It started with a burglary on March 30, 2021. It ended with life in prison.
The three members of the Nelson family was visiting Washington Oaks State Park, from Michigan. They’d parked their Chevy Silverado in a parking lot close to the ocean around 1 p.m., then gone out to hang out at the beach and fish. They returned to the car at 6 p.m., and soon heard from their bank that their card may have been used fraudulently. They soon realized that a Glock firearm was missing from the center console in the Silverado, as were credit cards taken from wallets left there. They contacted the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.
Last November, Caisy Frank, a 40-year-old resident of Brooklyn, N.Y., was tried and found guilty of armed burglary, grand theft of a firearm, additional grand theft counts, and fraud, among 10 charges. On Tuesday, Circuit Judge Terence Perkins sentenced Frank to life in prison.
Why the severity of the sentence for offenses that would typically net a defendant a few years in prison and a few on probation? Because he is a prison-release re-offender on his third go-around in the last 10 years. There were warrants for his arrest from New York, for a parole violation, and Georgia, for larceny, at the time of his arrest in Florida.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office used its Real Trime Crime Center to rapidly track and identify Frank, who was arrested by Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers the next day in Palm Beach County.
Frank had carried out numerous fraudulent transactions using the stolen credit and debit cards at Target and Walmart in Palm Coast. Those transactions were time-stamped, as always, enabling a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy to study surveillance videos at the stores, around the time of the transactions. That led to a white Yukon and its occupant, who turned out to be Frank, who was captured on surveillance video outside and inside Target, for example, going to the electronics department and buying Bose speakers and two Apple watches. Surveillance footage at Walmart found Frank buying a face mask, bath gloves, razors and other equipment deputies determined were typically used in burglaries.
License plate readers picked up the trail after that, enabling the identification of the Yukon as a rental from Hertz. The Yukon was equipped with live GPS tracking, and showed locations within 24 hours in Palm Beach County. Flagler law enforcement turned over the information to FWC, whose officers located the Yukon. Frank Fled from officers until he reached a draw bridge, where he got out of the car and threw a gun in the water below. He was arrested immediately after that on charges separate from those he faced at trial in Bunnell.
Frank was prosecuted by Assistant State Attorney Tara Libby and defended by Gerald Bettman.
“This is one of the cases that shows how important our RTCC is to solving crimes and stopping a dangerous criminal. Without our RTCC and advancements in technology that we have implemented since I’ve been Sheriff, it would have taken much longer to solve this case,” Sheriff Rick Staly was quoted as saying in a release. “Due to the hard work and training of our RTCC analysts and coordination with FWC, this convicted felon and multiple state repeat offender proved he is not capable of rehabilitation and now gets to live out the rest of his life behind bars.”
Frank was one of two men convicted to a life term without parole Tuesday. That afternoon, Perkins convicted Brenan Hill to life in prison for the shooting that led to the death of Savannah Gonzalez, his then-22-year-old girlfriend, in Palm Coast in 2021.
Ban the gop says
Interesting, corporations can fail to pay employees 10s of millions in wages no charges and noone goes to jail and they get an interest free payback plan. America for the corporations by the corporations. You know especially in rons florida a black man committing a crime is a grocery list of charges if he had gop support they would sabatoge the judge the jury their families and appeal to a more friendly court they stole. Their guy can commit 90 felonies and still run for office and get the nomination lol.
Hammock Huck says
This isn’t New York stupid. We take crime much more seriously than the liberal state you opted to leave and commit crimes elsewhere. Now, welcome to Florida via the Department of Corrections. Enjoy your stay.
Atwp says
Putting a person in prison for killing someone i understand. For stealing I don’t understand. Is there a racial reason here?
Atwp says
My fantasy is all African American Men stay out of trouble. In the real world that isn’t true. In the past I told some young African American Men to stay out of trouble, I guess some did and some didn’t. The world we live in.
Concerned Citizen says
There are some people who just don’t give a damn. And go around doing what they please.No amount of probation or fines will ever fix that. He was given opportunities to change. And chose not to. Now maybe he can continue his habits behind bars. And see how well that works out for him.
