Note: Monday we began publishing the Live Interview with candidates for local office, starting with the Elections Supervisor race. Individual interviews will post every morning at 10. We started with incumbent Kaiti Lenhart. Kimble Medley runs today, Abra Seay on Wednesday. Interviews with candidates for sheriff begin publishing Thursday. On occasion, follow-up questions may be added to an interview even after it’s been posted.
Kimble Medley is a candidate for Flagler County Supervisor of Elections. Her opponents are incumbent Kaiti Lenhart and Abra Seay. All three are Republicans.
In this race, the vote on Aug. 30 is not a primary: it is, in fact, the deciding election, because no Democrats or independents are running. Whoever wins on Aug. 30, even if by less than 50 percent, will be the Supervisor for the next four years.
Because it is the deciding election, all registered voters, regardless of affiliation, may cast a vote in this contest on Aug. 30 (or in early voting).
None of the three candidates have won an election before. Gov. Rick Scott appointed Lenhart to the position after Kimberle Weeks, who had been supervisor for six years, resigned in January 2015 in a swirl of controversies that preceded her indictment on 12–now reduced to nine–felony charges for allegedly illegally recording phone conversations. Weeks’s tenure was roiled by her combative confrontations with local government agencies, including Palm Coast and, more bitterly, county government, culminating in the political-circus atmosphere of the canvassing board meetings in which she participated, and on the periphery of which some of the recordings were made on her cell phone.
That history has inevitably framed the current campaign as the candidates hoping to be the next elected supervisor each in her way seeks to project a new, non-partisan, non-controversial regime.
The supervisor of elections is paid just over $100,000 a year, following a raise approved by the Legislature in spring. The salary is set by state law, based on county population, but paid out of local dollars.
FlaglerLive submitted identical questions to all candidates, with the understanding that additional questions might be tailored to candidates individually and some follow-up questions may be asked, with all exchanges on the record. The Live Interview’s aim is to elicit as much candor and transparency as possible. We have asked candidates to refrain from making campaign speeches or make lists of accomplishments. We have also asked candidates to reasonably document any claim or accusation. Undocumented claims are edited out. Answers are also edited for length, redundancy, relevance and, where possible, accuracy. If a candidate does not answer a question or appears to be evading a question, that’s noted.
But it’s ultimately up to the reader to judge the quality and sincerity of a candidate’s answers.
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- What qualifies you to run?
- Character and temperament
- Post-Kimberle Weeks
- Office needs
- Election errors
- Felons’ voting rights
- Length of early voting
- Precincts: too few, too many?
- Turnout accountability
- Non-partisanship
- Law-breaking
- Criminal record
- Individualized question
Place and Date of Birth: Rockledge, Fla., March 19, 1960.
Current job: Local Insider Palm Coast and the Flagler Beaches, and Full Time Student Embry Riddle
Party Affiliation: Republican
Net Worth: $100,010 (See the financial disclosure)
Website: www.voteformedley.us
1. What qualifies you to be supervisor of elections?
As the Deputy Clerk for the Flagler County Clerk’s office, I listened to our customers. Every week, we had folks who would travel from either Daytona Beach or Jacksonville to look at hundreds of foreclosure case files. The clerks’ office had started the process of scanning documents. I introduced a new and innovative system that provides people with online access to everything they need to know to prepare for and attend foreclosure sales. My process allowed customers to find foreclosure sale procedures, dates of sales, and a list of foreclosures, all online. This not only saved our customers time and money; it saved our clerks who had to pull each case file for review and then re-file the same. I am always looking for ways to save money and streamline operations. Honestly, I thrive on it.
This fresh approach required not only gaining approval from the Clerk of Court, which was given with one meeting; it required coordinating with the Clerk’s Information Technology (IT) department. Within less than a year, I had been named Meeting Facilitator for the Circuit Civil division and within three years, as a Deputy Clerk, my duties expanded to include conducting foreclosure sales, processing foreclosure sale documents, processing all circuit civil cases to be heard by the 5th District Court of Appeals, and managing Probate cases.
In 2009, I was given the opportunity to serve the voters of Flagler County as Deputy Supervisor of Elections. The job itself was a perfect fit. I successfully ran three city elections in March of 2009. It was during my tenure I began to establish relationships I maintain to this day. I served for seven months; yet, what I learned in seven months, some have not learned in seven years. After months of being subjected to a hostile, sometimes down right belligerent, work environment, I held my head high and resigned; but, I never abandoned my community.
I returned to school in 2009. I had been awarded a scholarship through CareerSource of Flagler and Volusia (formerly One Stop). At the tender age of 49, I courageously returned to school, at Daytona State College Flagler/Palm Coast Campus, and fulfilled my father’s dream of obtaining by obtaining my Associate of Arts degree. My family and professors encouraged me to continue, so I did. On August 12, 2014, I received my Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management through Daytona State College’s nationally recognized program.
I am the only candidate who is a graduate of the Flagler County Citizens Academy and the Flagler Public Leadership Institute.
My education continues today. I am a full-time student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, currently pursuing my Masters in Leadership. In my spare time, I write for Palm Coast and the Flagler Beaches as a local insider offering a local’s perspective for favorite tourist destinations.
