It was not the smartest way for Edward Smith to show off his new 9mm Hi-Point rifle, which he said he’d just bought at a store on Utility Drive in Palm Coast.
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Smith, a 27-year-old Oklahoman from Muldrow, a Bunnell-size burg on the state’s border with Arkansas, brought a little touch of the old West to Palm Coast Parkway Wednesday afternoon when a verbal smackdown with the driver of another car devolved into Smith pulling out his new rifle from his trunk and brandishing it toward the driver, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office report. Smith had two 16-year-old girls in his car, a Mustang convertible.
Smith ended up in jail.
It happened at the intersection of Old Kings Road and Palm Coast Parkway late Wednesday afternoon. The two teen-agers in the car told police that while their Mustang was idling there, they began arguing with people in the car next to them. There were three people in the other car: a 17 year old boy, an 18 year old woman, and Robert Rogets, 44.
Smith’s rifle was in the trunk, along with two boxes of ammo, one containing 50 rounds, one containing 20. The occupants of the two cars gave differing stories about what happened next. Rogers and the two other occupants in his car told police that Smith got out of his Mustang, went to his trunk, opened it, took out the rifle, and pointed it at them before speeding West on Palm Coast Parkway, toward U.S. 1. A witness to the incident who was in his car, three cars back, told police that he saw Smith, whom he later identified, get out of his car, grab the gun from the trunk and “wave it” around.
The 16-year-old girls, one of whom thought there were two people in the other car, the other thinking there were three, confirmed that Smith took the rifle out of the trunk and put it in the backseat of the convertible during the confrontation. When they’d driven away, the girls said, Smith put the rifle back in the trunk. That took place around the library, at Palm Coast Parkway and Belle Terre.
Smith initially told police that there were “five guys” in the other car, and that he thought they were “about to jump me,” according to the police report. Somewhere along the way Smith changed his story. He did go to his trunk, he said, but only to move some cooking sauce from the trunk to the back seat. He also said that the driver’s door and one of the rear passenger doors of the other vehicle had opened during the confrontation and that two males had stepped out of the car before he went for the rifle. But the girls in Smith’s car said no one got out of the other vehicle at any point, though they did say that the driver’s door had opened as if someone was going to step out.
The 16-year-old girls were read their Miranda rights then released to the mother of one of the two girls. Smith was charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill and taken to the Flagler County jail. Bond was set at $2,000.
palmcoaster says
This was some happy ending incident…….. this time. A person that uses a deadly weapon in such a manner should be stripped from his right to have one.
Frank Parsons says
This does not surprise me at all. I had two mexicans pull a gun out and point it at me at the intersection of Colbert and Rt 100 at 10:00 at night coming back from dinner in Flagler Beach. They laughed and drove off. Did I call the police…No…Why ? Because I was holding my Glock 19 with 15 round clip in my hand against my inside door, just in case the mexicans decided to open fire.In today world you have to protect yourself cause a cop is to far away to help when things go bad .
Yes says
If they decided to open fire you’d probably have been dead before you could get a round off. Way to go for not calling the cops so they can pull this stunt again and maybe someone will not be as fortunate as you were. That’s not brave Frank..just foolish.
Edward says
I know you’re trying to sound like a tough “no non-sense racist” railing against Mexicans even though it has NOTHING to do with the story but you sound like a fool.
Joe A. says
I get what Frank is trying to say.
If I were Frank in that situation, I would of fired my shots. Under the Castle Doctrine you do not have to retreat when in your home, business or vehicle. If at any time you felt there was an immediate threat to health or life, you are justified in the use of deadly physical force. That day, those jackasses would of picked the wrong person to mess with.
I agree with Frank that in todays world you need to find alternative methods to protect yourself. Law abiding citizens have the right to arm themselves if they have a Concealed Weapons License.
Explain please says
Could someone explain why he had 2 – 16 year old girls in the car? Family, friends, hitchhikers, dates???
beta says
I just drove trough Oklahoma and was thinking how people in Florida were more civilized, I guess I was wrong. If you have to carry a gun, your doing something wrong in your life.
