A Ford SUV and a Land Rover Discovery collided just off the intersection of Matanzas Woods and Bird of Paradise in north Palm Coast moments after noon today, causing injuries. The extent of injuries is not determined, but both drivers were taken to Halifax Hospital on trauma alert.
The eastbound lane of Matanzas was closed from Luther Dr. to about 100 yards past Bird of Paradise for about an hour, though traffic was being let through on the westbound lane.
Here’s the story from State trooper Dean Lewis:
Video: The Scene at Matanzas & Bird of Paradise[media id=34 width=250 height=250]
Around noon Jennifer Marie Parks, 32, of Palm Coast’s Blairton Court, was driving her Ford with husband Scott Parks, 30, in the passenger seat. They were traveling east on Matanzas Woods when Colin Peter Taschler, 23, of Riverview Bend in Palm Coast, t-boned them with his Land Rover as he was traveling west. The road curves just past Bird of Paradise, going east. Taschler never negotiated the curve and kept going straight—into the Parks’ vehicle.
Taschler “overturned a couple of times,” Lewis said. “Charges right now are pending. Obviously he is at fault. But there’s some other stuff. Some blood was taken, so it’s a possible DUI.”
Jennifer Parks was ejected out of the driver’s side window. Her husband was not injured. He rode with her in the ambulance to Halifax Hospital.
At 1:17 p.m., lanes reopened. A wrecker was towing away the Land Rover. At 1:27 p.m., the scene was all clear, with both vehicles towed away.
More photos below.

elaygee says
and no one was wearing seat belts. Their health and auto insurance should be null and void and no public funds should be spend healing them.
Jen says
Excuse me? But, where does it say that SHE wasn’t wearing her seatbelt? And don’t worry, no “public” funds will be spent on healing the TWO INNOCENT PEOPLE who were hurt by a possiable DRUNK DRIVER
BW says
Is this what society has gotten to? This obviously horrible accident and the first comment is about seatbelts and who should pay? That’s really sad.
I hope all in the victims will be ok. The victims and their families are in my prayers.
Paul says
I agree with “BW”. “elaygee” makes quite an assumption, that nobody was wearing a seatbelt. The only one that obviously (yes, “Jen”) wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, was Jennifer Marie Parks, else she would not have been thrown out of the window. As far as the comment, “drunk driver” by “Jen”, just because blood was taken does NOT mean anyone was DUI. Furthermore, as “BW” states, I to: “hope all in the victims will be ok. The victims and their families are in my prayers.”
Eddie says
Only those that actually saw it will ever really know what really happened; and everyone hopes that all involved are well (for sure).
“…..But there’s some other stuff. Some blood was taken, so it’s a possible DUI….” is the assumption; but it is the highway patrol that appears to be making this assumption (read the story).
Okay.. so it’s obvious she did not have her seatbelt on. If this was the only mistake this young woman made then she’s aware of it already – I’m sure. But how many people do you know don’t wear it; honestly?
Car accidents are private. They are not public events that are paid for by your taxes; however by your thinking if a cop forgets his vest and gets shot that day we should just leave him there to die.
If this guy was really drunk by noon on Friday then he should be held completely liable for everything that happened. He might as well have been walking down the street with a shotgun shooting at people.
One80 says
Since the person who caused the accident, Colin Peter Tashler, is the son of one of the top executives at Palm Coast Data I’m sure some kind of deal will be struck on his behalf. Another instance of someone who comes from money who no doubt will not have to pay the price for their behavior.
