By Karrin Vasby Anderson
After a jury convicted Donald Trump of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a politically damaging relationship, he responded by warning viewers of his post-verdict news conference: “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone.”
That statement simultaneously invokes the ideal of an independent judiciary and attempts to delegitimize it.
As a scholar of political communication, I study how rhetoric strengthens or erodes democratic institutions and can prime an audience to expect or accept violence. Regardless of how someone feels about the legal arguments made during Trump’s trial, Trump’s attempts to prevail in the court of public opinion continue his campaign to discredit democratic institutions and threaten anyone who gets in his way.
Demagoguery is weaponized political communication that, as communication scholar Jennifer Mercieca explains, “undermines both democratic decision-making and democracy itself.” Demagogues use rhetoric to dominate an electorate rather than to persuade voters. Key characteristics include evading responsibility for claims and scapegoating anyone disloyal to the demagogue.
Demagogic communication includes one or more of what scholars Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt identify as “key indicators of authoritarian behavior.” Those include rejection of, or weak commitment to, democratic rules and norms; denial of the legitimacy of political opponents; tolerance or encouragement of violence; and readiness to curtail civil liberties and media freedom.
In the aftermath of Trump’s felony conviction, the demagogic rhetoric of Trump and allied Republicans delegitimizeed democratic institutions and fostered threats of violence.
‘Designed to distract’
When Trump declared that “if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone,” he was, of course, correct. Ideally, that’s how laws work. They should apply equally to a regular citizen and a former president.
Trump’s case is extraordinary given his status as a former president, and the legal theory used by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been dubbed “novel.” Nonetheless, in the legal and national security publication Just Security, Siven Watt and Norman L. Eisen document a long history of state prosecutors going after politicians who flout laws to benefit political campaigns in similar ways.
Trump’s posts on social media were designed to distract from those facts by undermining the independence and trustworthiness of the judiciary and scapegoating anyone who isn’t a Trump supporter. That included President Joe Biden, officers of the court, immigrants and even a Fox News anchor deemed insufficiently supportive.
While the jury was deliberating, Trump set the stage, described the proceedings as a “Biden witch hunt,” the “WEAPONIZATION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!” and “ELECTION INTERFERENCE.” Later he asserted that the gag order imposed by Judge Juan Merchan was “UNCONSTITUTIONAL” and described members of the “DOJ and White House” as “Thugs and Monsters who are destroying our Country.”
Immediately after the jury returned its verdict, Trump intensified his delegitimization of the American legal system, asserting that “the real verdict is going to be November 5 by the people” and adding, “our whole country is being rigged right now.”
Stoking fear
A particularly important dimension of Trump’s reaction to the verdict is that his comments combine the delegitimization of democratic institutions with ad hominem attacks – name-calling – and scapegoating. This strategy is textbook demagoguery.
The day after the judgment, Trump began his 33 minutes of public remarks with what seemed like a non sequitur, shifting from the case, to ad hominem attacks, to immigration, and back to ad hominem attacks:
“This is a case where if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. These are bad people. These are in many cases, I believe, sick people. When you look at our country what is happening, where millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world – not just South America, from Africa, from Asia, from the Middle East – and they’re coming in from jails and prisons and they’re coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums. They are coming in from all over the world into our country. And we have a president and a group of fascists that don’t want to do anything about it. Because they could, right now, today. They could stop it, but he’s not. They’re destroying our country.”
Voters are encouraged to believe that the government — comprised of “sick people” and “fascists” — is after them, as are immigrants.
Although Trump’s jumbled approach makes his rhetoric sound disjointed — even chaotic — it’s carefully designed to stoke fear and create an atmosphere more amenable to an anti-democratic strongman. Trump’s jaunty 2016 campaign promise, “I alone can fix it,” and his more recent, ostensible “joke” about being “dictator for one day,” have given way to dire pronouncements from Trump about his fellow citizens, such as this late-2023 statement: “The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.”
The strategy would be less effective if Trump was the only one deploying it. But, following a familiar pattern, prominent Republicans reliably echoed his framing.
