The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that established abortion as a constitutional right.
The opinion by six of the Court’s nine justices will allow each state to set its own abortion laws, leading to a patchwork of access throughout the country. The result is expected to lead to an uptick in the number of women traveling for abortions or unsafe abortions in states where the medical procedure will now be banned or heavily restricted.
“The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives,” the justices wrote.
The decision opens the way to total bans on abortion. Such bans are now likely in 15 states. Florida falls in a category of five statees where abortion may be (or will be) restricted: Florida this year enacted a law banning abortion after 15 weeks. That law goes into effect on July 1.
Neighboring Georgia enacted a ban on abortion after just six weeks (as did South Carolina and Ohio). The decision was blocked by a court, but that block is now nullified.
Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor wrote the dissent in the case.
“With sorrow — for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection — we dissent,” it began.
Twenty-two states have laws that would restrict when and how a patient can terminate a pregnancy, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health and rights organization.
Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin are among the 10 states that have pre-Roe abortion bans that will now take effect. Thirteen states — including Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri and Tennessee — have laws enacted since Roe that will be “triggered” by the court’s decision.
A dozen states, including Maine, Maryland, Nevada and Washington, have laws that would protect abortion access up to the point of viability, usually 22 to 24 weeks into a pregnancy.
Colorado, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, Oregon and Vermont have laws that protect abortion access throughout a pregnancy, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
–FlaglerLive and Florida Phoenix
G A says
There are no words to express the disgust I am feeling toward the repugnant party. However, we DO have a resolution here…and that is you MUST vote Democratic this November. There is no other choice….whether it’s to save our democracy (we are all watching the disgusting backroom antics of the republican party trying to overturn a free and fair election)…or telling us what women can do with our bodies. OH…but it wasn’t ok to MASK for Covid was it? They SCREAMED you cannot tell us what to do with our bodies!! Yet….here we are again. No. There is only ONE answer to this. VOTE for EVERY Democrat running in NOVEMBER!!!!
David Schaefer says
I’m willing to bet those anti abortion nuts are having a field day. Womans’s rights are being flushed down the toilet daily it’s a shame..
Bill C says
The religiously righteous Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and especially Barrett, boldly lied and deceived in their confirmation hearings. Their “decision” was made long ago and they knew their testimony was false. As political tools, they are as morally rotten as the “whited sepulchers” of the New Testament. That’s how they roll… fake smile and stab in the back. The United States now has a Supreme Kangaroo Kort.
Opportunity Knocks says
This could be a great economic stimulus for Colorado, DC, New Jersey, Oregon and Vermont. I can see a mass exodus of abortion healthcare professionals heading to these states to set up shop. People traveling to these states for these services will also spend money on food, lodging, fuel and entertainment. Hasnt anyone looked at this bright side?
larry krasner says
A judge is a lawyer who got promoted by a politician.
Kyndra Mulder says
It was a correct decision. I hope some babies will have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a result of this deacon. Thank you President Trump and Melania for your leadership and courage to stand up for what is true on this issue and what is and isn’t a constitutional right. Governor Ronnie, I wish Florida would initiate a stricter law. At 15 weeks a baby has a heart beat and feels pain. The baby is a life – a human life.
can'tfoolme says
Thank you, Kyndra, for your courage to post such truth amongst a crowd such as those who have no respect for the sanctity of life and so readily defend their stance and hatred publicly every chance they’re given on this forum. There are many of us who believe as you do but don’t choose to argue with those who will/can not admit that they support murder of the unborn by calling it “healthcare” and “womens’ choice.
Laurel says
Kyndra and Cfool: Are you two adopting? What are you doing for the children who are born after they are born? What are your memories in the womb? What about encephalitic babies, or babies who may never have real lives due to abnormalities, genetic or not, are you taking care of them for life?
Taking care of unwanted children for life is never talked about by you “pro-lifers.” All you care about is the woman’s womb. After that, you’re gone.
Sherry says
@km. . . OK, then. . . can we expect your full support for tax payer 100% “lifetime” payments for the physical and mental health care for all the Down’s Syndrome babies that often are not detected until 20 weeks of pregnancy?
How about mental health payments for women who are victims of rape and incest. . . that will now be “forced” to take on the responsibility of the child who was conceived in that brutal/horrific circumstance?
How about your support for social services like food stamps for all children now “forced” into very poor families that cannot afford them?
Or, is it that you are actually “pro fetus” ONLY, and to hell with children after they are actually “forced” to be born. . . no matter what. . . like the majority of you people who are not connected to reality?
David says
Long as your stepping up to house and feed any and all newborns born into this Country go ahead and preach. Are you willing to take in a teenage Daughter whose Parents kick her out of the house and help her raise that child too? Then go ahead and preach.
Been There says
I would personally like to thank all those right-wing hypocrites that have had abortions (sometimes) multiples but hid it behind your religion and self-righteousness. I hope you are prepared to raise your grandchildren when daddy and mommy can’t step up.
I feel a compulsion to put signs in your yards calling you out that say, “Yes, I had 1 (2 r 3)”. That’s right. I am talking to you, and you know I know who you are.
