In Flagler County, the gravity center of political dysfunction has shifted. It’s not Bunnell anymore, as was for a nearly year-long stretch until early summer. It’s Flagler Beach.
Among local governments, the Flagler Beach City Commission has always been the most colorful, the most prone to epic debates, the least likely to congeal as a single, collegial body. But never before has a commissioner pushed the disagreements to such a point as to attempt to unseat a commission chairman before the end of that chairman’s term.
That’s what Steve Settle will seek to do next week. He wants to bump Kim Carney off the chair. Carney is exactly at the mid-point of her tenure as chairman.
As on other local government boards, the chairman’s position is elected by fellow members of the board. It generally rotates every year, though when board members are particularly satisfied with a chairman, they may leave him or her in for more than a year. That’s been the case with Andy Dance, the chairman of the Flagler County School Board. It used to be the case with John Feind on the Flagler Beach City Commission.
Settle is not happy with Carney. The two have tangled over several issues, most notably Carney’s opposition to the city’s decision to buy a $600,000 fire truck, and a more recent disagreement over the wording of meeting minutes. (Settle’s wife, Kate, is the deputy city clerk who sometimes handles minutes, though Steve Settle says the minutes Carney is questioning were prepared by Penny Overstreet, the clerk.)
Settle says the problem goes beyond that. He calls Carney “bullheaded,” and describes her style as “damn the torpedoes.” He says that may work well for an individual commissioner, but it doesn’t work for someone chairing meetings. “In my mind,” Settle says, “a successful chairman is someone who is a facilitator, someone who can work towards negotiated settlements, work together with four other commissioners, come to compromises if necessary and succeed in that way. When you look at that as the groundwork for successful performance, there’s inconsistency.”
Carney was taken aback by Settle’s move. “I’m not a ruler. I don’t rule over anything,” Carney said. “I help get the general business of the city done by running an effective, efficient meeting. I have no other authority than to run the meeting. I have no authority whatsoever. None. I do have last say, most of the time the chairman has the last opinion, but other than that.”
Carney was not aware of specific reasons Settle wanted her out. She called it “a personal vendetta. It’s personal.” She said Bruce Campbell, the city manager, tried to dissuade Settle from placing the matter on the agenda, but that Settle told him this was a commission matter, not a managerial matter. The city charter is silent on the issue, leaving it up to commissioners to handle.
Campbell in an interview later this afternoon denied trying to “persuade or dissuade” Settle. He had a conversation with Settle and one with Carney, but, he said, “I called Steve and wondered what this was about.” He termed the issue “a Steve Settle thing,” and a matter for commissioners, not for the manager. He declined to make any judgments about the conduct of meetings during Carney’s tenure.
“I’m going to have to wait and see what he alleges,” Carney said. “I don’t know what I’ve done that is outside my realm of responsibilities. I run the meetings. That’s what the chair does. I’ve conversed with Bruce on how I run the meetings and I haven’t heard any negative feedback at all.”
To see Carney in action chairing meetings over the past six months, one thing is clear: she stands by her positions and strongly advocates for them, as do most commissioners—and on that body, all commissioners—and is not as inclined to seek consensus as, say, Feind used to be. But that’s a matter of style: Commissioner Jane Mealy, who’s also chaired the commission several times in her eight years, is also known for her strong positions and advocacy. She, too, had infamous, public-run-ins with Settle (though not when she chaired the commission), once prompting her to call for the commission to reexamine its public comportments. At the time, she was questioning Settle’s “interference with administration.” More recently, the only commissioner whose behavior has been questioned is Settle. On the other hand, Carney’s reputation is more than that of a maverick: she strikes out on her own, at times blurring the line between what she stands for and what the commission stands for, causing resentment from fellow commissioners.
Her advocacy for certain issues aside, however, Carney’s chairing of meetings has been unremarkable: she’s conducted them as any other commissioner has, giving the public its chances to speak, giving wide berth to fellow-commissioners and the mayor to speak, calling for motions, and otherwise running meetings in the laborious way every chairman has had to do. Her chairmanship has never been an issue: no commissioner has complained or objected—until now.
