It was a different atmosphere from two years ago at the Flagler County Tea Party Group’s candidate night Monday. The Tea Party’s event is still the liveliest and best attended of all such events, few though they are, but this time there wasn’t much need for the volunteer cop outside to direct overflow parking, several candidates were no-shows, and the Knights of Columbus hall seemed filled more with candidates, supporters or friends and family than with actual voters trying to figure out what ovals to blacken come August.
Vince Liguori, a tea party standard bearer whose candor can sometimes peel the paint off old monuments, and who’d seen the hall more jammed than a fire marshal would approve two years ago, summed up the attendance picture:
“I made a mistake and drove into the Italian-American club, where I used to be a member,” Liguori said, “and I said holly molly, look at this crowd. It was packed to the gills—for bingo. There were more people there than the tea party had at its event. Again, we’re going to see apathy, people aren’t getting involved, and they don’t know who their candidates are, and what they’re going to do.”
That left a ratio of many more candidates-to-voters at the tea party event, leaving one prominent member of the community, who requested anonymity for obvious reasons, summing up the swarms of candidate solicitations this way: “Walking around here I feel like a piece of meat.”
It’s an off-year election, which always brings out fewer interested voters, particularly when it comes time to vote: turnout in Flagler County at the last off-year primary election, in 2010, was the lowest in at least 14 years, with just 22 percent of registered voters casting a ballot. The 2006 primary had drawn 23 percent. It’s not a specifically Flagler-borne illness: primary turnout in the state was also 22 percent in 2010 and 20 percent in 2006.
There’s another reason this election is drawing less interest: the Democrats are virtual no-shows.

There are Democrats running for Palm Coast City Council, including incumbent Bill Lewis (a no-show Monday). But the council race is ostensibly non-partisan (a pretense no one believes but everyone pretends to abide by), as is the school board race. There are two Flagler County Commission races. Those are partisan. But no Democrats are running for either. Since Florida is a closed primary state, those races will be closed to all but 25,000 voters. And since only about 22 percent of voters turn out, those races will be decided by all of about 5,500 voters in the Aug. 26 primary. That tends to reduce interest in candidate nights.
The two county commission races will have general contests, with each race featuring a yet another Republican who chose to run as an independent for fear of being clobbered in the primary contest (Howard Holley in one race, Denise Calderwood in the other). All registered voters will get to cast a ballot in those races in the general election on Nov. 4.
Critical Voter Information: |
Holley will be challenging the winner of the Dennis McDonald-Frank Meeker race in District 2. Meeker is the incumbent, McDonald is a Ronald Reagan Assemblies candidate. For those two, it’s a rematch of the primary two years ago, which Meeker won by a thin margin. Calderwood will challenge the winner of the Nate McLaughlin-Mark Richter race in District 4. McLaughlin is the first-term incumbent, Richter is a Ronald Reagan Assemblies candidate.
Reached by phone Monday evening, Merrill Shapiro, one of the few Democratic leaders left in the county, said he recognized the strength of Republicans fielding candidates in almost every race and the absence of Democrats in too many races, though he pointed out a few notable exceptions. “We’re not well organized and we’re not doing a good job of developing candidates,” he said. Like the local Republican Party, which has been riven by dissention, Democrats have been contending with divisions as well, but unlike the Republicans, they have not managed to keep active with registrations and fielding candidates. Shapiro said that will be changing.
As of July 23, there were 70,867 registered voters in Flagler County—25,831 of them Republicans, 24,049 Democrats, and 20,987 independents or members of minor parties.
It isn’t just the lack of interest that bothered Liguori, who’s observed and been involved in Palm Coast politics since before the city’s incorporation in 1999, but the quality of candidates.

“Unimpressed,” Liguori said. “There were some candidates there who are running for city council who don’t know what the hell is happening, don’t know what the issues are, were, have been, didn’t even know about the battle we’ve had over the utility tax, to try to suppress that over two administrations.” He added: “The only thing I can say really is that I was disappointed that the people running for council had no idea of the battles. I was even going to ask them about the most important question—what is your vision for Palm Coast?”
The Palm Coast City Council is running its elections in even years for the first time in hopes of improving turnout. Two seats are up this year, including an open seat, as Dave Ferguson, appointed to fill the seat vacated by Frank Meeker when Meeker was elected to the County Commission, chose not to run. Lewis is defending his seat against three challengers—Woody Douge, Steven Nobile and Norman Weiskopf. (Only Nobile, a Ronald Reagan Assemblies candidate, showed up Monday.) Three candidates are running for the open seat: Heidi Shipley (who didn’t show Monday), Anne-Marie Shaffer (a Ronald Reagan Assemblies candidate) and Rosen, alone among the challengers to have previously won an election in Flagler.
