A Palm Coast couple found dead in their home Sunday by neighbors died Saturday evening according to the Medical Examiner’s office’s autopsy completed Tuesday.
Click On:
- Murder-Suicide Shakes Community on Barkwood Lane in Northern Palm Coast
- Autopsies To be Conducted Tuesday In Murder-Suicide; No Note Left Behind
David and Terry Sharp of 21 Barkwood Lane were 52 and 54, respectively. Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement classify the incident as a murder-suicide. The case remains open pending toxicology test results: three prescription or non-prescription drug containers were found strewn alongside the Sharp’s driveway when police arrived at the scene Sunday. There’s no explanation yet for those containers, which looked as if they’d been thrown there.
The Medical Examiner found that Terry Sharp died from two gunshots wounds, one in the chest and one in the head. David Sharp died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The time of death has been placed at 5 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. The bodies were in the house, with two dogs still alive, for almost 24 hours before police were called to the scene, when neighbors called 911.
A .12 gauge shotgun was recovered at the scene. The detectives have reported that is appears David Sharp shot his wife and then turned the shotgun on himself. No notes were found.
DC says
This is Sad, I kinda knew david ( but i never knew his name ) He was a Customer of Mine down at the Kangaroo, He Used to Come in every 2 weeks getting a Carton a Smokes… When he came in the Store, He Seemed Full of Life and Happy…
jennifer digeronimo says
My parents live behind them and the time they have is wrong. The gunshots were heard sunday am between 9 and 10 am . My heart goes out to the family.
Peggy says
For the life of me this is just outrageous. I am David’s niece and I speak on behalf of myself and my mother, god rest her sole. There is no way this is right. Something else is going on there. David was the most caring, loving, most respective person. This does not portray him in anyway and will not be remembered for this. He is remember as he was, which was nothing short of great. I send all my thoughts to Terry’s family, for which I knew her only a little but I knew that they were absolutely wonderful and happy together. This is outrageous I say again for anyone that knew him. I love you uncle David and you are remembered as a wonderful father, uncle, brother, and son. Prayers, thoughts and love to all affected by this terrible tragedy.
Char says
Peggy, I am Terry’s Sister, Char, and have known David since 1996 when the 2 of them first started dating. in the almost 13 years they had been married I had never seen or heard of Dave being cruel to anyone..much less Terry Lynn. He adored her and to all of our family David was her knight in shining armor. We adored him. Something we do not know about had to be so unbearable for David that he momentarily lost it, snapped and in an instant made a couple of drastic decisions and carried them out. I am afraid we may never know exactly what happened. I am so sorry for your loss! Char Granger DeLoach
Michelle says
Jennifer, I find it interesting that your parents heard the gunshots, but did not call 911. This is the reason why Palm Coast is falling apart. People call 911 because a cat is meowing next door, but they don’t call when they hear a shot gun go off…THREE TIMES. And, I really doubt the medical examiners time of death is off by over 24 hours.
jennifer digeronimo says
Michelle who said that a call was not made. You should not assume things. first get the facts………
Neighbor says
Peggy: If you feel something else is going on, then by all means, pursue it. Gut instincts are usually right. Seems like there are an awful lof of unusual deaths in Flagler County that are simply labeled “murder-suicide”, case closed.
Joe A. says
Jennifer, did the detectives interview your parents? They may be able to offer insight into the case. After all you are coming forward with new evidence. You may have just opened up a new lead…
Writeminded says
Maybe the gun shot that was heard in the morning was David shooting himself, and he had shot the wife the evening before. It says that the police were called in the a.m., so that was probably the neighbors reacting to the sound of the gun shot. Either way, it’s very sad.
jennifer digeronimo says
for all that want to know all important info was given to the proper authorities
Joe A. says
I find it interesting that there could be conflicting information. Neighbors stories dont seem to be matching as far as times. Its a shame everyone needs to put their two sense in. Let these souls rest.