Two cell towers recently built in Palm Coast went live with AT&T’s signal in the last eight days, and a third had gone live in September, significantly reducing dead cell zones in town.
On Wednesday, the new cell tower at Farmsworth Drive, between Farnell Lane and Palm Harbor Parkway, went live. On Dec. 4, the cell tower nedar the Palm Coast Tennis Center, just off Belle Terre Parkway and south of Royal Palms Parkway, went live. The cell tower behind Heroes Park, on the grounds of the city’s utility site off Palm Coast Parkway, was the first of the new towers to go live. It did so in September.
All three towers were built this year at no cost to the city by Diamond Communications, the company Palm Coast contracted with in 2017 to assume most responsibilities for the city’s wireless infrastructure. The city has five sites of its own, and is still taking all the revenue from those sites, but will share revenue from the sites should Diamond add carriers on city properties. At Diamond-owned cites, Diamond takes most of the revenue, but also shares a portion with the city. Diamond manages potential and existing carriers at both city owned and Diamond-owned sites.
The new AT&T sites enhance 4G LTE coverage and help give residents and first responders faster, more reliable wireless service.
“We want our customers to have a great experience. With 4G LTE service, they’ll be able to experience better network connectivity while streaming videos, sharing on social media or texting family and friends,” said Joe York, AT&T Florida president, in a release. “We consistently work to provide better coverage for the community and its first responders. And we’re investing in our wireless network to accomplish that.”
Concurrently, but in an entirely separate operation using separate towers, Flagler County is gradually upgrading its own emergency responder network, on which all local governments rely for police, fire and civilian services such as utilities and schools.
But carriers like AT&T, Verizon and others are also tailoring their systems to the First Responder Network Authority, known as FirstNet, created in 2012 to improve the nation’s dedicated public safety broadband networks.
FirstNet is being built with AT&T in a public private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority. It’s designed to help first responders in Florida and across the country connect to the critical information they need – when they need it – so they can keep themselves and the communities they serve safer.
Dave says
Its a shame these cancer towers are going up all over palm coast. It seems people are more interested in sharing what they ate for dinner on social media than protecting themselves and their children from harmful RF frequencies.
Danny S says
As a retired Electrical Engineer, I can say without reservation that the radio frequency “radiation” given off by cell towers is non ionizing, meaning it doesn’t cause cancer. It is about the same as what a bright searchlight on the tower would cause. Either educate yourself, trust experts and knowledgeable people, or at least quote your questionable sources.
Dave says
Children getting cancer at school so tower was removed
Here’s a quote from the American Cancer Society on the matter
In another study, researchers compared a group of more than 2,600 children with cancer to a group of similar children without cancer. They found that those who lived in a town that could have exposed them to higher than average RF radiation from cellular phone towers in the previous 5 years had a slightly higher risk of cancer, although not of any certain type of cancer (like leukemia or brain tumors). This study estimated the children’s possible exposure based on the number of towers in their town and how strong the signals were from the towers.
From Mayoclinic.org
If you’re concerned about the possible link between cellphones and cancer, consider limiting your use of cellphones — or use a speaker or hands-free device that places the cellphone antenna, which is typically in the cellphone itself, away from your head.
I can add research backing up my claim all day , it’s the cell phones themselves that are also causing health problems, so with added towers there is added cell phone usage adding to the problem
Jim Jones says
Good for you, Danny!
I am so tired of these irrational rumor mongers who continue to propagate Internet lies and innuendos as fact.
Trying to sow fear. I wonder what their motivation could possible be? Do they want to go back to the prehistoric era?
Dave says
Geez what could be the motive here? Saving childrens lives wow how devious. Keeping our medical costs down maybe, gee how evil.
Coy says
“At no cost to the city” well of course not, but how much was the city paid?
Dave Borlik says
Still no coverage on Colbert by Grand Haven and Palm Coast plantation.
mark101 says
Odd, my Verizon works great in Grand Haven.
Jim says
Odd, most people know Verizon isn’t AT&T.
Nancy N. says
The new tower by Heroes park didn’t fix the dead zone on Belle Terre between the north end of Pine Lakes and the Library. I lost a call there just yesterday!
Jen says
That is interesting. I live right by hero’s park and the moment I park in my driveway I have lost service and my phone uses Verizon towers. Does not seem to help at all.
The Truth says
That tower only has AT&T on it, so that would explain why Verizon isn’t working well yet.
Sue says
I live less then a mile from the one on Farmsworth and I still only have one bar of service on my brand new ATT Samsung Galaxy S10+. Seen no difference in service. In fact I cant even receive pictures through text message when I am at home. Just might be time to switch after 20 years of loyalty.
Cm says
Cell service sucks in palm coast and they want to act like palm coast is going to be one of the biggest tech savvy towns in Florida, yah rigghhhttt !!!
Debra says
Doesn’t work in Cypress Knoll. Still only 1 bar and the tower is under 2 miles from me.
Deadcellzones.com says
Please report any AT&T issues you might be having in the area to Deadcellzones.com