Last Updated: Sept. 7, 8:44 a.m.
The armed robbery, the chase and the eventual arrest of three suspects in brush of Seminole Woods started around 11:30 this morning–and for the people inside the Ormond Pharmacy at 500 West Grenada Blvd., who were reportedly tied up by the suspects, it started an uncomfortable while before that.
“It was called in by someone in a nearby business who saw three suspects exit this pharmacy wearing hoods over their heads,” says Lt. Kenny Hayes, spokesman for the Ormond Beach Police Department. “It was called in as a suspicious person call. Of course we quickly determined that it was in fact an armed robbery.”
The men got away in a white vehicle, heading north. A Be On the Look-Out (BOLO) was put out to all local and regional law enforcement agencies.
Bunnell Police Chief Arthur Jones picked up the thread on U.S.1: “They were headed toward the city of Bunnell. From that point, my guys were privy to the BOLO, and the Sheriff in addition to my guys initiated the chase, and through the city it went.” The suspects veered onto State Road 100, then south on Belle Terre Parkway, for about two miles, down to Zonal Geranium Trail and left onto Zorlou Court, to the end of the cul de sac, where they crashed the car into the brush. The cul de sac ends right across from where Belle Terre Boulevard and Citation Blvd. join. They ran into the neighborhood woods going east.
“And after a foot chase through the woods, K-9, the helicopter,” Jones said, “the three subjects were taken into custody.” Four Bunnell Police officers, including the chief and Lt. Randy Burke, were involved. The K-9 belongs to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. Jones and Hayes said they weren’t yet sure about charges or further details. The suspects were booked into the Flagler County jail then transferred to Volusia County.
“They are young and from this central area,” Jones said.
They were later identified as The suspects are identified as Kenneth L. Jenkins, 25, of Hymon Circle in Bunnell, Thavelin P. Watson, 30, of Roxton Lane in Palm Coast, and Freddie Giddens, 32, of Pine Cedar Drive in Palm Coast. They’ve each been charged with one count of armed robbery.
Two firearms and stolen cash were recovered.
Though a high-speed chase took place through Bunnell and parts of Palm Coast, there were no injuries and no property damage. In Ormond Beach, “no one was seriously injured,” Hayes said.
According to the Ormond Beach Police Department, the suspects abruptly entered Ormond Pharmacy, with at least one of them armed with a handgun, then bound the pharmacy’s owner and an assistant–a woman–in duct tape. The suspects then allegedly gathered large amounts of Oxycontin and Oxycodone, the narcotics, and cash from the safe. They removed the security system and stole the owner’s wallet and the woman’s purse and fled in a white Hyundai.
George Roy, a 40-year-old resident of the K section, noticed the police activity on U.S. 1 and did what he frequently does when he sees it–he grabbed his video camera and got in his car to investigate. He shoots wreck scenes in the area on occasion as a free-lancer. He’d followed Citation Boulevard and was in the area of Lloyd Trail when he saw three people going along a path in the woods. There were no police around him at the time. He soon found a sheriff’s deputy and tried to tell him what he’d seen–only to be rebuffed and told to “get out of there.”
Roy said he was not understanding why the deputy wouldn’t want to hear the information, though he only intended to “let them know I saw three gentlemen going into the woods, one of them with Publix bags, the other one was on his cell phone. There was nobody around those guys when I saw them, they were walking intop the woods, heading like they were heading for Seminole Woods.”

rdh says
Great job guys….
FlaglerNative says
That’s Flagler Counties finest hard at work, if the sheriff was told someone was playing a radio to loud or something stupid they would have been all over the info George had given him. But considering it might be something dangerous they usually ignore it.
knowsalittle says
All 3 have extensive criminal history in Flagler. They should have been in jail. Maybe this time a judge will lock them up and throw away the key.
Bubbles says
Thank you for keeping these drug-dealing dirtbags away from our children!!
