Last Updated: 5:21 p.m.
Seven-year-old Kymora Christian, a second-grader at Wadsworth Elementary school, was struck and killed by a vehicle on Whippoorwill Drive at White Star Drive and Winter Haven Courtin Palm Coast this morning at 8:13 a.m. White Star turns into Winter Haven Court on the opposite side of Whippoorwill.
Kymora was in too critical a state to be flown to Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach–and in fact died at the scene, but was pronounced dead at Florida Hospital Flagler later in the morning.
A school bus was at the scene of the collision, just past yellow police tape, but was not involved. Kymora was crossing Whippoorwill “in a northbound fashion,” a Florida Highway Patrol spokesman said, when a white Lincoln Navigator going east on Whippoorwill struck her.
Melissa Meeth, 36, a W-Section resident, was driving the Navigator. Her 11-year-old son was in the car. Neither was injured. “That driver has obviously remained at the scene and is cooperating,” the FHP spokesman said.
There are no indications of alcohol or narcotics involved, the spokesman said. Meeth voluntarily provided a blood sample at the scene.
Kymora’s mother was immediately at the scene after her daughter was struck, and went with her to Florida Hospital Flagler.
Kymora was waiting for the school bus when the incident took place. Other students were with her, and were able to provide statements to FHP, as was the driver of the school bus, who arrived at the scene immediately after the collision took place and before emergency responders arrived.
Audio: The 911 Calls: |
Dispatch notes through the sheriff’s office indicate that the 911 caller was Meeth herself, who called in the collision at 8:13 a.m. and told the 911 dispatchers that the girl had “darted in front of her.” (An FHP report on the crash places the time of the collision at 8:07 a.m.) The girl immediately after the collision was not moving, not breathing, had severe head injuries, and there was blood all over the driveway, 911 dispatchers relayed to responders. Her mother was reported at the scene in less than three minutes. Chest compressions were started by a sheriff’s deputy at the scene and Air One, the emergency helicopter, was put on standby briefly, but then called off when the decision was made to take the child to Florida Hospital Flagler.
In a nearly seven-minute 911 call, Meeth is heard progressively losing her breath and composure as she grapples with the shock of the collision with the child. “I hit a child, she darted out in front of my car,” she tells the dispatcher. “She pulled right in front of my car,” she says, repeating that several times. “She’s not moving… She came right out in front of me, I was looking and everything.” Within the first minute of the call Meeth tells the 911 dispatcher that Kymora was not breathing: “Please hurry, oh my God I can’t believe I killed somebody’s child,” she says, breaking down.
The dispatcher tries to calm her down. Meeth tells her she was driving the speed limit. “I don’t go fast during the day,” she says. “I’ve got my kid in the car.” At first she tells the dispatcher she doesn’t want to walk toward the police, but the dispatcher urges her to talk to them. “Oh my god I don’t think she’s breathing,” she says again, and soon reveals a detail not yet noted by authorities: “There was another car and I couldn’t swerve,” she says. She refers to the other car moments later, but what she says is difficult to understand.
A shorter call to 911 was placed by a neighbor who went the point of collision. She tells the dispatcher she knows CPR, and gets ready to perform it, but she says, losing her composure, “you can see all the blood coming from her head. I don’t think she’s breathing.” She hangs up as the sound of sirens grows louder.
Whippoorwill was shut down in both directions around that area. The Florida Highway Patrol and the Sheriff’s Office were at the scene, as were several Flagler County school officials, including Safety Director Winnie Oden.
The school district’s incident response team was alerted, and counselors were mobilized at Wadsworth. It wasn’t long before news of the girl’s death trickled out to officials.
Oliva, Wadsworth Principal John Fanelli, and School Board Chairman Colleen Conklin met with the family of the victim at the hospital to offer their condolences earlier. All three then went to Wadsworth Elementary, where they spent the rest of the day with students and faculty.
“On behalf of the school and the school district, our condolences go out to the family, and all the families involved,” Oliva said just before 2 p.m., when he was still at Wadsworth. “Everybody here, their heart is pouring out to the families that are involved.” Oliva had spent the morning and early afternoon overseeing the process of informing faculty and staff and tending to families and students.
“Everybody is in shock,” the superintendent said. “When you hear this kind of news at this magnitude, this level of tragedy, you can’t help being in shock. But I can tell you, the administration, the faculty and staff have really pulled together. Wadsworth is a family. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student an employee, a teacher.” (It was at Wadsworth, coincidentally, that Oliva had had his first internship as a teacher, and where he was first principal.)
“Flagler County is a small community,” Oliva said, “and any time we face a tragedy like this the ripple effect is going to be felt throughout the community. It’s important for folks to know we have a support system and a network in place to meet the needs not only for our students but adults as well, and if anyone is struggling, we have resources, we want to help, and they should make sure they rely on those folks.”
The school day itself at Wadsworth was maintained as close to normal as possible. “We still try to maintain the highest level of normalcy no matter what the event or the tragedy is,” Oliva said. “Right now it’s really tougher on the adults because they understand the magnitude of this. Children who are around 7 generally don’t.” He added, “These are adult conversations you’re having with little kids.”
