Christopher Pintek, known as “D.J. Chris,” is a 41-year-old resident of 48 Pitt Lane in Palm Coast. Recently he’s been a frequent presence in children’s party scenes in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach, as well as a D.J. at private and community events: Last year he started Surround Sound DJ and Party Bounces, whose web page features brief videos of Pintek’s D.J. appearances in Flagler Beach and at the Agriculture Museum’s “Haunted Trails,” in Palm Coast.
The web page also features numerous images of the bounce houses the company rents for parties, and various images of children at parties, with Pintek at the mic. The Facebook page is more detailed.
Tuesday evening, Pintek was arrested when he drove to Orange City after a chat with a teen through his iPhone, allegedly to meet up for sex with a 15-year-old boy. When Pintek arrived at the agreed-upon rendez-vous point, police descended on his pick-up truck.
Orange City Police had spoken with the 15-year-old boy two weeks earlier, on June 17, when the boy told police that he’d been using an app on his cell phone for gay men to chat and meet up. The app also shows when other users are nearby, using cell phones’ GPS. The app stipulates that the users must be at least 18, but juveniles sometimes use them, clicking through to the content by lying about their age.
The boy reported to police that he’d received a message from a user who called himself “Tim Young Only,” and identified himself as being 25 years old. His profile read: “Looking for young teens that want to make money to get sucked off.”
Police and the boy stayed in contact, and on Tuesday, the boy sent a message to police that he’d received another message from “Tim Young Only.”
The text conversation between “Tim Young Only” and the boy unfolded between 6:50 p.m. and 8:48 p.m. It depicts “Tim Young Only” eagerly soliciting the boy for sex and asking him to send an image of his genitals. Before doing so, the boy tells “Tim,” “I have to tell you something tho.” “Tim” asks him to go on. “Im not really 18,” the boy texts. “How old,” “Tim” asks. “Truth 14. Bout to be 15.”
“Tim” replies: You are hot I am down if u want to meet up.”

When the boy asks when “Tim” is interested in meeting up, “Tim” replies: “Now I have to get ready and get gas give me addresz so I can see how far.”
“Not my house, my momma be home,” the boy replies.
“I meet u on street,” “Tim texts, telling him the two can then get together in his car. “If we going to do this lets do it now,” he tells the boy, before asking him for more details about his sexual preferences, asking him again for an image of his genitals, and letting him know he’ll be in a silver truck. Later in the timeline, “Tim” lets the boy know he’s approaching.
Several times the boy asks him, “You sure you kool rite?”
“You don’t have to worry man trust me are you horny,” “Tim replies, moments from the encounter.
“You bring me right back rite? My momma think I be at da store,” the boy texts.
“OK Here,” “Tim replies. He’d arrived at Coleman Park on Blue Springs Avenue.
At that point, several units of the Orange City Police Departments descended on the 2015 silver Nissan pick-up, pulling over Pintek and reading him his Miranda rights.
Police asked Pintek why he wanted to meet up with a 14-year-old. Pintek said the site he was going through was exclusively for adults and ignored it when the boy said he was 14.
Pintek’s phone was still open to his conversation with the boy when he was arrested. The arrest reports notes that Pintek’s tattoos, described as “tribal tattoos” on his arrest report, matched the profile picture of “Tim Young Only,” the arrest report notes, adding that on Pintek’s business’ web page, he is seen “working with and around multiple children.”
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office advises that if a parent or citizen believes a criminal act has occurred, they should contact the Sheriff’s Office at 386-313-4911 and request to speak with a deputy. If a parent or citizen suspects neglect or abuse, they should contact the Florida Department of Children and Families at 800-96-ABUSE (800-922-2873).
groot says
Maybe I never paid attention before but it seems like this area has more predators than any area I have ever been associated with. A new one seems to turn up daily. If this many turn up, I have to wonder how much of this is going unreported.
Anonymous says
There is a wide spread of child molesters on a list out there and they really don’t get punished for hurting kids, but don’t worry they keep the pot smokers locked up?
Oh yay says
That’s jus horrible and may I just ask why in the HECK is the city of Palm Coast promoting these activities by promoting SOCIAL MEDIA DAY!? So messed up.
The Truth says
Congratulations! Your comment of “why in the HECK is the city of Palm Coast promoting these activities by promoting SOCIAL MEDIA DAY!” is by far one of the most absurd comments I’ve ever read on this site.
Social Media Day is not promoting a disgusting pervert of a man to do these things. The fact that this even comes to your mind is ridiculous and quite frankly it’s amusing.
Nancy N says
As a professional blogger and social media manager, I can assure you that what this guy did had nothing to do with “social media” and everything to do with him being a criminal deviant.
I’m self-employed and bring income into this community from outside of it – something this community desperately needs. My job did not exist before the age of social media. It IS social media. Social media is an important tool for businesses to promote themselves and communicate with customers, and for industries to grow. With social media, customers have a direct, immediate line to companies, and the companies have a way of monitoring customer sentiment in a way never before seen.
Social media, like anything else, can be abused. To follow your line of reasoning, why does the city provide us roads? People get killed driving on them! Why does the city allow the installation of internet and phone lines? People get scammed and stalked using them! Just because something is occasionally misused or has problems doesn’t mean it’s evil.
Social media can be wonderful. I use it to stay in touch with friends all over the country, to connect with other special needs parents from my daughter’s online school, and share information on my career and hobbies with networks from across the country (and around the world).
On a more serious note – social media has become an important tool for law enforcement and news media to gather and give out information in emergencies. Twitter and Facebook are the first places many people turn in a crisis, and the information there is quite often more plentiful and up-to-date than what is being distributed on the news, especially during the chaos of a disaster.
If you think that sex offenders are all there are to social media, you need to do some exploring because you are missing out. There is a whole wonderful world out there waiting for you!
Anonymous says
it’s horrible, thinking about how many young people this man has been in contact with.
markingthedays says
Did someone really just blame Social Media Day for child molestation? Social Media Day is a celebration of the use of social for business and entrepreneurship.
A. Grindr is not social media, it is a dating website.
B. Is the state of Florida also liable, for the horrible act of building road which clearly enabled this predator to travel to his prey?
Get out of here. I can’t breathe from the laughter.
Oh yay says
And the young lady raped by the the guy she met on Facebook the other day? It’s sad that such a degradation of society has been so widely accepted so fast by so many. Please remove yourself and your families lives from Social Media if you indeed cherish them.
Oh yay says
1.Dating sites are social media by definition of the term
2.a road that drives past houses is one thing, a road that leads predators into the private lives of children and gives them direct access is a whole other
Pluto says
Why is it always the ones who hold jobs around kids ? DUH, did anyone check this FREAKS past history before letting “play” around with children ?
Oh yay says
I was angry .sorry PC much love. i jus hate these creeps and their access via social media..misplaced anger I suppose..again apologies to anyone of whom I lumped in to my rant..
markingthedays says
Understood. Me too! I referred business to the creep! So I had to make THOSE phone calls this week.
Kathy says
I just called this creep for a birthday party for my 6 yr old child. God was watching over us and I did not hire him. Please report the any status of this story and let the public know about this predator. His business license should be revoked and removed from all websites that provide advertisement for his business. This is very disturbing to me and thank you for reporting this. We are a small town and we need watch out for our children.
wow says
Blaming the tools and not the criminal. I’ve heard this before.
Yea but says
How could you not blame the criminal? That’s a givin..it’s great people make money with the social media but at what cost? I think we were all better off without it..closer to the ones that matter
Footballen says
The media is to blame for the majority of society’s problems but guns seems like an easier target.