Tattoo artist and business owner Ryan Sherwood had a much easier time than a self-storage facility when he requested a special exception from the Palm Coast Planning Board to open a new tattoo parlor and art gallery in Unit Seven of the St. Joe Business Center, off Palm Coast Parkway. The board voted unanimously to grant the exception.
It’s a puzzle why such exceptions are still required of tattoo parlors as they would not be of most other businesses, other than because of lingering and misplaced prejudices and misconceptions. It would take an act of the City Council to repeal the need for a special exception. No council member—including some of its most tattooed–has yet to propose the change.
The Planning Board had no interest in questioning or disputing the application as it approved it without questions after a brief presentation by Jackie Gonzalez, site development coordinator in the city’s Community Development Department. The shop will fill the space previously used by a real estate agency. Sherwood, originally from Albany, N.Y., is a Palm Coast resident since 2021, moving here after visiting during a vacation in 2020.
“My wife, who at the time was 15 years into her career as an MRI technologist, and myself, 13 years into tattooing,” Sherwood wrote ion a letter to the board, “had to start all over. Thankfully she was able to find another MRI position she is happy with and I immediately began tattooing at a studio here in town. It took some time, but slowly we became settled in our new home.” He described it as the continuation of a journey starting in a “small, bare bones two man shop in a very rough neighborhood” and making his way up from there.
“My vision for this studio, if approved, is to pay homage to tattoo parlors of the past,” he wrote. “I have a great reverence for the rich history associated with tattooing. It saddens me to find that itʼs lost on so many tattooers, especially the new generation. When you walk in the door I want it to look and sound like the quintessential tattoo parlor.” From his market research (he says there are five studios in Palm Coast) the city has not reached saturation with parlors. He plans on hosting “rotating art shows” featuring local and not-so local tattooers and artists.
He included in his application for the special exception a series of photographs featuring his work.
Crisco kid says
Congratulations, beautiful work and an exceptional artist, looking forward
to visiting for a redo.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
GREAT! Another business we really need in Flagler County. No such thing as too many tattoo parlors, nail salons, vaping rooms, dollar stores OR storage facilities here. Yet another quality addition to underscore our ever-plummeting reputation as the “don’t-bother-stopping” area of Central Florida.