Bunnell government has released images showing the ongoing churning-like clearing through a thick forest of pines, brush and wetlands in the first stage of construction for Commerce Parkway, the two-lane road cutting a swath from State Road 100 to the north, to U.S. 1 to the south, east and south of the city.
The 1.7-mile, $14.5 million project is going through land long undisturbed, but that is expected to become a focus of residential, commercial and industrial development. The road is being dug at the same time that Bunnell City Hall, which will also be the city’s police department’s home, is under construction at the northern end of Commerce Parkway, near 100.
The images (see above and below) are not showing anything more remarkable than what you’d expect from any tree-clearing project anywhere: thick vegetation has been replaced by level, bald, brown dirt that will next be leveled into a bed for concrete and asphalt. The road will also be crisscrossed by utilities. But almost the entirety of the construction–but for its starting point near the Sheriff’s Operations Center and its end point at U.S. 1, future site of an industrial park–is out of sight. The city’s images are the only ready glimpses through the forest.
Bunnell, Flagler County and state dollars are contributing to the cost of the road, which y itself costs $9.5 million. The rest is the cost of design, utilities and incidentals.
“The project,” the city says on its website, “will include the construction of a 2-lane, 1.7-mile roadway with 11-ft lanes, 8-ft (5-ft paved) shoulders, a 5-ft sidewalk, wildlife fencing, wildlife crossings, and a dedicated stormwater management system. In addition, the County is constructing both left and right turns lanes on US 1 and an existing portion of Commerce Parkway just south of SR 100 will be milled and resurfaced. All pedestrian facilities shall adhere to current ADA standards.”
The images below are the product of Bunnell city government.
- The Day Bunnell Shook with Groundbreakings: New City Hall, New Road, New Urban Horizon
- 20 Years Later, 1.7-Mile, $14.5 Million Commerce Parkway from SR100 Is a Go. Just Don’t Call It a ‘Bypass’ Anymore.
JimboXYZ says
Looks like the planning is for City of Bunnell to grow East to the Commerce Parkway Connector. Future beyond that would be growth to the East of the Commerce Parkway Connector. I hope I don’t live long enough to see it, or be taxed for it. I guess this is perceived as saving the planet somehow.
Jay Tomm says
Right…. It’s going to be a mess all over the county in 5-7 years. And you know what’s going to happen? The economy will go in the trash, housing will bust, & the county will be loft in shambles.
Too much growth, too fast, & spending future monies never works.
preserve the past or at least recognize it says
I’d like to know if there was an archaeological precursor evaluation to this clearage, and if there was any lidar evaluation of what satellites can show pops from the ground to show past people’s actions. Has this mitigation been done?
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
“The project,” the city says on its website, “will include the construction of a 2-lane, 1.7-mile roadway with 11-ft lanes,…”
Guarantee the day after this opens talk will start that it has to be widened to 4 Lanes.
Sonny says
I “USED” to live in an amazingly beautiful Flagler County for over 45 years! Now it’s a clear cut disgrace! You can have responsible growth while maintaining our beauty & nature. This hasn’t happened here, just greed & ignorance. People have come here cut down everything & changed our beautiful community into a trashy paved parking lot! Flagler was mostly a beautiful wetland, you think there was flooding before JUST WAIT! I’m leaving, don’t care for Little NY !
Stop The Insanity says
So the city of palm coast will have the homeowner jump through hoops to cut down an annoying tree or two on their property, but the city can destroy swaths of trees and wetlands, without any consequences?? How convenient for the city of destruction, once known as the city of palm coast.
SamIAm says
Soooooooooooo this is in Bunnell/Flagler County… NOT Palm Coast.. Try again