As good an answer to the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s misguided two-step as you’ll see, with thanks to Ann for tipping us off.
No surprise, incidentally, that one of the great slitherers of the last decade was at the heart of the Komen foundation’s catastrophic fumble. From Think Progress: “Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for George W. Bush and prominent right-wing pundit, was secretly involved in the Komen Foundation’s strategy regarding Planned Parenthood. Fleischer personally interviewed candidates for the position of “Senior Vice President for Communications and External Relations” at Komen last December. According to a source with first-hand knowledge, Fleischer drilled prospective candidates during their interviews on how they would handle the controversy about Komen’s relationship with Planned Parenthood. Fleischer’s relationship with Komen and the Planned Parenthood controversy was previously undisclosed. He confirmed to ThinkProgress his recent role in filling a key communication position at Komen. Fleischer stressed, however, another communications firm (Ogilvy PR) was retained by Komen to deal with crisis communications over the last few days and he has not been involved. In November, Komen advertised for a top level communications position in Roll Call. Promising applicants received a call from Fleischer. […] Fleischer’s high-level involvement with Komen further complicates its image as an apolitical cancer charity. Fleischer is a prominent partisan commentator and a longtime critic of Planned Parenthood. In his book, Taking Heat, Fleischer criticized Planned Parenthood as a partisan, ideological organization that receives undeserved positive coverage in the press.”
See Also:
- Planned Parenthood, Born Again
- Komen and the Smear on Planned Parenthood: Swiftboating Tactics From Abortion Zealots

Diarmuid Connolly via Facebook says
Kudos the The Women who has to and has fought this everyday, My Prayers are with you all everyday…
Sandra Reynolds via Facebook says
Well you know I have to add my two cents. Bravo! She told it like it is. I know, because I went through nearly the same ordeal as a 40 year old young woman. Shame on Komen and anyone involved in this travesty.
Angela Smith via Facebook says
What a courageous, beautiful woman!
Marilyn Falciglia De Poalo via Facebook says
Everyone should watch this. Komen has done so much and now has become political. Everything this woman says is so true. It is so frustrating when government or religions tell me what I can or cannot do with my body.
The Oakley Family says
I have had to deal with cancer in my family,My mother beat it only to have it come back and take her life at the age of 69.I think of her every day, she was a beautiful person.My first contact with Komen was a walk in Boston, I meet some real wonderful people all there for the same thing to help stop this thing from taking our family members from us.Now to get to the reason for this writing, When I and other family members donate to Komen we were under the belief that our money was being used for reserch and other helpful things.We as a family have deceided to donate our funds else where.We believe a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body but seeing Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion giver in the country well thats not where we want our money sent, I personally dont believe in fighting so hard to save lives on one hand and to end them so early on the other, all done in the same building.We as a family will still donate our money every year, just not with Komen.Thank You
Nanci Whitley says
I am a volunteer driver for the American Cancer Society, Road to Recovery Program. I see women with breast cancer every week. They are brave, beautiful and interesting. They are from all walks of life and all ages. This beautiful woman is right. Cancer is not political. Shame on the foundation for making it such. The American Cancer Society needs more volunteer drivers in Flagler County. Please call.