Carolina because he wants it to look like the threat of the coronavirus is over” when he gives his acceptance speech.
Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said in a separate press release Republicans are prioritizing “Trump’s ego over Americans’ health and safety.”
The convention is expected to start with around 336 delegates meeting in Charlotte on Aug. 24 before heading to northeast Florida, where they are to meet up with more than 2,000 other delegates for three days of speeches and other activities.
DeSantis, a close ally of Trump, had pushed GOP leaders to relocate the RNC to Florida, hoping to jumpstart the state’s economy following widespread closures prompted by the highly contagious coronavirus.
Curry said the convention will aid small businesses in need of help following the shutdowns.
While other conventions have required the closing of streets in the blocks surrounding the event, Curry said he doesn’t expect the majority of downtown shops to be off-limits.
“While we haven’t laid that perimeter out yet, the way our downtown is laid out … it looks that we will be more likely be able to create a security perimeter that allows most of our downtown businesses to operate and have a positive impact from this event,” he said.
Curry said he had a “pretty good idea” the move would be made to Jacksonville on Thursday prior to the RNC announcement.
The national party reportedly had also been considering Orlando, Nashville, Dallas and Savannah, Ga.
–FlaglerLive and News Service of Florida
Anonymous says
Fact… masks DO NOT prevent the spread of COVID-19, ask any healthcare professional and stop listening to Fauci. I go according to what real doctors and nurses tell me, you know, the people who aren’t bought and paid for especially by big pharm. If they would stop these protests, because although some people are wearing masks, they are not social distancing. So opening places more and more and people protesting, there’s the issue.
Kelly says
There are many, many Drs and nurses that tell you masks help prevent the spread. The funny thing is that all the Trumpsters say everyone else are sheep. You’re literally believing the biggest idiot there is- with no scientific background. Go to any major scientific, medical site- John Hopkins, Nemours, Mayo Clinic- and look for yourself. They all encourage masks. Go to epidemiologist sites- look for yourself- they all encourage masks. And on top of the masks- they’re still encouraging social distancing. If you don’t want to wear a mask- fine, don’t- but don’t act like you know what you’re talking about when you clearly don’t!
Proud American says
For anyone with common sense who looks at the numbers, would know the biggest increases are in south Florida, who always had the most cases. They have been the most locked down, beaches not even open yet, and just started phase 1, so there lies your problem, it’s not that way here or in most other counties, Jacksonville included. I’m excited and hoping somehow I can go!
Kat says
So our numbers keep going up but we are progressing with re-opening anyway, and now it is completely politicized whether you wear a mask or adhere to social distancing. The state coffers are depleted due to the economic fallout from the pandemic, but we are still going to move forward with the “Roads to nowhere” -likely at the expense of our school system and certainly at the expense of our environment and wildlife. The citizens of Florida voted to fund the purchase of sensitive lands but the Florida forever funds keep getting raided for other purposes. The people of Florida also voted to restore felons voting rights but the state put a spin on it to continue disenfranchising those people. So much for leader ship and representation in the great state of Florida. People, keep this in mind when it is time to vote.
Outsider says
The Democrats had their riots, and we are having our convention. Get over it.
Steve says
Go ahead and have your stupid staged rally for the Emperor wannabe. The more he does it become clearer he and his policies are failures. Rally on lmao
PS Dont dorget the koolaid
Steve says
BTW Most are Protesters not rioters , they are from both Parties and all walks of life. Keep spouting your Divisive dogma from your liar in Chief
Lisa says
More testing = more cases. The convention is a major win for Jax. If huge protest gatherings were ok then this is ok.
Kelly says
You can keep using the “more testing” line. Even Drs- all around the country- are saying the same thing.
Robin says
I wonder if everyone who attends will be forced to self quarantine for 14 days after this?
tulip says
If Covid spreads even more due to Trump’s rallies, etc. Then he will again be guilty of causing much harm and hurt to people, as he always does. Trump doesn’t care about any of that. It is incomprehensible how many ignorant followers Trump has that are willing to obey what Trump dictates, are willing to gather in large crowds, not take precautions and put themselves in danger of getting the Virus just to hear Trump scream and vent all his hatred. They don’t even care that Trump is ruling and ruining their lives. All the people that will attend his functions will be GUILTY of helping to spread Covid-19. Their children, grand children, etc. will all suffer just like the rest of us and will wonder why their dads, moms and grandparents agreed to support such a tyrant as Trump who has destroyed a lot of this country, divided people, caused hatred and anxiety and a sense of well being
Percy's mother says
I wonder if everyone who attended the “protests” (including riots and looting) will be forced to self-quarantine for 14 days?
What’s the difference between a Trump rally and rioting and looting without wearing a mask?
Outsider says
And not one mention of the riots that have destroyed peoples’ livelihoods, businesses, and killed and injured many innocent people, carried out by Democratic voters. How many of those people were concerned about social distancing and hand washing as they bashed people’s heads in? The liberal hypocrisy is on glaring display once again, and they assume we’re just too stupid to notice the obvious. Give me a break!
Nolan Martin says
Protesting is a right a convention is (white privilege) ie yesterdays military graduation
S. Peters says
@Tulip Says…DITTO. If Trump needs people to sign a waiver releasing his campaign from any liability for attendees health if contracting COVID19 after attending his rallies, then that tells me it’s not safe to congregate. He refuses anyone to attend with a mask as well. Really? That’s sick. That’s just wrong. Even the majority of protesters wore masks. Cases are going up here in Fl. since reopening as of Memorial Day. Trump is a narcissistic attention junkie. He’s the Republican nominee, why bother with the convention. Joe can do the same
Mike Cocchiola says
Trump Republicans are risking the illness and death of thousands of Americans just to show their fealty to their leader. I cannot think of a more egregious example of disdain for the lives of everyone they touch or breathe upon during or after their circus is over and they go back to the reality of a country still deep into a devastating pandemic.