When the Sept. 25 meeting’s agenda was published Wednesday, this item was listed: “Discussion and possible action to consider a motion to vacate the Chair of the Commission and appoint a Chairman Pro-Tem for the duration of the current session of the City Commission. –Commissioner Settle.”
The item included the background material that accompanied it. “Due to Commissioner Settle;s withdrawal of support for the current Chairperson,” the memo notes, “the commission must decide whether to vacate the chair and appoint new leadership with majority support or, someone must change their vote to extend a vote of confidence (a majority) to the current chairman in order for her to continue serving.”
That part of the memo is inaccurate or at least unclear in one regard: just because Settle declares that he has removed his support does not invalidate the vote that appointed Carney as chairman. The commission must take an affirmative vote, with a majority, to remove her. Otherwise, any commissioner in any 3-2 vote could declare that he or she has changed position on any previously voted matter of public policy and invalidate that vote—which, of course, is not the case. For Settle’s motion to carry, he must get a second and a majority vote. That’s to be decided next week.
“I don’t know what he’s doing,” Mealy said Thursday, referring to Settle’s proposal. “I was shocked to see it yesterday.” Mealy said she would wait to hear Settle’s case to remove Carney. But other than her time management (letting members of the public speak longer than their assigned three minutes, a minor infraction every chairman has committed) Mealy could not think of anything Carney had done as chairman that put her management of meetings in question. “There’s obviously been some dissention among the commissioners but I’m not sure that has anything to do with her being chair,” Mealy said. “Unless there’s something that I’m not thinking about.”
Mealy said how commissioners chair meetings is a matter of individual style. There’s no rule book. “Every chair has seen their role differently,” Mealy said. “I never felt more important than anybody else. I was there to run the meetings, and that’s all I thought about.”
She added, regarding Settle’s proposal: “I’ve been trying to reason through it and haven’t gotten very far.”
Commissioner Joy McGrew was out of town today. Commissioner Marshal Shupe said he’ll wait and see what Settle’s case may be, but he also differentiated his style from that of Carney.
Asked if he considered Carney’s tenure problematic, Shupe said: “I’m not really sure I can answer that. I think it’s been a little tenuous at times, but other than that, and here again, everybody perceives their role as commissioner or chairperson, city manager, in a certain way, whether it be right of way, if that’s their perception, that’s what everybody lives with.” He added: “I think there’s been some situations or circumstances or maybe even comments that have been made I don’t think are appropriate for a chairperson that to have made. I can’t think of anything outstanding.” Shupe couldn’t recall an example of such comments, but he also then stepped back from judging comments appropriate or inappropriate. “It just sometimes the chairperson to me has overstepped maybe the function of a chairperson,” he said.
The proposal would have Commissioner Shupe appointed chairman for the rest of the Carney term, and Mealy appointed vice-chair.
confidential says
Is in that a total conflict of interest that a commissioner wife works as a deputy clerk in the same city?
Same I perceived when prior SOE was the wife of a seating county commissioner…
Sherry Epley says
WHAT??? The political in fighting between our town leaders needs to STOP! This kind of back stabbing is unprofessional and unseemly at best!
I am wondering if this has anything to do with Mr. Settle’s wife being employed as the Deputy City Clerk . . . who is responsible to the commissioners for completing “minutes” of the meetings etc. Perhaps that working relationship is a bit too close and possibly dysfunctional.
In any case, it will be interesting to hear exactly what Mr. Settle’s reasons are for this embarrassing attempted coup d’ etat of Kim Carney. . . who is one of the hardest working town commissioners I have ever seen.
The most healthy city commissions are made up of a diverse group of people with different perspectives. They should be working “together” to represent and serve their diverse constituents instead of acting out against one another. . . and against the local business owners! Our commissions should not be marching in lock step. They should not be a monopoly. Instead, they should respectfully and professionally cooperate in representing the differing opinions of the community.
