Free Virtual Legal Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic, Flagler Beach Farmers Market, Amazon’s birthday, the Trinity atomic bomb test.
How Swelling Grocery Bills Are Crushing the Poorest
While all Americans have seen their grocery bills swell, many may not fully appreciate the enormous burden that rising food costs pose for low-income households. The reason is simple: Poor families spend a much larger share of their income on food than the median household.
Flagler Beach Commission Again Clashes, Reducing Mayor to Tears and Lawyering Up Over Roles
Flagler Beach commissioners today in a budget workshop again clashed sharply over Mayor Suzie Johnston’s, and commissioners’, respective roles, several of them charging that Johnston is overstepping her authority. The clash ended what only the night before had been a pledge on the panel to “reset” and seek a more collegial approach.
Pool Contractor Dan Priotti Sentenced to 5 Years’ Probation for 3rd DUI, and Gives Up Right of Appeal
Dan Priotti, the temperamental owner of Agua Construction Co., was found guilty of his third drunk driving charge in 10 years after a one-day trial last March. But the trial was flawed and ripe for appeal. The prosecution and the defense agreed to a deal that, in exchange for no prison time, Priotti would give up all rights of appeal.
On the Brink of War, Flagler Beach City Commission Agrees to ‘Reset,’ with Rescue from Ex-Mayor
The Flagler Beach City Commission, faced with a two-front war–with conflict over City Manager William Whitson’s future and growing conflict between the commission itself–pledged Thursday to “reset” after getting a peace-keeping assist from former Mayor Linda Provencher. It had been at the edge of a cliff.
Experts Say Florida’s Medicaid Ban for Transgender Health Lacks ‘Scientific or Medical Justification’
National medical and legal researchers have issued a report condemning Florida health officials’ plan to block Medicaid coverage for gender-dysphoria treatments. The critical report was released by Yale School of Medicine researchers and professors.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, July 15, 2022
The sentencing of Dan Priotti on his third DUI conviction in 10 years, affordable housing in Flagler, Trump’s Pandora’s box, Jacques Derrida’s impenetrable deconstruction.
James Webb Space Telescope: An Astronomer Explains the Stunning First Images
The buzz among professional astronomers like me has been electric since members of the Webb team shared tantalizing test images. And the real images are even better than anyone could have hoped for.
No ‘Lynching’ for Embattled Flagler Beach Manager Whitson, But a 90-Day Probation Period
Just 14 months into his tenure as Flagler Beach City Manager, William Whitson is on a 90-day probation period that could result in his firing if he doesn’t show the sort of reset in communications and management style a majority of commissioners want to see.
Drug Sweep on Flagler’s West Side Nets 13 Arrests as Sheriff Underscores Fentanyl’s Toll
The youngest offender was 18, the oldest 66, and most had trails of arrests behind them already–64 felony and 95 misdemeanor convictions between them, Sheriff Rick Staly said, including one, Twain Slater, who’s been arrested more than a dozen times since becoming an adult (he’s 31), for a combined 23 felony and misdemeanor convictions.
Threat Called In to FTC Campus Requires Building Evacuation and FPC Lockdown
A threat was called in to Flagler Technical College on the campus of Flagler Palm Coast High School late this morning, requiring evacuation of buildings at FTC and a lockdown at FPC, a district spokesman said.
Confirmed: Jersey Mike’s Subs Opening Restaurant at Palm Coast’s Island Walk, Near Brass Tap
Jersey Mike’s Subs, the famed franchise that opened its first restaurant in Point Pleasant, N.J., in 1956, and was the fastest-growing sandwich chain in 2022, will open its first Palm Coast restaurant in the Island Walk shopping center in late November.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, July 14, 2022
A working group meets to discuss the ILA on school concurrency, the Flagler Beach City Commission meets to discuss City Manager William Whitson’s future, speaking of insurrections.
‘We Need to Quit Mincing Words… What It Was Going to Be Was an Armed Revolution’
During its seventh hearing on July 12, 2022, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol connected the dots between white nationalists and key allies of former President Donald Trump and their concerted efforts to overturn the 2020 election by interrupting the counting of Electoral College votes and inserting fake electors.
Embry-Riddle Re-Invigorates Its Study Abroad Slate
Study abroad programs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University suspended during Covid are now back at full strength, hosting more than 200 students this summer to travel the world. Several of those students earned the opportunity thanks to rare scholarship funding.
Palm Coast Taxes Would Rise About 14% To Pay for 7% Budget Increase, Including 5 More Deputies
In its first comprehensive recommendation to the Palm Coast City Council for the coming year’s budget, the city administration is proposing a 7 percent budget increase that includes money for five new sheriff’s deputies, two new firefighters and a fire inspector, and nine additional administrative positions. But it would require a tax increase.
Robin C. Bloom, 63, and a Dog Die in Mobile Home Fire at Bulow RV Resort
Robin Bloom, a 63-year-old resident of the Bulow RV resort in Flagler Beach, died in an early morning fire Monday at the mobile home she was sharing with a roommate. Her roommate, Celina Fiorino, 65, was not injured. A dog also died in the blaze.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
A marble statue of educator and civil-rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune is unveiled in the U.S. Capitol, a Captain’s BBQ hearing in court, Queen at Wembley for Live Aid, “Somebody cuts you? Where it doesn’t show?”