PJ says
Goods win again, goodby bad guys!
dontbesoparanoid says
well Flaglernative, it would seem your comment does not fit the outcome of this incident.
Bosh says
Great job. By the way that is the Quail Hollow section and not Seminole Woods if I am correct.
FLAGLER NATIVE !!! Stop your nonsense and bashing of the FCSO, you have no clue what you are talking about. YOU WERE NOT THERE!!! The suspects were already being pursused by K-9 what you dont need at that time is interference, another scent for the dog, or a cilvlian getting injured. Try starting a hobbie.
Art says
It seems to me that law enforcement should encourage and be receptive to the reporting of suspicious activity by the general public, and not, perhaps unwittingly, act in a manor that discourages it.
The deputy who spoke to Mr. Roy, in my opinion, needs some retraining.
Anonymous says
It’s funny how these comments differ from the comments of past drug offender articles that have been written such as “Armed Robbery at Flagler Beach’s CVS on SR100; Oxycontin-Filching Suspects Caught” Cops and Robbers Chase Through A1A in Flagler at 90 mph Before Crash in St. Johns” Armed Robbers Strike Hancock Bank In Palm Harbor Shopping Center” By the the way the last the two suspects from this case were caught and also had drug issues. You don’t have to wear a Klan hood or a Swastika to be a closed mind bigot. Drug addiction sees no race or social status. This post is really for the comments to come. However when you can look at another human and visually make th assumption you don’t have anything in common with them it’s that much easier to be insensitive to them and act like they are less than you or human. Now ask yourself how much money is going to be spent housing these guys??? (Hundreds of Thousands) Now ask yourself again if these same people or any other accused ask for a loan for school or to better themselves for whatever they would never get it. But yet and still big money is spent just to see if your guilty. The key is to be Proactive rather than Reactive. Yeah, do the crime do the time. But would you want them living next door to you angry, broke, skilless and bitter when they get out. Invest beforhand on how a person turns to robbing and dealing before you drop the ax on them. Maybe getting over ones own internal issues will broaden the view that maybe I have something betterto offer to Flagler County than hiding behind a computer screen with anUS against them attitude.
Anonymous says
Well said!!!
Art, I agree with your comment…..EXCEPT AT AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE. Which by the way Mr. Roy knew, so he grabbed his camera, went to the scene, and endangered the deputies, himself, the investigation, and the possible loss of the arrest. YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THE WHOLE PICTURE.
and here both sides of the story. THANKS FCSO FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US….GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
Evan says
I live on zorlou I seen the whole thing crazy stuff
dontbesoparanoid says
Art, the last thing a deputy on a perimeter (where armed suspects are involved) needs to worry about is a camera happy citizen. As PCFACTMAN says..the suspects were already pinned down in a certain area. A distraction at that point could cost a life. If a citizen has any info they should not be going to the scene to report it possibly placing themselves in harms way. They should call it in and the dispatcher will radio the information to the officers working the incident.
Hasia says
You know FCSO needs to retrained to understand citizens going out of there way to notify them of a situation. Props to Mr Roy for trying to notify them as to what he witnessed. I am a citizen of Flagler county and many times the officers involved paid no attention to the details they just assumed and were wrong I a not pleased with the outcome with my case. Mr Roy is head of out neighbor hood watch so for him this is serious and he lets everyone know whats going on. The police need to start listening to the residents of Flagler county instead of blowing them off. We are not dumb and know the law maybe not as well as the officers involved but know when wrong is being done. It would be nice for once for Flagler County Deputies to actually care about things going on in our county. They want our support , donations and respect but often do not show us any kind of respect rather treat us like we are all criminals. GREAT JOB MR.ROY!! FCSO needs to get their act together instead of slandering a citizen who was only offering his help.
Art says
The fact remains, that in less time it took to type your response to me the circumstances could have been explained to Mr. Roy.
