Not long before 6 p.m., Yuli Ilchenko, a 22-year-old native of Kiev, the Ukraine’s capital, sporting the tattoo of a topless woman on his left shoulder, walked into Target and headed for the electronics aisles. According to a police report, Ilchenko–who reports his current status as “student”–then grabbed a portable, compact Western Digital hard drive, with a capacity of 500 gigabytes, selling for $128.39.
He then removed the security device, removed the hard drive from its packaging, placed the hard drive in his pocket (the thing is about 5 by 3 inches, and barely half an inch thick, and weighs about 12 ounces) and walked to the grocery side of the store, from where he exited the place without passing through any of the cash registers, according to the report.
At that point, Justin Dopp, a Target security officer, confronted Ilchenko, who’d been under surveillance. Ilchenko tried to run. Dopp was joined by two more individuals–Matthew Fenraz and Melissa Curran–while a customer, whose name isn’t known, grabbed Ilchenko to help apprehend him. Ilchenko struggled, kicked, pushed: it took all three individuals to restrain him until police arrived at the scene.
Ilchenko stopped resisting when the Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy arrived, and said he’d been with a friend in the store, but wouldn’t reveal the friend’s name. He also said that he knew that he’d been under surveillance. And he had no shoes on.
Ilchenko, of 16 Prescott Lane in Palm Coast, was arrested last October on five charges of possessing drug-cultivation paraphernalia. On Monday, he was charged with strong-armed robbery under the state’s purse-snatching law, a third-degree felony, and held at the Flagler County jail on a $1,500 bond. As of Tuesday morning, he was still at the county jail.
The hard drive was damaged in the incident.
lawabidingcitizen says
What does this serial criminal’s nativity in Kiev have to do with his life of crime here in Flagler Co.?
Are you implying that he was Targeted (excuse the pun) because he’s a furrener?
Flaglerlive says
lowbid, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Bob Z. says
I’ll be my last dollar that nothing was implied by saying he was from Kiev…don’t try and read between imaginary lines.
Palm coaster says
He was targeted because he was a thief not a forner, but he needs to get out of our country we have enough problems!!!!!
lambert owner says
How do all these wonderful people land in PC? Do they advertise over there to invite this trash here?
Joe A. says
He was targeted because he is an idiot
ambf says
learn how to spell, it is foreigner.
Jojo says
Maybe he can claim diplomatic immunity, hehe
PCer says
I don’t think the person who wrote this article passed the FCAT Writes exam.
Pierre Tristam says
There’s been a mess of comments, on this and a previous crime story, making idiotic assumptions about the nationality or origin of the suspect. Those comments are not going to be approved, particularly when they embarrass the commenters who don’t know their Kiev from their chicken littles. A suspect’s origin is included in the story as a matter of neutral information, just as the suspect’s age or current address would be included. Those elements in and of themselves say nothing more about the individual other than how old he or she is, where he lives, where he came from. And to all of you dim-witted bigots who make assumptions about Ukrainian or Russian or Mexican criminals, keep in mind that our local jail is stuffed to the gills, and overwhelmingly so, with good old Americans–and that American crime rates, the highest in the western world, are nothing to beat your chauvinistic chests over.
Jojo says
Well said Pierre, some believe that’s a small price to pay for freedom considering we have over 1.4 million people incarcerated or under some form of the courts jurisdiction. It still beats living in Ukrainian, Russian or the Mexican legal system. What price freedom.
palmcoaster says
Pierre, I really value your knowledge and fairness but believe me, America is not the number one crime capital of our Western World. There is much worse out there when it comes to some countries in Europe, North, Central and South America as well as some Caribbean Islands. I have been there and can rest assure that I felt much safer once arrived back home. Regarding my impression of these two mentioned delinquents and our general incarcerated population origin. The complete information provided should be lauded, so makes us more aware and we do not fall victims of ignorance. Regarding new immigrant delinquents I think then, is when we need to come up with real comprehensive immigration policies enforcement for “all” and no exemptions of background checks.
Igor Blavenoff says
I lev in gran haven. I drink russian vodka. Is good no ? I buy veapon for house de-fence. Amerika good to me. Get free doctor and free money from govarmen for being russian. God bless Amerika
Student says
Maybe a school should provide more funds, so good students don’t end up in stealing and ending their life behind bars. Yes look at your own country America you doing soo much now for Ukraine, how about stfu and suck your own dik