By James K. Rowe
Given the Democratic Party’s belief that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, it’s not surprising some are questioning why a faltering U.S President Joe Biden is still their nominee when the stakes are so high.
It is startling to watch clips of Biden debating Trump in 2020.
He’d already lost some steam compared to earlier debate performances during his 50-year political career, but he was still a formidable verbal jouster. But the American president’s recent CNN debate with Trump was not just a bad performance, it appears to provide the smoking-gun proof his advisers have reportedly tried to hide from the public: He is no longer up for one of the most demanding jobs in the world.
Aging at different rates
Not everyone ages at the same rate — compare Biden to Sen. Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi, former Democratic House of Representatives speaker. Both are older than him yet remain sharp.
There’s also no doubt elderly people who struggle to find their words and memories still have a tremendous amount to give and should be honoured for their accumulated wisdom. But maybe they shouldn’t hold down a grinding job that appears to quicken the aging process even for those much younger than Biden.
The stakes are existential as Trump promises to accelerate fossil fuel production in the middle of a climate emergency while solidifying the Supreme Court majority that has stripped away federal abortion rights and the government’s capacity to regulate corporate malfeasance.
When Biden ran against Trump successfully in 2020, the selling point he made to those already concerned about his age was that he would be a bridge to the future, perhaps only serving one term. So why is Biden still clinging to power, even after broadcasting his frailty to the 50 million people who tuned in to the first debate?
‘Earthly heroism’
There isn’t a singular answer, of course. But Biden’s ego — and his unwillingness to walk away from the power that likely compensates for his own fears about inevitable decline — is undoubtedly a powerful factor.
In his Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Denial of Death, anthropologist Ernest Becker argued that we unconsciously cope with our existential fears by pursuing “earthly heroism.” We seek social recognition that offers hits of the power and control that the natural world appears to deny us by writing death into all our life contracts.
None of this is rational. But death can be terrifying, so it makes sense that we become irrational in the face of impermanence.
There is a growing body of psychological research — known as terror management theory — that offers robust experimental evidence for the link between fear of death and compensatory fantasies of supremacy that can wreak havoc both personally and politically.
Biden seems to be denying his own aging process and is seemingly clinging to power to compensate for his growing fragility, but this stubbornness could imperil our collective future. As Becker impressed upon his audiences, existential fear plays a far greater role in our individual and political lives than we’d generally like to admit.
Even in this era of polarization, death denial is bipartisan. Trump is a walking embodiment of Becker’s theories. The man is obsessed with pasting his name on everything from buildings, sneakers and steaks, seeking social power — or what Becker called “symbolic immortality” — to compensate for his unconscious anxieties.
Trump is an admitted germaphobe who is obsessed with notions of impurity and physical weakness, including hair loss, which he associates with diminished strength and vitality.
Of course, existential anxieties are not the only factors driving Trump’s hunger for supremacy and Biden’s unwillingness to pass the torch as he holds onto power. But they are major components, and they don’t get the media coverage they deserve in our largely death-denying culture.
The dangers of death denial
In my new book Radical Mindfulness: Why Transforming Fear of Death is Politically Vital, I demonstrate how denying death only tends to bring forth more death and destruction.
In the case of Biden, his denial is bringing the world dangerously close to another Republican presidency rife with Trump’s many denials and resentments.
Biden’s debate bomb was a poignant moment as his denial and that of his team ran headfirst into reality. His campaign is closing ranks around him, asking voters to choose denial, when a path remains open to replace him.
There is so much complexity to political outcomes, and yet the recent debate clarifies how raw compensatory ego, rooted in death denial, remains an underappreciated force in politics.
Healthy and flourishing societies hinge on forging cultures that are more open to the reality of death so that they’re less subject to compensatory bids for power and supremacy. If Biden and his team accepted his own impermanence and generously passed the torch to the next generation, it would be a step in the right direction.
James K. Rowe is Associate Professor of Political Ecology at the University of Victoria, Canada.

JW says
This may be a very dangerous moment in our history! We may be at the end of the American dominated single polar world order. Both presidential candidates are unfit for the job. Our liberal democracy we have promoted so long as the example for the world is falling apart and our world ranking among democracies has dramatically dropped in the past decade!
We may soon have to learn how to operate in a multi-polar world in PEACE. Since WWII we fought numerous wars but we did not win any. We are now having two (proxy) wars with no American boots on the ground but we are complicit.
