Registration is now open for AdventHealth’s third community Covid-19 drive-up testing location in Central Florida, which opens Tuesday at the Seminole Towne Center mall in Sanford.
“AdventHealth has been taking aggressive steps to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, and these testing sites are just one of the ways we’re investing and helping safeguard our community,” said Tim Cook, CEO of AdventHealth Altamonte Springs. “Making it easy for Seminole County residents to get tested for COVID-19 is key to helping contain the pandemic. Testing is an important tool to help people know if they need to receive treatment and self-isolate. Bringing this service to Sanford will help us extend that reach even further.”
Those who meet the criteria and wish to be tested should visit AdventHealthCoronaVirusTesting.com prior to arrival. The tests will be available to anyone who has symptoms or anyone who has had close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19, even if they are not currently experiencing symptoms. Those who wish to be tested do not need a doctor’s order prior to arrival. There are no out-of-pocket costs, regardless of insurance status. AdventHealth will cover the cost of those who are uninsured. The test consists of coughing and spitting into a cup.
The Sanford testing site joins sites at the Daytona International Speedway and at the Mall at Millenia in Orlando. Each site’s hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Orlando site will also be open this weekend from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Results can be expected in approximately two to three days. Those tested will receive a text message with instructions on how to retrieve the results. Those who test positive will receive a call from a nurse to review the results and provide care instructions.
AdventHealth has tested more than 15,000 people in its hospitals and Centra Care urgent care facilities — more than any other health care system in Florida, according to the Florida Division of Emergency Management. The drive-up testing sites are operated by AdventHealth Centra Care and AdventHealth’s laboratory and along with other health care disciplines.
“Seminole Towne Center is pleased to share its resources and partner with AdventHealth for this important community service,” said Scott Sadove, general manager of the Seminole Towne Center.
Uhhhhh says
Good. Now we need antibody testing. Even if it’s been reported that 30% of people do not develop antibodies, it’s the only way I will know if I possibly had this in March since no one would test me, even though I had all the symptoms. I’m not in the correct age bracket or profession so I’m just another potential uncounted positive, like thousands upon thousands of people out there that still can’t get tested but have all the symptoms.
Maybe I had it and am still shedding the virus because some of my symptoms have never gone away. It’s not allergies either. I know how my symptoms are with allergies and what I’m still experiencing isn’t that. I do 30 minutes on the treadmill daily but since I’ve been sick, I’m lucky if I can do 15 minutes before I’m gasping for air. I still just want to sleep and have very little energy.
These symptoms though, aren’t enough to warrant a test. Whatever I had in March was bad–fever off and on for two weeks, loss of smell, brain-splitting headache for 2 weeks straight, sore throat, dry cough, no energy, shortness of breath (I couldn’t walk 15 feet to the bathroom without needing to catch my breath), itchy skin, freezing and sweating, and so on. This lasted for almost 3 weeks straight. Then I started feeling better and then I was worse again for another week, then better, then worse, then better…whatever I had/have, it’s been nothing but a roller-coaster for over 6 weeks. I have not a single health issue either. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Whatever hit me, hit me harder than any flu or cold I have ever had in my life. Usually with the flu, I’m down for a day with the worst of it, always, and ready to go the next with lingering symptoms over the next 4-5 days. Colds are aggravating and annoying and the symptoms last for like 3-4 days but nothing has ever done what this has done. The fact that I’m still unable to sustain activity before running out of energy is worrisome because I’ve never had breathing problems before and I’m never fatigued to the point where I am literally falling asleep on a whim. If only I was tested when I should’ve been tested. Now my only hope is getting an antibody test to know if I really had COVID or not. My assumption is I did and my assumption is I still am shedding the virus whenever I’m especially bad, which is why I haven’t left home, because I actually care if I infect people or not. I don’t want that on my conscious.