Kymora Christian had been at Wadsworth since kindergarten. She was in second grade. So she was well known by several members of the faculty and of course the administration.
The 11-year-old boy who was in the Navigator attends a different school.
Wadsworth faculty will meet at the end of the day with Oliva, Oden, Fanelli and others to plan the rest of the week. “I don’t think you go into those efforts with a predetermination of what the outcome is going to be,” Oliva said. “We also have to respect the wishes of the family as well. So it’s hard to say if there’s a predetermined out come on that.”
“Counselors will be on hand for rest of day but at this point most students aren’t fully aware of what has taken place except for those that were at the scene,” Conklin said around noon. Counselors were informing faculty of the morning’s developments, and working with the families of students who had been at the bus stop. For the most part, classes were continuing and there was no intention of altering the day’s class schedule.
This is the third incident involving a child being struck by a vehicle since school started in Flagler County, one of which involved a school bus. In those first two incidents, the students were on their bikes. Injuries were minor.
Saxon’s towing of Bunnell towed the Navigator–which bore a “Helping Sea Turtles Survive” specialty license plate–at 11 a.m. The vehicle is to be impounded at least for three days as the FHP investigation continues. The crash investigator is FHP’s Christopher Conrad. The homicide investigator is Cpl. Leonard Yuknavage.
School Board member Andy Dance reflected the feeling of a lot parents as he reacted to the tragedy. “I’m just sick, I physically feel terrible as a parent, it’s the absolute worst nightmare,” he said. He heard of the incident this morning after just reaching Rymfire Elementary school. He was taking part in Walk to School Day, and had walked to Rymfire, collecting students along the way, with Paul St. Francis, the soon-retiring principal there. He had even re-Tweeted a note about being on the look-out for children along the roads. “Today was a day about safety,” he said.
“It just made me think of so many thoughts,” Dance said, having difficulty even then completing his thoughts from the shock of the news. “I have a teenager who drives now–apprehension of them every day going out and driving. It stresses you every single day.”
“I just can’t imagine the parents, and the parent who was driving,” Dance said of the parents’ state of mind.

walter says
Perfect Walter, this story is being written from a swale at the scene. Can you cut us some slack? The story is being edited every few minutes. A kind note alerting us to the editing error would have been appreciated. This note, not so much. ~FL
Does anyone ever edit this content before releasing it?
“a Florida Highway Patrol spokesman said, when a white Lincoln Navigator going east on Whippoorwill struck her. A woman was driving the Navigator. Her 11-year-old son was in the car.
it’s not clear what sort of vehicle was involved in the incident at this time. ”
How about that Title – 7-Year-Old Palm Coast Child Killed After Being Struck Vehicle at White Star Drive Bus Stop — did the child strike the vehicle or did someone forget the word “by” ?
This is a tragic situation but poor journalism just makes it worse.
kimberly says
My heart goes out to the families involved in this tragedy.
Anonymous says
So sad we are criticizing instead of praying for the families involved…
Barb says
My son died 7 years ago today. This family’s hell is just starting. My heart is just breaking for them. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Jason Rego says
First of all .. who cares about the journalism!! Are you serious?? I would like to thank Flagler Live for doing their job in an obvious, devastating situation. Given the nature of the tragedy, it is safe to say that it must of been very difficult and emotional for anyone to do their job, especially being at the scene.
A little girl died and it is the THIRD child to be hit by a car in Flagler County since school started. IT IS ONLY OCTOBER !!!! That is sad and I for one expect the county to look into making things safer for our children. Accidents happen, but, this is insane.
RIP little angel …. my deepest condolences to those parents. May you have the strength to deal with this tragedy
Outsider says
FL is giving us up to date, moment by moment news, and you are complaining about some grammar? Why don’t you wait for the print media to come out with a perfectly edited story….in about a week. Thanks for the prompt reporting, FL.
love your neighbor says
Some of us here in Flagler County really need some continuing education in defensive driving, patience as well as traffic laws. And I don’t mean that as a joke. Countless times I’ve seen pedestrians walking where no sidewalks exist only to observe a car blow by doing 45-50, thinking because the swerve to the opposite side of the road that makes it ok. If the State of Florida an Palm Coast were so worried about traffic safety they would put cameras on all the residential stop signs and speeding cameras for all the long streets in PC that are used as race strips, that would cut down on a lot of this madness.
Outsider says
I am so sorry for the family of this little girl. Know that there are thousands in this town who feel for you and pray for you in this time of need. You are not alone. I think they should seriously consider starting school later, at least until the clocks are turned back and it is daylight when young children are standing inches from busy roadways waiting for the bus.
kris says
Walter…a little girl has lost her life and all you care about is the imperfections in the article? Shame on you!
My thoughts are with her family at this difficult time.