2. Describe your character and temperament, and what people you’ve worked with—or customers you’ve interacted with—would say are your most serious personal flaws, in so far as how they affect your job. What do you do to address those flaws? (Please don’t interpret the question as a way to veil qualities as flaws. In other words, please don’t tell us you work too hard or are too honest or too much of a perfectionist, but rather, tell us honestly where you need most self-improvement, but only within the scope of your public job, not in your private life, which is not our business.)
I am a steady, hard-working individual who is passionate, thorough, and even-keeled. As a Type-A personality, I recognize everyone is not as dedicated or motivated to this particular job as I am. I know people learn in different ways. I have seen this throughout my 40 years of working and with my educational experience. I am a what, then who extroverted, logistical leader. I prefer facts; however, others may process differently, indicative of a different leadership style, such as strategic. Those exhibiting this style focus on who, then why.
Knowing this, I understand the importance of including all and understanding what motivates others. My work experience, coupled with my education and my leadership skills, gives me a tool chest from which to not only nurture a culture of employee empowerment; it helps me to continuously self-reflect and learn what drives others.
You described your character and temperament somewhat, but did not answer the rest of the question–about your flaws.
I recognize my Type-A personality as a flaw; hence, the answer given.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
3. Felony indictments aside, what, in your analysis, were the most serious flaws of the Kim Weeks administration of the SOE office? How do you propose to separate your administration from that previous one, and how will you avoid conflicts between the SOE and the county commission, which holds budgetary sway over the supervisor?
My analysis of Ms. Weeks is she was confrontational and exceeded her authority at every level. Weeks was confrontational with every county and municipal entity one could possibly imagine. Her belligerence even reached Tallahassee.
Throughout my entire tenure as Deputy Supervisor of Elections, I had repeated discussion with Weeks on the need to offer an open-hand to all, rather than an iron fist. She simply would not and did not listen; and after months of exposure to a hostile, belligerent, office where I could no longer be productive, I decided I would be more useful to my community as an outside voice of reason as opposed to the antagonism and chaos that existed inside the Supervisor of Elections office. I have a tough skin; but I am not an ostrich. My parents taught me right from wrong and leaving was not only the right choice, it was the only ethical choice.
The current administration is led by Ms. Lenhart, who was hand-picked by Weeks, and appointed by Governor Scott. Lenhart acknowledged staff morale was at all-time low. Relationships were broken. Poll workers were discouraged. The acting SOE failed to bring any of this to Weeks’ attention. She failed to provide alternatives. She chose to stay. She chose to accept bonuses at a time when no one in the county received raises.
Weeks had favorites, including several prominent members of the Ronald Reagan Republican Assemblies of Flagler. This was demonstrated with preferential treatment given by Lenhart, who was the candidate qualifying officer at the time; and, was further shown when candidates were refused help as she became the acting SOE.
As opposed to the current, I bring a fresh perspective, untainted by the Weeks administration and the culture she created. I have developed, maintained, and expanded positive relationships with the Board of County Commissioners, and staff; one that is founded in trust, earned by providing accurate and reliable information. I chose to leave the office; but, I never abandoned my commitment to my community.
You start your answer by referring to the belligerence Weeks displayed, only to then unleash quite a belligerent attack on Lenhart: how are you different from Weeks? In the FlaglerLive cover letter that accompanied these questions, you were asked not to make unsubstantiated allegations or attacks. Most of your response to this question does not answer the question so much as attacks Lenhart with unsubstantiated claims: what proof can you give us that she “failed to bring any of this to Weeks’ attention”? What proof do you have that she “chose to accept bonuses,” in the plural no less? What candidates, and what proof do you have, that “candidates were refused help as she became the acting SOE”? Those are serious charges–the sort of open-ended, personal attacks you criticized Weeks for. You substantiated none of them. Here’s your chance.
[Ms. Medley’s reply regarding Lenhart not bringing matters to Weeks’s attention was not first-hand documentation but Medley’s assumption, based exclusively on “Lenhart’s own story posted February 27, 2016 to the Facebook Group, ‘Flagler County Politics.'” We explained to Medley that assumptions may not substitute for evidence. She did provide a copy of the check Lenhart was issued at the beginning of her tenure for Weeks, that has been termed a bonus check, in the amount of $2,257.32, one of several written to various employees at the time. Medley apologized for referring to such checks in the plural, as there were no more than one. The claim that candidates were refused help actually refer to only one candidate. Medley was reporting the information third hand rather than through documented evidence, so we are not reproducing it here.]
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
4. What are the office’s most serious current needs, and how will you address them?
Trust. Establishing a new trust between the public and the Supervisor of Elections office is the most serious need.
Adequate staffing and poll worker training. No person or organization should have to wait three months for election information because the acting SOE is out of the office.
Transparency. To this day, neither elected officials or taxpayers have a definitive answer about the bonuses; and, in light of missing 2010 payroll records, we may never know. Instituting transparency by using a secure tool box of technology will allow the public to witness the fiduciary commitment the office must adopt. The office’s budget will be online and justified with Florida Statutes.
Anticipating future election needs, rather than reacting to situations, such as replacing voting equipment old enough to vote, is the first step. Our equipment should have never reached the age of 18. I have already been anticipatory by forecasting, planning, networking, and instituting best practices so the needs of the public are met in advance, not last minute.
Again with the unsubstantiated claims: “No person or organization should have to wait three months for election information because the acting SOE is out of the office.” What are you referring to? And can you name individuals other than those connected to your campaign who have waited three months for election information? You again refer to the bonuses and note that “we may never know” definitively what took place with those alleged bonuses, yet your were quite confident to indict Lenhart as having received not one bonus, but bonuses. Which answer should we go on?