The world is watching closely, including our NATO allies who are here with us to celebrate?
And BTW we should dis-invite Natanyahu coming here later this month: the worst timing you can think of to have him interfere with our elections and it is not the first time that happens!
Deirdre says
I literally wish they would both drop dead, if Biden stays in power he’ll let other governments (such as Israel’s) walk all over him, if Trump is president again he’ll make aggressive moves that will start and inflame current wars.
Democrats need to get rid of Biden so we can get a winner in the White House, I hope the 25th amendment is instigated immediately since he won’t step down. Too much is going on in the world to have either one of them in office, it’s dangerous.
something to think about says
Since it appears the problem for Biden is the question, is he able to fulfill the job for 4 years. The answer is no. The solution is to get a vice president that would. Get rid of Harris and get a running mate that could. Some one that would add a state that would help him get reelected. Harris adds nothing to the ticket.
JimboXYZ says
“Not everyone ages at the same rate — compare Biden to Sen. Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi, former Democratic House of Representatives speaker. Both are older than him yet remain sharp.”
Throwing Pelosi’s name in as sharp is generous. Remember this in 2020, it wasn’t about Trump, she knew it was Joe Biden that it would apply to. 2020 was nothing more than a unified Democrat Party successful coup of a sitting POTUS. They knew what they had in Joe Biden & 4 years later the ugly truth is exposed as Biden’s decline is all too apparent. I’m all for the Democrats “Ridin’ with Biden”. Sad that the rest of us wasted 4 years of our lives while the entire Democratic Party propped this up as saving Democracy. Sense of urgency is undoing everything Biden that has failed. Would have to be a review of what Biden executive orders need to be repealed, different approach than what Biden pulled as a wholesale Trump-Pence executive order repeal. Anyone’s guess that even Trump can fix the Biden-Harris damage. It would be Trump’s 2nd term, he only would get the next 4 years. And in 4 years we’re going to get the same situation in 2028, only both parties will be starting the equivalent of a rookie QB as the POTUS in a relatively open competition for POTUS-VPOTUS. Anyone’s guess that at the end of 4 years Trump is about as sharp as Biden is at Biden’s in the moment best even ? It just gets better ?
Pogo says
@Thanks Jimmy
As stated
NJ says
Americans are watching the DEATH of the DemocRat-socialist Party!! Americans want the RETURN of the Truman/JFK Party! Will it Happen?? Too many young and middle aged Americans have been “Educated” by the ” I Hate America’s Traditional rr Marxist/Socialist”!! Yes, the Chinese Communist Party has INVADED America’s Education System with their Worldwide DISINFORMATION Media Network!! America First is the Correct Path to the Return of the Freedoms that has made America the Nation that can bring world peace without another World War! Peace Thru Strength! Stop Foreign Aid! Time for American State & City Aid to REBUILD America!
Laurel says
Trump: “I love the uneducated!”
NJ says
Yes, Laurel you must be one of the “educated” by the CCP Disinformation Network! Study the History of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism! Maybe you or maybe NOT you will understand WHY people in Communist Nations want to live in America! America First=FREEDOM!
Laurel says
I have no idea what the “CCP Disinformation Network” is. Is this another made up thing like “Pizzagate” or “Trump derangement syndrome?” Oh my goodness! If you mean Tik Tok, and you are not clear here, then I would agree to shut it down.
We need our allies. Our allies need us. This is nothing new. At the same time, we can take care of the U.S. by not cutting taxes for the rich. How about the rich paying their fair share, without crying “redistribution of wealth” (which they have been practicing for decades, and further succeeding with Trump’s help) and we keep our allies?
dave says
dave says
Why is because the voters want him over the felon. That’s it, but Old Joe is letting his pride take over his decision making, which could very well cost him the election, unless the Demo party gets really smart and puts another candidate in the mix well before Nov.
Laurel says
Social media works, doesn’t it?
dave says
Not really but facts do. Two poor candidates for the highest office in this country and both unfit.
Laurel says
Dave: Your stance is a popular one right now. Two candidates are old, and one is a lying felon, convicted sexual offender, who threatens half the country, bullies and literally ruins the lives of those who do not agree with him, promotes assault, brags about assault and will surround himself, not with professionals, but ass kissers.
What to do, what to do?
Now, which “facts,” exactly, are you talking about?