The Associated Press reported that the “ferocity of the outcry was remarkable, tossing aside usual restraints that lawmakers and political figures have observed in the past when refraining from criticism of judges and juries.”
The Guardian summarized Republicans’ responses: “A shameful day in American History. A sham show trial. A kangaroo court. A total witch-hunt. Worthy of a banana republic. These were the reactions from senior elected Republicans, who once claimed the mantle of the party of law and order, to the news that Donald Trump had become the first former US president convicted of a crime.”
Republican senator and vice-presidential hopeful Tim Scott’s impassioned attack on the judiciary was emblematic of the response. He called the verdict a “hoax,” a “sham” and an “absolute injustice justice system.” He then addressed Bragg, the Manhatten district attorney, directly, saying, “DA Bragg, hear me clearly: You cannot silence the American people. You cannot stop us from voting for change.”
‘Hang everyone’
Stoking fear through ad hominem attacks and scapegoating is often a precursor to violence. The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol followed Trump’s complaints about a “rigged” election.
NBC News reported that in the aftermath of Trump complaining about a “rigged” jury trial, posts are circulating on social media that target trial Judge Merchan, Bragg and the jurors with doxxing, intimidation and even death threats.
NBC quoted one poster who said, “We need to identify each juror. Then make them miserable. Maybe even suicidal.” Reuters quoted Patriots.win users who said, “1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution” and “Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words. … I’ll take up arms if he asks.”
Not everyone who supports Trump politically is poised to “take up arms,” but video posted on X by Donald Trump Jr. with the tagline “F— JOE BIDEN” shows an arena full of fans awaiting the UFC lightweight championship chanting “F— Joe Biden” and cheering Trump as he smiles and raises his fist.
Video of the event was posted on YouTube and circulated by right-wing websites like the Daily Caller and Breitbart.
In her book “Demagoguery and Democracy,” communication scholar Patricia Roberts-Miller explains that “We don’t have demagoguery in our culture because a demagogue came to power; when demagoguery becomes the normal way of participating in public discourse, then it’s just a question of time until a demagogue arises.”
A demagogue has arisen.
Karrin Vasby Anderson is Professor of Communication Studies at Colorado State University.

Wallingford says
According to 10 U.S.C. section 657 Trump may not be able to assume the role as Commander in Chief due to his conviction for sexual assault. Also 10 U.S.C. addresses his felony convictions as disqualifies. It will look strange seeing him entering or exiting a plane or helicopter and not being saluted.
JOE D says
Used to think the 2020 election was going to be the scariest on RECORD…
NOPE…not anymore…the 2024 Election CIRCUS is beating it by a MILE…what a SAD day for AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, when a convicted ex-president attacks, the courts, the Department of Justice (who had NOTHING to do with the trial from start to finish…it was a STATE trial), the current president ( ALSO had NOTHING to do with the trial for the same reasons), the jurors ( Trump’s attorneys approved those jurors), the judge (yes, he DID donate to the Democratic Party…$15…), the witnesses (in addition to a VERY visible PAPER trail of the illegal payments), and anyone else he could think of.
There’s a term that we THERAPISTS use for those individuals who think THEY are RIGHT 100% of the time, and EVERYONE else in the world is WRONG 100% of the time….it’s called Narcissistic Personality Disorder…
Laurel says
Joe D: As a therapist, can you explain why anyone would want to vote for someone who lies about everything, who threatens those who appose him, who does nothing to quiet the threats by his cult followers, who blames pretty much everyone and anyone except himself, who claims he will get rid of Social Security and Medicare, who states half the country is evil, who states nearly everyone is out to get him, who undermines our freedom, who undermines our justice, who presents no evidence of any of his many accusations, oh you know I can go on and on, but I just don’t understand what people are thinking, if any thinking is involved at all!
As a therapist, why would anyone want to vote for this? Do they truly believe this is for their own best interest?
Vegeta says
[Do not use this site to spread disinformation. Thanks.–FL]
You just described Hillary Clinton.
Thank you for admitting that.
Ray W. says
I called it delusions of grandeur, but maybe I should start using the clinical term.
