“I get home at night and my wife says you look happy. I’m so doggon happy, I can’t control myself. I’m sorry, I like it here,” Lawrence Williams, Bunnell’s new city manager, said toward the end of a city commission meeting Monday. His optimism contrasted with the tone of meeting that deepened rather than mended divisions on the commission. Every attempt Williams made to thaw the cold war Mayor Catherin Robinson has declared against her three male colleagues on the panel fell flat.
Williams’s contract was approved Monday night, but with the same 3-2 vote that sealed his hiring on Sept. 23, with Robinson and Commissioner Jenny Crain-Brady opposed. Crain-Brady later said it was nothing personal. She was merely showing opposition to the commission’s own procedure. “I look forward to working with you,” Crain-Brady told him. “Your staff today spoke very highly of you. They did. And actually said they loved you, and I told them I was very glad to hear that, so welcome.”
Robinson extended no such olive branch. Instead, she refused to sign his contract—a startling move from a mayor who, though not required by the city charter to sign such official documents, signified that her opposition to Williams’s hiring was not over. Vice Mayor John Rogers ended up signing the contract.
Williams will be paid $68,000 a year, or $44,000 less than what Armando Martinez, the previous manager, was getting paid. Williams will have a gas allowance of $200, but no city-issued car. Martinez had a city-issued car, which he used extensively as he commuted daily to Brevard County, where he lives. The contract is open-ended: it will renew annually, automatically, unless the commission acts otherwise.
The contract immediately provoked a debate among commissioners. Robinson was bothered by the absence of a probationary period, while Crain-Brady was surprised by the automatic renewals. Commissioner Elbert Tucker, who was tasked to negotiate the contract with Williams, said the relationship could be ended any time the commission had a majority to do so. It was an inauspicious beginning to Williams’s term, but quite in line with the rancorous atmosphere of the previous half year on the commission.
Robinson did not hold back, going so far as questioning Williams’s capabilities: “I have some concern with the fact that he has not worked for five years and there’s not some probationary period in there,” she said. Nor was she happy about the way he would be communicating with commissioners: by email, communicating the same information to each of them. She had no issue with the fairness of communicating similar information to all, but for Robinson, it will be a significant change of pace: she was on the phone with Martinez daily, many times day. Other commissioners found themselves excluded.
To Crain-Brady, it was “disheartening” that the contract was being approved without mention of a visioning process that would bring the new manager’s ideas in line with the commission’s. “I don’t mean to offend,” Crain-Brady said, “but what I’m saying is to hire a city manager and to not have that visioning to me that implies were just going on the city manager’s vision, and that’s not OK with me.”
Tucker said the vision was set out in the job description. (See below.) “He is not the leader, we are the leaders,” Tucker said. “If you’ve read the job description, that’s what we’re hiring the city manager to do. It’s not his vision. I’m sorry, but I have a difference of opinion.” The job description, Tucker said, is Williams’s guide. Nevertheless, Tucker agreed to a “visioning” session, which Williams himself had mentioned, as a sort of “retreat,” during his interview, saying it would be helpful.
“If we’re the leaders and we’re working individually of each other and we’re obviously a divided board, there is no vision,” Crain-Brady persisted.
“Well Jenny,” Tucker said, “I just said that I’m willing to do it, so who are you arguing with?”
“I thank you that you’re now willing to do that but until we had this conversation you weren’t,” Crain-Brady said.
“I’m only 20 percent Jenny. I’m not the dictator here,” Tucker retorted.
That latest clash drew two people from the audience to comment: Michael Barr, a business owner and frequent presence at city meetings, was worried about the lack of definition in the contractual clause enabling the firing of a manager for “moral turpitude.”
“I’m concerned that this questionable term could come back up again and harm pour new city manager, and I would like you to consider defining what moral turpitude is for this contract’s benefit,” Barr said. Sims Jones, a pastor who also attends almost every meeting, compared the commissioners to children. He admonished them: ““You can’t stand here and ‘I don’t like this, I don’t like that, I’ve got 20 percent, I’ve got 50 percent,’ because the one who’s losing in me, John Q. Public, because we are losing confidence in our city leadership.”
It was at that point that the commission voted 3-2 to approve the budget. Williams sat mostly silent through it all, either looking down and taking notes, or watching the proceedings, expressionless.
He then committed his first misstep: he let commissioners dictate how he would manage his ranks. In a discussion about job descriptions, he said he was interested in freezing three positions in the administration: that of the acting police chief (to keep Lt. Randy Burke fulfilling that role), that of an assistant to the manager, and that of an assistant to the grant director. The freeze would be in place until Dec. 1 to “buy us some time financially,” he said.
Commissioners, who by charter have no place telling a manager how to manage his administration, balked at the idea. Robinson insisted that an assistant to the grant writer (Judi Stetson, who was an applicant for the manager’s job) be hired, because grants bring in substantial dollars. There was more agreement to let the two other positions be frozen. Williams allowed the commissioners to set those terms, opening a door that, ironically, Barr had warned about earlier in the meeting: “This is a policy-making board, this is not a micromanagement board,” Barr had said, surprised that the commission was going so far as to approve job descriptions.
Williams was somewhat more persuasive on two other matters—the cancelling of a centennial gala, which was not drawing the sort of response that would have paid the city’s bills for the event, though here again Williams had to concede to commissioners’ request to replace the gala with a barbecue. And the matter of a loan agreement he was displeased with, because it was attached to a floating interest rate that could expose the city to uncontrollable costs in the long run. Williams prevailed on that issue.