Ms. Lenhart lists her personal creation and maintenance of “every brochure, poster, and the Flagler County Voter Guide… I manage and maintain the content and graphics” on the elections website in her Feb. 27 statement posted to Flagler County Politics. In a report titled, “Flagler County 2014 General Election Official Observation Report”, “redundancy for the key duties of all employees” is listed as one of three recommendations “to mitigate potential problems”.
This lack of redundancy significantly impacted Flagler Federated Republican Women in the summer of 2015 and our efforts to obtain current information for offices on the ballot in 2016. Susan Moya was the PR Committee Chair for the group and is the PR Chair for Florida Federation of Republican Women. Our group, along with other clubs, begins planning for elections months in advance. Ms. Moya followed up with the elections’ office staff for months and was repeatedly told Ms. Lenhart was the only one to answer her request for the offices on the ballot for 2016. As a mother of three, I can certainly appreciate maternity leave; however, proper contingency planning accounts for just such events to insure customer service requests can be processed.
By August 22, 2015, having called the office twice, our club eventually gave up trying to get the information from the elections office. We developed our own voter’s guide; and, had we not done so; we would not have been able to have this piece of literature to distribute in October at the Creekside Festival. Ms. Moya compiled the list of offices. I reviewed them. From that, we designed a voter’s guide, approved by our Board, including Gail Wadsworth, Jeanette Parker, and Debbie Laury. Ms. Moya did not become my campaign manager until December of 2015. Bonuses were paid in 2010, one to each of five staff employees, totaling $11,286.60.
Note: See Kaiti Lenhart’s statement on the “bonus check” issue here.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
5. What specific procedures would you put in place or refine to minimize errors and increase efficiency in the elections process, including rapid and accurate results reporting from precincts on election nights?
We all are human and we all make mistakes; however, better training and education of our poll workers and our electorate will address the majority of issues and provide for efficient elections.
For example, by having the voter read his or her ballot style number, found on the ticket printed by our EVIDs, electronic poll registers, to the poll worker tasked with giving the voter the ballot, a check is put in place that could mitigate distributing a wrong ballot to a voter. We will have in excess of 100 ballot styles for the August 30 Primary Election. Wrong ballots were distributed in the 2016 Presidential Primary with only 5 ballot styles. While Ballot on Demand technology will provide assistance during Early Voting, Election Day is another story; and, no amount of new technology will correct training and education issues. That same check and interaction between the voter and poll worker is critical to decreasing errors. Incorporating “what if” scenarios with poll worker training, which must be hands on training, not simply reading from a manual or following a PowerPoint presentation, is a must and will be implemented. When workers are shown that mistakes can and will happen and are then shown how to correct those mistakes and why processes are put in place to reduce errors, poll worker and voter confidence is enhanced.
The key to election night reporting is making sure our polling places are equipped with up-to-date technology. In 2014, ten telecommunication errors were reported. At the time, we had 23 precincts. This is still a problem today which is why the availability of current technology is an important factor that must be considered when selecting sites for polling places.
Finally, a strict policy regarding staff members entering secure locations, including video surveillance, capturing entry to and exit from all areas containing ballots, especially when ballots are present, will be adopted and vociferously enforced!
[Note: Medley’s original answer to FlaglerLive included a paragraph lengthy with unsubstantiated claims. We asked her to substantiate them. One of those claims went as follows: “Col. Jack Howell contacted me in March, by telephone, and advised he was told his military ID was not acceptable because it could not be swiped for the EVID. He was told to produce his driver’s license. I had been trying to set up a meeting with him. I sent him a follow up question, through Facebook messenger and asked if his military ID was active. He replied and confirmed his ID was active.” We decided to verify that claim. Howell told FlaglerLive that yes, his military ID was denied in one case by a poll worker, but he attributed the issue to the poll worker alone: “It’s just a matter of one individual being lazy,” he said, with the issue happening only once and not reflecting on Lenhart. Nor was he kept from voting. Howell went on: “One of the One of the poll workers screwed up on me, but does that mean she should be tarred and feathered? No. Bottom line is, Katie stepped into a pile of crap when she took over that office and she’s done a wonderful job.” Of Medley’s claim, Howell said: “She’s trying to make more of this than what there is.” We chose not to track down further unsubstantiated or unverified claims.]
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
6. Should felons who have completed their sentences have their voting rights restored in an expedited way? Provide your critique of the procedure currently in place.
Currently, Florida is one of three states with long waiting periods before felons, who have completed all requirements of sentencing, including probation and parole, can apply. The change required to expedite the restoration of civil rights, including the right to vote, is not under the purview of the office of Supervisor of Elections or the Florida Legislature. Do I believe the current waiting period is too long? Yes; but, absent further in-depth research, I do not know what that magic number for a waiting period is. The overall process for the restoration of civil rights is too long and can take as long as eleven years. Since 1975, there have been 31 changes to the rules that govern the application process. These changes have been impacted by budget cuts, reductions and/or eliminations in staffing levels, and increased workloads. Stability and consistency are needed in the application process; however, absent the political will to resolve this, the issue is left to the people. A Constitutional Amendment, titled “Voter Restoration Amendment 14-01” is on track to for placement on the 2018 General Election ballot. If enacted, I will do everything in my power to make sure those who have had their civil rights restored, including the right to vote, have the fullest opportunity and ability to vote. Folks who have completed their sentencing, probation, parole, all requisites, demonstrated remorse, and commitment by securing employment and/or furthering their education should be welcomed into the democratic process of voting.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
7. If you’re asked by the Secretary State or the Legislature whether the early voting period is too long or not, what would be your response and why? As a Supervisor of Elections, it would be within your discretion to add early voting days beyond the minimum mandatory period of eight days, up to and including the last Sunday before Election Day. To what extent if any would you take advantage of that allowance?