What the Controversial 1972 ‘Limits to Growth’ Report Got Right
“The Limits to Growth,” an extension of biologist Paul Ehrlich’s bestselling “The Population Bomb,” was way off in some regards, but dead on in this one: Humans must limit and soon reduce their aggregate production of greenhouse gas emissions.
July Rains Relieve Northeast Florida of Abnormally Dry Conditions
Recent rainfall throughout the St. Johns River Water Management District’s 18-county region, which includes Flagler County, has relieved portions of northeast Florida that had been abnormally dry after below-average rainfall in June.
Why Can’t Florida’s Medical Pot Patients Buy Guns? Ag Commissioner Fried Challenges U.S. Law
Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is relying on a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to support arguments in a challenge to federal regulations that make it illegal for medical-marijuana patients to buy guns.
From Controversy to Harmony: Ambitious, $11.4 Million Expansion of Tennis Center and Trailhead Draws Praise
In contrast with bitter controversy last year, a revised and largely expanded $11.35 million plan to remake the grounds of the Palm Coast tennis center with a luxurious community center, solar-power-arrayed pickle balls, a dog park and a trailhead as bucolic as it’ll be ritzy drew almost nothing but praise and no detectable resistance from four council members.
Kwentell Moultrie’s Re-Trial on Rape Charge Involving 16 Year Old Scheduled for Aug. 22
Kwentell Moultrie, the 23-year-old Bunnell resident facing a first-degree rape charge involving a 16-year-old girl will go on trial for that charge, for the second time in four months, on Aug. 22.
‘I Don’t Belong Here,’ Eddie Branquinho Says, Storming Out of Council Meeting After Not Getting His Way
Palm Coast City Council member Eddie Branquinho walked out of a workshop meeting this morning and is considering not completing the four months left in his term after fellow-council members refused to go along with his demand that they issue a tendentious two-question survey on apartment and single-family home construction in the city. Branquinho, a staunch opponent of apartment construction, likened current trends to turning Palm Coast into Newark–coded language about race and crime.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Kwentell Moultrie’s many trials may be scheduled today, the Palm Coast City Council will hear a presentation on the regional tennis and racquet club construction, Buckminster Fuller speaks, Lewis and Clark set off.
1,200-Home Eagle Lakes/Radiance Development Clears County Commission Against Opposition, 3-1
In a victory as major for the developer of future phases of Eagle Lakes as it is a blow to existing residents of Eagle Lakes, the Flagler County Commission this evening cleared the way for a 1,200-home development on 612 acres at the south end of Old Kings Road, a development one commissioner likened to Palm Coast’s Grand Haven, at least by size.
Militant White Identity, Guns and GOP Campaign Ads
The use of guns in political ads has evolved as a coded appeal for white voters. While ads might have been a bit more ambiguous in the past, candidates are increasingly making these appeals appear more militant in their culture war against ideas and politicians they oppose.
Gas Below $4 a Gallon in Sight as Prices Continue to Fall
Gas prices in Florida have fallen by almost 50 cents over the past four weeks, with prices as low as $4.15 a gallon at some Orlando gas stations on Sunday, and falling below the $4.50 mark in most Palm Coast gas stations.
Florida Moving toward Medicaid Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Transgender People
The DeSantis administration moved toward banning gender-affirming care for transgender Floridians under Medicaid, meaning that treatments such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers may soon be out of reach for many low-income members of the LGBTQ+ community.
‘I Run the County,’ Commissioner Joe Mullins Tells FHP; A Trooper Calls Him ‘Belligerent’ and ‘Disrespectful’
Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins, who has made a chronic habit of speeding, getting pulled over then attempt to get out of a ticket by abusing his authority, told a Florida Highway Patrol trooper that “I run the county” in one such attempt on I-4 last month, video of the encounter shows, and another trooper called him “extremely condescending, belligerent, illogical, and disrespectful.”
In a First, Mary McLeod Bethune’s Statue Is Unveiled at U.S. Capitol Wednesday in Place of Confederate General
The likeness of Bethune will replace a statue of Confederate Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith, which stood in the Capitol for nearly a century. Bethune, who died in 1955, will be the first Black person to represent a state in the collection.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, July 11, 2022
The Flagler County Commission takes up consideration of the proposed Eagle Lakes subdivision off Old Kings Road, Kwentell Moultrie in court, auditions for the award-winning musical “Oliver!” and Francis Fukuyama.
June Jobs Report Offers Hope Against Recession, But With Tiny Room for Error
The U.S. economy added more jobs than expected in June, keeping the unemployment rate at a 70-year low of 3.6%. Does this mean the U.S. will avoid a Fed-induced recession? The Fed has some room to maneuver, but not much.
Florida Prisons Propose Cutting Family Visitations, Drawing Sharp Objections
Florida’s state-run prisons would be allowed to cut visitation with inmates in half to mirror staffing shortages. Advocates for inmates and their families object, saying visitation is a boon to inmate behavior and helps maintain family ties critical for the success of inmates returning to free society.
