Ashley Cantrell, 15, of Cleveland, had been missing since last week. On Wednesday, Cleveland police issued an alert that she was believed to be with her biological father, Terrance Cantrell, heading for either West Virginia or Florida. Police sent a be-on-the-lookout notice to hotels in both states. Palm Coast’s Best Western got the notice by fax this morning, and alerted the FBI that Terrance Cantrell was at that hotel.
At 10:35 a.m., Cantrell, 54, was in custody. He was booked into the Flagler County jail, where he faces a charge of grand theft auto. Later in the afternoon, the sheriff’s office said there are no federal charges against Cantrell, at least not yet. Only a local charge of grand theft auto.
“It’s an FBI case, we just executed the warrant,” Debbie Johnson, the sheriff’s spokeswoman, had originally said. “He is being booked into the inmate facility here, and from our understanding the FBI will determine things from there.” There were no incidents as Cantrell was arrested. Ashley was in the sheriff’s protective custody until she could be turned over to child services.
When police issued the missing-girl alert earlier this month, Ashley was believed to be in danger. Authorities there say Terrance Cantrell allegedly uses alcohol and drugs. Ashley had last been seen on Daisy Avenue in Cleveland at noon March 3. Terrance Cantrell’s address is listed as 3215 Daisy Avenue.
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