The answer depends on what type of election is scheduled.
Supervisors of Elections have flexibility. Municipalities have flexibility. The key with Early Voting is to be sensitive to both the number of voters affected by Early Voting and the type of elections being conducted. Would it have made sense for the City of Bunnell to have had ten days of Early Voting during its 2014 election cycle when a total of 281 votes were cast? The time period for Early Voting is contingent upon they type of election, i.e., municipal, countywide, state, special, referendum, or national. Here again, being anticipatory and proactive are key. In General Elections, particularly when voter turnout is anticipated to yield historically high numbers, it is important to be aware of what our neighboring counties are considering, too. Flagler County does not exist in a bubble. By using the maximum number of hours and the maximum number of days we not only provide voters with the fullest opportunity to go vote, we protect our county from voter disenfranchisement lawsuits.
So just to be clear, based on your last sentence, you are for expanding the hours?
I would love to be able to answer with a simple Yes; but, that would ignore the many variables that must be considered. This is not a simple Yes or No question. The totality of the election, voter turnout, voter education, voter engagement, along with who and what is on the ballot must be considered. To not do so would be irresponsible. I am in favor providing voters with the fullest opportunity to go vote, while protecting our county from voter disenfranchisement lawsuits.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
8. Between early voting and voting by mail, far fewer people are voting in person on Election Day. Assess the effectiveness and geographical fairness of the current number of precincts, explaining where, if any, some might be closed and others opened. If you favor expanding the total number of precincts, how would you justify that in light of the falling numbers of in-person voters, and how would you finance the expansion?
The answer is not to reduce the number of polling places. The answer begins with a post-election debrief and a survey of our voters. I have already started this dialogue. We currently have 23 precincts at 22 locations. In 2012, we were told this would save taxpayers money. Has it? Has there been any assessment? Palm Coast resident Jack Carrell, referring to Palm Coast’s 2011 General Election that experienced voter turnout totaling less than 6,000, said, “By taking away these precincts… you’ll make (voting even) harder”. I agree. [Carrell was referring to the six polling sites the Palm Coast City Council, not the Supervisor of Elections, decided to have for its 2011 election, down from 21 precincts. The supervisor had no authority to decide how to run the city’s election in so far as polling places were concerned. That was a municipal decision intended to save money. At the same time, the precincts were changed to polling places enabling voters from anywhere in the city to vote at any of the polling places, as with the three countywide locations during early voting in broader elections.–FL]
If I have learned anything from College Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics, it’s this: using percentages creates a false premise, as is this case with this question. Since 2012, we have added almost 7500 to the total of registered voters. In 2012, more than 40,000 voters voted at the polls on Election Day. Although more and more people are choosing to Vote by Mail or taking advantage of Early Voting, as the total number of registered voters increase, even if Election Day voting percentages remained at the levels of 2012, the total number going to the polls on Election Day would increase. Likewise, we have a generation of baby-boomers who will be retiring over the next two election cycles who prefer to vote at the polls on Election Day.
Let’s start by looking at our current locations and asking questions. Do they still make sense? Do they take advantage of population centers and traffic patterns? Are the locations equipped with the technology required for our new voting equipment? While the Supervisor of Elections should be proactive in removing artificial barriers to voting, the office must take care to honor its fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. Are we utilizing county buildings rather than private facilities in order to save money? Seven of our current polling places are located at churches. Does this pose a problem with a church’s 501 C (3) status? Does a current site, like the VFW (Precinct 23) pose a safety concern? Currently, more than 8,000 voters are assigned to that precinct and in 2012, 60 percent voted at the polls on Election Day. We’ve all driven up and down Old Kings Road on Election Day and have witnessed the crowded parking, parking across from the VFW, and folks trying to cross the road to go vote.
Five of our current locations are schools; yet neither high school nor the local college are used. Wouldn’t this be a great way to not only take advantage of the on-site technology, which would help with the transmission of results on Election night; but, what if those students who are 18, could train as poll workers and work alongside experienced poll workers on Election Day? Think of the buzz that could be created at Daytona State College Flagler/Palm Coast campus if the college became a polling location.
Finally, relationships matter. Bringing all stakeholders to the table would help in identifying problems with existing polling sites, locating alternative sites, assessing precinct populations, and presenting a plan that is balanced with a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers and providing voters with the fullest opportunity to go vote.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
9. Should Supervisors of election be held accountable for the turnout numbers at elections? How so? And what are your specific strategies to improve turnout?
No. However, the Supervisor of Elections plays a part. The Supervisor of Elections is there to give voters the fullest opportunity to register and to vote with as few artificial barriers as possible. The Supervisor of Elections’ job includes providing timely, easy to read, complete voter materials and voter education.