By Focusing Only on ‘Resilience,’ Florida’s Governor Ignores Climate Change’s Deadly Heat
“Resilience” is the word politicians use when they mean “climate change is an opportunity for me to hand out lots of big government contracts for construction work that will try to cope with rising sea levels.” But resiliency does nothing to reverse dangerous courses.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday July 10, 2022
Flagler Playhouse auditions for “Oliver!,” Happy Birthday Mary McLeod Bethune, national character and Jan. 6, the Nile of language, best shots at Wimbledon.
Who’s Being Discriminated Against? A Huge Perception Gap Between Blacks and Whites.
A third of white Americans say they have seen “a lot more” discrimination against white people in the past five years and a majority see no increased discrimination against minorities. A large majority of Black Americans disagree.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, July 9, 2022
Auditions for the afterschool theater program at the Palm Coast Arts Foundation, Family Builder Lab at the library, auditions for “Oliver!,” Grace Community Food Pantry.
Buying Into Conspiracy Theories Can Be Exciting – and Dangerous
Anyone who talks to conspiracy theorists knows that they’re never short on details, or at least “alternative facts.” They have plenty of information, but they insist that it be interpreted in a particular way – the way that feels most exciting.
Flagler Schools Get B as Florida Resumes Grading, But Rymfire-Buddy Taylor-FPC Pipeline Is a C
After two years of Covid, when the state did not grade schools and districts, Flagler County schools earned a grade of B this year, with only three of its schools earning an A and four earning a C. Two earned a B. It was a middling performance coming off the disruptions of the pandemic and a decline from the A the district had scored in 2019.
Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition “Water|Ways” Opens at AACS’s Museum Saturday
The AACS Museum was expressly chosen by the Florida Humanities as part of the MoMS national, state and local partnership to bring exhibitions and programs to museums and cultural organizations in rural locations across the USA. Support for MoMS is provided by Congress.
Attempt to Extend Olive Branch to Green Lion Fails as Council Cites ‘Disrespect’; City Will Issue RFP
Palm Coast government’s relationship with the Green Lion Cafe is over, and an attempt by City Council member Nick Klufas to extend a two-week grace period and hold a workshop with the restaurant’s owners failed. The Green Lion now has six months to clear out of Palm Harbor, and the city must pay a year’s back rent, or $7,200.
Developments Could Stall If County, Cities and District Can’t Agree on School Construction Payments
As they hurtle toward an arbitrary Aug. 31 deadline that could potentially bring some local development to a halt, the Flagler County School Board on one side and the county, Palm Coast and Bunnell on the other remain in sharp opposition over how to collect money developers owe the district to ensure there are enough schools for incoming students.
Portables Are Back: Buddy Taylor Middle Takes Delivery of 7 Classrooms, Leased for $105,000
After an absence of 14 years, Buddy Taylor Middle School this week was again the scene of installations of portable classrooms, a trend the Flagler County school district has been trying to avoid by planning for new construction. But wrangles with the county and cities over school financing is increasing the likelihood of more portables ahead.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, July 8, 2022
Flagler Broadcasting’s four radio stations, including flagship WNZF, hold a six-hour Food-A-Thon today, the Calgary Stampede, a little bit of cricket, on having an affinity for shock.
Follow Your Passion? 5 Drawbacks.
Following one’s passion does not necessarily lead to fulfillment, but is one of the most powerful cultural forces perpetuating overwork. It also helps perpetuate social inequalities due to the fact that not everyone has the same economic resources to allow them to pursue their passion with ease.
In the Shadow of Tom Joad: Pride in Flagler’s Food-A-Thon, Wrath That It Is Still Needed
One naturally feels proud about a community capable of generosity on the scale of Flagler Radio’s Friday Food-A-Thon. But there’s no pride in the persistent poverty it speaks of: There’s something pathologically wrong about any community in what is supposedly the wealthiest country on earth still having to do this to ensure something as basic as putting food on the table for 3,500 families every week.
Multiplication of Loaves: Flagler Radio’s Food-A-Thon on July 8 Aims for $1 Million Food Buy for Needy
A July 8 Food-A-Thon organized by Flagler Broadcasting’s four radio stations aims to raise $200,000 in cash, which can then be leveraged to buy more than $1 million in food to ensure $00 worth of groceries every week for 3,500 families through the new year. The donations and pledges are already poring in.
School Board at Impasse With County and Palm Coast Over Billing Developers for New Schools
The Flagler County School Board says it needs to collect a larger portion of impact fees up front to plan for $175 million in new school construction. The County Commission and Palm Coast object, proposing a plan that would let developers pay a smaller share up front, and pay as they go.
Taxable Values Surge at Highest Pace in 16 Years, Setting Up Windfall for Government
Taxable values in Flagler County rose 18 percent in 2021, higher than initially estimated two months ago. Values rose nearly 20 percent in Palm Coast, 14.5 percent in Flagler Beach and 22 percent in Bunnell. The school board’s taxable values increased by 25 percent. For local governments, the surging values can translate to surging revenue–if the governments do not hold the line on tax rates.