Alan Peterson, a former Palm Coast council member and county commission member—Charlie Ericksen defeated him in a primary two years ago—turned out to get educated about the candidates because he’d had difficulties finding much about them elsewhere, in part due to the candidates’ own fault.
“Up to this point,” Peterson said, “it’s been somewhat of a disappointment because so many people are running but there’s been so little publicity, so little published, and some of the candidates don’t have websites. So if you’re not familiar with them it’s very difficult to find out what they stand for. That’s why tonight was so important. It gave me a chance to find out more. We need more candidate nights.
(The Flagler County Chamber of Commerce, the Flagler County Association of Realtors and the Flagler Home Builders Association are hosting a candidate forum, with questions to candidates, on Aug. 4 at the Hilton Garden Inn. The forum is open to the public.)
David Sullivan, who leads the local Republican Executive Committee, gave this analysis at the beginning of the evening: “There’s a basic feeling in the population, Republican or Democrat, not to trust the government that’s in right now. Therefore it’s an exceptionally good time for challengers to break through. But in Flagler County it’s essentially going to be Republican against Republican. I think that President Obama was so dominant when he ran, he had a lot of organization, but it wasn’t grass roots. It was top down, and when he’s not running, there isn’t much strength for Democrats.”
The Republican-Republican races are especially pronounced in county commission races.
No independent has ever won a seat on the county commission, but Holley is banking on bi-partisan support, as illustrated by two men he had with him Monday evening: Ralph Lightfoot, a Democratic Party activist and frequent campaign manager (he’s handling Holley’s campaign), and Jim O’Connell, the former Republican county commissioner and tea party member.
“You know and I know that the issues locally are not party related,” O’Connell said, just then overhearing his candidate commit a verbal slip-up. “He just made the mistake I did. ‘If I get elected.’ It’s ‘when I get elected.’” O’Connell then sought to illustrate Holley’s thinking by describing how, after a visit by Rep. Ron DeSantis at a chamber lunch in January, Holley called O’Connell to discuss the lunch. Holley was especially incensed by a question someone had posed DeSantis—what DeSantis was going to do to bring jobs and lower the unemployment rate.

“Can you believe what a stupid question that was?” Holley said, according to O’Connell. “You don’t ask him what he’s going to do. You take out a list and tell him what he’s going to do for you.”
What O’Connell didn’t mention was the identity of the person asking the allegedly stupid question: Meeker, Holley’s potential opponent: Holley, who announced his candidacy only three months later, was already campaigning assiduously. (Meanwhile at his table, Meeker spoke with potential voters while using a one-inch binder thick with campaign documentation, indexed to the letter and rich in the sort of expansive analyses Meeker likes to write on issues.)
Three seats are up for school board, each defended by an incumbent: John Fischer is being challenged by Toni Baker, Lynette Callender and Janet McDonald (all four were present Monday, but at tables quite distant from each other.) Andy Dance is being challenged by Maria Barbosa, who was absent only because of a family emergency out of the country. And Trevor Tucker, who was absent, is being challenged by Michael McElroy, who was not there in person but had campaign volunteers waving his flag. The hall was also busy with most of the seven candidates running for three circuit judgeships.
Toward the end of the evening, Bob Hamby, the leader of the Ronald Reagan Assemblies, stood at the front of the hall, looking at the goings-on like the by-stander that he very much is not: his group’s impact was clearly strong that evening, and made the contrast with the Democrats’ absence that much sharper. He, too, echoed the complaints about apathy. “It’s getting people out that’s been my frustration with the whole political process. So many people don’t want to pay attention,” Hamby said, cautioning that “we get the government we deserve.” He then added: “I don’t know why the Democrats have gone into hiding, have gone into a shell and are not putting their candidates out. I’m not pleased with that, either.”
ryan says
Remember, you can’t be a good Christian and a racist at the same time.
Heidi Shipley says
I was unaware this was a question and answer forum where all candidates could speak. I have attended other events such as the Ronald Reagan Dinner and a republican meeting that took place at the community center earlier on, I was not introduced as I am not a republican.
I knew there was a tea party event going on, did not receive an invitation and not being part of the tea party organization, I did not plan on attending.
I am always wiling to attend any meetings, forums, private functions for questions and I knock on doors over the weekends. I never would intentionally avoid any forum. I have gone to the Meet the Mayor Forum, Realtors Association interview and met with individuals women’s groups to speak my views. I am available as always through facebook which I keep public, my website http://www.electheidishipley.com my phone 386-569-4312 and at my home 20 Freeland Lane. If there is a concern I am unaware of in district 2, I am always willing to hear thoughts and views on it.