Deborah Coffey says
Maybe. BUT, what if you’re wrong and Trump wins? We have had 4 presidents that have died in office and 4 others that were assassinated. America survived.
Laurel says
“In the case of Biden, his denial is bringing the world dangerously close to another Republican presidency rife with Trump’s many denials and resentments.”
No, Professor Rowe, you are. Just like in the movie “Network,” I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. I have had it. I cannot turn on the TV, to nearly any channel, at any time, and not hear about President Biden’s one bad day in 50 years. If Trump wins, and it looks like he will win now, I lay it on the feet (full of bullet holes) of the Democrats. The Republicans are just fine with staying loyal to a rapist, cheater, grifter, liar and convicted felon, no problem. We don’t even have to know who, as a VP, will replace Trump should he die in office. Probably his nitwit son, as his daughter and son-in-law have high tailed it to Miami with $2,000,000,000.00 from the Saudis. But the Democrats are flat out crying that VP Kamala Harris will not even be considered.
Democrats, you are directly complicit in the renomination of Trump. I also believe the Democratic politicians are intentionally complicit. I’m mad as hell because I’m tired of the mealy mouthed, wishy washy Democrats blowing the only chance they have at saving our Democracy. So, go ahead, enjoy being under the guidance of Steve Bannon and Steve Miller. Enjoy your loss of rights. Enjoy being in cahoots with the likes of China, North Korea and Russia (Trump states he is the “apple of his [Putin’s] eye) enjoy the fact that Europe, Scandinavia and the rest of NATO will never look to us, or trust us, again. Watch what 10% tariffs on all imports does to your wallet. Women, blacks and browns, well, just forget it. Your country will become unrecognizable as the United States of America. Just keep it up, Democrats. We all can continue to listen to Trump’s idiotic rambling, narcissistic back patting, name calling, and 10 year old, foolish intelligence, while we head directly towards dystopian Project 2025, thanks to you Democrats, you Republicans, the Heritage Foundation and the Federalists Society. Good job!
Just keep it up.
Deborah Coffey says
The dude says
RBG did the same thing.
Destroyed her legacy by clinging on too long.
Of course Joe really has no legacy to prevent the destruction of by clinging to power. So it’s just ego.
But we all know what will be destroyed if the MAGA morons have their way… Democracy.
Let go Joe, time for new ideas. You and your generation have done enough to the world.
You can’t really build much more legacy over the next 4 years anyway, you’ve been at it for almost 50 years already, if it hasn’t happened by now, it probably won’t.
BillC says
The Dems are caught between a rock and a hard place. The rictus reigns supreme.
Ray W. says
Thank you, Bill C.
Is it possible that anyone who chooses healthcare as a profession soon learns the fixed grin expression?
As for being stuck between a rock and a hard place, what of the true conservative that could once call the Republican Party home?
Extremists to the left of us, extremists to the right …!
Hippy says
First of all you are all way tooo dramatic… Regardless of who is in office it is not “the death” of anything. The country will survive. Our founders set it up so that no party can really get anything done. Both parties try to swing that there way but as long as the constitution is followed you all need to get over it and put your big boy or girl pants on. And no, no one can become a dictator and just do completely do what he (or she) wants regardless of what you think. They can only change a moment in time while they are in office.
What still strikes me as funny is the left including the author, trying to act surprised about Biden’s condition. He was like this when he ran the first time. His handlers have kept him out of him trying to think on his own. It has just gotten worse and worse. Love the melt down and the “surprise”. It is classic.
The dude says
“but as long as the constitution is followed”
You do understand that one side has specifically said in word and deed that they do not plan to “follow the constitution”?
Laurel says
Ah, Hippy, you have verified one of my suspicions. Thank you. One of my explanations for anyone liking Trump is that people just cannot believe such dystopian stuff can happen in the United States of America. I get it. It’s hard to believe. So, Trump fans make all kinds of excuses for him, such as “it’s his bluster,” or “he’s just kidding, it’s his humor.”
Some joker.
I used to wonder how people in Germany could possibly fall for Hitler, but fall they did. Yes, Germany did survive, after much denial and humiliation, not to mention six million people killed. One million Americans died due to Covid being a “hoax,” and the number one scientist, expert on viruses labeled the enemy. Americans couldn’t believe that anyone would lie to them about that, either. I no longer wonder.
Our European ALLIES were saved by us.
