Middle school is hard enough to sit through. Imagine a middle school spelling bee. It is usually torture for those on stage and off. It doesn’t necessarily last long but feels like an eternity anyway. It’s tense and humorless. Whenever words are used in a sentence, the result might as well be cribbed from a how-to manual on hanging shower-curtain rings. Audiences are slight. They can be onerous. The few people who turn out to county spelling bees almost always have a child in play, and odds are they’ll walk away somewhere between disappointed and crushed, since there can only be one winner.
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- The Flagler Playhouse Archives
Now take all those dynamics, reverse them, and you get the unlikely charms of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” the Flagler Playhouse’s 33rd-season inaugural musical comedy, which opened Friday and runs through Oct. 9.
The participants are still middle school misfits, all of them bundles of quirks and neuroses, but lovable down to their knee-high socks, lisps, butt-clenching knickers and white-boy Afros. The competition lasts about two hours but packs more laughs in a minute than your average 22-minute sitcom. (Phylactery: May I have a sentence please? “Billy, put down that phylactery—we’re Episcopalian.”) The audience is likely to be very large, loud and cheerful, and of course every one of the misfits on stage proves to be a winner beyond the cliché.
(© FlaglerLive)
Other delicious performances include Van Tol’s Peretti, whose starched and taut blue dress seems to ache for a stain, and Beau Wade’s very physical William Barfee, the Afro- bear of a guy who can’t spell anything without writing it out on the floor with his foot, and whose name is the running pun of the show.
The play was written by Rachel Sheinkin, who in 2005 got the Tony and Drama Desk Awards for best book for “Spelling Bee.” (The play got five Tony awards in all.) The writing more than anything is what keeps the play’s momentum going: it’s sharp and quick-witted, combining just enough satire and social commentary (“she’s pro-choice but still a virgin,” goes one character’s sum-up) with concessions to each character’s idiosyncrasies, keeping the story from tripping into the maudlin or the formulaic. The weaknesses here are the music and the lyrics: neither adds much to the show, and at times even detracts from it. The music is surprisingly forgettable, considering the composer: William Finn. The lyrics are bunches of terrific epigrams but don’t add up to songs, exactly. They rather live up to one of the numbers’ title (“Pandemonium”).
As always in community theater, most of the actors can’t pull off the demands on the voice—I’m not blaming them: no one expects Broadway-quality singing on State Road 100—though just as always, there are notable exceptions: Caitlin Eriser’s Olive Ostrovsky may be uncertain of herself. Her voice isn’t.
“The 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee” is inspired at least in part by the reality show genre, where foibles and insecurities make up the bulk of the material—and the audience’s attraction: train wrecks are interesting. The difference with Sheinkin’s writing is the absence of that mean-spiritedness that make reality shows unbearable to watch without suspending one’s sense of empathy.
Half-way through the show the improvising audience members have been disqualified, as have a couple members of the main cast (though they return in alternate roles), leaving five or six contestants vying for the trophy—and our hearts. The play is entirely in character when it pulls off what looks suspiciously like a romance between the last two contestants, whose identity you’ll have to find out for yourself, though the winning word is: Weltanschauung (“meaning one’s personal perspective, your philosophy, the way you look at the world,” or a play). And in the final frames we’re told what becomes of the characters by each of them. It’s enough to leave the theater very much reassured by their variously dysfunctional fates, including Chip’s, who “made it through adolescence, and in the course of time came to appreciate his erections. As did many others.”
A Spelling Bee Gallery
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The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
At the Flagler Playhouse, Sept. 23, 24, 25, 30 and Oct. 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9. Tickets are $20 for adults, $12 for students, less if you buy season tickets. Call the box office at 386/586-0773.
Music and Lyrics by William Finn; Book by Rachel Sheinkin; Directed by Judi Ernst; Musical Director: Carol Partelow; Choreographer: Wendy Ellis.
Chip Tolentino (and Jesus): Vincent Mirabile
Schwarzy: Agata Sokolska
Leaf Coneybear (and Schwarzy’s Dad): John Eidman
William Barfee (and Olive’s Dad): Beau Wade
Marcy Park: Gabriella Giuliano
Olive Ostrovsky: Caitlin Eriser
Rona Lisa Perritti (and Olive’s Mom): Carrie Van Tol
Douglas Panch: Terence Van Auken
Mitch Mahoney (and Dan Dad): Peter F Gutierrez
Micky: Valerie Betts
Originally published on Sept. 25, 2011
PJ says
Another great reason to come to Bunnell and our beautiful Flagler County. The Flagler Playhouse. I was there and enjoyed a great show, very funny and a superb cast!
mana says
The show is great!!! Nice night out if you want some laughs!!!!