While fireworks are sold in Florida, and it is legal to buy them, it is illegal for people without a permit to set off fireworks other than sparklers. The rule comes down to this: “If it leaves the ground where it explodes, it’s considered an illegal firework in the state of Florida,” says Palm Coast Fire Chief Mike Beadle. That also applies to firecrackers that go boom.
Exceptions apply in narrow circumstances, as when farmers use firecrackers to scare off birds and protect vegetation or fisheries, says Palm Coast Fire Marshal Jeff Pattee. Palm Coast passed its own ordinance setting out restrictions and prohibitions on fireworks. That ordinance, Pattee said, is almost identical to state law on the matter.
The fact that numerous people set off fireworks illegally is not an allowance to do so. In Florida in particular, in drier seasons, fireworks’ embers can set off wildfires rapidly.
The law in full is below. Independence Day fireworks schedules locally are available here.
Florida Statute Chapter 791: Sale of Fireworks
- 791.001 Application and enforcement.
- 791.01 Definitions.
- 791.012 Minimum fireworks safety standards.
- 791.013 Testing and approval of sparklers; penalties.
- 791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
- 791.02 Sale of fireworks regulated; rules and regulations.
- 791.03 Bond of licensees.
- 791.04 Sale at wholesale, etc., exempted.
- 791.05 Seizure of illegal fireworks.
- 791.055 Restrictions upon storage of sparklers.
- 791.06 Penalties.
- 791.07 Agricultural and fish hatchery use.
791.001 Application and enforcement.—This chapter shall be applied uniformly throughout the state. Enforcement of this chapter shall remain with local law enforcement departments and officials charged with the enforcement of the laws of the state.
History.—s. 6, ch. 87-118.
791.01 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) “Distributor” means any person engaged in the business of selling sparklers to a wholesaler.
(2) “Division” means the Division of the State Fire Marshal of the Department of Financial Services.
(3) “Explosive compound” means any chemical compound, mixture, or device the primary or common purpose of which is to function by the substantially instantaneous release of gas and heat.
(4)(a) “Fireworks” means and includes any combustible or explosive composition or substance or combination of substances or, except as hereinafter provided, any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation. The term includes blank cartridges and toy cannons in which explosives are used, the type of balloons which require fire underneath to propel them, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, dago bombs, and any fireworks containing any explosives or flammable compound or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance.
(b) “Fireworks” does not include sparklers approved by the division pursuant to s. 791.013; toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, or other devices in which paper caps containing twenty-five hundredths grains or less of explosive compound are used, providing they are so constructed that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion; and toy pistol paper caps which contain less than twenty hundredths grains of explosive mixture, the sale and use of which shall be permitted at all times.
(c) “Fireworks” also does not include the following novelties and trick noisemakers:
1. A snake or glow worm, which is a pressed pellet of not more than 10 grams of pyrotechnic composition that produces a large, snakelike ash which expands in length as the pellet burns and that does not contain mercuric thiocyanate.
2. A smoke device, which is a tube or sphere containing not more than 10 grams of pyrotechnic composition that, upon burning, produces white or colored smoke as the primary effect.
3. A trick noisemaker, which is a device that produces a small report intended to surprise the user and which includes:
a. A party popper, which is a small plastic or paper device containing not more than 16 milligrams of explosive composition that is friction sensitive, which is ignited by pulling a string protruding from the device, and which expels a paper streamer and produces a small report.
b. A booby trap, which is a small tube with a string protruding from both ends containing not more than 16 milligrams of explosive compound, which is ignited by pulling the ends of the string, and which produces a small report.
c. A snapper, which is a small, paper-wrapped device containing not more than four milligrams of explosive composition coated on small bits of sand, and which, when dropped, explodes, producing a small report. A snapper may not contain more than 250 milligrams of total sand and explosive composition.
d. A trick match, which is a kitchen or book match which is coated with not more than 16 milligrams of explosive or pyrotechnic composition and which, upon ignition, produces a small report or shower of sparks.
e. A cigarette load, which is a small wooden peg that has been coated with not more than 16 milligrams of explosive composition and which produces, upon ignition of a cigarette containing one of the pegs, a small report.
f. An auto burglar alarm, which is a tube which contains not more than 10 grams of pyrotechnic composition that produces a loud whistle or smoke when ignited and which is ignited by use of a squib. A small quantity of explosive, not exceeding 50 milligrams, may also be used to produce a small report.
The sale and use of items listed in this paragraph are permitted at all times.