CohltunKohlsbeg says
Good riddance buddy, you made your bed and the lovely state of Florida is now making you SLEEP IN IT. Enjoy, because your presence will not be missed or likely even noticed.
allergic to Lemmings says
How was he given a chance? Was he given a chance with a job? His recidivism stems
from opportunities not given to people of color, especially black men. One mistake cost a lifetime of insanity in a world of racism. Lets look at the root cause and stop the stupidity. The same old bootstrap sh#t. Life? This action is a paradigm to this nation. Your statement say it all. It will not change because of this racist system that has destroyed hope for millions.
JimboXYZ says
Regardless of the photo & demographics, he’s a convicted felon with a gun. Maybe you & your family are out somewhere publicly & the criminal needs another credit card & he decides you & your family are his next victims ? Does he pull a gun in that moment of desperation in the event he’s caught in the act of the next victimization ? Life incarceration probably saves the rest of us from being the next victim. I don’t what the solution is to be honest, he wins a scratch off million(s) lottery prize and there’s probably a good chance he doesn’t ever commit another crime ? But really, that’s anyone though, isn’t it ?
TR says
No racial reason. Go back and read the third paragraph and you’ll see the reason for the life sentence. Color has nothing to do with it.
TR says
Unfortunately there are a lot of young men of EVERY color or race that get into trouble over and over again. I’m not really sure for the reason but I’m sure there are a lot of factors that lead young men down the path of trouble. I guess it starts out with when they were in their early teens. the first time they get into trouble the system just slaps them on the wrist and gives them the mind set that they got away with it so lets see how far I can push it. IMHO, if the punishments for even the smallest thing they break the law for is more severe and gets more and more server for every broken law they commit. Maybe by the second or third time they will realize that crime doesn’t pay. They may also think they need help to cope with society.
Sherry says
@hh. . . again, anger management counseling!
Ed P says
Did you read the article? Strike 3. Race wasn’t a factor, just the law.
How many chances do you believe he had? How many crimes did he commit and not caught and charged?
Just once try to look beyond what your perception that the entire system is racially biased and out to get all minorities.
palmcoaster says
Justified for repeat offender would be if, at federal level would be done same with others that not only stole they risked our national security committing treason and insurrection and still allowed to run for POTUS by some judges!
Elizabeth Hartopp says
Did you miss this paragraph:
“Why the severity of the sentence for offenses that would typically net a defendant a few years in prison and a few on probation? Because he is a prison-release re-offender on his third go-around in the last 10 years. There were warrants for his arrest from New York, for a parole violation, and Georgia, for larceny, at the time of his arrest in Florida.”
Concerned Citizen says
This dude kept committing multiple felonies across multiple states. He was also given chances prior to incarceration. And kept committing felonies. No racial issue here. Asshats come in all colors.
Not surprised you think it’s all about race though.
protonbeam says
Horrible headline- I think stealing a gun is a higher priority than mentioning the credit cards he stole. Let me help Flagler Live… here we go “Wanted felon sentenced to life for armed burglary and theft of a firearm”. I know FG loves interjecting opinion, and I typically enjoy it quite robustly, but this was a certain biased fail.
Land of no turn signals says says
I don’t care what color his skin is,his sentence is stiff but earned.His actions eventually would have resulted in a killing.
Kogitsune says
Can’t fix stupid
Hammock Huck says
Not needed Sherry! I enjoy watching stupid people self-implode and anger has nothing to do with it.
The Geode says
THE WORLD WE LIVE IN??? When I was younger and less wise, I’d committed dozens of crimes, spent countless nights in jail, and did several stints in prison. I wasn’t trying to be a badass – just an ass.
There was no “white system”. There was no “black system”. It was ME doing stupid shit. Your “fantasy” is just that …FANTASY! Why don’t you fantasize about FATHERS guiding black boys? Why don’t you “fantasize” about equal opportunities and gaining equal outcomes? Why don’t you “fantasize” about a culture that is held accountable for THEIR actions?
It seems that you feel good about “telling” young black men to “stay out of trouble”. Me? I taught MY sons and their friends what a man was by BEING THE EXAMPLE. I ain’t “telling them shit”, I am DEMANDING that they are better than I was. Despite all the stull I did when I was young. Despite all the third, fourth. and fifth chances given to me, I NEVER blamed anybody but myself. I NEVER looked for excuses when I knowingly did the wrong thing. My ability to hold myself accountable is the thing that separates me from a whinny victim to a conservative black man. I don’t need excuses and “boogeymen” – I just need opportunity and respect.