Near the end of the three-hour meeting, Williams took advantage of his portion of the agenda to sum up his good feelings about the city and his staff, saying he hoped to “bring this council together” and describing the pleasure of learning about his staff. He enumerated department directors one by one, with a compliment for each, and summed up: “As far as a 3-2 vote, it’s OK, we’re all going to wake up tomorrow and you know what, today is yesterday. We’re just going to move on and move forward. Hopefully I’ll have a lot of confidence from you.”
Instead, he was rebuked by Robinson. “You didn’t mention Judi,” the mayor said, referring to Judi Stetson, “and I think it goes without saying, she’s not here tonight but she’s an integral part.”
“I’m sorry, I was looking at faces, I wasn’t looking for name tags, and Judi and I probably meet more than anybody else,” Williams said.
Robinson wasn’t done.
In the commissioners’ portion of the meeting at the very end, John Rogers lavished praise on Williams, based especially on what Rogers had heard about the manager from his previous employees in Eatonville. That, too, drew a backhand from Robinson.
“You hired him tonight, you don’t have to sell him anymore, he’s here,” Robinsons aid.
“I’m not trying to sell him, Madam mayor,” Rogers shot back, his voice rising, “but I just wanted to share my experience as you share yours. I’m just 20 percent just like you are, and I just wanted to say my peace tonight too.”
“Well, you did. Anything else?”
“No, that’s it.”
Charles Gardner says
Refusing to sign that contract is a new low for the mayor. Why don’t we all just have a hissy fit like they do in DC?
A.S.F. says
Mayor Robinson sounds very frustrated that she has not been able to set her own “good old girls” network in place.
Bruce Van Deusen says
Good luck Mr. Williams. You have a tough job but your experience and personality give people hope.
Geezer says
I was just reading about a paramedic who is doing better after a serious injury.
It was a feel-good article.
I felt good up until I read about these slugs.
worldwatching says
Why does the mayor bother leading a Christian prayer for government leaders at the beginning of every meeting and act in such an un-Christian manner toward a new city leader? Robinson and Crain-Brady need to give the new city manager full support so he can be successful for the citizens of Bunnell, even if he was not their choice. If they are going to be so juvenile and negative and fight everything the new City Manager recommends, they are in the wrong place. Instead of the City Commission, they should be Tea Party Representatives in Congress.
As for the mayor not understanding the fairness and legality of all commissioners receiving the same information, elected leaders in Bunnell have an obligation to voters to behave ethically and legally. I’m sure someone at the mayor’s church has expounded on the necessity to avoid the appearance of evil.
Grow up, people, set aside your petty differences, and do something positive for the City!
Only In Bunnell says
Bunnell will fall and fail in all they do if Robinson doesn’t get off her high horse. Martinez didn’t accept what was offered to him, so live with his choice. It is so disrespectful of this new manager to be treated in this fashion when he has done nothing but save the city money. Sounds like the position freeze was a wise recommendation considering the city has already gone over budget with attorney costs. Robinson need to step down if she isn’t going to conduct herself in a professional manner, and in the best interest to citizens of Bunnell. She has gotten far too personal. Email communication is a wonderful idea—keep it in the sunshine. That was part of the problem with Martinez, too much manipulative communications and each commissioner was turned one one another. Robinson has gotten too big for her britches, and is poorly doing her job.
Fed up with the Good Ole Boys says
Wow. All of the above remarks. Ya’ll keep drinking that Tucker Kool-Aid, folks!
kb63 says
I wish Mr. Williams luck & hope he can bring the city commission together. I am amazed that we are playing girls against boys like in second grade. I really thought that with all the years Mayor Robinson has been with the City & everything it has been through she was above this but apparently Mr. Martinez had her wrapped in his pocket. As stated Robinson & Martinez spoke several times a day and excluded everyone else. How about Mayor Robinson put back on her big girl panties now and at least try to do what’s best for the City by being cooperative.
Tired of the Good Ole Boys says
Ya’ll keep drinking that Tucker Kool-Ade if you think this guy is the right person for the job of City Manager. He is nothing but a puppet on a string and for “Only in Bunnell”, you were right about one thing. ‘He has done nothing”. Not attended key meetings, was supposed to give a financial report at the meeting. Instead did nothing but attempt a immense case of brown-nosing.
Mike says
So much drama in such a small town, my only question is why hire a person this old? why not hire a younger person who needs a job and is just as capable? would it not be better to have a City Manager who could be on the job for the next 20 years if he is what the city is looking for. Honestly the entire City Commission has become a laughing stock, it is a soap opera over there “As Bunnell Turns”
Anonymous says
What a Baby Mayor Robinson,? Now got to your room and cry? OR take your ball and go home. Who does she think she is? Please lets get this into perspective here, you didn’t get your way and now your going to make it worse.
She needs to be out voted next time. You people of Bunnell better stop complaining and get a Board and Mayor that is mature enough to handle things.
Vote her out !
Ill run against her
Charles Gardner says
They start meetings with prayer. If they believe in prayer then they must believe in the greatest commandment “….love your neighbor as you love yourself…..”. Our Commissioners are just like our leaders in DC; name calling and spiteful behavior. Prayer indeed.