Katy F says
Ever since I moved to Palm Coast from Michigan in 2005 I have been shocked and dismayed by the town’s lack of sidewalks, and street lighting. Young children roam the streets, walking, biking, even operating motorized toys down the middle of the road. Try riding your bike home from work at night – you cannot see a thing, even on main roads like Belle Terre, and to add insult to injury, you can then be fined if you don’t have the proper lights on your bike. Palm Coast children and taxpayers deserve better. The poor family that has to bury their child deserves so much more. I’m personally sick of Palm Coast’s fine everyone for everything attitude, and wondering where that money goes! The medians sure look pretty, but wouldn’t it be better if our children and townspeople could get to work and school safely?!
Kris says
My heart aches for this family. I pray for them and the poor child who lost her life too soon. </3
As much as it hurts, we have to take this incident and the last two and learn from it. This issue is important to me because I am constantly worried about my children and the neighborhood kids playing in the street and being hit. PEOPLE, DON'T DRIVE DISTRACTED. Too many drivers drive like they are on auto pilot and think nothing bad will happen to them.
As a mother of two young boys and who lives on a busy street with children and CONSISTENT speeders some in excess of 40 miles an hour between 4-7 PM, I can attest to the unsafe roads! Negligent drivers who could care less about how SAFE they get to point A to point B just as long as they get there FAST. Anyone driving a vehicle needs to be defensive driving AT ALL times! You can't blame the child or say the child should know better. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, and some are worse than others. Children will dart out after a ball or on their bikes without looking and it's the drivers job to be ready. As much as you tell them to be cautious, this stuff happens even when you are outside watching them, coaching them on what to do. Things can and do happen so drivers GO SLOW on all residential streets, PERIOD. Stay off the phones! Be responsible and aware and help protect our children from being injured or killed. REMEMBER THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ANYONE.
Police, I BEG you please patrol my area: Belvedere Lane, as well as other areas during the hours of 4-7. I PROMISE you will find offenders. This is a REAL problem in Palm Coast. No sidewalks, sparsely lit streets and distracted drivers is a recipe for disaster. EVERYONE who drives, when you're going home, make a conscience effort in your residential area to be extra mindful of your surroundings.
JC says
My prayers for the family and friends of this young girl.
I truly hope the little ones that witnessed this tragic accident get the help they need.
I beg everyone in our county to slow down, look twice, and stay off of your cell phones.
Angela says
Main arteries need sidewalks! This is especially true within the two mile walk radius of each school for middle and high school children and one mile radius for elementary schools. In the absence of sidewalks there is no place for anyone to walk or stand without being in the road. The swales and grassy areas of lots are too wet to stand in while waiting for the bus even just from dew much less now with all of the rain we have had. My middle school child would have to walk a third of a mile on Parkview Drive, in the dark, around the curve, to get to where the sidewalk begins. That’s simply untenable.
parent says
My prayers to this family!! I don’t even know how someone begins to heal but God will get you there!
” May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you; may he turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” ’ Numbers 24-26
Kksign74 says
The sad thing is that besides drivers being more aware of children waiting for school buses at this time of morning is that parents need to teach their children how to safely wait for the buses. It’s especially bad once the time changes and children are standing in or super close to the streets while it’s dark. I seen several near misses on Rymfire when the students stand on the pavement and think that drivers can see them in the dark. Please, drivers be more alert and parents, teach your children to remain off the pavement until the bus arrives. These are tragic events that shouldn’t happen. God bless and comfort the families involved.
justin nichols says
I feel for the family as much as anyone on this thread.. But I have read over a dozen comments implying that the driver should slow down, get off the phone, drive defensively, etc. Does the mother have no obligation to see her daughter to the bus stop and be there for her? The child is 7, not 12 or 14, I don’t think a seven year old is really capable of taking care of herself alone even if just a block from home! Of course streetlights and sidewalks would help, but in the absence of these, am I the only one that thinks a parent or family member should be there for their child to hold her hand and accompany her until she’s safe on the bus? I am sorry for the parent’s loss, but I feel they dropped the ball by sending a 7 yr old out into the world alone, and defenseless against an SUV. Sorry if anyone feels that my comment is insensitive, PLEASE WALK YOUR KIDS TO THE BUS IF YOU CAN
Geezer says
What sobering news this morning….
What a rotten world we live in. When a child dies, it’s the worst
possible occurence. And oh the family – my God.
I’m not religious at all, but I will heartfully pray for this bereaved family.
This is like being stabbed in the heart. I can’t imagine the family’s pain.
I am so sorry to read about this. I’ll be watching for updates as they happen.
Donna Heiss says
I am so very, very sorry for all involved including the first responders.
My heart is with the families of this horrific accident.
ralph says
really walter? are you more interested in proof reading or the life of one of our future leaders!?!?!?!?!??????????????????????
Anonymous says
My condolences to the family. This is a tragic loss. I hope a full investigation will yield some solutions that will make things safer for everyone.
Terri says
Such a tragedy for everyone. We all need to be more mindful of children pedestrians and bicycles. My heart aches for both mothers.
Anonymous says
My heart goes out to the family. I hope to never have to face that kind of loss. The loss of an innocent precious life is such a tragedy. I don’t know what I would do in that situation.