I commend your loyalty, and that of PCFACTMAN, to your boss. I only hope that this undying devotion takes place on your time and not at taxpayer expense.
z's need a neighborhood watch says
they crashed it on Zoeller. I was there when they sped down Zoeller w/their doors cracked and ready to bail. The Z’s need WAY more police patrolling the area anyhow with the juvenile delinquent activity in the neighborhood.
The Geode says
The “hood” won’t miss these three knuckle-heads.
concerned citizen says
The Piranha says
To all of the law enforcement bashers who think deputies run from danger or don’t listen to the voices of Flagler County citizens etc., ask yourself, what does 80% of America do when they hear gunfire? They run, they hide, they take cover. They are the sheep. There’s nothing wrong with sheep (you are likely one), for the most part they are good for the community needing little or no supervision. Then there is the 10% that are wolves…always looking for an easy victim or sheep to target. Then, there is the 10% of sheepdogs that protect the sheep and hunt the wolves.
When a half dozen or more sheepdogs entered the woods to capture these armed wolves, do not believe for one minute that a citizen coming to them with “information” of where the wolves were last (possibly) seen running might not be important, but it may have been more important to keep the citizen from being a target of the wolves. I agree that the cameraman should have provided the information but through 911 where the intelligence could have been distributed accordingly. The sheep were protected, the sheepdogs all went home and more wolves went to jail. I know you don’t do it to hear this but, nice work FCSO, and thank you!
jake- says
there are people in the Z section on Zoeller, who are starting fires. and damaging properties. i didnt know if anyone knew about that.
dontbesoparanoid says
Art, forgive me but you’ll have to explain what loyalty to a boss has to do with this incident where a person who, with camera, approached a law enforcement officer on a perimeter in an area where armed robbery suspects were hiding? . I am rather baffled as to what you are commending. I am loyal though to keeping myself and the innocent alive. In a situation such as this where there are gun toting felons trying to escape I will not partake in any conversation that takes my concentration off of what I am looking for. It could very well be the last thing I do. If someone has info they think may help the best way to get that info to officers on a scene is to call it in to dispatch as I said in my previous comment.
Also, “in the time it took for my response” it is from the comfort of my own home where I do not have to worry about any of the above. And no not on the taxpayers dime as I am off but if it were then perhaps it is my dime or the dime of any other member of my tax paying family here in Flagler county.
freedomsjustanotherword says
I read with interest the article regarding Armed Robbery as well as the follow-up comments. Although I don’t belong to any Civil Liberties groups, I feel honored that they are there as watch-dogs to guard our rights as citizens.
Taking still and video photographs of things that are plainly visible in public spaces is a constitutional right and I take umbrage to dontbesoparanoid’s comment…”the last thing a deputy on a perimeter (where armed suspects are involved) needs to worry about is a camera happy citizen”. Our country had another camera happy citizen by the name of George Holliday who was the Rodney King videographer, a plumber from Argentina who changed history for citizen photo-journalism and human rights.
Another comment by PCFactman needs examination. He states…”EXCEPT AT AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE. Which by the way Mr. Roy knew, so he grabbed his camera, went to the scene, and endangered the deputies, himself, the investigation, and the possible loss of the arrest”. Where in the article does it say that Mr Roy knew it was an active crime scene? Was the area cordoned off? Mr Factman, you need to get your facts straight before you make accusations like that. Unless both you and dontbesoparanoid know more than the rest of us about what took place…hmmmmm.
Thank you Mr Roy for caring enough to take your camera with you. “The common wisdom about videos and about video evidence is that it’s the infallible witness — a witness whose memory doesn’t fade, whose perceptions don’t influence the way in which the event is recorded” said Alan Tieger, prosecuting attorney in the federal trial of the Rodney King officers. Lets work to keep transparency alive in the US. It is what keeps us free.