Website design is critical. Studies show if information is not found after three mouse clicks, customers move on. Under my watch, a website will be designed that will include all election and candidate information, including financial reports for municipal candidates. In May, I observed a voter could find who was running for Mosquito Control, but not Mayor of Palm Coast. This topic was again broached at the June 21 Tea Party meeting. Again, voters were told this could not be done because of a software vendor agreement. Blame was also assigned to the City Clerk. Miraculously, by June 27, municipal candidate information appeared on the elections website; but, there is still more to do; and, I know how to get it done.
Further community outreach and education will be expanded. I have already been out in our community. I am a member of the Flagler Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Business Issues and Flagler Votes Committee. As a result, I am constantly hearing people are confused. This is not acceptable.
Working with Suzanne Johnston’s office to develop a script about Florida’s Closed Primary that would help mitigate confusion on Primary Election Day is one strategy. The default voter registration for the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is No Party Affiliation (NPA). Those registered as NPA cannot vote in closed primary races. Since 1994, according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce, NPA registrations have increased by 473%, most of which is attributed to the default setting.
Pre-registration of students, when they turn 16, would provide an opportunity to discuss the closed primary system and allow that student to gather information about political parties so that upon reaching age 18, the student can decide to choose a party or to remain an NPA. This would allow students to be excited to cast their first ballot, rather than disappointed, as many were during the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary. Although this information is easily found on the Voter Registration Application, it is not highlighted.
Social Media plays an increasingly important role with advertising. Adopting best practices from Election Offices that have developed a robust Social Media program would help get the word out in a more efficient and expedited manner.
Voter education is a 365-day job, not one that begins 6 months before an Election. Whether as a Merit Badge Counselor with Boy Scout Troop 402, a member of the Flagler Votes Committee, a member of the Republican Party, or as a mom; the opportunity to help educate is a passion I embrace.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
10. Would you support making the supervisor’s race non-partisan? What will you do to ensure that your own party allegiance does not interfere with the impartiality the job requires?
Not only is this a false argument, it’s an excellent example of bandwagon fallacy and many other false premises. The absence of a political affiliation designation does not change the beliefs of a person. The presence of a political affiliation designation does not imply a level of favoritism. Under Ms. Weeks, a Democrat, who, like Lenhart disavowed membership in political parties, close ties were established with leaders of the Ronald Reagan Republican Assembly of Flagler. Inherent in the question is that because I am a Republican an assumption of dishonesty and prejudice of Republicans is presumed. The party label is just that, a label. Yet not all of my beliefs are summed up by the label.
Chapter 105 of the Florida Statutes designates judicial candidates as non-partisan races. County and city charters declare school board and municipal candidates as non-partisan; yet every year candidates’ political labels are discovered. Being a part of a political party provides insight that is very useful and helpful for the office.
I am a Republican; but, I attend Democratic Club meetings. I am a member of the NAACP Flagler Branch, I am the President of American Association of University Women, Flagler Branch, and I am member of the Flagler Votes Committee, currently abstaining while a candidate. I enjoy listening to and discussing opposing views as it only increases my knowledge and awareness which allows me to become with familiar with issues facing all voters. At the end of the day, sanctifying the office as non-partisan will not assure fairness. Fairness depends solely on the individual Supervisor of Elections, regardless of party affiliation. Voters need to know more about a candidate, not less.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
11. If you or someone on your staff or among your poll worker sees someone breaking an election law, what would you do?
On day one, I will require any incident be reported, thereby allowing for an investigation to occur. Based on the outcome of the investigation and the severity of the violation, arrests could occur, followed by criminal prosecution, as well as termination.
In all instances, the Florida Statutes will be followed, and the action(s) will be stopped!
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
12. Have you ever been charged with a misdemeanor (other than speeding or running red lights) or a felony, or convicted of either, in Florida or elsewhere? If yes, please provide dates and details.
Jump to other candidates’ answer: Lenhart | Medley | Seay
13. You’ve publicly made claims of saving the county and Palm Coast several thousand dollars in the past few years. How so?
Yes, I have saved the city and county thousands in taxpayer dollars.
In 2009, I worked with City of Palm Coast officials and provided an alternative to the city’s then practice of holding separate city elections. Ms. Weeks required the City to pay a $25,000 deposit, plus an additional $12,500 for poll worker training to conduct the City’s election. The City did not hold elections in 2009 as incumbents were not challenged.
The former City Clerk and I knew Weeks’ adversarial and confrontational manner would not subside and the City would have to negotiate for its next elections. My concerns became a reality when Weeks’ then sought a deposit of $30,000 along with the $12,500 for poll worker training.
By August of 2010, the former City Clerk had retired and a transition period took place before the current City Clerk was named. By this time, my alternative, which was for the City to hold its elections with County-wide elections began to resonate with the City Manager’s office. Further research by the City Attorney, in conjunction with my recommendation, was requested at a January 2011 workshop. The measure, to change the charter and conduct elections with the County, received a unanimous vote by the City Council in March of 2011. This vote allowed the measure to be placed on the September 2011 ballot. It was passed by the voters.
In 2009, we had 36 precincts. To conduct a separate election for the City of Palm Coast, required 26 precincts to be opened. Conducting separate elections meant the City had to pay for all election related expenses. My simple fix, carefully researched and professionally delivered, was adopted and is still be utilized today. By moving its election cycles to coincide with county elections, the City now saves $42,500 for each election.