Hippy says
Trump is a boisterous ass. Always has been and always will be, but he is the ass that we need right now to turn the economy around, stop letting people enter the country illegally, stop spending funds on those law breakers while not taking care of our own homeless and veterans, stop handing out my money to pay back loans that other people took out and used to get a worthless degrees, stop being an embarrassment to our country, hold other countries accountable for paying their share of NATO defense, ….
I could go on and on.,.. but until there is a better alternative from either side, I am voting for the Felon.
Just take a look at the post below from Watcher below. It is a good read…
Laurel says
Hippy: Watcher watches alright, all he wrote is repetition of talking points of the far right media. That’s what he is watching. It’s painfully obvious, so to agree with these talking points, without facts or proof of the accusations, is a disappointment. Our country has not changed because of President Biden, but it will change drastically with Trump in a way we have not experienced since slavery and the Civil War.
We have held together as a nation since the Civil War ended, until now. Never have we heard a President call half the country the enemy. Never have we heard a President lie over 30,000 some odd times. Never before, would we ever consider a felon to run for our highest office. Remember, he was convicted by a jury of his peers, selected by the prosecution and the defense.
Calling Trump a “boisterous ass” is just giving him another excuse for his behavior. Believe me, he knows how to act in public according to his needs.
There is nothing wrong with the economy. There is plenty wrong with corporations making record profits by gouging us. Look around you. There is building everywhere. In Charleston, S.C., developers are filling in the grassy waters, you know, estuaries, as fast as they can to build more homes. The locals are very upset. In Dania, FL, a large, well know estuary along the ICW will be destroyed for more buildings. Vacation rental investors are grabbing up housing, inflating the price of living. Investment companies are grabbing up whole apartment complexes, and evicting the tenants while raising the rent.
Do you dislike school loan forgiveness? So do I. At the same time, keep in mind that these loans became predatory, which is also not right. Where the hell was their parent’s guidance on selecting a good loan? I believe the loans should not be forgiven, but recalculated with a 2% interest rate, accepting all that has been paid in the past by the individual, with the individual responsible for the balance. If the individual paid too much, including those who paid their loan off, then the balance should be returned to them. But this action does not compare to a liar and felon. It’s a difference in policy, not a physical threat to fellow Americans, which Trump has proposed again and again.
Is immigration a problem? Yes, it is. But it is not the problem you are being told. Trump contradicted himself in one sentence when he stated that the immigrants are “coming from prisons and insane asylums” yet he finished his sentence with “we don’t know where they are coming from.” This boisterous ass is saying these things to shake y’all up. To piss you off. It’s just more lies and manipulation. I lived in Lake Worth, which would be considered a sanctuary city. So, yeah, there were a lot of short, dark people living there, but no reason to be afraid. They were not rapists and murderers, they hung out together to keep from being robbed themselves! They did scare a few people by hanging out at Home Depot looking for day jobs, but that was an unnecessary fear. They wanted work, and they worked hard.
As for homeless and veterans, you think Trump cares about them? What has Commander in Chief Bonespurs done for them in the past? What is his record? He flat out stated he doesn’t like POWs and MIAs! How do you figure he cares about them? If they cannot support him with donations, they don’t exist.
As for NATO, our allies have not taken a free ride, but yes, they do need to pay their fair share and they are beginning to step up, probably due to the fact that they fear Putin. But regardless, strong arming them like the Mafia is seriously bad policy…if you want to call it that. In fact, that’s just down right foolish. It has never been that way for us. The world looks up to us, and we are about to lose that status. Should we ever need our allies, and we may, we sure will want them there.
So, will I vote for Biden? Yes I will. If he dies in office, as Trump could as well, we know there are stable people who would get us through it. Not a bunch of “yes men.” We still don’t know who Trump’s VP would be, and ass kissers tend to be terrible, lost leaders when their leader is gone.
BillC says
@hippy Just as Trumpists don’t believe climate change is real, so too they don’t believe that Trump is a threat to democracy.