Hasia says
No they dont care about the vandelism in the Z section anymore than they care about the adults providing underage minors acohol, the break ins, the harassing violent behavior that happens….. By the way I would not go and hide I would be one to grab the dogs guns and lets go hunting. Mr Roy did the right thing by notifying the first available officer that he came across because he notice suspicious activity. He to would be one to help find the “wolves” as you call them. We as citizens of Flagler County Have rights. You slandering Mr Roy for trying to do the right thing is wrong. Our children in this community suffer because FCSO wont do anything about the crime that happens here. We formed a neighborhood watch group and know all in our neighborhood. So I would suggest those in the Z section do the same talk to your neighbors get to know them cause when a crime happens they will be the ones there to help NOT FCSO!! I KNOW THIS FROM EXPERIENCE. dont get me wrong they will come take a report and that will be all folks.
dontbesoparanoid says
You are reading too much into my comment and too little into what was written in the article. Of course you are right about what is plainly visible in public spaces to a point. I will not argue that but common sense should prevail in a potentially dangerous situation. Most who photograph have no problem keeping at safer distances (Mr. Holliday filmed the Rodney King incident from his balcony).
dntworryboutit says
show me the video because my cousin’s didnt do that shit
FREEDOMSJUSTANOTHERWORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE IS THE QUOTE THAT STATES MR.ROY KNEW IT WAS AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE……………………George Roy, a 40-year-old resident of the K section, noticed the police activity on U.S. 1 and did what he frequently does when he sees it–he grabbed his video camera and got in his car to investigate. He shoots wreck scenes in the area on occasion as a free-lancer. MY FACTS ARE ALWAYS CORRECT. He was wrong it what he did and thank god no one was injured or killed as a result.
knowsalittle says
I am sure Mr. Roy meant well. However, I am sure the deputy to whom he provided information has superior officers telling him what to do. Who should that deputy report to, a citizen or a superior officer. Also, how does the officer know if Mr. Roy is trying to help the suspects escape by providing misleading information. I have a feeling there were numerous sets of eyes on the situation assessing the best way to apprehend the suspects, which they did.
Someone Else says
It’s truly amazing that every time any of those people get arrested, or their previous crimes are brought up, some people claiming to be their “family” will instantly be in here or other places whining that they didn’t do it.
Unfortunately the justice system in Flagler seems very broken, the same people get away with their crimes time and time again, we can only hope the judges in Volusia aren’t as weak in and will actually send them to prison for the robbery.
As far as Mr, Roy is concerned, you want to document police work in progress? Fine, do it from a safe distance, video evidence can be really handy in a courtroom, but unless you are a police officer on yourself you need to stay out of their way, you do not know if the suspects are armed and they usually have no problem shooting through you to get to the police. Also you do not want to end up on the business end of a police K9.
outside looking in says
I get so tired of things happening and instead of the individuals being judge the community (bunnell) is judge. Is it because they are criminals that they don’t need love or their family perhaps turn their backs on them. Place yourself in such a situation with your love ones and i could bet you would be on here voicing your comments aswell as defending those that you love.
Anonymous says
More criminals off the streets (GREAT) i support the men in uniforms 100%. Flagler county who is swarming with prescription pills ask yourself one question. Robin hood robbed the rich and gave to the poor, does that make him a theif or a hero. So rather you are robbing the drug store for pills to sell or being prescribed pills and selling them you all are criminals so stop it.
FC-Citizen says
To knowsalittle, PCFACTMAN, dontbesoparanoid
I agree with Art and hope you are not blogging on taxpayer time from your cruisers.
When Neighborhood Watch or just citizens concerned with neighborhood crime are told to get lost I have to question the attitude set by the top law enforcement officer in YOUR force.
By the way when are you going to stop the “in plain view” drug dealing taking place at the Flagler Public Library parking lot?