Weeks had already increased the deposit amount by $5,000 in a two-year timeframe, without any justification. Had the City not changed its charter to conduct its elections with the county, deposit amounts would have surely continued to increase with each election cycle. In 2014, the City was not required to pay any deposit.
Another example also took place in 2009. Ms. Weeks’ initial budget had already been increased by $75,000. Ms. Weeks then submitted a supplemental budget request for $358,000 for the Senate District 8 Special Election, scheduled to be a closed primary. This amount was $58,000 more than either St. Johns or Duval County, each of which had far more registered Republicans than Flagler. The request failed to provide any documentation as to how the $358,000 total had been reached. I knew the State would reimburse Flagler County; but, I also knew it would take months for the reimbursement to occur. Again, relying on statistics, I provided the Board of County Commissioners with not only facts and figures that demonstrated the absurdity of the amount; I proposed a services rendered agreement as a way to account for actual expenses. The Board of County Commissioners adopted this idea. Checks totaling $64,954.00 and $60,424.94 were paid for actual expenses incurred for the Special Election Primary and General Elections, respectively. My research and recommendation saved taxpayers $236,621.06.
I continued to review the budget process for years. I attended budget workshops and commission meetings. Many times, my points made in writing to the Board of County Commissioners were often echoed during extensive questioning of Weeks. I have noted the budget has increased under Ms. Lenhart and I look forward to scrutinizing the allocation of resources, streamlining processes, and providing Flagler County with a quality of service sorely lacking for nearly eight years.
I was not silenced by Weeks; nor did I capitulate. I have always found answers.
I found answers and offered help once again to Palm Coast in 2014 when Weeks held their elections hostage, finally requiring action from the Secretary of State. When candidates faced significant fines and the current administration either could not or would not help, I provided the solution and as a result, candidates were not fined. As I stated earlier, my voice of reason was of more use to my community outside an office that had been engulfed by chaos and hostility.
You are taking credit for decisions voted on by the Palm Coast City Council and the County Commission. Both bodies may well have been acting on your suggestions. But many people make suggestions to elected officials, and while FlaglerLive covered the adopting of the city’s new system in some detail, the only input we recall from your end was in a comment summarizing the new agreements. Surely we missed your deeper involvement. Can you substantiate that involvement? Did you make those suggestions in appearances before the boards? In meetings with the city manager or council members? In emails? In written proposals?
I am taking credit for developing the idea, researching the idea, gathering data, and delivering the information, by telephone to the former city clerk. I am extremely thankful for not only the former city clerk’s willingness to listen to my proposal; but, for her persistence in helping this idea reach the City Manager’s office, the City Attorney’s desk, and finally the dais of the Palm Coast City Council. An idea that allows the City to save $42,500 each election.
I was the former city clerk’s liaison during the city’s pre-election process. All of our communications on this subject were by telephone. I was not permitted to take my work product notes with me when I resigned. The impetus for the meeting with the City was the significant increase in the amount to be paid to the Flagler County Elections Office. I phoned the former city clerk to tell her I left the office; but, that she and the city should still pursue the option I had presented to her. She told me the assistant city manager was pursuing the proposed change. As I stated, a transition period took placed with the former assistant city manager leaving in June 2010 and the former clerk retiring in August the same year; but, by this time, there was nothing more for me to research. I had already given the former city clerk all of the information the City needed.
My idea specifically outlined the need for the City to change its charter in order to piggyback with County elections. That took place. Once the City Council and the voters approved this idea; the practice, instituted by Weeks, of requiring a total deposit of $42,500 for each City of Palm Coast election, an increase of $5,000 from 2009 without any documentation, ended. The Board of County Commissioners questioned this practice in August of 2011. To this date, questions have not been answered.
It was because of this research I was able to provide assistance to Palm Coast in 2014 when the change was challenged. I wrote to Governor Scott. I made numerous phone calls and spent hours explaining the tenuous situation to Mr. Jordan Jones, with the Office of General Counsel. During a Republican Club meeting, held at Grace’s Place, I was approached by Councilman Bill McGuire. He said my city needed me. Weeks was attempting to impose an onerous Interlocal Agreement on the City. At the end of the day, I volunteered to run the City elections in the event a final agreement could not be reached.
I wrote a letter to the Board of County Commission dated September 7, 2009. It was sent to the Board through the County’s e-mail system. It included resource links along with a recommendation the county implement a services rendered agreement. This was to have been discussed at the September 8, 2009 regular meeting; however, it was subsequently discussed at the September 21, 2009 meeting during which an “Agreement for Special Election for Florida Senate District 8” was presented. This is but one example; subsequent letters followed during budget reviews.
I understand “many people make suggestions”; but, few provide the detailed research, with the level of documentation I do. This is how I have been able to not only develop relationships built on trust and credibility, I have been able to keep those relationships.
Again, you make impressive claims, but don’t provide any evidence, other than your own account, that you were as instrumental as you say you were in what amounts to changing Palm Coast’s charter and election policies. Can there possibly such a gap in the record for such a significant achievement?
