By Robert Reich
Many Americans today worry that our nation is losing its national identity. Some claim loudly that the core of that identity requires better policing of our borders and preventing other races or religions or ethnicities from supplanting white Christian America.
But that is not what defines our national identity. It’s the ideals we share, the good we hold in common.
That common good is a set of shared commitments. To the rule of law. To democracy. To tolerance of our differences. To equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone. To upholding the truth.
We cannot have a functioning society without these shared commitments. Without a shared sense of common good, there can be no “we” to begin with.
If we’re losing our national identity, it is because we are losing our sense of the common good. That is what must be restored.
Some of you may feel such a quest to be hopeless. Well, I disagree.
Almost every day, I witness or hear of the compassion and generosity of ordinary Americans. Their actions rarely make headlines, but they constitute much of our daily life together.
The moral fiber of our society has been weakened but it has not been destroyed.
We can recover the rule of law and preserve our democratic institutions by taking a more active role in our democracy.
We can fight against all forms of bigotry. We can strengthen the bonds that connect us to one another.
We can protect the truth by using facts and logic to combat lies.
Together, we can rebuild a public morality that strengthens our democracy, makes our economy work for everyone, and revives trust in the institutions of the nation.
America is not made great by whom we exclude but by the ideals we uphold together.
We’ve never been a perfect union. Our finest moments have been when we have sought to live up to those shared ideals.
I hope you’ll join me in carrying forward the fight for the common good.
You might start by sharing this video with your friends and loved ones.
Robert Reich’s writes at robertreich.substack.com. His latest book is “THE SYSTEM: Who Rigged It, How To Fix It.” He is Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written 17 other books.
The Sour Kraut says
The social media echo chambers just keep amplify the extremes (both Right AND Left). I am not sure what will bring Americans together again. Hopefully it won’t be a war.
BIG Neighbor says
Agreed, sell and put corporate sensationalism over the interest of peoples common good. It makes sense the direction we’re going is to take sides, compete and be intolerant to opposition. I just hope we don’t eventually get where extremism wants to take us and realize we can never get back.
BIG Neighbor says
don miller says
We are not going to change the culture back to common ground like during the WW2 crisis did, until we have educated caring voters. To be a naturalized citizen you have to prove you can support yourself, be of good moral character, serve in the and pass a civics test OR serve in the military. But if you are born here you can vote if you are on the dole from the taxpayers, have a record/bad moral character and can’t tell anyone how a bill becomes a law or never serve your country in anyway including paying taxes. We have grown a culture of me first dolts and are paying for it as they become the majority, ruling the minority who care about the country. Naturalized citizens make better voters and citizens.
Laurel says
don miller: You just grouped people up, contrary to what the author suggested. This group is better than that group.
Karen says
Everyone in America except the original pilgrims and native Americans (indians) are immigrants.
Most of us have mixed blood lines – many from the days when we had slavery in America. When white slave owners impregnated slaves they owned.
Many of our most accomplished citizens are immigrants. Just look up a list of prominent Americans.
Here’s just a few: Saul Bellow, Henry Kissinger, Elie Wiesel, Albert Einstein, Paul Samuelson.
The only pure blood white, christians are descendants of the puritans – if they didn’t intermarry.
Old Guy says
I’m not Native American but I’m sure that they would disagree that the original Pilgrims were not immigrants. If anything the Pilgrims were among the first immigrant groups to settle in North America.
Laurel says
American Indians migrated from China. If you believe in Adam and Eve, we all got around the world through migration.
Sam says
How about those that continue to lie about the truth, the propaganda, the threats of violence if someone disagrees with you, the Trump Cult party continue to lie about a fair election and that he actually lost.
Trump threatens revenge this is not helping our continue to succeed but to regress. He has nothing positive to say about our rule of law and is constantly in court challenging it.
How about not discriminating against others and work to get a long and find a resolution at the border by both parties.
The Trump party is working against our democracy and all it stands for.
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone tried to work together for our country and all its people.
Michael Cocchiola says
Well said. We have to find solutions, We cannot suffer this kind of hostility much longer.
We were shopping in Lowes a week or so ago. White guy in front of us at checkout in full Trump regalia. Black guy behind us. Black guy says something. White guy responds, and it escalates from there. Both went from zero to anger in seconds. We left while they were both jawing at each other. And I realized two things… one or the other, or both may have been armed and it could have gotten ugly. And it could have involved me with my political temper.
We can’t live like this.
Ray W. says
There was a time in America when political discourse became so toxic that the advice of the day was to avoid any and all mention of politics at the dinner table. A time when “yellow” journalism ruled many of the newspapers of the day.
Chip D says
Curious as to what constitutes “Full Trump Regalia.” Need to watch out for those crazed, maniacal Republicans.
Laurel says
Chip D: For starters, those ridiculous flags, on the backs of trucks and boats, waving right next to and at the same level of Old Glory.
It’s going to be a long year.