This embarrassing political back stabbing needs to end, and end now! Grow up commissioners and attend to the city’s business in a professional way!
It is my opinion says
It is Mr. Settle that is the one with commissioner etiquette issues. He has challenged a citizen’s right to speak during public comment by calling his thoughts inappropriate. He has broken down crying and couldn’t speak during a discussion at a recent commission meeting, and he tried to stop the city manager from answering a question Chairman Carney asked during the budget hearing this past week by making hand motions behind her back. Just think, people actually voted this man!
Jackie Mulligan says
Well said Sherry!
I absolutely hate when Flagler Beach is called DYSFUNCTIONAL,but I do not know what other word Pierre could have used when describing this ridiculous agenda item!!!!!
I would see that if the roles would be reversed, where maybe the chairman could have called out Commissioner Settle on his very erratic and his dysfunctional behavior at 2 of the recent meetings.Wanting to punch out a citizen, and the other almost in tears, now what was all that about?? But she didn’t
Talk about the pot calling the kettle?? If Commissioner Settle could view his behavior from where I was HE WOULD BE APOLOGIZING TO THE CHAIR,the citizens, and the rest of the Commissioners and Mayor.
I would hope that whatever and whoever else is behind this nonsense does not entertain this mans motion!!
let it die for lack of a second!!!!
Act like professionals,do not make this City a laughing stock.We all witnessed the fiasco in Bunnell,do not repeat it here.
If the Chair does not agree, that is her decision, and HER RIGHT TO VOTE HER CONSCIENCE You got your 4-1 vote, what is Settle’s issue ?
If this has anything to do with Kate and her job in the Clerk’s Office, that is not his business either.She works for the manager, and he works for the taxpayers.
I would hope that he rethinks his actions and pulls this item from the agenda before the Thursday meeting meeting.
Thank you
Jackie Mulligan
32 year resident!!!
Sandra Judy says
Well said Jackie and Sherry, what is wrong with differing views of an issue? There are always differing opinions. The way I see it, Kim is trying to look out for the citizens of the city and not blow the budget. If the money isn’t there, it isn’t there. Debt is not a good thing. Please do what is best and needed for our city and not what is wanted.
Sandra Judy
15 year resident
Jack Howell says
I look forward to reading about the issues that one little can create. To me, reading about Flagler Beach is like watching a reality show on TV. You can make this stuff up. It would appear that when the word dysfunction is tossed about I see Settles and Shupe as the court jesters for the town. Neither one have a clue. Unfortunately, voter apathy allows the likes of these people to run the Flagler beach government and are the constant source of embarrassment for the residents.
Please keep these commissioners in office as we need the laughs that only they can provide in their feeble attempt to govern.
jim says
Hey Steve…wipe the tears….grow a pair and then GROW UP! WORRY ABOUT F.B.not your petty differences w/ Ms. Carney The people of F.B. deserve better…maybe you should step down!
Puppet Master says
Its time to put on makeup..its time to light the lights…its time to get things started with the “muppet” show tonight !!!
Linda Morgan says
Linda, the “like” button issue has been addressed several times in the comment section. The plug-in stopped working properly after a software update. It slowed the entire site down to a crawl and eventually made it so we could not log-in to moderate the comments. We miss the “like” button too. ~FL
Why did Flagler Live stop letting readers “like” a comment. Flagler Live does put a finger on the pulse of the community. Instead of repeating posts, “likes” give people a glance at “like minded” people. Would you consider giving your readers that ability again?
Patti Powell says
It is a SAD state of affairs when we get down to this. I have been a resident for 15 years, seen some odd behavior, usually on the part of our more “colorful” residents…. but this is so silly, making us a laughing stock in our county. Leave the Chair alone and get on with the business of running our city.
PAM says
It appears that commissioner Settles is losing his senses. The job may be to much for him, Time for him to resign.!