TheyWillComeForYouToo says
Contraception is next. Use condoms or birth control? Not if this radical SCOTUS has its way. Need birth control for endometriosis, PCOS, etc? You will suffer if they rule against contraception. There will be zero medical exceptions. AIDS, herpes, and other STD’s will be the way of the land. Use contraception to prevent pregnancy in a marriage? Uh uh. Not much longer. They want every woman barefoot and pregnant. What’s next? Let’s see…
Same-sex marriage is as good as gone. Millions of marriages annulled.
Same-sex relationships criminalized again due to reversal of Lawrence V Texas. But guess what? That affects you heteros too. Like oral sex? Anal? Uh uh not if this is overturned. Anyone that dislikes you can report you if your state has sodomy laws. It’s not just for the gays folks.
What else – threesomes, orgies, anything they view as not a man and a woman in missionary position only copulating to have a child, not for any other reason.
Watch porn? Not much longer.
Want a divorce? Hurry up. That’s coming.
Play video games, listen to rock music, watch Tarantino films? Privacy knows no bounds.
Voting rights? The right to work? Not far off.
Wake up. This is more than just, “Let the fetus live so we don’t have to care about it once it’s breathing because that’s not my problem.” This is about everything you hold dear. Your right to live as you are and make choices for yourself. It’s not alarmist either. That sexual harasser Clarence Thomas said what’s next. Alito said what’s after that. Everything. No free will. No right to decide how you live your life. Have your celebratory drinks for the end of Roe but when they come for you and a right or privilege you hold dear (because they will), don’t cry, don’t complain, don’t react, and don’t expect us to comfort you. You were warned. You brought this on with your votes. You reap what you sow.
This is SO much bigger than abortion. So much bigger. Your autonomy as an individual is under attack. There will no longer be a United States in a few years time. 3 illegitimate Supreme Court justices have ensured that fact. Enjoy it now, your “victory,” because when they overturn Lawrence V Texas and some neighbor calls the cops on you heteros for engaging in oral sex, or they research your purchases and find out you bought condoms or birth control, or you Google porn, or you want a divorce, or that you once had “relations” with someone of the same-sex, good luck finding a sympathetic ear – because we told you it was ALWAYS more than just abortion. It’s the end of every freedom – except guns. Guns have more freedom than anything or anyone. Good job. 👏 👏 👏
Norris says
“It’s the end of every freedom – except guns. Guns have more freedom than anything or anyone. ” Yeah, because if fascist dictatorship regimes hellbent on taking away everyone’s rights want anything it’s definitely for the people they’re oppressing the right to have guns. That makes total sense.
yourealoser says
stop fearmongering
Laurel says
Well now we have Republican governed, therefore owned, uteruses. The Justices commented it is now up to the individual states (of course not the individual people), which is thinly veiled bull shit. They are no longer Justices but Republican activists. The new Justices lied, and then puckered up. They are so determined to go back to the dark ages and drag the rest of us along. Bad times for the educated.
Mark says
The War on Women continues, brought to you by RepubliCons. Why ANY women would continue to Vote for GOP candidates is beyond belief. It’s like they enjoy having their rights taken away. What’s next? Maybe women can have their Voting rights taken away or maybe the GOP will have you wear burkas. Don’t think it can’t happen? Keep Voting for GOP members and find out. VOTE!
Michael Cocchiola says
So, more guns but no abortions. Seems fair… if you live in like, America.
Deborah Coffey says
Vote every Republican out of office. Maybe they’ll get the message.
joe says
Forced birth in a country with:
—No universal healthcare
—No universal childcare
—No paid family & medical leave
—One of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations
This isn’t about “life.” It’s about control – and control by a minority party unable to win the support of a majority of voters over decades.
Republicans have not won the popular vote for 40 years and have to steal Supreme Court seats and gerrymander districts to retain power.
Norris says
“Republicans have not won the popular vote for 40 years”
Uhh Reagan? Bush 41? Bush 43 re-election? Care to do a little Googling at least before posting wildly inaccurate information?
If you were so certain that the vast majority agrees with you then you’d be calling for at least a federal abortion rights law, if not a Constitutional amendment and actually make abortion a Constitutional right instead of just calling it one. Abortion “rights” under Roe v. Wade were always under shaky ground from the start so it’s really the fault of your Democrat elected leaders for not making codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law a legislative priority when they had a bigger majority in Congress. Your blame is misplaced.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Getting out ahead of all of the “you should have voted hillary in 2016,” “I hope the bernie bros are happy,” and “this is somehow susan sarandon’s fault” I’d like to point out that the sitting democratic president, joe biden, on 6/29/20, tweeted that as president we would codify roe v. wade. Obama made the same promises. Pelosi, as she clutched her pearls today, campaigned for a pro-life candidate in texas. So don’t start with that vote democrat crap, they’re useless.
jeffery c. seib says
When I read most of the comments here I always am surprised by the numbers of folks that express views similar to my own. Yet, when the vote tallies are posted the worse of the bunch is usually declared the winner. the rights of women took a major hit today by a supreme court so out of touch with the people it rules, including the gun nuts. The Trumpers are having a field day at the expense of the American people. we all have to get along. rulings like this one and the threats by Justice Thomas that followed show he and his fellow fringe, right wing fanatics will be back at work bringing the country back to the good old days of the 1950’s. Those days were great for us all, Right?
John says
So, no birth control? Are they going to force me to have my vasectomy reversed? I wouldn’t be surprised. The procedure will probably become illegal.
Laurel says
John: Naw, you’re a man.