The gap is caused from not being able to keep my work product when I left the Supervisor’s Office. I was asked by the former clerk to communicate by telephone. I did. I witnessed the level of frustration experienced by city officials. I knew negotiations for future elections would once again result in confrontation. I researched the statutes. I knew from having just researched the conduct of elections for Community Development Districts (CDD), other elections did take place with county elections. Based on research, the number of precincts, the amounts paid to poll workers, ballot costs, and all of the separate expenses incurred with a stand-alone, municipal election, it made sense for a city the size of Palm Coast to change their charter to have their elections coincide with county-wide elections. I know the timeline, which I have explained. I know the end result. I know my idea relieved Palm Coast of its frustration. I know the City no longer has to pay $42,500; and, knowing I helped my city is all that matters to me.
Katie Semore says
Isn’t it odd that a person with a self-proclaimed Type-A personality has no current income?
Robert Lewis says
I would like Ms.Medley employment history to be brought to light.
Ms. Medley claims no employment. How does she pay her mortgage or bills?
She claims she is a full time student, same as 2012. So are we to believe that an adult is going to class full time with the 18-21 year old kids? I mean even those kids get jobs at the book store or something.
Ms. Medley, why haven’t you had a job since 2009 when you resigned from the Flagler SOE?
It sounds to me is Medley is a continuation of Weeks. No Thank You!
Roger Clegg, Ctr for Equal Opportunity says
Re felon voting (question 6): If you aren’t willing to follow the law yourself, then you can’t demand a role in making the law for everyone else, which is what you do when you vote. The right to vote can be restored to felons, but it should be done carefully, on a case-by-case basis after a person has shown that he or she has really turned over a new leaf, not automatically on the day someone walks out of prison. After all, the unfortunate truth is that most people who walk out of prison will be walking back in. Read more about this issue on our website here [ http://www.ceousa.org/voting/voting-news/felon-voting/538-answering-the-challenges-to-felon-disenfranchisement ] and our congressional testimony here: [ http://judiciary.house.gov/_files/hearings/pdf/Clegg100316.pdf ].
Voter to be says
Kimble Medley was a disaster to the elections office when she was employed there for only six months. She did not dress for success, and today is still unemployable. Medley referred to people as stupid and even kept a sign on her then desk that read “you can’t fix stupid”. She was an embarrassment to that office and it was a relief to see her walk off the job so the employee with so little experience that believed she knew all about the job didn’t have to no longer look down her nose at us. She was sly, cagey and missed work nearly every week she worked. She knowingly applied for and accepted unemployment that was paid to her in error to the tune of $3,500 knowing she was not eligible, and then refused to repay the elections office back the money until Mrs. Weeks had her taken to court. Kimble Medley is desperate for this job, and will walk on top of anyone to try and get it. She should be wearing a campaign shirt “Voter’s Beware”. She is rubbing shoulders with anyone and everyone in local government she can to gain support. She is an in the dark kind of person.
KMedley says
Mr. Lewis:
My resume is posted.
I am married. I trust that answers your first question.
Yes, I am a full-time student and keep my skills sharpened with my community involvement. During my undergraduate studies, classes were attended by younger students, as well as students like myself, a tad bit older. Since 2011, my courses have been online, with classmates from around the world.
After 2009, when applying for work, although I had the experience, as evidenced by my Florida Ready to Work Gold Accreditation, businesses wanted the education element; so, I returned to school. It was an opportunity I could take advantage of and actually enjoy and appreciate much more than I would have had I gone to college straight from high school.
My complete answer to question number one was edited. This is the portion that was omitted:
The Constitution of the State of Florida, along with the Florida Statutes, qualify me for this office. I am a U.S. citizen. I am a registered voter in Flagler County. I live in the district for the office sought. On December 1, 2015, I completed the forms designating the treasurer and bank for my campaign, along with the Statement of Candidate. In further accordance with the Florida Statutes, I collected 735 verified voter signatures to qualify through the petition method. This was certified on February 19, 2016. During qualifying week, I submitted the final documents on June 20, 2016 at 12:48 pm.
Pierre, I suspect you and your readers wish to know more about my experience and education; and, even though your question does not ask, I will provide you with that information, too.
Let me start with the beginning and come forward so that you and your readers have a clear picture. As far back as I can recall, there was always a list of chores to be done around the home. My parents instilled a solid work ethic in me at a young age and that ethic has only grown over the past 40 years. My first job, outside of chores, was in retail. I held various positions through which I learned customer service skills I still rely on today. One of my fondest memory is managing the lay-away department for a large retail store. No, not Walmart. Anyone that has ever used lay-away for Christmas can tell you it can be a nightmare; yet, my organizational skills kept our customers happy.
I ventured away from retail into the insurance realm. As a senior underwriter for an Orlando based insurance company, I completely transformed our communication method such that a five-digit computer code allowed correspondence to be produced at a higher and more efficient pace. This was during the time technology was transitioning from the Daisy-wheel typewriter to the early beginnings of word processing. Further, I was on the front-lines of an innovative process that allowed doctors and medical facilities to send medical records from computers as opposed to regular mail or facsimile communication. As the senior underwriter, my geographical territory spanned the Southeastern United States, and I was responsible for assessing the risk presented by the applicant for life, health, disability, cancer, and major medical insurance while maintaining a responsibility to our reinsurers.
I hold two professional designations that have relevant application in office management, Fellow Life Management Institute (FLMI) and Health Insurance Associate of America (HIA). FLMI is the world’s largest college level educational program for insurance and financial services. These courses were self-paced and included Actuarial Mathematics.
I took my insurance skills and began my own business that offered consultation to homeowners whose homes had experienced damage due to covered losses. I completed courses for the Andy Beverly School of Insurance and obtained my public adjuster license. The economic downturn negatively impacted the insurance industry. It was at this point, my family and I decided to move to Flagler County.