Nancy N. says
Kris – FCSO does shift change at 6pm, so there is a significant period of time around then that basically NO patrolling is going on anywhere, as officers are clocking in and out and giving and receiving shift report.
confidential says
I am speechless, very sad and praying for the little girl and her family.
I always, always slow down to just walk pace when I see our students walking to and back from school bus stops. I never forget that mine adults now were like those children of today.
Also my Big Thank You to Flagler Live for their prompt reporting!
Watchdog says
You’re right Katy F…… But the medians look nice. Prayers to the family……..
Susan Franklin says
My prayers go out to this family and the driver. Very sad situation indeed. Why does this overpaid city manager, Jim Landon, give his approval of things like landscaping instead of safety like sidewalks? Because he is trying to show us how beautiful the city looks with all his new palm trees!!! Well Mr Landon, being the very intelligent man you are (as per himself), stop the money going into beauty and start IMMEDIATELY on building sidewalks EVERYWHERE in Palm Coast. This could have been avoided if this city had its priorities correct. Take the funds out of your overpaid salary if you don’t have it in your budget! God Bless this little girl and the families involved.
Geezer says
I am very sorry to hear about this unfortunate anniversary.
My heart goes out to you and your loved ones.
I am no stranger to family tragedies and can empathize.
The pain never goes away.
We march on, but with missing pieces of our soul.
I really don’t know how I’ve soldiered on.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies.
Jamie says
This hits really close to home for me as I too have a 7 year old little girl. I am heart broken for both parties. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with something like that :( My condolences go out to all the families involved.
Rachel says
My thoughts and prayers go out to this poor little girl’s friends and family and all who were involved. This is so terrible and I hope school administrators and city officials will wake up and realize that we need pedestrian sidewalks in our neighborhoods, not random trails to nowhere in Town Center and on US 1. Where do those things even go? Here’s a roundabout. There are no businesses or residences there! How about keeping our kids safe EVERY DAY they go to school? She was waiting to go to school ON WALK TO SCHOOL DAY! Also, what is up with running the buses at 6:30 a.m. for the middle schoolers? It is so hard to see these kids when we are out looking for them….there’s insufficient lighting and honestly they should be sleeping at this time. We can do better for our kids, Palm Coast.
Kimberly says
I moved down here a year ago from up North and but was raised here in Daytona. It goes without saying that 90 percent of the drivers down here have no sense in what a turn signal is or that there are speed limits, along with traffic controls for reasons. I have seen to many people whiz right past me doing 20 mph over the speed limit changing lanes with no signals… as well as honking horns at pedestrians that have the right of way when crossing major intersections like Bell Terre and Hwy 100. It only takes a blink of an eye and a life changes. This little angle will not see another Christmas, birthday, family gathering, graduation. The mother and her son will have to remember this day for the rest of their lives as well. Everyone lives changed this morning. It only takes a few moments to let another person know you are coming, a d even less to enjoy the moment that you have. Slow down, be patient what ever is there will be there when you get there. All lives matter, yours in no better or more important then the other persons. Everyone has family and everyone is hurting always put yourself in someone else’s shows before a judgment is placed. RIP little angle, and deepest prayers to both families.
Enlightened says
When I am driving down my street after the bus drops kids off from school, the children are always in the middle of the street. I honk my horn to get them th move and they think it is funny to ignore me. So I drive slowly around them and they like to play chicken with my car. Usually they give me the finger. This is not only high school students but middle school and elementary kids as well. Parents, please teach your kids traffic safety at the bus stops!
As much as it angers me, it still is sad to hear of a child being killed by a car while waiting for the bus. All of us need to watch out for cars and children. I am sure the women who hit that child will never be the same.
To the parents of the little girl who died: know that she is happy in the arms of Jesus. I will be praying for her and the family!
Bonnie Boehm says
My heart breaks for this family. I lost two of my sons in 2013 and the pain is still excruciating today. I have been very dismayed and unhappy about the lack of sidewalks and lights on Old Kings Road that passes by the many clubs (Italian American Club, Elks Club,etc.). This is a very busy area since the clubs are very active, as well as many businesses, a church, and a voting location. I am sure that there are many students that attend Matanzas High School that live in the “F” Section as I do and I am sure there are times they walk home from school after activities or sports. I live off of Farmsworth and if I choose to walk or bike to the new Publix Shopping Center I have to struggle in went grass or risk being hit by a car. It is ridiculous that the sidewalk stops and doesn’t pick up again until the turn is made to go to the High School. With the new exit being built to go onto I-95 I feel certain the traffic will increase on that stretch of Old Kings Road and probably the speed of cars. I truly hope that this is being considered so there will be a continuous sidewalk from Palm Coast Parkway to the new I-95 Interchange. I have lived here 11 years and I had felt certain that by now this situation would have been rectified since I have seen so much of Palm Coast improved both for safety and beautification. I hope that the city council reads this. With the new interchange being built, many people that are traveling from the north may for the first time enter Palm Coast and will certainly not see the beauty of our town as they travel down the existing Old Kings Road towards Palm Coast Parkway. Obviously, this is not the main reason that any of this needs to be corrected. The main reason is so that there will be no further tragedies of children of all ages or adults walking or biking. There are many residents of Palm Coast that would benefit from this.