Steve says
It is obvious, that Colin Tashler, son to Mike Tashler (soon to be Palm Coast Data President) was guilty of DUI and had better be sent to jail for a nice long stay. It is the other “stuff” as reported by the State Trooper that has peaked my interest. If that asshole was in possession of narcotics, the courts had better put him in jail and throw away the keys for a very long stay. Anyone, high on drugs while driving around is a clear and present danger to our society. By the way, Mike Tashler’s son, Colin and his daughter both work for Palm Coast Data. Something has to be said, about what type of an executive leader he is, if he can’t even control his children and be a good parent.
poseyface says
Well, I would hate to think that I would be judged as a parent if my child were to get into a car accident! I don’t believe anything has been proven one way or the other. I think you should focus on each issue individually – don’t mix it all up together.
nodoubt says
Oh please, this Colin has been running amuck in the area since he arrived and he’s been stalking a young man who is not interested in his advances. I don’t think it’s a question of being “judged as a parent if my child were to get into a car accidents” as much as the fact that this 23 year old man (he is well over the age of 18!) is without boundaries or control from his parents. The irony of it is that his father’s management style is to rule with an iron fist…..too bad the son is out of control from lack of discipline. Oh yeah, I do know a few facts and I am not a former or disgruntled PCD employee.
It would not surprise me if no charges are filed but I hope the victims sue the pants off the guy as that may teach him a little life lesson and save someone else’s life in the future.
itsme527 says
I can’t believe how judgemental some of these comments are; how many of you people actually know this family personally? I don’t and I would certainly never pass judgement on the parents or on Colin without knowing them and I am not talking about rumors that float around! As far as I am aware nothing has been proven so why is he being spoken about as if he is guilty, granted if he was under the influence he definately deserves to be punished! As far as the comments about the type of executive leader Mike Tashler would be because he can’t “control” his own children, who by the way appear to be grown (Colin anyway) as nodoubt pointed out above and if I am not mistaken a child of a former Florida Gov. was arrested on drug related charges.
I hope that both Jennifer Parks and Colin Tashler are doing well; my thoughts are with you both!
All I’m saying is don’t be so quick to judge.
Phil Chanfrau says
Great Photos! Would be interesting to hear the 911 tapes…
To the lady who comments “no one was wearing seat belts” I say first that was not a cause of, nor did it in any way contribute to the accident. Had the range rover not not crashed into the side of the SUV Jennifer could have driven it safely around the world without being ejected. The force of the impact could have disabled the seatbelt. Hopefully Scott Parks will get the seatbelt system carefully inspected to know whether it failed or not. But in all the post collision commotion the car may be totaled and sent to car heaven before he gets a lawyer to get it done….Stranger things have happened.
Secondly, Why should their own auto insurance be Voided? That’s exactly when it is needed most! So you would have her thrown out on the street, literally and financially? And then the taxpayers get to pick up the tab? In our system of civil justice, a jury will decide to what extent her recoverable injuries should be reduced (comparative negligence) from her total loss.
nodoubt says
To “itsme527″………are ya Mrs. Tashler?? My comment was to point out that this young man has been displaying poor and very immature behavior since he arrived in this community. If you will read some other posts re: PCD, you will see from real PCD employees about Mike Tashler placing his two grown children in unadvertised positions within the company. Just an FYI for you, that’s called nepotism and it’s very wrong.
Based on the way Tashler Sr. is running the company and turning it into a bigger sweatshop that it originally was, practicing nepotism, spoiled son driving under “some” influence at High Noon in a Range Rover and causing a serious accident…..I think I’m well within my First Amendment Right to type anything derogatory about Sr. or Jr., especially when it’s all the truth. If that offends your sensibilities, call a Family Meeting and tell them to straighten up because, after all, this is a small town.
Oh yeah, about that former FL Governor…..yes, the daughter was arrested on drug charges, did a little jail time and then extensive rehab but it certainly wasn’t brushed under the rug nor did her father find her a cushy job in Tallahassee to aid in her “recovery”.
bull crap says
All he got was 6 months probation & loss of license for 6 months, plus a traffic class. While Mrs. Parks’ is dealing with non stop migrains and monthly tests…. I am a good friend of the Parks’ family and I do beleive this young punk deserves more.
Outsider says
Good Lord, I hope neither I nor my family ever get into an accident in this place! You all will probably be discussing that third grade science project I got a “D” on before I make it to the hospital.
audra says
Just so you know, Colin Taschler, was in an auto accident before this one, as a DUI, his dad paid his dues and he had his license and another vehicle within months of the dui. If you can pay , you are just fine. Anyone others that get dui’s often pay the price with no license or a vehicle. Thank goodness for daddy.