Thank You
Heidi Shipley
Will says
Heidi – Haven’t met you but from what I hear, I like the way you’re approaching your candidacy. Being open and listening to people to help develop informed opinions is a good thing.
Thanks for that and good luck.
m&m says
All the incumbants have to go . This includes city, county and school board
Diana L says
Voting all the incumbents out as a statement with no regard as to who or what you are voting for, is reckless, I believe.
As far as the meeting, I was out of town and was not aware of the candidate forum. If it was presented as a Tea Party function without explanation of what it was, I would not have attended as I don’t wish to be associated with extremists that have waged a war on women and anyone else who is not just like them.
Heidi Shipley says
I don’t think this was open invite like the other forums. I received letters in the mail from other forums. I also received numerous messages from the observer and from Daytona News Journal about being included in their interviews. Community Cats of Palm Coast also requested an interview on my views on TNR which I gladly took part in. The NAACP has recently sent me a request regarding their forum and the forum run by the Chamber in August I received and replied to. This event had not sent me an invite or requested my input in any way. I only argue that point because I do not want the residents of Palm Coast to feel I did not want to attend. As always I stand by being there to listen to what the people have to say and concerns that are important to them.
Concerned says
When was it? I never heard or saw any publicity. Could explain the low turn out.
Binkey says
I see no reason to replace the school board members with inexperienced people. Aren’t we ranked 12 th in the state. All elementary schools are A rated schools.
Anon says
That was a result of the teachers and students, not the school board.
Robert Lewis says
Voter apathy is hardly a good excuse for Mr. Liguori to utilize. These are statewide elections, hardly an off year election. Nice try, but it is evident that the Flagler Tea Party has lost their zeal and appeal. Rather than attacking the incompetent democrats in D.C., they are destroying their own. Really good job on their part! Nationally, the Tea Party has become the extremists that took down their own party. I smell the reincarnation of the Bull Moose Party.
confidential says
I was totally unaware of this event gathering because I would have attended. Looks like was only for Tea Party Members.
I agree incumbents got to go in Florida state, county and city election from now on.
My total support to Dennis and Janet McDonald, Mark Richter, Woody Douge (by now). Marie Shaffer and Michael McElroy so far.
Ray Thorne says
The same Staffer who on behalf of a past Sheriff candidateand fellow RR filed a suit on another Sheriff candidate claiming he wasn’t “Republican enough”? And then the RR candidate backed a Democrat candidate? No thank you.
Robert Lewis says
Anne Marie – you are running for public office. A position of public trust. Please disclose your financial source for your lawsuit against Mr. Pollinger. The public deserves the know the truth. If you will hide from this, what else will you hide?
Reagan Revisited says
Tea Party ? Where do I sign up ?
Out with all the incumbents !!!!!
Binkey says
@Anon and parents, and community members. I can see your argument about the school,board but if it’s not broken don’t fix it.
Anon says
Complicated dress codes, sham searches, sky-is-falling campaigns, wasteful spending…
Genie says
Binkey, you are looking at a 5% tax increase, is that not reason enough to at least take an interest in these races?
Binkey says
I’m interested, just haven’t seen or heard where an improvement is offered. Nobody likes taxes, but they have to e paid in order to have services. Our schools are huge and expensive to maintain. I think Rymfire is nearly 500,000 square feet under roof and sitting on more than 50 acres. The state mandates programs but forgets to fund them.
I agree the doomsday tax request was a questionable. I’m not sure there is a lot of wasteful spending. The place I see wasteful spending would be in empty classrooms, but to just shut them down would cost in the long run.
I think we all probably agree that what we want to see is efficient use of our taxes and effectiveness of our programs.
Joe Joe says
No thanks to the Tea Party!
A.S.F. says
You know what? I’ve had PLENTY of negative things to say about the Ronald Reagan Assembly and the Tea Party in general but I give them credit for this: They’re organized, they care passionately about their beliefs (which I almost always find disagreeable, if not outright repugnant) and they are willing to put forth effort to bring them to fruition. .
Derrick R. says
Regardless of politics do some research on the candidates, you would be surprised as some have serious skeletons in their closets. While others have appeared on the ballots for other positions before & it would seem hold no qualifications other than wanting another title to add to their trumped resume of career political hacking. One should vote for what’s best for themselves & the community while always being fiscally responsible, realizing that sometimes you have to go without.
ryan says
The best way to be a good representative of your community is to stick to the facts and put politics aside, and encourage your supporters to do the same.