County paramedic says
Walter, did you see the child laying in the road? I bet Pierre did. He has been on accident scenes and has seen many of the things we see almost daily and has to write a story in a matter of minutes. Unless you walk in his shoes, cut him some slack.
T Williams says
Praying for both families involved in this tragedy. God Bless and Comfort you during the days ahead.
I pray people will become more aware while they are driving around children and during hours when
children are walking and biking to and from school.
John Keppler says
My heart and prayers go out to both family’s and the first responders on scene. This is a vision they will all have to live with the rest of there lives. My wish is that drivers would never drive distracted, if only it were that simple. As a father of three little girls and a firefighter paramedic for 26 years, I beg of kids and adults alike to please don’t depend on drivers to see you. If at all possible stay out of the road. Parents teach your kids that cars will kill them! I live with the visions of dead kids you don’t get to turn them off once you see them. Take control of your own safety. You can demand “share the road” but when a car hits a pedestrian or bicycle the car always wins! Parents go home and hug your kids.
rick says
Tragic for all involved. What kind of moron criticizes the editing of a breaking news story? FlaglerLive is as top notch as they come!
Eileen says
Walter, are you kidding me??!! This story is tragiedy, not an English lesson. Have you ever seen a child die. As an RN, I have. I also experienced the death of our year old grandson. The mother of this precious child will never be the same. The woman who hit this child will never be the same. Anyone who witnessed this tragedy will never be the same. Walter have some compassion.
AM says
In all fairness to Walter, he is spot on. This site has the worst written articles I have ever seen. ….almost as if they’re written by middle school students.That being said, my hearfelt and utmost condolences go out to the family of the little girl. Way too young to be taken away. This is every parents worst nightmare. Prayers…..
Mary Rhoads says
What a tragedy. its so hard to keep these younger kids reigned in when they see the school bus. We lecture, scream, shout and still they love to run. We had two instances this week of kids darting over to the bus in the path of traffic exiting our development. We discussed and decided to be our own safety crossing guards. My heart goes out to the family who lost their child and to driver who will live with this devastation all her life.
PJ says
My condolences to this young girls family and prayers for both.
Flaglerlive thanks for the news.
The information was news worthy when you said, “Kymora Christian, 7, Killed After Being Struck By Vehicle at White Star Drive Bus Stop.”
I could have stop reading right there, it said it all. Sad enough but it was more important to someone for editing purposes that you not give us breaking news…………WOW pretty cold of that person!
David B says
So sad. Parents have to tell there kids to stay out of the street. A few days ago I was at a stop sign ready to proceed. A little boy look like he was 7 or 8 ran up to my car and wanted to pet my Labrador Retreiver. My dog was in the back of the car, with his head out the window. I yelled at the boy to stop and get back on the side of the street back on the grass. I parked my car and got my dog out so the little boy could pet my dog. I don’t like to lecture kids, but I told him to never go out in the street for anyone or anything. Oh, the adults were all sitting in there cars.
Anita says
Though it’s small comfort, I’m crying with the mother grieving for her little girl tonight. I also weep for the distraught driver whose car hit her. Clearly it was an accident, and one the woman driving the vehicle would gladly take back if she could from the sound of the 911 call. I’ve seen parents sitting in their cars, waiting for the school bus while their kids stood in the street or on the grass because we lack sidewalks, and have thought that one visible adult standing near the little ones would serve to alert a driver to be on the lookout for smaller children. Perhaps that parent could physically prevent a kid from darting out into the street without looking as they sometimes do. Please don’t mistake this for a condemnation of any kind or anyone; it is merely a suggestion, but one that might save a life. Good, albeit a difficult job, Pierre.
rachael says
I believed that palm coast needs side walks in the residential area where the the kids are waiting for a school bus, I my self have seen how kids are standing in the street waiting for their bus ,and we need more street lights to the residential area if this is a city lets make it look like like one, this streets are to dark,lets stop putting trees and bushes, we need the safety of this town because you can not call this a city, if this was a real city it would have light in the residential area and side walks ,please let not this happen again .not only but the elderly could see where there are going with more street lights and side walks ,STOP putting trees bushes gas station banks office building where people sit to do nothing we need for palm coast to be safe for the people of palm coast its not for golf No more we have children living here now lets do the right thing.
Jody says
I also agree with the many comments regarding poorly lit areas and no sidewalks, the city seems to care more about planting trees than installing sidewalks or street lights. Stop with the damn beautification efforts and start spending the tax dollars on community safety.
Julie says
My Condolences to this young girls family, I pray that God will help you find the strength to be strong thru this very tragic time, im so sorry for your loss.
My heart hurts for both of the families involved. To read the article brings uncontrollable tears in my eyes. I pray for comfort and understanding in this matter.
jim says
Walter if you are so worried about errors get yourself a job as a proof reader! Who the hell is worried about something so petty at a time like this! Some people look for something to bitch about. If it was not for Flagler Live the people in flagler county would not have a clue what was going on! And now since I got your butt straight we all need to pray for the little girls family a this very difficult time!