(5) “Manufacturer” means any person engaged in the manufacture or construction of sparklers in this state.
(6) “Retailer” means any person who, at a fixed place of business, is engaged in selling sparklers to consumers at retail.
(7) “Seasonal retailer” means any person engaged in the business of selling sparklers at retail in this state from June 20 through July 5 and from December 10 through January 2 of each year.
(8) “Sparkler” means a device which emits showers of sparks upon burning, does not contain any explosive compounds, does not detonate or explode, is handheld or ground based, cannot propel itself through the air, and contains not more than 100 grams of the chemical compound which produces sparks upon burning. Any sparkler that is not approved by the division is classified as fireworks.
(9) “Wholesaler” means any person engaged in the business of selling sparklers to a retailer.
History.—s. 1, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 1, ch. 57-338; s. 1, ch. 84-201; s. 1, ch. 87-118; s. 36, ch. 89-233; s. 1906, ch. 2003-261.
791.012 Minimum fireworks safety standards.—The outdoor display of fireworks in this state shall be governed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1123, Code for Fireworks Display, 1995 Edition, approved by the American National Standards Institute. Any state, county, or municipal law, rule, or ordinance may provide for more stringent regulations for the outdoor display of fireworks, but in no event may any such law, rule, or ordinance provide for less stringent regulations for the outdoor display of fireworks. The division shall promulgate rules to carry out the provisions of this section. The Code for Fireworks Display shall not govern the display of any fireworks on private, residential property and shall not govern the display of those items included under s. 791.01(4)(b) and (c) and authorized for sale thereunder.
History.—s. 1, ch. 96-285.
791.013 Testing and approval of sparklers; penalties.—
(1) A person who wishes to sell sparklers must submit samples of his or her product to the division for testing to determine whether it is a sparkler as defined in s. 791.01. Such samples must be received by the division by September 1 to be considered for approval the following year. On February 1 of each year the division shall approve those products which it has tested and found to meet the requirements for sparklers. All approved sparkler products are legal for sale until January 31 of the following year. The list of approved sparkler products shall be published in the Florida Administrative Weekly and shall prominently state the dates between which the products may be sold. The division shall make copies of this list available to the public. A product must be tested and approved for sale in accordance with the rules adopted to implement this section. Beginning February 1, 1988, only those products approved by the division may be sold in the state. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt rules describing the testing, approval, and listing procedures.
(2) Any person who alters an approved sparkler product, so that it is no longer a sparkler as defined in s. 791.01, and subsequently sells the product as if it were approved is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Any person who fraudulently represents a device as approved for sale as a sparkler product when it is not so approved is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(3) For purposes of the testing requirement by this section, the division shall perform such tests as are necessary to determine compliance with the performance standards in the definition of sparklers, pursuant to s. 791.01. The State Fire Marshal shall adopt, by rule, procedures for testing products to determine compliance with this chapter. The division shall dispose of any samples which remain after testing.
History.—s. 2, ch. 87-118; s. 21, ch. 93-276; s. 1222, ch. 97-102.
791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.—
(1) REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS.—Any manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, or seasonal retailer of sparklers who wishes to do business in this state or to otherwise sell, ship, or assign for sale its products in this state must register annually with the division on forms prescribed by the division. Any retailer who sells sparklers at more than one retail location may submit one registration form for all such locations but must provide the address of each location with the registration form; however, any retailer may submit multiple registration forms.
(2) REGISTRATION FORM.—The registration form filed with the division must be notarized and must include the following information: business name; address; telephone number; officers, if the business is a corporation; and an individual designated as a contact person.
(3) FEES.—
(a) Each manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler must pay an annual registration fee to be set by the division not to exceed $1,000. Each seasonal retailer must pay an annual registration fee to be set by the division not to exceed $200. Each retailer shall pay an annual registration fee to be set by the division not to exceed $15 for each retail location registered. Each certificateholder wishing to have a duplicate certificate issued for one which is lost or to reflect a change of address shall request such duplicate in writing and shall pay a fee of $5.
(b) Revenue from registration fee payments shall be deposited in the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund for the purposes of implementing the registration and testing provisions of this chapter.
(4) RULES.—The State Fire Marshal may adopt rules prescribing registration forms required by this section.
History.—s. 3, ch. 87-118; s. 37, ch. 89-233; s. 21, ch. 2000-370; s. 1907, ch. 2003-261.
