It looked like a disaster scene: smashed up cars everywhere, firefighters working in clusters around the smash-ups, some of them with hydraulic Jaws of Life equipment that can cut through metal with 38,000 pounds of pressure per inch, cutting up vehicle roofs, spreading open shuttered steel, stabilizing a car standing up on its side. Lined up behind the accident scenes were Palm Coast and Fire County Fire Department trucks.
Click On:
- Mike Beadle’s Powerpoint (April 12)
- Palm Coast Fire Department Takes Delivery of Versatile $1 Million Ladder Truck
- In a Victory for Palm Coast Firefighters’ Union, City’s Attempt to Split Bargaining Units Fails
- Flagler Firefighters Hold Third Annual Chili Cook-Off; Clover Beach Wins
- Palm Coast Firefighters Unionize, Citing Unbalanced Treatment of Employees
- Flagler Paramedics Take 2nd and 14th Place in Czech Competition
Missing from the scene were actual people trapped in any of the cars. The scene, earlier today—and for most of the day at John’s Auto Parts, the sprawling wrecking yard south of Bunnell on U.S. 1—was one of many like it every month when firefighters from the county and each of Flagler’s three cities combine for training exercises on skills and tactics they use routinely, from extrication of trapped accident victims to rescues from enclosed spaces to firefighting techniques in homes or bigger structures.
The exercises have two purposes: practicing those skills and tactics, and developing seamless communications, from command to execution, between the firefighters from various agencies, because they often find themselves working the same scene together. The county and the three cities’ fire departments have been emphasizing cooperation to more efficiently handle emergency scenes: every month, a particular type of tactic or scenario is chosen, and every one of the 150-some firefighters working for the four firefighting agencies will, over the course of a week or two, go through the same training, usually in combined teams from the four agencies.
“We’re not doing the big, advanced possibility of a tsunami hitting,” Flagler County Fire Chief Don Petito said. “We’re training on car accidents, extrications, the treatment of patients in certain situations, how to attack a fire in an apartment or a house or a commercial structure, and I think one of the calls that would come to mind that this is the way it needs to be is the warehouse fire.” That’s the fire at Eagles Nest Storage in Flagler Beach last week. “We had Flagler Beach, Palm Coast, Flagler County, and I think Bunnell might have showed up on that one. But you had all those crews working together and they put that fire out without burning the whole building down, which is a good thing.”
Beyond emergency situations, the city and the county are combining purchasing methods and vendors and computer language—literally, enabling county and city computers on fire trucks to interface, reducing the need for verbal communications or mix-ups. The city is also adopting the county’s paperless documentation of medical call. Each medical call entails about 136 pieces of information that have to be documented. “It’s going to help us with transfer of information not only within the departments but again within the receiving agencies, the hospital,” Beadle said.
Plenty more is being shared as well, down to standard operating procedures. “We decided to combine the EMS protocols and the fire department standard operating guidelines—basically, procedures on how to do things,” Petito said on Wednesday. “Same thing with EMS medical protocols, which is: these are the medical treatments we’re going to do and this is how we’re going to do them. Once we got that done we started training on those particular procedures, protocols and so forth. This is just a small part of the training that you see here.”
What prompted the presentation to the city council the previous day, beside the update on routine cooperation, is what amounts to the first step toward consolidation of services between the agencies—a step the council members had to approve, because it’s a matter of fiscal policy. Palm Coast and the county have agreed to share a medical director.
Every fire department needs a medical director because firefighters conduct medical procedures and dispense 48 types of medication in the field, eight of them narcotics controlled under Drug Enforcement Agency protocols, such as morphine and valium. What medical procedures firefighters do and medicines they dispense have to be run through the medical director. At times, when county and city firefighters have responded to a scene, there’s been disagreement between the directors—and subsequent disagreement from the ER director, who also weighs in. Combing the two agencies directors into one position, which happens to be that of the ER director, will eliminate those disagreements.
For the men on the line, the joint training matters because it eliminates frictions and mis-communications, improving responses in emergency situations. “We’re very excited about the training we’re doing. It’s very, very good for everybody. Lt. Richard Bennett of the Flagler County Fire Department said. “Obviously working together on the training gets everybody on the same page. We use the same equipment, the same techniques. It provides a better service for the taxpayers. Better cooperation as far as medical directors puts us on the same page as far as treatment for our patients.”
Whether this is, in fact, a first step toward broader consolidation is open to question—a question council members did not ask Tuesday morning, though Jim Landon, the city manager, told them: “When you start dealing with who’s going to provide what service and where and all that, we still have a ways to go.” What was important, Landon said, was to get a “success” notched up, such as the consolidated medical director position, and move from there.
lawabidingcitizen says
I am reluctantly coming around to believe that the Flagler Beach fire and police departments must join forces with the rest of the county as the city commission and fire/police chiefs have shown themselves totally inept in managing these vital services.
Flagler Citizen says
ATTN: lawabidingcitizen:
I read your comments and am very interested in the reasoning behind your statement of how the police and fire chiefs have supposedly mis-managed their depts. If you are going to mention the incident with the police officer and the off-duty DUI situation, I don’t put that on the Chief. What else? Where/How has the Fire Chief mismangaed his responsibilities?
lawabidingcitizen says
How about buying a fire engine for over a hundred thousand dollars that doesn’t fit into the fire station and is designed for high rises? Does that qualify in your opinion? Lots of other things that aren’t fit for mention in a family oriented medium.
Mike says
Congratulations to everyone involved. I think this is a step in the right direction.
John Smith says
Lawabidingcitizen you are OUT TO LUNCH. Another loud mouth with nothing to say that has any merit. Stir the pot that is what you are best at.
John Smith says
lawabidingcitizen the fire truck of which you speak was bought for $85,000 and it does fit in the Fire station we have 5 high rise condos of 7 to 9 floors in the city, we have 300 3 story houses 733 2 story houses. You should KNOW of what you speak before you open your mouth. Citizen he has no reasoning he just wants to run his mouth and try to impress which is a joke like he is.
lawabidingcitizen says
Smithy, that ain’t how I heared it.
John Smith says
Yes and that is the PROBLEM people like yourself would rather believe what they hear instead of taking the trouble to go by the fire station and get the FACTS as they REALLY are. There is NOT one organization that has not had their problems but they all get worked through and that is when the rumors start because of some disgruntled employee or volunteer was released from it. DO NOT ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU HEAR.
Flagler Citizen says
lawabidingcitizen- I think John Smith hit all of the correct points and I would just add that if you wanted to go by the Flagler Beach Fire House (Station 11), you will see the ladder truck (Tower 11) fits just fine in the truck bay. Since you probably have never been there, I’ll let you know that the Station is located at 320 S. Flagler Ave. I’m sure the guys would be more than happy to give you a tour of the truck and every other piece of equipment that you probably don’t know anything about.
Ric says
not for the nothing….but this article is nothing about the Flagler Beach Fire Dept. So everyone commenting….lets comment on the story at hand. The constant complainers really need to get a life.
John Smith says
Exactly, The real story is just the consolidation between the county and Palm Coast with their Medical Director change is the only consolidation that there is. Palm Coast as Flagler Beach will never be given to the county so that is all a mute point. Its like I said they have been training for years together and working mutual aid on big scenes so this is all nothing new, just more training.