Laurel says
A narcissistic sociopath is a person who displays both narcissistic and antisocial personality traits. NPD is characterized as a grandiose sense of self-importance, an attitude of entitlement or arrogance, and an excessive need for external validation. The symptoms of ASPD include impulsivity, aggression, and a total disregard for rules, laws, and social norms.
– Choosingtherapy.com
Ray W. says
I don’t suppose anyone would argue that one clause in the Inflation Reduction Act “capped” insulin prices at $35 per month.
Neither wouled anyone argue that the Inflation Reduction Act was not passed during the term of the Biden Administration with bipartisan support in the Senate.
Can anyone explain to me the psychology behind former President Trump commenting on his Truth Social platform, as reported in The Hill:
“Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked [President Biden.] He had nothing to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!”
Laurel says
Ray W.: Um, the orange man is crazy.
What gripes me is the so called Republicans investigating Dr. Fauci. A man who has spent 50 years of his life researching viruses, and working on such illnesses as Ebola, West Nile virus, AIDs, rheumatism, COVID and other diseases. He and his family have had their lives threatened and he needs body guards. Meanwhile, stupid, stupid Marjorie Taylor Green states “you are Mr. Fauci, not a doctor” and “your license should be taken away.”
I cannot believe we have morons like that in Congress. Every day, more moronic crap.
Sherry says
MEXICO’s NEW PRESIDENT . . . A educated, highly accomplished WOMAN:
Claudia Sheinbaum’s list of accolades is long: She has a Ph.D. in energy engineering, participated in a United Nations panel of climate scientists, was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and governed the capital. . . one of the largest cities in the hemisphere. And, she is Jewish.
Ms. Sheinbaum, 61, captured at least 58 percent of the vote in a landmark election on Sunday that featured two women competing for the nation’s highest office.
MEANWHILE. . . Here in the United States, one of our Presidential contenders is :
1. A Convicted Felon on 34 Counts of Falsifying Business Records
2. Found Guilty in Court of Sexual Assault for a Rape case
3. Found Guilty in Court of Fraud
4. Under current federal indictment for inciting an insurrection against the United States government
5. Under current state (Georgia) indictment for Racketeering Conspiracy related to the 2020 election
6. Impeached TWICE during his time in office
OK. . . Which country is the “Banana Republic” now???
Bill C says
Trump used to talk about “retribution”, now he’s sunk deeper into hatred and uses the word “revenge”.
Jackson says
If someone had 34 felony convictions and several more criminal cases pending, McDonald’s wouldn’t hire him to flip burgers. But, Republicans will nominate him to run the Country. SMH!
Laurel says
BTW, why doesn’t he straighten out his fingers and show his real salute?
Deborah Coffey says
There’s a much better word than “Anti-Democratic.” This is pure NAZISM. Please, let’s call these people what they ARE!
Dennis C Rathsam says
I guess a bogus trial has you people so happy! I guess you’ve never heard of an appeal? You folks have a short memory…. Don’t you all remember 1.4% inflation? 3% interest rates? $2.00 gas? How bout that trip to Publix? How many things did you put back, cos it was too expensive! Grocery,s are up 30% ! Did you get your new insurance bill yet? Did you all forget the Abraham Accord that brought peace to the Middle East? Did Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was president? Obama did nothing, & Biden did nothing! Putin was AFFRAID to test Trump. Now we have open borders, terrorists invading our country, killing our citizens, raping our young girls. 300,00 children have crossed the border & disapeared. Crime is up, drug over doses are up, homeless people everywhere. Hospitals are over run with Bidens invaders…. they don’t pay…. But you do! they get free money { your money} free phones… Did you get a free phone? Ya,LL complain about TRUMP, but Bidens the one who showered with his daughter, his kids are the ones that didn’t pay thier taxes. Not Trumps kids. Biden,s so popular he,s losing in every swing state to Trump! Here in Fl Bidens losing by 10 pts. Biden is a shell of a man, he is deteriating right in front of your eyes! He,s being protected by the DOJ & the FBI… Election interfearence, cover ups & lies. From the poorest man in the Senate, to a multi millionare! I will vote for TRUMP as will everyone in my family, there will be no more dead folks voting this time. And as its going Trumps lead is getting to big to rigg!