But, these Trump worshipers do not care. They do not care about your life and the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors. They don’t even care about their own loved ones if they are still capable of love beyond their worship of Trump. These are dangerous and deeply callous people let loose in a city that is unwilling and unprepared to take measures to protect them or the people they will infect around them as they go about celebrating the impending defeat of their Great Leader. They will surely be very disappointed… and very sick.
Gary R says
So all the protestors, rioters, and looters are Trump worshipers. Got it!
Cathy says
Mike, very well said, and by far the most sensible comment on here. It’s true that Trumpers don’t care about anyone outside the Trump cult.
They don’t realize how little their dear leader cares about THEM! Completely clueless – sad.
Sherry says
Right On Tulip! How hard is it to understand that the reason we have had less deaths in this part of Florida is because we have been more vigilant than other regions in self isolating and social distancing?
Pretending that Covid is gone and that everything can go back to normal is nothing short of lunacy! Holding a convention where people will be traveling to this area from all over the “infected” US, with no requirement for social distancing and mask wearing, is a recipe for complete disaster and even more deaths! HORRIFIC! Follow the money and to hell with peoples lives!
D Meads says
Stay home and let them win. There trying to scare everyone. If you feel that strong about it stay home.
starryid says
Looking forward to our peaceful Convention with no looters, rioters and cop-haters! Thank you Governor DeSantis and President Trump!
Mark101 says
The virus is spreading because of “the I don’t want to be told what to do crowd,” that could give a rats ass about others. Its proven by watching TV, the “new openings of restaurants and stores and the tourist and vacation rentals, the beaches and bars. PEOPLE ARE NOT FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES., There is NO enforcement. Just waiting for the new death toll to hit. And its not just here in the US, its all over the world. They opened to soon, driven by greed $$$, and the President ( no good example at all) and the governors caving to the big and small business owners not to mention the millions out of work, not their choice but driven by the state and Federal governments directives. Kinda pathetic when you think about it.
snapperhead says
I have no problem with large gatherings of Trump supporters meeting in inside venues. I fact I support it and would love to see more and recommend NOT wearing masks and doing lots of shouting, sneezing,coughing and lots of hand shaking in support of the Greatest President in the history of history. Murica!
Pogo says
And God bless President Pelosi.
Sherry says
While I certainly appreciate your humor and your point, dear Snapperhead. . . we should all be concerned that such a large gathering, for any reason, will be putting this region of Florida at higher risk for infection because those attending will be out and about. They will be eating in restaurants, shopping, and staying in hotels. Although that is good for business, it raises the risk for each one of us who will still be living in this area, dealing with their unprotected virus germs, after the convention attendees return home.
Unless you were assuming they would just be locked in the venue for 2 weeks, Snapperhead. . . LOL! Another way of looking at this is to repeat to yourself. . . “Darwin has got this”! Right? If only there was some way to keep the idiots away from us.
I should add that the protestors also put us all at higher risk. Many of them DID wears masks though. . . at least they “attempted” to do the right thing for us all. Saying that. . . It’s ludicrous to use the protestors actions to excuse having an “organized” political convention with ZERO requirements to wear masks and ZERO attempts at “Social Distancing” . . . AS RECOMMENDED by the federal government. . . whose political party is running the convention! “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”!
Stay safe and healthy everyone! Thank you for wearing your mask in crowded public places to protect your neighbors! Thank you for speaking out for Equality for ALL! Seek Joy, Peace and Love!
Agkistrodon says
All that to then hurl stupid is as stupid does. You prove your statement.
Agkistrodon says
Sad, how some, who claim to be so damn tolerant, actually verbalize that they would like to see others in any form of pain, sickness, disease etc. I don’t subscribe to the same beliefs as every single person, but I also don’t wish I’ll will on others who I disagree with. It is truly sad. Tolerance means accepting EVERYONE, not just those who think the same as you do. I often hear those on the left and right say we need, a President who can, bring the country together, while at the same time you call nearly half the country, “stupid” “racist” “ignorant” “nasty” “dumb” “selfish” “deploreable” ” and “prejudice” all without even knowing them. Sounds kinda like Pre-judging, which is the act of prejudice. Got luck bringing anything together while you speak with such vile on your tongue, all while thinking you have the moral high ground.
Sherry says
I am absolutely calling out all those who willingly endanger the health and lives of other human being by refusing social distance and to wear a mask in crowded public places. I am absolutely calling out all those who dishonor the memories of over 116,000 lives lost to this pandemic by ignorantly calling it no worse than the flu. or a hoax. I am absolutely calling out those who are racists or bigoted or xenophobic or sexist, or chauvinistic, or homophobic, or selfish or greedy or unethical or dishonest or liars or cheaters or thieves.
I am absolutely calling out those who have thrown away their morale compass and mindlessly support corrupt politicians who are bigoted, who constantly lie to the public, who sexually assault women and laugh about it, who cheat on their wives with porn stars, who refuse to reveal their tax returns, who refuses ANY kind over oversight required by the constitution, who line the pockets of billionaires at the expense of all other tax payers. . . and on, and on and on. . .
If those character traits define 20% to 35% of the citizens in our country, that really explains so much about why our nation is now the laughing stock of so many others. BUT, I remind you that those numbers point out that the MAJORITY of truly patriotic Americans do NOT exhibit those immoral principles.
IF THAT SHOE FITS YOU. . . Just remember YOU are the one putting it on yourself, NOT ME. If YOU choose to WEAR IT. Look at it and examine it . . . and, maybe decide to change and become a much better person. Another option is to continue to wallow in your despicable, pathetic life. It’s all up to YOU!