Nancy N. says
AM: Would you like me to count up the grammar errors in your comment for you?
Pierre operates a local community news site where he produces virtually all of the content on his own – often in real time – with no professional proofreading staff. Comparing his work to the work of news bureaus that produce work many hours after the event, reviewed by an entire committee of people, is ridiculous. I’d like to see you try it.
What FlaglerLive does with articles like this one is the print equivalent of what TV stations do when they cover breaking news on scene. Form gets blown as they focus on pushing out the information fast. You see throws to reporters that aren’t ready yet, panic cuts away from one shot to another that has breaking action, anchors sounding less than polished as they try to string it all together and read reports live off of notes coming across their prompters or from producers talking in their ears.
FlaglerLive threw up information as fast as it possibly could this morning about an event that many many people will never forget in this community. We should be grateful for the site’s efforts and the service it provides us, not nitpicking sentence form.
William says
You can ride a bicycle on a paved surface from US 1 to all the way to the Intra Coastal waterway through the woods in Palm Coast. If you have to walk to a bus stop you are not walking on a sidewalk. DOESNT MAKE MUCH SENSE TO ME. Forget about walking or riding a bike at night, that’s really a gamble. My thoughts and prayers go out to the little girl.
Outsider says
“In all fairness to Walter, he is spot on. This site has the worst written articles I have ever seen. ….almost as if they’re written by middle school students.That being said, my hearfelt and utmost condolences go out to the family of the little girl. Way too young to be taken away. This is every parents worst nightmare. Prayers…..”
There should be two spaces after the period at the end of a sentence. Also, it’s “heartfelt,” not “hearfelt.” Need some Windex for your glass house?
Sidewalk Sam says
My condolences to the both families and pray this little girl is with Jesus….Now, about why we have a 6 million dollar new jail but NO sidewalks for our children. Who signed off on that one ?
Mike says
What a tragedy just very hard to believe this young child has been taken from us. And for the jerk Walter what a shame that’s all you have to say.
bob says
i pray for this family the bible way. how sad this young little girl
hit by an innocent woman. read the book of job he lost everything
one day too including his children and home but god gave him
more at end of his life because he was faithful to the GOD of the
bible read job and see the results what GOD can do. jesus saves
Monica says
Lighting or later start time.
Train children on bus stop safety.
Heartfelt empathy goes out to all involved including the media, administrators, parents, family and friends. Teachers and parents will question why they work toward a future that may never come. Treat everyone with kindness every day my neighbors – on the road, at your job but especially your families.
Anonymous says
Slow down at school bus times, SLOW down on all the roads. People constantly drive !) miles an hour OVER the limit on roads like Florida park beltear old kings and the other side roads not to meant ion those looking at there phone as much as the roads. Also those on bikes on the road when there is a muliti use path just off the side of the road. Pleas look out for each other. Teach your youngsters to cross at a intersection LOOK both ways and wait till cars stop. to cross and if you can walk your little ones to the stop..
AM says
Nancy- I am not a journalist, I am just a knucklehead commenting on the obvious.
brianna says
my heart goes out to the families involved, maybe people should watch there speed and pay attention. things like this need to stop, too many deaths happening. i will miss kymora such an angel and a bright little girl<3
Marino says
Cookie-Cutter houses is what everyone came here for-there is not much normalcy.
confidential says
When are we going to address the issue about drivers slowing down around children in any instance and specially when they are going or coming from school or to the school bus stop because yes, Palm Coast doesn’t have sidewalks as the former unincorporated area we were before 1999. Who is more vulnerable a child pedestrian whether darts or not out of a vehicle path, while walking to the bus stop or the driver on the SUV? As also are vulnerable an elderly lady or gentleman walking their dog, a jogger, cyclist or biker?
Are we continuously allowing speeders zooming by them at times as I experience myself. What is the rush slow down for heaven sake to prevent these tragedies.
At what speed this car was driving to have the head of that child damage the front grid in that manner?
Legislation for more accountability at least in our unincorporated areas with no sidewalks should be enacted to protect our school children walking to school or school bust stops, higher penalties for drivers injuring students and slower speed zones in wider areas around students. Prayers will not help after a tragedy happens but legislation will. I am a car driver too but I sure slow down for children, students, joggers, cyclist, bikers and wildlife! The nightmare of injuring a person or animal makes me slow down and keep a safe distance.
Barb says
Thank you Geezer for your comments about my boy.
Let’s be careful here please. This was an accident. The child was being a child and the driver was not at fault and must be having her own kind of hell right now.
Let’s please have compassion and let her know we aren’t blaming her. And extend our sympathies to Kymora’s family and those who loved her.
I swear Palm Coast wasn’t built with any children in mind.
I no longer live in Flagler County but would suggest many of you go to the next town meeting and speak your minds.
Ask for crossing guards
Safety training for the children
Three accidents since school started is sending a very loud and clear message there is a big problem.
YetAnotherVoice says
After hearing about this tragedy yesterday and reading the article, my heart aches for those involved, including the other kids at the bus stop.
