For Marketing 2 Go, March Madness has a ring all its own.
It was four years ago this month that Cindy Dalecki, relatively fresh from being laid off after a long career at the News-Journal, decided to launch her own start-up in the emerging but often intractable world of social media–a world almost everyone needs, especially in business, but few understand, and fewer still can navigate to their advantage.
Dalecki’s secret was to figure out the obvious for those who couldn’t figure it out for themselves: she’d be the go-to person–the go-to company–for any organization’s social media strategy.
Thus spoke Marketing 2 Go, a pioneer in Palm Coast’s social media marketing. The madness was, as with most new ventures, in the daring. But it’s worked: many local companies owe their brand awareness and imprint in social media to Marketing 2 Go.
Launched in March of 2010, the company now employs three ‘bees,’ including Dalecki, owner, president and CEO, Brandi Fowler, chief operations officer, and Meredith Rodriguez, community and sales manager. The company also employ two interns – Ally Perkins, a recent college graduate that will be attending graduate school in the fall, and Ryan Ceballos, a local student working his way through college (and one of the brains behind a new app launching in May called TalkIt). Both graduated high school in Flagler County.
“It’s been an incredible four years,” Dalecki said in a news release issued, of course, by her firm–one of the dozens such releases Marketing 2 Go issues for clients every week. “I am blessed to have such a great team supporting us internally, as well as loyal and amazing customers,” she added. She also said that most of her clients that started with Marketing 2 Go four years ago are still clients today. Those include private companies, non-profits and, increasingly, local governments: Dalecki has contracted with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, among others.
According to current social media usage statistics, there are now more than one billion Facebook users worldwide, with Twitter’s active users reaching 550 million. There are 359 million monthly active users on Google+, and more than 277 million users on LinkedIn. There are also more than one billion YouTube users, and two of the newer social media sites, Pinterest with 70 million active monthly users, and Instagram with 150 million active monthly users, are rapidly gaining steam.
Marketing 2 Go helps companies develop an imprint on many of those platforms. The company owes much of its success to Dalecki’s personality, which combines an intense work ethic and an ability to appear anywhere and everywhere as if simultaneously with a bubbliness that manages never to go flat.
“Social media is no longer an option for business owners,” Dalecki’s news release states, “it’s a necessity. With such a large amount of users, businesses are advised not to ignore the marketing potential to keep in contact with their current customer base to reduce attrition and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, and utilize the opportunity to gain new business. Because every business is not equipped to manage its social media and marketing internally, the expertise and support from an outside firm can prove to be a great asset.”
Marketing 2 Go is based in Volusia and Flagler County and can be reached at 386/566-3466 or online at http://marketing2go.biz/.
CindyD says
Thanks for the great article FlaglerLive!! We are always grateful for your support in helping us get the news out in our area!
Diana L says
Great article and great business.
Earl says
Congratulations Cindy and crew. You are a spark and a treat to work with. We wish you and your customers much success in the future.