791.02 Sale of fireworks regulated; rules and regulations.—
(1) Except as hereinafter provided it is unlawful for any person, firm, copartnership, or corporation to offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail, or use or explode any fireworks; provided that the board of county commissioners shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public display of fireworks by fair associations, amusement parks, and other organizations or groups of individuals when such public display is to take place outside of any municipality; provided, further, that the governing body of any municipality shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public display of fireworks within the boundaries of any municipality. Every such display shall be handled by a competent operator to be approved by the chiefs of the police and fire departments of the municipality in which the display is to be held, and shall be of such a character, and so located, discharged, or fired as in the opinion of the chief of the fire department, after proper inspection, shall not be hazardous to property or endanger any person. Application for permits shall be made in writing at least 15 days in advance of the date of the display. After such privilege shall have been granted, sales, possession, use, and distribution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful for that purpose only. No permit granted hereunder shall be transferable.
(2) A sparkler or other product authorized for sale under this chapter may not be sold by a retailer or seasonal retailer unless the product was obtained from a manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler registered with the division pursuant to s. 791.015. Each retailer and seasonal retailer shall keep, at every location where sparklers are sold, a copy of an invoice or other evidence of purchase from the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler, which states the registration certificate number for the particular manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler and the specific items covered by the invoice. Each seasonal retailer shall, in addition, exhibit a copy of his or her registration certificate at each seasonal retail location.
History.—s. 2, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 1, ch. 61-312; s. 4, ch. 87-118; s. 1223, ch. 97-102.
791.03 Bond of licensees.—The board of county commissioners shall require a bond deemed adequate by the board of county commissioners from the licensee in a sum not less than $500 conditioned for the payment of all damages which may be caused either to a person or to property by reason of the licensee’s display, and arising from any acts of the licensee, his or her agents, employees or subcontractors.
History.—s. 3, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 1, ch. 61-312; s. 1224, ch. 97-102.
791.04 Sale at wholesale, etc., exempted.—Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler who has registered with the division pursuant to s. 791.015 to sell at wholesale such fireworks as are not herein prohibited; to prohibit the sale of any kind of fireworks at wholesale between manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers who have registered with the division pursuant to s. 791.015; to prohibit the sale of any kind of fireworks provided the same are to be shipped directly out of state by such manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler; to prohibit the sale of fireworks to be used by a person holding a permit from any board of county commissioners at the display covered by such permit; or to prohibit the use of fireworks by railroads or other transportation agencies for signal purposes or illumination or when used in quarrying or for blasting or other industrial use, or the sale or use of blank cartridges for a show or theater, or for signal or ceremonial purposes in athletics or sports, or for use by military organizations, or organizations composed of the Armed Forces of the United States; provided, nothing in this chapter shall be construed as barring the operations of manufacturers, duly licensed, from manufacturing, experimenting, exploding, and storing such fireworks in their compounds or proving grounds.
History.—s. 4, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 1, ch. 61-312; s. 5, ch. 87-118.
791.05 Seizure of illegal fireworks.—Each sheriff, or his or her appointee, or any other police officer, shall seize, take, remove or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner, all stocks of fireworks or combustibles offered or exposed for sale, stored, or held in violation of this chapter.
History.—s. 5, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 1225, ch. 97-102.
791.055 Restrictions upon storage of sparklers.—
(1) Sparklers shall not be stored or kept for sale in any store:
(a) In which paints, oils, or varnishes are manufactured or kept for use or sale unless the paints, oils, or varnishes are in unbroken containers.
(b) In which resin, turpentine, gasoline, or flammable substances or substances which may generate vapors are used, stored, or offered for sale unless the resin, turpentine, gasoline, or substances are in unbroken containers.
(c) In which there is not at least one approved chemical fire extinguisher ready, available, and equipped for use in extinguishing fires.
(2) When sparklers are in storage to be offered for sale at retail, a sign shall be conspicuously displayed over the entrance to the room in which the sparklers are stored, which sign reads: “CAUTION SPARKLERS-NO SMOKING.” No person shall be in such room while in possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe.
History.—s. 2, ch. 84-201.
791.06 Penalties.—Any firm, copartnership, or corporation violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083 or, in the case of individuals, the members of a partnership and the responsible officers and agents of an association or corporation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
History.—s. 6, ch. 20445, 1941; s. 756, ch. 71-136.