County Worker says
Frank are you sure they were from Mexico and not Honduras or perhaps Guatemalan you racist idiot. Anyone else that thinks a gun fight is like some old western movie grow up. Your right to defend yourself doesn’t mean you will live through it. 15 rounds doesn’t mean a thing if the other person is a better shot.
palmcoaster says
I smell a (racist) rat in Frank Parsons described incident. Probably a BS story to incite prejudice and cover up in this manner the outrageous attitude of this bully and justify the need for license to bare arms to all including irresponsible tugs. Also how do anyone know that a Spanish speaking person is “a Mexican, only”. What an ignorant exhibition! At almost 70 years old I never needed to bare arms to safeguard my life, as common sense and law enforcement served me well and being a bully is not my past time.
palmcoaster says
There goes Joe incited by Frank’s comments. Shows us that fanatics brainwashing story telling works!
Otherwise ask our President on these birther’s. Great way to undermine and systematically destroy America…by killing each other here. Not much need for outside terrorism to accomplish this task.
Joe A. says
Frank proved ignorance. I gave fact.
Id appreciate you to do some research before you start spouting crap out of your mouth. Gun owners are not brain washed, conservative, bible thumping fanatics. We are law abiding citizens who have armed ourselves in case of threat. Average police response to a call for help is 3-5 minutes due to location, manpower, time it takes to place and dispatch call.
Palmcoaster you need to do research before you talk out of your ass.
Anonymous says
Dear Joe how many lives have you saved while gun totting ….and how many have you threaten? Sure in our “civilized society” don’t need pseudo paramilitary or vigilante crapolas like you. I am glad they land these dudes in jail specially now with candid (phones, cameras Ipads) camera for all.
palmcoaster says
Joe, as per your last line looks like you are floating around in my latrine …were you belong. As per the fact that we should arm ourselves in case of threat, that is the duty of our law enforcement, national guard and our armed forces responsible and well trained citizens.
Frank Parsons says
I stand my ground. They were mexican. I’m from SanDiego and I know mexicans. This forum sounds like all old 60’s hippies who have never had the courage to stand up for themselves. Always depending on the police to help them. Liberal losers. Joe A. is the only one who has courage. If that every happens again, I will not hesitate to protect myself.
Joe A. says
Anonymous – I am not going to do your research for you. Look it up yourself. As for me, I have been fortunate that I have never encountered an incident here in Florida. However I did have an incident in New Jersey about 10 years ago. An attempted robbery with a weapon was stopped and a criminal is behind bars.
The right to carry and use a fire arm are two distinct differences. I obtained mine legally and qualify annually so that I can continue to carry it. If I am in a situation where I feel there is imminent threat to my life and health – I will use it. ONLY after all other reasonable measures have been exhausted.
Palmcoaster and Anonymous – you both are oblivious to life. You can continue to live in your bubble of ignorance. I travel a lot so I am in a wide variety of neighborhoods, I see different cultures and attitudes. If you believe for one second that if you are in an immediate threat of life that police will be right there you are sadly mistaken. Nationally the average police response is 3-5 minutes from the time you dial 911. If you think thats enough time to stop a bad guy – then good for you. I rather be safe then a victim.
Say what you will and call me whatever you want. I am the one being realistic here.
Anita says
As a matter of curiosity, what sort of instantaneous background check was performed on the man from Oklahoma, before allowing him to walk out of the store with a 9mm rifle and 70 rounds of ammo? What ever happened to the waiting period and how reputable is the gun dealer?
Joe A. says
There is no back ground check required to purchase ammo. In the State of Florida, there is a 3 day mandatory waiting period from time of purchase to picking up your weapon. Unless (big unless), you have a concealed weapons license, in that case the waiting period can be as little as 30 minutes. When you have a concealed weapons license its like you are “pre-approved” and do not have to go through the entire waiting period. All part of Florida State Statute 790.06.
shaq says
The only waiting period for fire arms in florida is for a hand gun. That ruger rifle he was ae to take right there and then…just wondering…why are some of you palm coast people so against guns? No matter how much you bash gun owners you have to realize that there is always going to be a bad guy out there with guns. Plus its our american right to own firearms. So imagine if guns became illegal…criminals breaking the law probably wont follow that law either, making it easier to get their way. I carry a gun, not because i make trouble, because im not going to let anyone rob me…crime is getting worse and i deserve more protection then our police who arent going to do anything special if the criminal gets away. Anyone can be a victim…..not me.