Anonymous says
Medley is an attention monger,her interactions on what is now a failed local forum says it all….
Robert Lewis says
Ms. Medley-
I have read your resume, thank you. I have found sufficient and questionable gaps in your employment, more specifically from 2009- Present. I am sorry, I don’t count being a candidate for office as employment. The fact that you claim to be a full time student who is sharpening their skills by community involvement is a load of malarkey.
Just to confirm you have had zero gainful employment since 2009 and have claimed to be in school since 2009 (7 years as of today). But since 2011 you have been an online student, being able to work at the comfort and own leisure. Yet you haven’t had gainful employment.
Why should the voters elect you?
Kendall says
I would like Ms Medley to explain why, after quitting her job of seven months at the Supervisor of Elections office, she filed for and collected unemployment under questionable circumstances. So questionable, in fact, that she was made to pay the compensation back to the state.
DRedder says
Boom Mike drop, She gone!
Brad W says
I am not a fan of Kimble Medley. It’s a actually not personal. It’s because of the type of candidate that she represents. A candidate who thinks the Voter is stupid and can mislead them. Someone who makes baseless accusations against others purely for personal gain. Someone who is obviously running for themselves not the community and will stop at nothing to gain a position for some sense of personal power. A great example of that was Kimberle Weeks who was someone Kimble Medley helped get elected in 2008. Kimble Medley in all her gripes and criticism of Kimberle Weeks over the last 7 years has shown in this interview she is no different at all from what and who Kimberle Weeks is. This interview in my opinion is best characterized as disgusting, and it speaks volumes of any of our sitting officials and community leaders who would support such a person.
If this was a candidate interviewing for a $100k+/year extremely important position in a business, any reasonable hiring g manager would see all of this embellishing and unsubstantiated claims and accusations as a load of junk. That is why Ms. Medley was unemployable and regardless of education will continue to be unemployable.
palmcoaster says
Please what a looong litany of lies by K. Medley!!
Of course she is very much supported as a wild card by county and specially the city that even with her fraudulent background trying to collect undeserved unemployment funds, sat her in our City Code Enforcement Board to prepare her for this SOE race. Shame on the city council for appointing her to judge our city residents actions in that Code Enforcement Board.
Layla says
I am so sorry, but the facts have been correctly stated in the comments. She did quit the office and questionably filed for unemployment. This woman is not qualified to be the Supervisor of Elections, in my view. Serving on the Code Board in no way qualifies you to run for the job of Supervisor of Elections.
I will continue to support our current SOE, Katie Lanhart.
From the comments here, I suggest you do the same.
Steve says
As a strong supporter of knowing about the person to be elected, I personally met with Kimble Medley. I found her to be intelligent, honest and forthcoming with the answers to my questions. Still attending school with no limitations on learning is one of her biggest assets. Education is paramount in these times. I found Kimble to be able to reason things out with her knowledge and common sense, which is lacking in many of the politicians today. For those of you who criticize her faults, I challenge anyone without faults to cast the first stone. We are all human. Kimble Medley should be elected Supervisor of Elections.
KMedley says
I am blessed each day to have an incredibly, wonderful husband who graciously agreed that after having worked for 40+ years, raised three children, the youngest of whom is an Eagle Scout and now proudly serving our Nation as a United States Marine, and welcomed three grandchildren; it was my time to fulfill a long-held dream. My husband fully supported me returning to school, in every way imaginable, from emotionally to financially. He is my biggest fan. He is the love of my life and I am truly fortunate to have this wonderful man in my life.
Ean Medley says
If all you can find to attack is an individual’s employment history, but yet they have done more to improve not only themselves but also spend time to try and improve their community and meet the voters and explain their position like the old times used to be for elections. Then I’m sorry, the platform you stand on that supports a subordinate of someone who was arrested for commuting felony charges against, not only the community, but the state as well. How do you think Lincoln successfully achieved his title as President? How did Reagan became as successful as he did in his time. They made sacrifices, they made choices they needed to make but they never gave up or surrendered their beliefs.
Michael Taylor says
All of the no-name and other wise non-intelligent people that are going at Mrs. Medley for some reason, either you all are threatened by her intelligence or have strong ties to another Candidate, the rest of us chuckle at your small mindedness but the fact that she is getting so much attention has me very interested on why you all are so against someone who is more qualified for this position by far than any of the other candidates, as a matter of fact the current acting SOE and I strongly stress “acting” has or has had someone trespass willfully to post her signs which were removed by the land owner and tossed on the ground, I have pictures to prove it and witnessed it first hand, is that someone who is supposed to be knowledgeable but yet ignores the statutes that prohibit exactly those types of actions, and furthermore those statutes directly pertain to the position of SOE and the small details of placement and trespassing when placing signage… Opinions are just that… opinions… that is why we have the power of the vote, because everyone who speaks negatively about a candidate here may as well be shining the light on themselves, throw mud and be careful you may get dirt in your eye… and as far as FlaglerLive goes, I posted a comment that seemingly does not fit their narrative and it has gone unpublished, so now I have the view that this forum is not a fair forum but politically biased… Surprise surprise… You all have convinced me to vote for Medley
Mark says
Kim Medley loves to talk and never stops demeaning the listener. This still has not changed as of 8/21/2024.