Neesee says
who the helll is “those people”????? I’m certain there are just as many white people committing crimes as blacks…lest we not forget the Hancock Bank in Hammock Beach? how about the two brothers attempting to settle their late father’s estate and the headline says somehting about ‘local postal worker holding brother hostage!!!-get real, crime is crime not based on color just ignorance……..
sheep says
Bah…Bah…Bah…….To the liquor store boys ! Job well done. Drink Up then go bust some drug addicts.
dontbesoparanoid says
My goodness….the lack of support from a few of you when it comes to the safety of your county’s law enforcement is a little disheartening. You are also missing the point of the safety of Mr. Roy.
Would we expect a firefighter to keep Mr. Roy from getting too close to a burning car at a crash scene that could possibly explode at any minute? If so then why wouldn’t it be expected for cops to tell him to leave an area where suspects are holed up with guns?
Art & FC-citizen…we’re a little more than a year out …I guess it’s never too early to start planting those seeds.
sorrynosupporthere says
First I have to say to freedomsjustanotherword, well said. We’ve got cameras pointed all over us, at every corner in this town, yet when a citizen brings out a video camera, he is bashed for being a “camera happy citizen.” People film crimes scenes every day in this country (as is their right!), and many cases would never be prosecuted if it weren’t for such footage.
Pcfactman, slow your roll with the shouting and the all caps, it lowers your merit. Your quote of the story in no way says that Mr. Roy knew he was at a crime scene. It says that he “grabbed his video camera and got in his car to investigate” and enroute, noticed the three men in the woods. Where does it say he was in the middle of a crime scene? How would he have any knowledge as to where the suspects were located or that there were even suspects at all? And the problem that I have is that the deputy that he notified never advised him to report what he saw, or to call 911, or to call a supervisor, he told him to Get out of here. It sounds more to me like an arrogant cop who doesn’t know how to communicate with the public.
Dontbesoparanoid, the so called “lack of support of law enforcement” is in no way having to do with a lack of concern for safety of your officers, but instead a lack of support of continued disregard and disrespect for citizens of this county. We have the right to voice our concerns. So are citizens unhappy with our current LEO? It sounds from the responses here, yes. Perhaps the truth hurts, but maybe it’s time they start listening. Actually, judging from the anger and defensive tone of several posters, it appears they already are.
freedomsjustanotherword says
PCFactman…all those caps and exclamation points make you sound hysterical. Calm down. You may have your facts correct some of the time…but not this time. Lets start with the sentence “Mr Roy noticed the police activity on US1″…where does it say he knew it was a crime scene? It could have been an accident or a fire Again, was the area cordoned off? Were there police vehicles blocking the road? The rest of the sentence goes on to say… “and did what he frequently does when he sees it–he grabbed his video camera and got in his car to investigate. He shoots wreck scenes in the area on occasion as a free-lancer”. Still I see no problem…yet you say he is wrong in what he did.
I will say this. A police officer is required to be armed because of dangerous situations and it would be an educated guess to say the alleged criminals were armed as well. If a citizen such as Mr Roy was driving freely through an area of such a volatile situation…and fell into harm’s way…the first question would be “was the area secured”? “was a roadblock put into place”? If the answers are no…then it should be clear to all that the blame lies not with Mr Roy for being in the area. What if a child on a bicycle came through the area? It’s apparent Factman that YOUR FACTS ARE NOT ALWAYS CORRECT.
It would have taken 10 seconds for the officer to say, “thanks sir..we’re all set here” instead of “get out of here”. A sensitivity course is in order for many sectors of public service. This instance proves it.
dontbesoparanoid wrote “I will not argue that but common sense should prevail in a potentially dangerous situation”. The common sense of whom? Again, if the area wasn’t secured or at least a roadblock in place…then the public should question the sound judgement and good sense of those in authority in this situation.
You then went on to state “Most who photograph have no problem keeping at safer distances (Mr. Holliday filmed the Rodney King incident from his balcony). Paranoiid, who told you that photographers have no problem keeping at safer distances? Are they the people who roam around the world on our behalf, often risking their lives, to bring us images of war and disaster? I think not. George Holliday was 90 feet above Rodney King on his balcony..but what transpired after the pictures were released left Mr Holliday with no “safe distance” from harassment and death threats yet he was unafraid.
