Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre issued the following statement through his public information office late this morning:
I would like to acknowledge the tragedy that occurred yesterday in Dallas and the grief we are all experiencing as a nation for the Dallas area law enforcement community and their families.
It is my hope during these difficult times in our nation’s history that we use the recent incidents in Minnesota, Baton Rouge and Dallas to continue our dialogue that we have established with our community. As a law enforcement agency, we must maintain an open line of communication with the minority community and our community as a whole. I want to assure the public that all of our deputies at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office have received training to provide our community with the best law enforcement services.
As part of the community oriented policing philosophy this agency has adopted, our employees are committed to treating every person with respect and dignity. In order to foster this philosophy, we created a discussion group last year called One Common Ground with area pastors, law enforcement and the school district. This group continually addresses issues such as racial tension and police mistrust in order to build positive relations with our community and youth. Rather than allowing these events to divide us, let’s work together to ensure the safety of our community.
As a symbol of our unity, please join with me today and the FCSO at 1:00 p.m. for a moment of silence to honor those fallen and injured Dallas area law enforcement officers.

Kendall says
How can citizens help???
Steve Robinson says
A good, strong, level-headed response from the sheriff.
Sherry says
A wonderful response from our Sheriff! Our very dedicated policing men and women put themselves at greater and greater risk to protect the innocent each and every day. . . especially more so as more and more guns are in the civilian population.
We can all help by doing more than mourning our lost and injured brothers and sisters. . . we can call our legislators and insist on better gun safety regulations and stronger enforcement!
Dennis says
Sorry, you can pass all the new or more, “gun safety regulations ” and it will do absolutely nothing to stem gun violence by people who are criminals. They are criminals because they don’t obey our laws. Regulations, AKA: gun control only affects law abiding citizens. Enforce the laws already on the books and stop with the plea bargains you might see some effect. Not much but some. Crazy people and crooks don’t care about laws and regulations.
May God watch over our men and women in law enforcement. Keep them safe and let them unite with their families at the end of their tours.
Jim Bob says
Politicians should just have “Thoughts and Prayers” tattooed on the asses they persist in showing.
My Neighbor says
Good citizens need to call out bad citizens and good police need to call out bad police.
footballen says
If Dallas was not enough to convince this nation that the media and illogical, reckless pot stirring, facebook streaming individuals are causing unstable individuals to do horrific acts of terrorism then there is no hope! God bless us all. We are passing out guns but the bigger problem is the home grown terrorists willing to shoot innocent police for no reason what so ever besides something spun out of context and sensationalized on the news. It is as if they wish for a second civil war.
Anonymous says
Thank you FCSO deputies … for everything you do!
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Well footballen, those reckless facebook-streaming people are the reason why people like michael slager are on trial for murder.
August says
Right, there will still be gun violence, but you can kill a hell of a lot more people – with ease, with a machine gun, than with a revolver, with a revolver, or a rifle , you actually have to be a good shot.
Sherry says
Most of the horrific “mass” shootings are carried out by those who were “law abiding citizens”! They, most often, acquired their arsenal LEGALLY and they, most often, where not harden criminals!
We MUST stop the slaughter of innocent people NOW! Which can be most quickly and efficiently accomplished by stopping the ARMS RACE in the USA!
The “Wild West” only became civilized when those (only) “six shooters” where collected by the sheriff when the cowboys came into town. Even in those days, they realized the need to remove guns from civilization!
r&r says
Why are the riots and killings done by one group? I think because Obama said I don’t blame them, if I was there I’d be in there with them. That sounds like permission yo do it.
Flatsflyer says
Maybe it’s time to rethink the militarization of police departments? How about testing for steroids? When I see someone with a shaved head, obviously pumped up, and playing Army I don’t get the feeling they are there to Protect and Serve.
Sherry says
While I’m not advocating taking all the guns away, doesn’t it make sense to have all lethal weapons registered to responsible, law abiding citizens who have been vetted and trained on how to safely use and store those weapons? The “law abiding” citizens would have no problem with requiring gun owners to be responsible for selling such things in a regulated way.
Think this through. . . don’t you want those who are being watched by our law enforcement agencies to be kept from having lethal weapons? Shouldn’t those who have been treated for mental problems also be kept from owning and using them? Don’t you want restrictions for selling guns on the internet or gun shows or transporting them from coast to coast? If we do not have “federal” gun safety regulations that can be enforced nationwide, how in the world can we make our country safer?
There is NO WAY we can FIND and CURE each and every radicalized or mentally disturbed or disgruntled person BEFORE they “loose it” and take a life. But, we can limit their access to weapons and ammunition of mass destruction! We can start by getting assault styled weapons out of general circulation.
Do you really want to let any “lobbying” group put the life and health of you and your loved ones at higher and higher risk. . . just so their members can rake in higher and higher profits. . . while they continue to laugh at you “all the way to the bank” ?? Really??
Call your members of Congress and state legislatures and tell them we’ve had enough murders in the streets! It’s time for us to rise up and take control of the lethal weapons!! “Just give peace a chance”!!
davet says
Hey flat, I guess you never served in the military or served as a police officer. I have and that gear they wear is hot, you head sweats and having no hair sure makes life easier.
People filled with hate will use any means they have to do harm. Guns happen to be the easiest to get.
Sherry says
There actually is factual evidence that shows that gun safety regulations deter criminal use and save lives. . . take a moment to read this important, enlightening article:
April says
This Sheriff is using this opportunity to campaign, but he’s a dreamer if he thinks he will be our Sheriff again the next 4 years.
footballen says
Fingers, watch the interview with Mrs. Shetamia Taylor who is a survivor of those shootings in Dallas. She and her four sons were all caught up in that and she was wounded as well. She was there, she and her family were PEACEFUL protesters. Listen to her interview and tell me you feel the same way.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Conversely, watch the hundreds of other videos of people getting arrested for literally just being black.
The Oracle says
OBEY THE LAW—-THAT’S ALL. I have never seen anyone who was obeying the law, have any problem. The police don’t go looking for some innocent law abiding citizen to pick on.