791.07 Agricultural and fish hatchery use.—Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the importation, purchase, sale, or use of fireworks used or to be used solely and exclusively in frightening birds from agricultural works and fish hatcheries; and such use shall be governed entirely by the rules prescribed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
History.—s. 1, ch. 29780, 1955; s. 1, ch. 57-336; ss. 14, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 82-109.
Note.—Section 10(5), ch. 2007-67, provides that “[p]ending completion of the Legislature’s review of the task force’s report and to ensure that fire prevention and safety standards are uniform, a new permanent retail sales facility engaged in sales otherwise permitted under s.791.07, Florida Statutes, may not be opened in this state after March 8, 2007, unless the permanent retail sales facility has received site-plan approval and construction has begun on or before March 8, 2007; the number of permits for temporary retail sales facilities, such as tents, engaged in sales otherwise permitted by s. 791.07, Florida Statutes, which are issued after March 8, 2007, by a county, municipality, or other unit of local government may not exceed the number of permits that such governmental entity issued for such facilities during the previous calendar year; and a municipality, county, or other unit of local government may not adopt an ordinance, rule, regulation, or other law after March 8, 2007, which directly prohibits or directly interferes with the safety standards established by state law or the right to purchase, sell, use, or possess consumer fireworks in this state. However, if the Legislature enacts legislation to provide for the comprehensive regulation of fire prevention and safety standards for the use of consumer fireworks to replace this subsection on or before July 1, 2008, this subsection does not prohibit opening any such facility, permitting any such temporary facility, or adopting any such ordinance or other law after such legislation is enacted.”
pete says
Enforce it don’t turn your backs
Bob Z. says
If they want to issue citations come over to the Surf Club condos tonight & tomorrow and go down to the beach and start writing – they set the brush in the dunes on fire last year.
Elmer says
They can start writing tickets now. Someone just set off some bottle rockets down near Finns in Flagler Beach. Come on…Hurry up before they burn the beach down !!!!
ken says
I think for those of you who want the police to enforce a law that is gray at best,anti American,and lets face it just foolish,well your all acting like babies!!!!Fireworks are an American tradition! Part of our Great Nations history! There is enough anti American sentiment in the world! We don’t need it or want it here at home. Get a grip! They sell them everywhere in Fla.Like groceries.Celebrate safely,Be smart.Light the sky’s and be a patriotic American. You people should grow up!
June says
Just because they “sell them everywhere in Fla.Like groceries” doesn’t mean it’s legal. You don’t realize the harm that is being done to the wildlife, and even pets at home. They are scared to death and do sometimes die from fright; or they run for their life. If you want to see fireworks go to where they have permits and are doing so legally not in your back yard where the flames and embers can set woods and roofs on fire.
Every time I hear or see fireworks near my home, done by stupid people like you, I pray that the person setting them off would burn or loose their fingers and/or hand.
It’s not right that you do this. YOU should grow up !!!
Celmsms says
If it’s illegal to light anything more than what’s legally deemed a “sparkler”, then it should be illegal to sell anything more than a “sparkler”.
That said, if used responsibly, respectfully and appropriately, with regards for age, safety, day/damage, time of day/night, waste/disposal and location/setting, including strict monitoring of compliance, then why not?
Many of us have lived next to, nearby and/or witnessed the morons whom spoil the enjoyment that’s beholden to such delights. Such punks shouldn’t receive any leniency from law enforcement, neighbors or bystanders. Their blatant disregard and dangerous impulsivity has ruined and soured the fun for too many.
Unfortunately, the poor behavior and actions of others shall forever tarnish the earnest intent of those wishing to be entertained and express/experience joy during momentous occasions.
Jenny says
I agree, Fireworks should not be allowed by the general public and the police need to do their jobs here. Fireworks are not fun for everyone, my dog is TERRIFIED of them and seriously injured his foot last year while digging a hole through my drywall to escape and lost three toes om his left foot. My brother, a US Army service man lives with me, he suffers from horrible PTSD and it is absolute hell for him. I can deal with it for one or two nights, but there is no need to be setting off fireworks A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS and every god damn night until the second week of January!!! At all hours of the night. Not all of us stay home and collect welfare, some of is have to get up in the morning and go to work. UnAmerican? Absolutely not. Considerate with common sense and courtesy for my neighbors…absolutely.I will be calling the cops this year. Screw them and I DO hope they blow their arms off!!!
RightIsRight says
This looks like an old post but I’ll add my two cents. One of the reasons my family moved to Florida is to get some relief from the big hand of government, but I really wish this law was better enforced. Unfortunately, without the law or enforcement of it, you need to have citizens with some level of intelligence and consideration for others. We just don’t have enough of that in this area.
