Two months to the day before the presidential election, a poll released Thursday by Quinnipiac University shows Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton tied among likely Florida voters.
Clinton and Trump both get the support of 47 percent of likely voters in a head-to-head matchup, according to the Quinnipiac poll. That is virtually unchanged from a month ago, when Clinton led Trump 46-45 — which is considered a statistical dead heat.
The two remain tied when the most prominent third-party candidates are thrown into the race, with Trump and Clinton drawing 43 percent apiece. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, gets 8 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein was chosen by 2 percent of the people surveyed.
Those numbers are also basically the same as Quinnipiac’s August poll, though Johnson has moved up a point and Stein is down one.
The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac, which frequently conducts polls in Florida and other states, surveyed 761 likely Florida voters from Aug. 29 to Wednesday. The poll has a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points.
The university’s polling institute also released swing-state polls Thursday showing Clinton holding modest leads in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Trump has a one-point edge in Ohio that widens to four points when Johnson and Stein are added to the mix.
“The effect of the Republican and Democratic conventions on the presidential race has run its course,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of the poll. “As the campaign enters its final stage, Florida and Ohio, two of the largest and most important swing states, are too close to call, while North Carolina and Pennsylvania give Hillary Clinton the narrowest of leads.”
The poll continues to show Floridians divided along racial, gender and party lines in the presidential race. Clinton does marginally better among Democrats than Trump does with Republicans in a head-to-head race, while independents favor Trump, 48-39. Trump, a real-estate mogul, wins men by 22 percentage points; Clinton, a former secretary of state, takes women by 20.
Meanwhile, Trump takes 59 percent of white voters, to 36 percent for Clinton. Nonwhite voters favor her by an even wider margin, with 67 percent backing Clinton and 25 percent choosing Trump.
The divide persists despite recent efforts by Trump to reach out to nonwhite voters, particularly African-Americans.
The picture for smaller slices of the electorate can change slightly with Johnson and Stein factored in — for example, Trump’s lead among independents falls to five points — but the outlines remain largely the same.
The numbers among different subgroups have larger margins of error than those in the overall poll.
–Brandon Larrabee, News Service of Florida
Jims says
Good news! Should tie folks here in knots!
footballen says
Cannot believe I ever supported that scoundrel of a woman!!!!!!! She really should be in prison. I am no fan of Trump either but she is atrocious!!!!
Sherry says
That insanity reigns in our country is an understatement!
We have a dangerous, treasonous candidate who praises Putin on a Russian radio station, while he harshly criticizes the leaders of our military. . . . hides his tax returns. . . refuses to acknowledge FACTS like President Obama’s birth certificate and his own past tweets and interviews. . . who brags about bribing public officials. . . whose lies are so massive and plentiful that journalists cannot keep up with them! Yet somehow his ignorant, rabid supporters still give him a complete pass. . . relying only on their own negative emotions instead of using their intelligence and reason.
I’ll hold off posting numerous links that give factual and credible evidence of my characterization of the Republican candidate because it seems to be that FACTS don’t really matter in our community anymore!
Amy McCall says
Trump will easily win November 8th
Flatsflyer says
Trump will be the cause of a Depression that makes the 1930’s look like a cake walk, this will result brought on by Tramp’s stupid threats to other Countries. His Commie Escort wife needs to be deported!
Anonymous says
Hillary’s evil hard looks are creepy. I have never learned of a woman so corrupt who claims ignorance as a defense. She should have protected our confidential secure information with her life! She has been wreckless and would destroy this county if ever she is made President. Our military men and woman who are trusted with secure information would never get away with anything like Hillary has done. She needs to be in jail! Trump has my vote in November. He isn’t perfect, but he has no shame compared to Hillary.
A Little Common Sense Please says
No more Roosevelt’s, No more Kennedys, No more Clintons, No more Bushes, and most definitely no Rockefellers in the White house. I for one am sick and tired of the family dynasty approach of controlling this nation and really most of the free world. What happened to the idea of the founding fathers that were successful productive normal every day citizens with practical experience in some field other than law, running and winning public office for the good of the nation, not just for the “Elite Bankers and special Interests” who have bought so many of the previously names mentioned above.
Sherry says
And, today, Hillary Clinton is 8 points ahead in the latest ABC News poll!
So, inconceivably, there are those who would rather have as our president a very dangerous, treasonous, fear mongering, pathological lier and racist who hides his tax returns and hasn’t a clue about foreign policy, than someone with a particular last name. How completely deplorable and asinine!
Born and Raised Here says
I went to the Trump Rally, though I’m not a supporter, when he was at the Ocean Center, and all I saw were white elder retirees. I thought that this was not a true indication of Floridians.
A Little Common Sense Please says
Sherry, I think most people are voting for the lesser of two evils in this election. I don’t know of too many people, democrat or republican, who are jumping for joy over their parties nominee. Both candidates have more baggage to carry about their “possible and probable” illegal activities prior to running for this office even than Richard Milhous Nixon did when he won the office of President of the US. Remember the “I’m not a crook speech” by Tricky Dick. I will predict that which ever of these two candidates in this election wins, we will see a similar out come and that persons removal from oval office. All you folks cheering on Hillary or Donald remember “the wanting is sometimes better than the getting”. I’m a Democrat and I intend to vote for Trump over Hilliary, because Tump is slightly the lesser of two evils in my opinion.
Sherry says
OK. . . let’s compare something head to head with these two candidates. Politifact has found that Trump’s statement are some degree of FALSE over a whopping 60% of the time:
While Clinton is much more honest at just 28%:
While both candidates are flawed. . . Obviously Clinton is much more accurate and honest than Trump.
FACTS DO MATTER!. . . to me at least!