While I agree that Palm Coast needs more sidewalks, I recognize how our city works. It takes the City Council a death and several years to get a sidewalk along Seminal Woods. The major issue mentioned about bus stops isn’t kids getting to/from them, its kids having no place to wait while at the stop.
Bus stops could be as simple as a short piece of sidewalk at that intersection, or a more elaborate concrete pad with benches. I know that the stop that my son uses (he attends Bunnell Elementary) regularly has 20 or more kids waiting … in the road … blocking traffic. As was pointed out by Angela, our children have no place to wait other than the road. Sidewalks are beyond the Palm Coast budget (begin sarcasm – we need to keep the city beautiful – end sarcasm), at least the budget that our City Council would approve, so let’s start with a simple fix that can greatly help our children.
Let’s email/write/call/visit our Council demanding action.
Anonymous says
I’m really sorry😔
Anonymous says
I am so sorry for both families may I add great comments from everyone in PC. Where is FCSO ? You never see them patrolling the streets in the morning before school starts . I dont know what the answer is but if it involves spending money its going to be tough.
David S says
I feel so bad for everyone involved in this tragedy,I wish that the city concil will read these comments but as you know trying to get them to approve anything for the citizens is almost impossible dont hold your breath. Also why cant FSCO patrol these bus stops in the morning I never see them on the road during that time.
Rachel says
A petition has been started on change.org to request sidewalks, signage, speed bumps, and/or street lamps and will email the mayor, city council members and city manager when people sign to support it. There is a place to add your own comments as well as to share it on twitter, facebook, email, and links are provided to share it other ways. If you are interested in signing it, here is the link:
There is also a group on facebook called Safer Streets in Palm Coast where residents are doing wonderful things to help the families affected and coming up of other ways to help by the minute. Please look into either one if you are so inclined. Thank you.
makayla says
its just so sad about poor Kymora, i knew her personally, she was a sweet, loving little girl that the world will miss. My friend and i used to go to wadsworth last year now we go to buddy taylor and we’re volunteers. last year e were on the purrs team andd read her stories and at car riders she would sit with us and give us big hugs. when me and my friend found out, we burst into tears over the sweet loving little girl that will be widley missed.
Annoymous says
As sad as this situation is for all parties…I truly struggle with the lack of sidewalks and street lights in palm coast!!! I pass children every morning in my neighborhood leaning against a stop sign waiting for the bus… this is unacceptable. This is a tragic situation that we should all learn from and stop blaming the driver and the child. It is a freak, horrific accident. Instead, lets all work together to provide everyone everything they need to better avoid these situations. Sidewalks and street lights!
Anonymous says
Its a shame that a little girl lost her life and people on this site are arguing with a guy that has nothing to do with the issue. Ignore him.
Obama 2015 says
This accident would have happened regardless. Children run into the street and people make mistakes.
It tragic but a change.org petition isn’t going to change anything.
The city would have to raise taxes to add sidewalks and better lighting all over the city and in most cases with the way most of the roads like whippoorwill are built there is no room to do anything like this unless you move the swale of all the homeowners and give each one of them a new driveway.(you would have to push the flow back at least 5 feet for a sidewalk)
You would then need to reassess all these home owners property for taxes and replace any plants, sod and or sprinkler systems that are part of their property.
Then if the homeowner has a painted or special driveway you will need to replace it as it was before.
Whippoorwill has about 200 homes on it so your looking at least a million to just do one side of the street.
But even if they did if it rains heavy, most of sidewalk will be flooded (like Rymfire) and we are right back where we started.
I believe we should ask the schools to review the bus stops and try and move them from busy roads to side roads so there is less traffic. But this then will add to the fuel costs because the buses will be making more turns and longer routes.
Samantha says
Pour little 7 year old
Genie says
Under 11 years old children should be accompanied by parents at the bus stop or on the way. Otherwise drive them to school. The children at the end of my street horse around, stand out in the street and not in the grass. It would be nice if this town put in sidewalks for them to stand on instead of all the trees and bushes down the thorough fares that block driver’s view. But then again the sidewalks we do have no one can walk on them when it rains, its one big pond. Maybe the city could decrease all the unnecessary lights in the Ghost Town Center. Too many at too close together is waste of energy and these lights could be in our neighborhoods with the upcoming darker mornings to come. Its also quite possible that the bus stops are in wrong high traffic areas where it endangers the children waiting for the bus. And lastly when anyone is walking, standing, riding a bike along the road in this town you should drive defensively as thought they in fact will come out into the street. Slow way down and keep your eye on them. This is tragic and heartbreaking. My heart goes out to the parents as well as the driver.
blondee says
Parents are often waiting near these corners with their children as well. Parents, PLEASE take it upon yourselves to “police” these corners until a solution can be realized. While I think everyone’s suggestion of sidewalks are street lighting seem to be the answer, I don’t think it will happen any time soon. Please help prevent another tragedy parents!!!
Geezer says
It’s interesting to read the comments critiquing Flaglerlive on spelling and grammar.
Wanna see some great spellers?