How about a “thanks” to Mr Roy for caring enough in a society who is slowly becoming like a flock of sheep as The Piranha described us. I have one word for you. Bahahahaha!!!
The Geode says
@Neesee. Where do you see the “you people” comments? I went back and read all the threads and most of them were bashing or defending Mr. George and/or the cops. YOU are the first and only person to make a color comparison or bring up race.
dontbesoparanoid says
sorrynosupporthere says:
“So are citizens unhappy with our current LEO? It sounds from the responses here, yes. Perhaps the truth hurts…..”
No not really. I know better than to think you or the three or four other people posting here is indicative of what the the majority of citizens in this county think…
freedomsjustanotherword says:
“It would have taken 10 seconds for the officer to say, “thanks sir..we’re all set here” instead of “get out of here”. A sensitivity course is in order for many sectors of public service. This instance proves it”
And it could have taken 2 seconds for a suspect to come out shooting. And as far as the “sound judgement” you can question it all you’d like and the outcome will still be that three armed felons were captured and no one got hurt. It would seem that “sound judgement” was in good use.
This has all been pretty interesting but i’m moving on… We can disagree forever I suppose. Especially if we talked about your area of expertise and tried telling you how you should be doing it when we really have no knowlege of its inner workings. Have a great day.
shameonyou says
Why was Belle Terre not closed in both directions right away????? mr dontbesoparnoid and pcfactman keep on trashing Mr Roy! I drove through north and turned around at Laguna Forest Trail and drove back through south to see police with AR15’s ready to rock and roll standing in the south bound lane you both say it was a active crime scene the last thing a deputy on a perimeter (where armed suspects are involved) needs to worry about is a camera happy citizen. As PCFACTMAN says..the suspects were already pinned down in a certain area. A distraction at that point could cost a life the of who life of innocent residents like myself who was not stopped going though the area someone was at fault for not closing the roads sooner than you did shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!! If the roads were closed sooner maybe Mr.Roy would not of been there either! By the way PCFACTMAN HERE IS THE QUOTE THAT STATES MR.ROY KNEW IT WAS AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE……………………George Roy, a 40-year-old resident of the K section, noticed the police activity on U.S. 1 and did what he frequently does when he sees it–he grabbed his video camera and got in his car to investigate. Where does it state the he knew it was an active crime scene?????Oh he heard sirens going by on US1 that makes him know exactly what was going on! you wonder why you cant get any support from the residents of Palm Coast this is why listen to yourselfs on here! I also hope as well your not doing this from the comfort of your ice cold police car on our taxpayers dime!!!!!
sorrynosupporthere says
dontbesoparanoid-3 or 4 of us? Really? It is that mentality that will keep things just the way they are and keep people leaving Palm Coast in droves (myself included). The ones left will be the scum bags that have taken over our town. People are unhappy with Law Enforcement and crime in this city. Period. You are correct, we have no knowledge of the inner workings of your area of expertise, however, we do have knowledge of how your job affects us, and our community. And we also have some say as to how Law Enforcement is doing, considering we are paying that salary. No one is doubting it is an easy job, but when there are problems, one would be prudent to open their eyes, and listen to the people. Arrogance and defiance does not bring about change, and change is what this town desperately needs.
Someone Else says
I never mentioned anything about skin color, I merely said “those people” because its not the first time they or their other family members past actions have been brought up here.
If you see “those people” as a racial slur then maybe you are the one with questionable opinions?
SAW says
Just one more reason for drug testing before any type of welfare handouts, you think just possibly these guys have ever gotten public assistance of some kind somewhere along the way ?
Gov.Scott needs your support on that issue, on drugs NO welfare, should make sense to all who work for a living .
pharmtech says
The REAL problem here is THE DRUG!! . My prayers go out to the Pharmacist and Tech that had a gun to there heads.