I think most would tolerate a few hours on the holidays, but it goes on and on for weeks on either side of the holidays, and at all hours of the night. If you have small children, pets, and/or you need to sleep with a window open it’s miserable during that time. Next year we scheduled a travel vacation during the 4th primarily to get away from it. It’s not when we want to vacation, but we can’t stand to listen to our dog cry for days.
Anti-American? What a stupid comment. Showing off with Chinese made fireworks doesn’t make anyone more of an American. Just like wanting some sleep, some quiet for children and pets, and/or having a bit of consideration for your neighbors doesn’t make anyone less of an American.
Anthony says
Agreed, much need be done about the abuse use of fireworks. Neighbors breed to band together and insist law enforcement do their job accordingly.
Anthony says
You desire to look at others as babies, while babies are harmed annually by the use of fireworks. I intend to pursue the issue in the state of Florida to ban fireworks entirely and start writing tickets of littering on top of the use of illegal fireworks. New Years eve is by far the worst day of abuse
Rodney says
What you have to understand is the damage caused by individuals irresponsible in handling these. I have seen kids nock them over while firing off rounds in a parking lot, fireworks explode under cars, on top of cars, in porches.
Allow the use of fireworks. Blow your hands or face off. But please do so in an area where you are not affecting others. I believe in Darwin theory. Fireworks are a good way of thinning the heard.
Anthony says
Interesting theory. It would eliminate the foolish behavior of some from those who avoid that same foolish behavior.
I also agree for them to do so in areas that won’t affect those of us who do not act foolishly of this behaviour.
Jenny says
As of today, January 4th, my neighborhoos still sounds like a war zone. Outside the air is so thick with smoke you can barely breathe and I have probably three more weeks of this garbage to deal with. I did reach out to local law enforcement again and they gave me number to call for my unincorporated area of Polk county. Unfortunately I do not have much hope that calling will accomplish anything but I will give it a shot. Seeing as I’ve only gotten 2-3 hours of sleep a night since New Years (I have to keep an eye on my dog, nothing the vet prescribes has helped) I’ll try anything.
Robin says
At around 1:30 this morning I was awoke by several rounds of fireworks from an idiot who decided to shoot their fireworks off about a half mile away from where I lived…I was so pissed I called my local precinct to report the approximate location. The first officer who took the call told me that if I want the officer to have it stopped, I would first need to meet with the attending officer so I said fine. I called back and got a different officer and asked why I had to meet with an officer if I was reporting an illegal fireworks display and she assured me I didn’t, but to call them if I had additional information. A half hour goes by and the display silences and I called back to let the officer know. That officer was so nice that she told me that if I got woken again to feel free to call back and report it. I then wished the officer a good nite.
Robin says
Problem is even Walmart is selling Fireworks among having corner tents selling them–I wish the State would FORBID the sale to anyone WITHOUT a LICENSE
Nanci Etienne says
FYI all you people that love shooting off fireworks which are illegal unless you have a permit to do so….and shooting them in your backyard or the street by your house is not legal…..if your house catches fire from these illegal fireworks the is NO insurance company in the state of Florida that will pay for your house due to illegal fireworks, they usually will if they are legal, but illegal NO you are on your own….If you and your fireworks cause a house fire and witness know you did it then you are liable to the person whose house got burned….you might think about this before you start shooting them off in the multiple sub divisions that now take up more than half of the state of Florida……
Susan Mathes says
When I was a kid fireworks were only set off by the lake in a public fire display where a person of knowledge was firing them off .We all went to see them or stayed home if you could see them from home .We even had party with sparklers and smoke bombs ! But no one set off anything illegal and when it was over it was over.We all went home and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and were in bed by midnight .
This year thee were fireworks starting 2 weeks before and a week after .There were so many fireworks in the streets and litter everywhere .That to me is a problem .
We live on the county side of the city/ county line but have a large housing development behind us ,the fireworks went on until almost 2o’clock .I think this is a little over what the ancestors did to celebrate .
I suffer from debilitating migraines and now my dog who was a little scared in years before is totally terrified !!! Now any kind of boom sends her running .She doesn’t even want to go out anymore and she loves it outside .
No,I think we have gone over the top with the fireworks thing .And if the state would follow up on the waivers that people sign to be able to buy them they would find out that these said people don’t live in the country or even own livestock ,there by it would be a violation punishable by law .Which it is ,but we don’t have enough workers to check everyone of them out !
