The fourth annual Hurricane Expo has been renamed the Safety F.I.R.S.T. & Playing It Safe! Expo, and is scheduled for June 27th in Palm Coast. “This expo will cover all aspects of personal safety including information for seniors and children, as well as fire, wind and flood preparedness vendors, educational classes, information and demonstrations,” said event organizer Julia Fuentes.
“This is a great opportunity to educate community members, young and old, about injury prevention.” The event will take place at the Legacy Academy located at 515 Palm Coast Pkwy, SW, in Palm Coast, FL on June 27th from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Admission is free and free hot dogs will be served to children under 12 years old. The event is accepting sponsorships and vendors of all types.
Exhibitors will have the opportunity to educate residents on what type of services they offer and encourage attendees to buy local during an emergency. Expo partners include Flagler Parent Magazine, Serendipity Living LLC, and My Safe and Sound Home Inc. The event is endorsed by the EOC and local municipalities. There will be family fun activities including face painting, bounce houses, balloon art, a pet zone, a bike and helmet check and more. A range of topics appealing to all age groups will be offered, such as fire safety, home safety, wind mitigation, elderly fall prevention, child passenger safety, correct CPR methods, pet preparedness and everyday personal safety. Parents can learn about poison prevention, childproofing your home, how to prepare for their families for any disaster situation.
Educational classes will be hosted by The Flagler County Emergency Center, Palm Coast, Bunnell, and Flagler Beach Cities, the Homebuilders Association, My Safe & Sound Home Inc./Safety-Pulse and private sector community providers. A drive thru car seat safety checks will be available from the City of Palm Coast Fire Department. Visitors will be able to build their own first-aid kit; learn water safety; tour fire trucks; watch demonstrations conducted by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Department, Florida Hospital Decontamination Team; Flagler County Emergency Management and the Division of Forestry’s Smokey Bear. Kids can experience the City Of Palm Coast’s fire safety house. Classroom sponsorships to presenting sponsorships are available and details can be found at, or by calling 904-377-4037.