A St. Johns County grand jury on Monday indicted Justin Adam Boyles, 24, and Charles Danny Massey, 38, both of 6 Holly Road in Palm Coast, on first-degree murder charges in the killing of Edward Scott Mullener on June 13 or 14. Mullener died either in Flagler County or just across the county line in St. Johns, where his charred body was discovered in the still-burning trunk of his car in Flagler Estates the morning of June 14.
The grand jury also indicted Boyles and Massey on kidnapping to commit or facilitate a felony, a first-degree felony that carries a penalty of up to 30 years in prison.
The indictment was secured by Assistant State Attorney Jacquelyn Roys, the likely prosecutor in the case. Roys just won the conviction of Flagler Beach murderer Paul Miller, the 66-year-old man who shot and killed Dana Mulhall, his neighbor, in February 2012, over an argument about Miller’s dogs. Miller is serving life in prison without parole.
Mullener’s murder, according to the two men’s arrest reports, was the result of a love triangle gone sour, and involving Boyles, Mullener and Antoinette Heart, a 35-year-old resident of the Hammock, where most of the people involved in the case lived within a few minutes’ distance of each other. Heart had sought to break up from Mullener. Mullener was not accepting the break-up, and had gone to Heart’s house, pounding on her door or windows, when Heart summoned Boyles, who allegedly began to fight with Mullener outside the house. Boyles was then joined by Massey and Cheryl Leggett, Massey’s girlfriend, as Massey and Boyles allegedly continued to beat and torture Mullener, finally driving him away the evening of June 13.
The violence had unfolded at 19 Sanchez Ave. in Palm Coast’s Hammock. Mullener was found the next day in his car along a logging road in Flagler Estates, the undeveloped subdivision that straddles the St. Johns and Flagler county lines. There are a few houses developed on the St. Johns side.
Mullener’s is the fourth Flagler County victim of murder this year, though one of the four–that of Dennie Cayton, whose body was found in a marsh behind a Covington Lane house in early January–is believed to have been killed by stabbing in December. His killer is at large. The killer is still at large in the case of Zuheily Roman Rosado, the convenience store clerk murdered execution-style in February.
In June, Erick Niemi, 42, of 26 Ryken Lane, allegedly confessed to killing his landlord, Leonard Lynn, 76, at the same address in late May. Niemi was indicted on first-degree murder charge last week.

(© FlaglerLive)
My Daily Rant says
They deserve the Death Penalty, send them to old Sparkey.
2 more off the street
Magnolia says
MAY get the death penalty? Oh my….no wonder we have so many felons here.
Ben Dover says
The only problem with that is, they give them the death penalty, then let them sit on death row for twenty five yrs or more before they do it, their victim didn` t get twenty five yrs to ponder his death, and neither should these two , it,ll cost the tax payers over a million dollars between their trial and their yrs spent on death row , this country needs to adopt the same public execution styles of other countries , do it fast and do it in public so all the other dirt bags of this wold see what happens when you take another persons life, its the only sure way to lower the crime rate here , they confessed , there`s no mistaking they are guilty, hang them the day after their trial in public, don t let them further drain the money out of societies pockets , thats why this country is going broke instead of executing our murderers , we house them for yrs and yrs and then we have over crowding so we either build more prisons or they let guy go to commit more crime , its nonsense hang them immediately after their trial!!!!
Richard Moore says
Sometimes prosecutors don’t persue the death penalty because juries are less apt to send a man to his death than they are to send a man to prison forever. You can release someone and apologize (plus give them a stack of cash I imagine) if you realize they were innocent, but we can’t as of yet bring someone back to life.
Petunia says
Hopefully they will get the death penalty. I do not understand why the girls and more were not arrested!
RIP says
scotty justice is gettin served. i hope these guys rot in prison til that needle goes thru their veins. i want them to think about what they did to you every single day of their soon to be ending lives.. i want it to kill them from the inside out. let them live in torture and regret til they are finally no longer able to … let them suffer.. why give them the convience of ending their lives now. let them suffer. i miss you scotty .. your dad misses you and so does your best friend. look over us please..
lori winfree says
your right as an exstended family member and long time friend to scott,antoinette was not trying to break up with scott she was playing the both of them,scott was trying to get away from her,she needs to be behind bars,she is why scott is dead today.
Flaglerresident says
To the author of this article: The vehicle was not found in Flagler Estates. It was found north of Flagler Estates, near Flagler Estates, but not in Flagler Estates. Furthermore, there are more than a couple homes developed on the St. Johns County side of Flagler Estates, more like several hundred maybe even over a thousand homes.
markingthedays says
Flagler Resident you have been jumping all over these articles. Why does it matter where the car was found? The violence and crime happened in the Hammock.
judge dred says
I can’t believe that neither one of these woman are behind bars…
if these people actually did there job they’d be handing out two death
penalties,and two life sentences..that girls stories were pure b.s. luckily
I’m not the judge…none would be sitting around loafin on tax payers
monies…and them girls locked up and oops we lost the . key….gotta love
fla justice…