Advertise on FlaglerLive.com
Online advertising is your most immediate and versatile connection with customers. In Palm Coast, Flagler County and Northeast Florida, FlaglerLive delivers the largest audience at a fraction of other media’s costs.
Advertising on FlaglerLive is always fresh and instantaneous. It links our readers directly to your business and your message at a click. Your ad appears across the site. On every page. Always in color. Always next to compelling, must-read articles.
FlaglerLive’s readers are committed and engaged. Their numbers have kept growing fast year after year: FlaglerLive is drawing an average of over 20,000 visits per day and 200,000 unique visitors per month. Some 75 percent of those readers are Florida-based, mostly concentrated in and around Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Flagler County.
Most important to you, advertising on FlaglerLive is cheap, ranging from $175 a month for a half-square to $500 a month for a double-square. Weekly rates available.
Most of all, FlaglerLive is about content. If it’s on FlaglerLive, it matters. The journalism in these pages is sterling, and the committed readership it draws is unique. You won’t find a better combination of low cost, local reach and top quality around.
Make your business matter: make it on FlaglerLive. Click on the image above for the rate sheet.
And feel free to contact us:
Cheryl Tristam, advertising and business director
[email protected]
(386) 503-3808
Download Advertising Kit and Rate Sheet