Dennis C Rathsam says
How many wars did TRUMP start? You all loved his tax relief, & $2.00 gas. TRUMPS inflation rate was 1.4%, Whats Biden,s 9%? Many young families were able to enjoy the American dream, of home ownership, with interest rates at 3% Biden has doubled that too! How many more young American girls will be murdered & raped by Bidens open borders? Over 16000, children crossed into the US and disappeared. TRUMP lost 1500. The Democratic party is resposable for hiding Bidens mental condition. They are so corrupt they,ll stoop to elder abuse, lies, & cover ups, to stay in power. Democrats dont care about America, they show you everyday.Bidens policies, foriegn, & domestic have all failed. Look at the mess these communist democrats have our country in! 2 new wars, spending money & printing more, is unstastainable. I was better off 4 years ago, You were too, Dont let your politics destroy America. This ellection will determine weather the USA remains a free country, You owe it to your children not to be serfs of the government. Give them a chance to be free, like we were.
Laurel says
Holy cow, Dennis! It’s like you are stuck on Mars or something, so I’m not going to go through all your beliefs to counter them as you won’t pay attention anyway. But since you questioned the current inflation rate under President Biden, it is 3%, and trending downward. Two percent is considered ideal by economists.
I was not better off four years ago with that misogynistic nitwit staring up at the sun, and claiming Covid was a “hoax” while refrigerated trucks were being brought to hospitals.
Oh well, enjoy your fantasies.
The dude says
“but as long as the constitution is followed”
You do understand that one side has specifically said in word and deed that they do not plan to “follow the constitution”?
Laurel says
So, what have I learned about Americans? What do they like and what do they dislike?
Well, they don’t like:
Smart white women
Black women
Smart black women
Black men, unless they serve their purpose such as a Justice
Browns, unless they can be blamed for all the country’s ills
Old whites
Young whites
Young blacks (like Trayvon Martin)
What do Americans like?
Dumb women
Dumb white women
Dumb blacks
Apologetic browns
Rednecks like a mouthy New Yorker (who would think?)
Gays in the closet
Trans in denial
Anyone in denial
Lies are Okay
Felons are Okay, if they are a white male running for President
Oh, never mind. I guess I knew that all along, it just seems so blatant now. Like a team sport, or hobby.
Watcher says
Liberals: President Trump a traitor and an insurrectionist!
The traitors are the ones who spied on Trump’s campaign.
The traitors are the ones that paid for the Steel dossier.
The traitors are the ones who accused Trump of Russian collusion.
The traitors are the ones who accused Trump of Quid Pro Quo.
The traitors are the ones who accused Trump of obstruction.
The traitors are the ones who voted for impeachment BASED upon false allegations.
The traitors are the ones who conspired to usurp a duly elected President.
The traitors are the 51 intel officials signing a letter that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.
The traitors are the ones who censored the truth about COVID.
The traitors are the ones who stole the 2020 election.
The traitors are the ones using lawfare to interfere with the 2024 election.
The traitors are the ones who opened our borders to murders, rapists and drug dealers.
So who are these traitors? They are Liberals who hid Biden’s incompetency for lust of power and control of the American people!
Hippy says
@Watcher … APPLAUSE
Are we really expected to believe that only the right saw his condition? Where the liberals the only one fooled?….Even I cannot believe that liberals can be that dumb. The only response they have i s”but Trump”. The meltdown continues.
Sherry says
@watcher. . . Please get the help you so desperately need in finding your way back to “fact based” reality. You are a victim of brainwashing, and that fear and hate is rotting your very soul.
Laurel says
Watcher and Hippy are great examples of the amygdala reacting to Trump’s underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.
BillC says
@ watcher you forgot to include the traitor VP Mike Pence, as in “hang Mike Pence”. What’s up with the blinding hatred that consumes you? Get constructive instead.
Laurel says
Watcher: One man, who stole more than 33 boxes of secret United States documents, and stored them in his club, then showed them to club members for entertainment, is a traitor.
dave says
The Democrats need to really do something. Today, Biden calls his VP Harris, VP Trump and earlier today President Biden introduced President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine as President Putin before correcting himself.
Laurel says
Dave: Okay, that was predictable. I knew that was coming. C’mon now!
Around 2000, we had six cats. All indoor cats, and all busy cats. I cannot tell you how many times I called one cat by another cat’s name, and so on. If you know anyone who has a somewhat large family, or even a few family members, they often call individuals by other’s names. You have done it too!
Of course Biden has Trump on his mind. Is that a surprise to you? Just like when Trump mixed up “Nikki Halley, Nikki Haley, Nikki, Haley” with Nancy Pelosi and then lied about him offering her the National Guard to stop the insurrectionists at the Capital.
If y’all believe your guy is the right guy, then why must you resort to cheap shots?