On Monday (Jan. 31), a contractor will begin milling and repaving the segment of Belle Terre Parkway between Royal Palms Parkway and State Road 100 as part of the city’s annual repaving program. The segment is among the most heavily traveled in the city.
Both north and southbound lanes will be repaved. The repaving will cause daily lane closures. The portion of road that’ll be worked on will be open to traffic, but will be reduced to one lane, potentially causing delays especially during busier hours. The city is recommending that drivers avoid the area, bypassing it through Royal Palms Parkway.
Palm Coast Project Manager Tyler Gibson estimates the project will take four to six weeks. Belle Terre Parkway from Royal Palms to Palm Coast Parkway was paved a few years ago.
“We are very excited to begin this milling and resurfacing project and get this stretch of road back up to standards,” Gibson said. “We know that anytime there is a construction project that causes a lane closure, it can be an inconvenience. We appreciate the publics’ patience and cooperation while we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as we can.”
The program as a whole is budgeted at $2.3 million this year. Each year the city repaves a portion of its 550-some miles of roads.
The milling and resurfacing of Belle Terre Parkway was given a green light after Transmap, a national provider of professional, technical, and management support services to the transportation industry, surveyed the roadway and determined that it required repair. The city initially hired Transmap in 2017 for $200,000. The consultant has been re-scanning city streets for the second time on a $160,000 contract approved in 2021. “Once complete, they will deliver a report and finalize a plan to outline a schedule for resurfacing of the City’s roadway network,” a city spokesperson said. “We will then need to bring the findings back to Council for discussion on identifying a funding source.
The city’s capital projects dashboard indicates Belle Terre, Seminole Woods Boulevard, Sesame Boulevard and Easthampton Boulevard are all on the list for repaving.
Jimbo99 says
Royal Palms Parkway East of Belle Terre is a mess too in some spots. West takes you to US 1 and it’s probably got it’s problems too. This is a good idea of what the future will be like in Palm Coast with the growth in the Town Center area. What I’ve been warning about Belle Terre won’t be able to handle the growth for the future. I can’t wait to see how bad it gets at the North end of Belle Terre where the schools are & the Townhomes & apartments going in at Matanzas Woods Parkway areas Avoid driving the peak traffic, avoid the area in general, those are the warnings. In the end we’ll have a repaved & smoother asphalt version of what we’ve always had with more growth.
C’mon man says
How about doing this Sesame Blvd? That road has turned to shit.
Bob J says
The city’s capital projects dashboard indicates Belle Terre, Seminole Woods Boulevard, Sesame Boulevard and Easthampton Boulevard are all on the list for repaving.
Guess you have to read the whole artical.
Resident says
Hey Bunnell, how about you fix your roads??
Dennis says
About time. Please do Royal Palm East between the bridges too
palmcoaster says
Yes is needed,,,but also are needed the increase on impact fees for developers to pay for it as is due to the growth they profit from…but the current county commissioners refuse to increase impact fees as requested by the school board and instead overburden us with the infrastructure maintenance needed for the greedy growth profiteering by developers and their henchmen. Give the school board the impact fees they need to serve growth! Palmcoasters vote in these commisioners and as soon as seated stab us in the back!
Dennis C Rathasm says
This work will be done at night so there wont be no traffic jams at rush hour RIGHT?
Is there a reason why this re-paving can not be accomplished at night, say 10:00 pm ’till 4:00am??
H OConnell says
Flagler live always has time to tell us when the city is fixing a road. How about telling the people about how they have totality tore up the canal’s in Palm Coast taking down hundred’s of tree’s and doing away with just about all the wild life. And turning people’s yard’s into a mess and so far leaving it that way