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- Crist to bail from GOP at 5 p.m. today
- Charlie Crist exit could signal insider purge
- Jesus. They just don’t learn in Jacksonville.
- Troxler: Florida Legislature has gone insane
- Texting ban fails, police-state cameras don’t
- Senate can’t keep its hands off abortion
- US subpoenas Times reporter over book on CIA
- Obama gives up on immigration reform
- Special legal protection of Christianity ‘divisive, capricious and arbitrary’
- Melting down global-warming denialists
- Adam Smith isn’t the free-market guru you thought he was
- Corporate America’s revenge on anti-branding manifesto
“To put these rumors to rest once and for all, as we have said countless times before, Gov. Crist is running for the United States Senate as a Republican. He will not run as an Independent or as a No Party Affiliation…. This should completely and utterly put to rest any of the unfounded rumors coming from the Rubio campaign that Gov. Crist would run as anything other than the Republican that he is.””—Eric Eikenberg, Charlie Crist’s campaign manager. April 8, 2010.
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