Since people can’t follow laws and the police can’t enforce them on every street ,every night then I also think they should be banned except for public places for allotted times .
Our founding fathers did say to celebrate but I don’t think they realized at the time just how many people so many years later would be setting off fireworks from every house in every town .
Unpatriotic???I don’t think that is fair .The problem with the world today is that no one cares about bothering other people because they think they should be able to do what they want even if it hurts another person .I was brought up much better than that !!! OH and I love my country !!!
John P says
The tragedies which happen frequently due to the sales and use of illegal fireworks in Palm beach County must end. It is very plain to see that the sale of illegal fireworks through the use of a waiver, stating you will not ignite them in BPC, does nothing to deter their use in PBC and is only a loophole for illegal firework sales. It’s a ploy to skirt the law and its use needs to be halted immediately and made illegal.
The law is clear as to what fireworks are legal and illegal in Palm beach County. With the many pets, apartments, condos and zero lot line communities in PBC, the law makes sense. But allowing the pop-up tent sales of 99 percent illegal fireworks must not be allowed. Just think in the high heat sits unmarked Semi-Trucks full of illegal explosives. These illegal fireworks are then transported unmarked and then stored into our communities. This is not safe and by allowing it to continue you are putting the safety of the citizens of PBC at risk. It is time to do your job and step-up to the plate and abolish this blatant illegal activity once and for all. Make it BIGNEWS!
By enforcing the existing laws and taking a zero tolerance on fireworks and their sales would be a big step in reducing their illegal use. Remember that our pets and veterans are adversely affected by these illegal explosions and have the right to a safe quite existence at home. I do not believe I should have to consider leaving my home on holidays to go somewhere quiet, because of the sales and use of illegal fireworks and the lack of enforcement. I don’t think marijuana sales tents, selling weed with a waiver saying it will only be consumed in a legal state would be tolerated ; why illegal explosives. Illegal is illegal and immediate confiscation is imperative.
The continued inaction by Palm Beach County to enforce the law will eventually result in litigation by those adversely affected by their use. Citizens unite. DO YOU WANT LITIGATION? Do we have to wait until one of these firework packed semi-trucks explodes. Or a major fire due to illegal use. What about the laws on littering? This year’s illegal fireworks exploded a house in Lake Worth, totally burned 80% of a child and caused many now fingerless and burned revelers. Most of these could have been prevented if these types of fireworks were not sold in PBC as the law intended and states. A ban works in many other places. Snakes, smoke, sparklers is it. Any display or sales of any other type fireworks should be illegal and the fireworks confiscated upon their encounter by a police firework taskforce.
MARY says
Bradley Hannan says
PTSD is a real thing that real patriot veterans suffer. A real patriotic american would obey the peoples law. Those fireworks that bother us are NOT sold everywhere. If you just “light the sky’s” that’d be alright , the problem is the sound invades my home. I don’t take kindly to home invaders!
Sky’s huh? English your second language?
EDDIE says
I agree Ken. I’m retired military. I served my country for over 20 years. Retired in 2012. Freedom isn’t free. And with freedom comes great responsibility. People just need to use some common sense when setting fireworks off. We all know that tragedy can strike if fireworks are not used responsibly. As far as the law is concerned. What about it do you find “gray” do you mean ambiguous? I feel it’s pretty clear. If you have any doubts/concerns contact your state fire marshal. Pretty sure he or she will clear them up for you and keep you out of trouble and the city out of your pocket book. 😉. Here in Florida last I checked it is illegal to use the following:
“regular fireworks.”
Roman candles
Legal novelty pyrotechnics: Devices that contain a small amount of pyrotechnic and/or explosive composition but does not fall under the category of consumer fireworks. These devices produce limited visible or audible effects. This includes:
Trick noise makers
Quite frankly, I like my money to stay in my wallet where it will do the most good and have to hand it over to the city/county to pay for fines/citations. Just my opinion. We can agree to disagree. Please have a safe 4th of July 2020 celebration. Best regards to the family.
Jones says
The codes are very specific as to grams and milligrams which clearly state if above said numbers are illegal to sale much less use. So if all sales are at or below said numbers they are legal to sale and use unless there is a fire hazard/ burn ban going on. So enjoy
P says
I am 74 and 2 neighbors shot bottle rockets all over my property and house, directly at ua. Cops were of no help. Isn’t this elder abuse? I had a video but the cops said they couldn’t see the faces even though we told them who they are.