Chip D says
This happened in the checkout line at Lowe’s!! Unless there is a new drive through that allows for trucks and boats, I’m afraid that you are mistaken.
Sally says
Thank Donald for making our country think this is acceptable. He and others that spread hate and violence need to be held accountable.
troy says
A caring and compassionate human being. Robert does great work. I urge everyone to donate to Public Citizen.
troy says
sorry got my Robert’s mixed up. Great article none the less. I was referring to Robert Weismann. Apologies for any confusion.
Bill says
Repent or perish Luke 13-3
Dennis C Rathsam says
Time to take stock of 2023, and consider what the lies ahead for 2024! Biden took office with high expectations, he would oversee a period of healing, an reconciliation & get the country back on track…. How,ed that work out ? 1st days in officehis agenda was driven by the most radical elements in his party! On the border, the economy, and foreign policy! he followed the activists AOC & Tlaib. Bidens invaders for 2023 are 2.47 million, with at least 1.7 million got aways! The center piece of Bidens, re ellection is Bidenomics…Building the economy from the middle out, & the bottom up. Sorry, prices are up 17.4% since Biden was installed. Food is up20.3%, rent is up18.6%, electricity is up 24.3%!!!!! Things have gotten so bad, more than a third of Americans would skip giving gifts this holiday season.Please dont imajine Bidens confined his distuction over our domestic situation. Oct 7th Hamas butchered babies, murdering the elderly, pillaging and burnings…. Iran, the country Biden desperatly wants as Americas BFF played a major roll in the attack. Now thier attacking commercial shipping, while Tehran ramps up its neclear breakout! Can U believe weeks before this attack on Isreal, Biden payed 6 billion payoff for US hostages in Iran! All of this is to say nothing of all the endless drip drip of evidence implicating Biden and his cut rate Cosa Nostra corruption withj 1st son Hunter, and his brother Jims influence- peddling business. In poll after poll Bidens approval rating is deep under water. 68% of Americans say the countrys headed in the wrong direction!!!! And Most incredibibly of all Donald J Trump, who is being slamed by the DOJ & the FBI & the liberal media, is running neck & neck, with Trump leading in swing states.Proof positive Biden has failed beyond redemption. And nits not due to sinister disinformation plots ot Russian meddling! Bidens own policies are responsible!!! As bad as 23 was 24,s is set too look a lot worse!
Sherry says
@ dennis. . . although trying to have a “rational” discourse through your unhinged diatribe of misinformed fear and anger is a waste of any “thinking” person’s time. . . I would like to remind everyone that the stock market is at an all time high, while the unemployment rate is extremely low. Remember, the USA has a “capitalist” economy which is controlled by private industries whose goal is to “maximize profits” at all costs. No President controls the cost of your groceries.
The rest is just hysterical blather. . . and, a waste of time in even reading.
Thomas Hutson says
Common Ground
I read this article and watched Mr. Reich’s short video with sadness for the thought of those BRAVE AMERICANS that gave their all for this country. My family, my brothers Franklin, Robert, Donnie and I gave and were willing to die for this America. From my perspective we Americans have not lost our national identity and we still have common ground, to the dismay of a few, those few wish we had. They use the old standby of the “BORDER WALL, RELIGION, and of course Race” to prove their point.
What is most amazing to me is how our political leaders speak with hate about my America. They say they support the United States by pledging allegiance to our Flag; how many Americans have died in its defense? These are the same politicians that take an oath to “SERVE, PROTECT and DEFEND” the United States Constitution, yet approve and defend ones that try to tear it down. They are the decision makers that take an oath to two separate constitutions, the Federal and their personal interpretation of our constitution and what laws they want to enforce. These are the same politicians that say they support police yet defend those that assault and kill our police officers. These same leaders swore in their oath they would “SERVE, PROTECT, and DEFEND our Country” yet defended “Those Tourist” that broke into our capital building wanting to kill our Vice President and Speaker of the House of Representatives. These same political leaders defend people that never offered to defend our country at the same time belittling those that have served in “War” times. These are the few Americans that have lost their way, “bowing” to those who would tear down our America. There is one problem with their line of thinking, there are more than enough AMERICANS willing to give their all to make sure it does not happen.
What we Americans need to remember is the fact that we live in the finest country in the world. America is not perfect, its laws are not perfect, many of our politicians and our courts are a joke but, we are free to choose, even if it means we don’t like what we get in the end.
Our identity is not lost just a little cloudy by some right now.
Ed says
Just a thought. History is valuable. We need to look back sometimes to move forward. If we could heal from the Civil War, then there is certainly a path for us to travel on common ground.
Sherry says
Thanks Ed. . . You are right on! Happy New Year!
Sherry says
Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment, Thomas.
We must never forget how extreme right ginned up fear and hate came so very close to a violent overthrow of our government and our democratic republic. We must remember that over 100 law enforcement officers suffered injuries during the “insurrection” that sent them to the hospital on Jan. 6th! We must not allow the extreme right GOP/FOX to whitewash that horrific day! We must face our demons before we can banish them!