Tuesday evening at 6:20 Carmine Celico, the Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy, had just gotten on I-95 traveling north in his patrol car, from State Road 100 on-ramp, when he saw a white Nissan Altima zoom by ad swerve in and out of traffic. Celico got behind the car and clocked it for about a mile, going at speeds of 95 to 100 mph. He pulled over the driver at the weigh station.
Asked if he knew why he was being pulled over, the driver said: “Yes, speeding, sorry.”
His driver’s license identified him as Edward La Troy, a 34-year-old resident of Northwest 39th Court in Miami, where he was traveling from. La Troy said he was heading to Jacksonville to see his grandmother, who was in the hospital, and that he’d probably be there about a week. “I noticed a small handbag on the driver side back seat that would not hold enough clothes for a week,” Celico wrote in his incident report.
Back-up arrived while Celico was running La Troy’s information through his computer. When asked if he’d consent to a search of his vehicle, La Troy declined, as is within his right. It’s also within the cops’ right to summon a K-9 to sniff around the vehicle from the outside, which they did. K9 Reno arrived with Deputy Joseph Dailey. Reno sniffed something, alerting the deputies to the presence of narcotics.
The Nissan, a rental car, was searched. Deputies found a citation that had been issued less than three hours earlier by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper. La Troy was going 85 in a 70. There were energy drinks strewn throughout the car. In the handbag on the backseat, deputies found mouthwash, body soap, a few pairs of boxer shorts, socks, and several boxes of condoms, according to the deputy’s report.
And there was this: the deputy searching the trunk found, inside the spare tire compartment, a Walgreens plastic bag with a vacuum-sealed bag wrapped in tin foil and dryer sheets in it. La Troy was handcuffed and placed in a patrol car.
The bag was punctured with a knife, the knife revealed a white powdery substance the deputies judged to be cocaine–and proved to be so by a field-test.
La Troy was taken to the Flagler County jail. He was charged with one count of trafficking cocaine and held on $150,000 bail. He remains in jail. The cocaine was taken to the Criminal Investigations Division where it weighed in at 759 grams–not quite a kilo, in cocaine parlance. In English, the stuff weighed 1.67 pounds. The Sheriff’s office placed the cocaine’s street value at $33,000.
The United States cocaine market has shrunk dramatically in recent years, according to the United Nation’s World Drug report issued in June. “Nevertheless,” the report states, “the United States of America continues to be the largest market for cocaine, an estimated 157 tons of cocaine having been used in that country in 2009. Europe, with a population larger than the United States, consumed 21 tons in 2009.
John says
The guy must be stupid,he was transporting drugs and was speeding? Not only that, he got lucky in his first pull over and kept on speeding after that? Geez talk about being dumbass drugdealer.
Rebecca Fiedler OShane via Facebook says
Score +1 on good news for the Celico family! WTG Carmine!
Deborah Curbow-Valente says
Merry Christmas Carmine!!!!!! Your guardian angel is watching over you!!!!!!! Thanks for all the extra help Frankie…..We miss you!
I. M. Agoste says
Gee, if he was running the stuff for the CIA he’d have been free to go, national security and all that, ya know?
Jenn-Dom Di Geronimo via Facebook says
Way to go Carmine great job as always.
Joe A. says
That is what I call good police work! Great job Deputy Celico! You should be proud that you put away another bad guy. We are very fortunate to have good Police Deputies like you in our community!
Doug Chozianin says
Let’s find out who his customers are and lock them up as well.
another Great Job by the Fine deputies of Flagler County.
Let's see says
Wanna bet he says because it was a rental car it isn’t his and he didn’t know it was in the car? Just watch and see- he’ll get away with it. FCSO does their job, but does the States Attorney??? Look at case history and figure it out. Reel them in and let them go…..Good job Celico and company.
Gatorgirl says
They don’t call it dope for nothing………….. :)
PJ says
Your right that’s why they call it dope.
One more thing , this fool drove through Flagler County and got pulled over by a Celico.
Need I say anything else?