Sue says
Why don’t we as a community try to designate parents/volunteers/seniors to volunteer to be at these bus stops? I am always at my son’s bus stop and do not mind watching other people’s children…..I am sure there are other people who would be more than happy to do this!
Faith Strong says
My condolences and deepest sorrow to the little girl’s family and all friends and family of those affected by this tragic accident. Many lives affected at the loss of a small child gone too soon. May her memory be forever in the hearts of those who will miss her each and every day. Prayers.
carol says
For Kymora Christian:
What a tragedy, a horrendous tragedy that the only one to blame is the School Board. Yes that group of members that allows, permits, encourages minors to freely walk sometimes several blocks to a bus stop.
This unfortunate tragedy of grave proportion is totally the responsibility of the School Board. Not just in our county, but nationwide. I just can’t emphasize that enough. While the School Boards are focus in increasing their budget, administrative personnel, expenses and perks, they don’t focus on the real principal of why schools exist in the first place. Children’s education and safety.
It is an offence for a minor to stay home alone, yet it is fine for that child to walk the streets alone? And sometimes in the dark before sunrise? How unacceptable can this be?
Even if the school bus program is authorized by the FL legislature, it should be adjusted to the circumstances of each city it operates in. In a city like Palm Coast that does not have sidewalks or public lighting, how can the streets be used as sidewalks?
The School Board should immediately stop putting children in harm’s way. Possible solution could be that students can be picked up at designated area after being dropped off by their parents or guardian or accompanied by an adult at the bus stop.
Yes, all parents/guardians and adults needs to take more responsibility over our children. In this age of cellphone, headphones and gadgets that distracts everyone, and no one doing anything about it, tragedies are bound to increase, sadly to say. Politicians, take action!
j&j says
This was a terrible thing that happened. A sweet beautiful girl lost her life… But an accident is what this is. It’s not the schools fault, a politicians fault, a parents fault…. There is no one to blame here. I understand when tragedy strikes people find comfort in placing blame. It’s much easier than accepting the fact that an accident is just that…. A horrific accident. One that should have never happened. But to go all the way up to placing blame on the school board, really? I find that so unbelievable.
My thoughts and prayers are with you sweet Kymora and your beautiful family as well!
Barry Hartmann says
J&J ….well said, thank you and prayers to all involved .
Sharon Williams says
Our prayers are with both families . The only consolation is the image of that blessed girl sitting on the lap of Jesus Christ . She’s safe and loved . The problem is not the driver , the parent or the child . The problem is Flagler county !!! I’m so sick of the construction and congested streets . If anyone checked the statistics of accidents and children being hit by cars , I guarantee its at least doubled . Why not finish one job before starting another . My family and I moved here 4yrs. Ago because we thought it was a safe place to raise children . It’s not anymore. The animals, rodents and snakes being driven into the neighborhoods because of all the construction. That horrible accident could be any one of us driving our child to school in Flagler County . We will continue to pray for the families, the children, emergency team, and police that witnessed this sad , heartbreaking accident . Let’s also pray no one else has to die before the county realizes enough is enough .
Geezer says
Crossing guards are sorely needed at all bus stops.
I hope that the little angel’s death ushers in a new mindset
with regard to PREVENTION.
Let this be the last time.
sw says
Ralph Belcher says
A local religous group soliciting door to door was using this incident as an introductory ice-breaker. I was taken aback a small measure of the choice of pitch and felt it was in poor taste (when you really think about it). But maybe that was just me. I pray that the parents and the driver and their families find the peace, comfort, healing and help that they need to move through this horrific incident.
A Little Backwards says
In your comment you make reference to prayer but you take issues with people who live in your community asking if you feel there will ever be a remedy for mankind’s suffering? The religious group that’s known to go door to door doesn’t solicit for one. Where they go door to door is where they live literally, to talk to their neighbors. Their whole purpose is to share a free encouraging message just like you did at the latter part of your comment. Further more even though they go door to door they still have to work secular jobs, face sickness and tragedies just like everyone else but truly do it out love for neighbor, and if someone is offended or doesn’t want to a share in a conversation they will kindly proceed on until they do find someone who will. It’s always amazed me how many “Christians/ Citizens” get offended when someone attempts to share a word from the bible but have no problem opening there door to ghost mask, demon faces and Halloween serial killers. I’ll take a Bible thumper at my door over that any day.
djsii says
Our city Government has built “bike paths to nowhere” throughout the city limits yet they have ignore the most important areas that expose our most precious lives to the dangers of the roads within the community.
Bike paths and sidewalks that tie neighborhoods to the school system should have been the city Governments very first priority when building infrastructure of this nature. There must have been some commercial reason for doing otherwise.
Any further projects involving bike paths or sidewalks should be limited to providing safe access to the schools for our children first and every other project of this nature should be second.
Anonymous says
Please keep praying for Kymora mother. She was a fantastic nurse, and after the loss of her daughter, she attempted to carry on with life, but ended up loosing her mind. She lost her nursing license, as is barely functioning in reality right now. Please pray that God restores her mind. This is so terrible