Keymarion Hall, a 15-year-old Flagler County resident, was shot and wounded late Saturday night during an event attended by some 400 people, called “Bunnell Hood Affair” at The Place, a restaurant-bar at 411 South State Street in Bunnell. The event was held without a permit or the knowledge of city authorities, and in apparent violation of a June 26 state order shutting down bars and on-premise dispensation of alcohol due to the coronavirus emergency.
“We’ve communicated with the Department of Business and Professional Regulations because of the violation of the size and alcohol being served on the premise, so DPBPR actually regulates that,” Bunnell City Manager Alvin Jackson said today. The city is also investigating the organization of the event for its violation of a city ordinance requiring all events of a certain size or larger to secure a permit first.
Jackson, who described The Place as a bar, said the shooting was precisely the sort of violence permitting was designed to prevent.
“This is the very reason, because the special even says if you have an x number of people, 100 people, they need to pay for a law enforcement presence,” Jackson said. “It would require planning, if there are street closures that need to occur, parking that would be required. That’s the reason for completing the permit so we can determine if it’s an event we can accommodate or wanted to accommodate. If we deemed it to be unsafe, then we probably wouldn’t issue the permit.”
The event had been advertised on Facebook with a poster featuring the well-known local artist who goes by the name Fatass, among others (see below), but the poster had left the location of the event as “TBA,” or to be announced. City Police Chief Tom Foster, who had a copy of the poster, said that was by design–an attempt to keep authorities from finding out the location of the event ahead of time and shutting it down. But A narrative of the event issued by Foster’s office this afternoon stated police were monitoring the scene.
The artist, Troy Reddin, wrote FlaglerLive that he had nothing to do with the event or the poster. “I did not create nor had control of who created a flier with my image stating there would be an event,” he wrote in an email. “There was never an event to attend nor can I control the people that gather in my name. My character has been questioned and I work hard to support my community and give back. The incident that occurred were terrible & I would never condone this type of behavior or violence especially on children.”
The shooting took place just before midnight, according to Foster. People were partying outside, in the area of 45 Martin Luther King Boulevard and Southern Table, the restaurant at 501 South State Street. A vehicle pulled off Martin Luther King Boulevard onto South State Street, “peeling out at a high rate of speed,” according to the police statement. Police pulled over the vehicle a mile away. But that’s when the shooting occurred back at the event.
Bunnell police “immediately responded back to the area of the event and found a juvenile victim at the intersection of S. Church and MLK Blvd.,” the statement read. “The victim was suffering from a gunshot wound to the buttocks and hip. The BPD officers rendered first aid until relieved by Flagler County Rescue. The victim was transported to Arnold Palmer Hospital, Orlando.” Foster said the boy, whose identity he did not release, was in stable condition and was expected to be released from the hospital today.
A blood spatter was located on the southern concrete median of the intersection of South State Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue.
“There were several, several shots fired,” a witness who asked not to be identified told FlaglerLive. The witness described the scene as “out of control.”
“There was a large amount of pedestrians in the area as well as vehicle traffic,” a sheriff’s incident report states. “Some pedestrians were running and some were walking as well as cars appearing to be in a hurry to leave the area.” The deputy added: “While at this intersection I hear more gun shots being fire from the area of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and S. Railroad Street. I appear as if the shots were fired in the air by a pedestrian as the crowd in the area did not run or flee.”
The police statement corroborates the description, describing the shooting as “multiple firearms discharged and/or used during this incident to include one of .223/5.56 caliber.”
Bunnell police and sheriff’s deputies secured the scene and detectives from both agencies responded, along with the sheriff’s crime scene investigations unit. DNA was collected from from blood trails and cartridge cases.
What appears to be a YouTube video of the event, called Bunnell Block Party 2K20, was uploaded earlier today (see below). It shows hundreds of people milling outside the bar, drinking and dancing, no thoughts of social distancing and only the rare appearance of a person wearing a mask. Bars of course have been ordered closed by the governor, and other establishments are not . The video on at least two occasions shows a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office patrol car driving by, its emergency lights on, and a law enforcement vehicle with its lights on stationary in the distance. The video doesn’t show more than people partying, showing off their cars or themselves. There is no hint of an incident.
The city manager and his staff had been working with the city attorney today to determine what violations of the city’s special event ordinance took place and what fine to impose.
Last night a message went up on the victim’s Facebook page: “Speedy Recovery Keymarion Hall.”
Chief Tom Foster is asking anyone with information on this shooting to come forward and contact Detective Kyle Totten at 386-437-7508 or Crime Stoppers TIPS 888-277-8477.
Trailer Bob says
Wow. too bad I missed the party…
Land of no turn signals says says
Social distancing at it’s best.
hawkeye says
why didnt the police break this up earlier,this shit cracks me, according to the article the police were monitoring the scene,no permit ,hundreds of people milling around and they let them continue.This pisses me off because they could have been proactive and what really pisses me off is…. as an example, there was a kid going door to door in my neighborhood trying to get people to sign up to get bugs exterminated , his paper work was in his partners vehicle , 3 cop cars and a motorcycle cop harrassed this kid until his partner showed up with the paperwork, nice easy way to stand around and bullshit for an hour ,but when some real police work is called for they just “monitor”. Its no wonder people consider the cops as useless.
tulip says
The person that owns the bar should lose his license to ever operate a bar again and pay a huge fine . Everyone of those idiotic, stupid and selfish people that attended should be rounded up and at least quarantined some place under supervision at the expense of the owner or owners. For all the bragging that’s done about Staly finding out things and putting a stop to it, he failed miserably on this one. Congratulations, our virus numbers will probably increase in a couple of weeks. Disgusting
Collateral Department says
The cops are right there! Why didn’t they shut them down?