Once you have something of value to lose, your mindset will change accordingly… (or you will NEVER have anything of value with your train of thought and continue to complain about “white people” as you depend on them for your meager existence)
The Geode says
Man… This “victimhood mindset” is DEEP. When they introduced welfare in the 60s and the “coddlings” in the 2020s, shows that white people were playing chess while we were/are playing “tic-tac-toe…
SURE says
What are you talking about ??? Racism, prejudice, pride. Whatever, was woven into the very fabric of the United States of America YOUR founding fathers went to great lengths to insure that. YOU, white people live and breath white supremacy everyday of the week. Thats why your so quick to defend the judicial system because you’ve been conditioned to believe thats the only thing stopping you from being enslaved by black people. White people are obsessed with black people.
Go worry about your school shooters and capital terrorist.
SURE says
If your really not sure why would just ramble on about about life like its as easy as hitting keyboard characters?
SURE says
“HE WORLD WE LIVE IN??? When I was younger and less wise, I’d committed dozens of crimes, spent countless nights in jail, and did several stints in prison.” There is no way on this planet you did one day in the system based off the comments you’ve made on Flaglerlive!
If you did you would have much more empathy for broken folks than what you project on here.
Ill not lose sleep over this... Except for says
Many chances were granted to correct his ways, but? Crime was what he returns to. So, Welcome to Florida: Correctional Facilities. Sucks he chose to commit his crimes here instead of his liberal assed state who under Gov. Huchul and Ridiculously Soros invested in Eric Adams he woulda already been released with a pat on his ass and a prepaid credit card. Hate to think we gotta pay for his porridge and gruel when New York should be footing his bill.
Wow says
No one else thinks it’s a riot that someone would go to the beach needing a Glock in the car and leaving their wallets behind?
Mary Fusco says
Wow, I haven’t been to the beach in years. However, when I did go, I always left my purse in my car. I should be able to leave a million dollars if I wanted to. NO ONE has any right to break into my car and steal. Now, if I had my grandchildren with me and had to go down to the water with them and I left my wallet in my towel bag, chances are that it would be stolen. Don’t you think that’s a riot also ? It’s pretty hard to swim holding your wallet. There is no excuse for stealing.
Ed P says
Hey Sure,
You paint with a very broad brush.
Based on the above comment someone might believe that you are in fact racist.
Re-reading the article again that we are referring, I’m pretty sure the “career criminal” would have gotten the same sentence even if he was white.
Look up systemic racism says
Wow, racist much? You are proving the point regarding the Dunning-Kruger effect.
SURE says
The Geode says
My empathy only extends to those deserving of my sympathy, If I didn’t have “empathy” for myself and the things I’d done, WHY THE HELL would I have it for anybody else? The helpless and defenseless deserve “empathy and sympathy” People like me sometimes need severe consequences or a kick in the ass NOT an excuse for why I am “broken”.
You have no idea how true that statement was and my comments are pretty constant.
SURE! says
You answered your own question. Everybody ain’t you! Everybody is different, people see survival differently. Your out of touch, tough love remedy went out with window with Theo and the Cosby show. I went into the adult system at the age of 16 trying to be a gangster up north. Never have gotten high or drunk to this day at 50 years plus. When I was released from incarceration, my supervision was transferred to Florida. I was the first minor in Flagler county to be on adult supervision which I completed for the six year length. New York over saw Florida’s supervision over me.
Never got into trouble again in my life. I was facing 7 1/2 to life if I would have went to trial and lost. Non the less what sent me up the river was actually self defense. New York wasn’t trying to hear it due to the whole “Central Park Five” witch hunt. They were warehousing housing minors like supermarket inventory. To this day I’m stuck with a Felony because I live here in Florida and not back in NY were I can apply for relief, New York requires you to live back there for a time. I came across people who were truly broken along with others that killed people including their own parents. Hustlers’, con artist addicts, male prostitutes’ abuse victims etc. For some people taking breath of fresh air everyday is a fight so they don’t self destruct. Don’t use someone else’s pain, mistakes and missteps as a pat on the back for yourself because you had the fortitude to mature. Someone else could have decide it was time for you to bow out. I make reference to Cosby due to the fact his entire mantra outside of Hollywood wash to bash young black Americans about “not pulling themselves up”. Yeah, well we see how that went. Always remember when you point a finger there are three pointing back at you.