Jennifer Benson is a 49-year-old Flagler Beach resident and a contract carrier for the Post Office branch in her city. Her delivery route includes former City Manager Bruce Cambpell’s house at the south end of South Central Avenue, at the southeastern edge of the newly renovated Ocean Palm Golf Club.
Benson was making her delivery rounds Friday (June 3) when, just after 12:30 p.m., she dropped off a package at Campbell’s door. She rang the door bell, then walked back to her car. As she did so, Campbell opened the door to pick up the package. But a dog “charged out down the drive,” in Benson’s account of the incident to the Flagler Beach Police Department, and bit her on the left-back side of her left leg, knocking her down. “I got up and ran to my vehicle and closed the door.” The dog had also “grabbed” her right leg, Benson said.
Benson went to Florida Hospital Oceanside in Ormond Beach, where she got eight stitches, according to a Flagler Beach police report and was released.
The dog, “Rocket,” belongs to Lisa Campbell (formerly Katusin: she and Bruce Campbell were married in January). It’s a nearly 9-year-old part-Labrador Retriever, part Border Collie mix, Lisa Campbell said in a brief interview this evening, calling the dog a mutt. (She had confirmed the essentials of the incident to police as Benson had described them when police paid the Campbells a visit.)
The dog, Lisa Campbell said, had never attacked a human being before. “He definitely doiesn;t like other dogs, and he’s on a leash when I walk the dog,” Campbell said, stressing that she always walks Rocket, not Bruce. “He’s never attacked a person. We were very surprised, both of us.” The most Rocket would do is bark at people, she said.
Immediately after he attacked Benson, the Campbells tended to Benson’s injury and waited with her before her boyfriend arrived to help her to the hospital.
As normally happens after a dog bite, the incident was reported to an animal control officer, and the dog was placed under quarantine for 10 days: Rocky remains at the Campbell house, where the dog is restricted to the property, Campbell said. Bruce Campbell, who resigned in late December after five years as city manager, could not be reached.

Bc. says
Morgan & Morgan for the people
Obama 2016 says
Seems like a accident. As long as the Campbell’s help with the bills this should go away.
dale says
I think you are probably correct about it being an accident, but the dog owner needs to pay ALL the bills not just help with the bills & it sounds like they are the upstanding type. I hope they do so
Vote in 2016 says
I hope the county sticks their nose in this case and classified this dog a dangerous dog like they did the case just months ago deviating a family when an unwelcome intruder entered their home! The county did not use good common sense judgment then and probably won’t now in this case either. inconsistent actions by this commission is why Revels, Hanns and Ericksen need to be sent packing this election season…..it’s time for a change!
Anonymous says
The county needs to now deem the animal dangerous!
Slug Gunn says
What I find very telling is why weren’t FBPD called immediately along with FCFR under the 9-1-1 system? & why was her boyfriend delegated to take her to Ormond Beach when Flagler County has a globally recognized & certified Level 1 trauma center on Route 100? Ha ha ha, lol, corruption & skullduggery at it’s finest.