Jimbo99 says
Just another wild Saturday night in Bunnell, FL.
Joe says
The Bunnell police department & Flagler County Sheriff Office was told by the owner to shut shit down @10:00 before things got out of control they refused to they sat back watched & waited for something to happen the bar didn’t have nothing to do with that it opened up like it would have on any other night & the shooting didn’t take place at the bar BLAME THE POLICE DEPARTMENT for not doing there job…‼‼
MiaM says
Shut the bar down. Take away the license.
Ppl complaining about ppl not wearing masks at Publix and Walmart, then look at these fools. I don’t want to hear it when there’s an outbreak in Bunnell.
Lisa says
Looks like a good time, some really nice cars! Everyone dancing smiling. Saw sime really nice fashion too, only wish this was more known so we all could have came out! My kids love this music and the style, could have been a great county event if done threw the proper channels!
Using common sense says
Let’s see . Why did`t the police shut this party down? It can be said with one word ( Racist) the police shut our party down because they are ( Racist). If they would have tried to shut it down there might have been a fight started. So they monitored the event trying to keep the peace. Now tell me I’m wrong.
Johnny says
They are minorities…. Cant touch them. Talk about privelege….sheesh!
Local taxpayer says
Well at least they were wearing masks….. .oh wait…..
Well at least they didnt use any racial slurs…..oh wait…
Well at least they were socially distancing…..oh wait…
Well at least noone got hurt…..oh wait….
Well at least the block paarty was broken up…..oh wait….
Well at least we wont have to pay for the kids injuries….oh wait..
Shall i go on?
Outsider says
…and a good time was had by all…..except for the one guy!
Fed up says
I love how Troy said he was not the but is in the video at the 30 second mark
Lacker says
Sure blame the cops again. I am sure if they broke up the party and people would not leave or listen to the police, after the party goers were arrested you would say the police are picking on innocent people just gathering to have fun.
Greg says
Looks like an awesome party. It’s not like it was on some deserted stretch of road. The police allowed this to happen and did nothing until there was a shooting. Looks like Bunnell police are afraid of policing. Do your damn job.
C’mon man says
You should go be a cop then so you can walk your happy ass into a crowd of 400 people and tell them to leave.
Steve says
Consider the source. They will go home spread to family and friends and voila. More casea more dead. Didnt see that coming. Its doesnt surprise me in the least. The fact that the FCSO stood by does. I dont get the mentality of the FCSO or the partygoers and dont have to. Good luck
Steven Moroni says
Why didn’t we shut this down? Flagler and Bunnell PD turned a blind eye? Please explain your game plan that night? Now you have an open invitation to party in Bunnell because the police wont stop it.
Greg says
Every time black people wanna have a good time ignant stupid people mess it up.
All good in the Hood says
Police monitoring the scene of an illegal gathering where kids get shot. BPD doesn’t have the guts to do anything. Must be fun to watch. Better call in FCSO.
OHRIN says
Derrick Redder says
You do know Bunnell has its own PD right?
Stephen says
How about we change the racist names of Palm Coast Plantation, Plantation Bay, Sugarmill Plantation, and Bulow Plantation. Could you imagine being a person of color and having to live in a community where they allow names like that for their neighborhoods!?? These names represent hate and a painfull past. But you people will complain about a block party!?
Larry says
The shooting was probably just an accident, plus i dont believe its illegal to fire your gun within city limits because there is a white man on the northside of the city that shoots his gun every week and I dont think he gets in trouble at all.
I think we all know WHY the deputies did not break this up !! They are RACIST if they do and damned if they don’t. You asked for it-NOW-you got it !!!——DEAL WITH IT
Layla says
The ATF have been all over Flagler Beach on a nightly basis making sure that all establishments are following the rules. Have they been doing the same in Bunnell? These are the people who will pull your license.
Concerned Citizen says
Sounds like an epic fail by our Law Enforcement agencies.
This should have been stopped as soon as it began. I thought bars were closed down. And that we were supposed to be social distancing and wearing masks? I can’t even work in certain areas without a mask on. Or go to CVS. As for agencies not knowing ahead of time I call shenannigans.
Or were they told to leave them alone to keep racial tensions from flaring up?
As a citizen of this County I expect further charges to follow. And for busniesses involved to incur fines. Stop giving free passes and start holding people accountable when they break the law.
CBuzz says
I think he played it smart. How much damage could 400 rowdy, angry protesters do the area? The sheriff’s department made their presence known. So either your a “Baiter” or your ignorant to the destruction being done across the county.
FlaglerLive says
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), not ATF, is responsible for inspections and licensing.
Bobo says
How ironic a shooting on a street named after. The Rev. Martin Luther King a man of peace.
C’mon man says
Maybe the blame should go on the person who organized a 400 person hood party in a 20×10 building. Quit blaming the police for everything.
Jtl says
Looks like New Jersey police have the right idea!
T.J. says
Unfortunately 20×10 would be an actual shed and most of the patrons were attending the event outside, Im pro-police in most situations but here they weren’t really doing their job, they were simply waiting until something happened, and usually if nothing did then they would go around trying to entrap people.
Josh says
Well I live right next to sugarmill, and there are quite a few african-american families living there. it literally doesn’t matter. this isn’t how change happens. people live there because they are safe neighborhood with lots of kids and amenities near-by, and out of my 13 years of living here I’ve only met one person who was genuinely racist.
Fegelein says
Yes, Pat, you are right on point. Had a similar situation here in Palm Coast, but it did not involve bars. Started at the dispatch level and continued with FCSO. No response to an out of control block party. These vermin need to be dispatched in a peaceful way.