A speeding car was in a head-on crash in front of the Flagler Beach pier this morning, just as a beach clean-up involving children and other volunteers was starting. The driver of the speeding car was airlifted in serious condition. The collision took place within a few feet of the city’s mayor, her child, a former mayor, a city commissioner and the city’s parks and recreation director.
“We were shaking,” Flagler Beach mayor Suzie Johnston said of herself and Linda Provencher, the former mayor. They had been standing by the crosswalk within a few feet of where the crash occurred, with Johnston’s daughter, Commissioner Eric Cooley and Tom Gillin, the parks director.
“If he would have swerved and not hit head on, he’d have taken out Linda P., myself, Sydney, Tom and Eric, we would have been killed.” Provencher is commonly referred to as Linda P. “It could have gone bad in a heartbeat.”
Andrew C. Mintz, who faces criminal charges, was at the wheel of a 2012 silver Honda Civic that was spotted at 9:35 a.m. speeding south on State Road A1A in the Hammock, at 16th Road, then spotted again at North 9th Street, still speeding to extremes until it reached downtown Flagler Beach.
A business’ surveillance video, sent in by Johnston, captured the moment of the collision: A southbound white SUV had just stopped at the crosswalk and started driving again. A silver SUV was driving north, so that the two SUVs were nearly parallel at the crosswalk. At that point a pick-up truck is driving south, approaching the crosswalk slowly.
Mintz’s Honda suddenly appears speeding south in the northbound lane, attempting to pass the pick-up truck. A split second after it does, it strikes the northbound, silver SUV head-on, causing some of both vehicles’ wheels to go airborne as the SUV is crushed toward the boardwalk and the Honda crashes back across the southbound lane, in the crosswalk.
The four occupants of the SUV, including a couple in their 80s in the back seat, were not hurt. The SUV sustained significant damage. The Honda was totaled. Little remained of its driver’s side front end. It also took out a crosswalk sign signaling pedestrian priority. The sign had recently been installed. An emergency helicopter landed a few blocks away and flew Mintz to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach. He was in and out of consciousness at the scene.
“The first thing I heard was the sound of the silver car racing toward town and I noticed immediately when it crossed over the yellow line into the other lane,” Johnston said. “That’s when everything started to go into slow motion.” She realized the car was inevitably going to hit someone. “I saw it hit the Nissan frontier truck and the two vehicles go into the air and at that moment I grabbed Sydney because she was closest to me, and ran toward the A frame because at that point I didn’t know if the two vehicles–where they were going to land, if they were going to explode or whatever.”
Cooley ran to check on the elderly occupants of the SUV, then help the driver of the vehicle driven by a local surfer.
“Myself, Suzie, Linda P, Tom Gillin were running the monthly beach cleanup and standing at the new crosswalk actuator chatting when I saw the silver Honda coming south down the street at a very high rate of speed,” Cooley said. “At first I thought it was a younger driver showing off. Then he crossed into the opposing traffic lane still at a very high rate of speed and had a head-on collision with the pick-up that was in the northbound lane about 3-5 feet in front of us. The collision knocked the pickup into the air in our direction where it knocked down the crosswalk indicator we were standing close to previously.”
A Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy had reported the vehicle going “an an extremely high rate of speed” when it was at the north end of town. The deputy engaged emergency lights and sirens but had lost sight of the vehicle by the time the patrol car had rounded a corner. The deputy did not chase.
“This was especially concerning because just minutes before we had multiple large groups of younger folks crossing the road as part of the beach cleanup that had just departed to clean,” Cooley said. “Had the timing been off by just a few minutes the groups of kids would have been killed or if the car had just hit a little more to the other side, the car would have likely landed on us possibly killing our group of myself, Suzie, her daughter, Tom G. and Linda.”
Johnston thought the Honda was going 70 mph at the time of the collision, and said the car had been clocked going 90 north of town. “Logan in the truck was slowing down, braking,” Johnston said, referring to Logan Smith, the surfer. “He saw us standing at the crosswalk and wasn’t sure we were going to walk into the crosswalk. We were standing in the sun to warm up because it was chilly. He was slowing down, the speeding car had already woven in and out of the traffic through town, and thought he could go around the white SUV.”
Johnston couldn’t recall how many people were near her beyond her group. “It was that moment of you’re trying to save your life and run, protect your child first, because we didn’t know if the vehicle was going to spin.”

JOE D says
Wow….a few minutes earlier or a few feet difference, and it would have been MORE of a disaster!
I guess things really happen for a reason….this CLEARLY wasn’t YOUR or YOUR GROUPS “time to go”…..
….my Irish Mother would have attributed it to your “Guardian Angel.” Whatever the reason…SO GLAD you are all safe ……THIS TIME!
The Geode says
I am curious as to your answer to the reason for this. Had the car plowed them all down, would you ascribe a reason to that also? Does your “controller of why things happen” allow innocent people to be harmed while allowing drunk (assumed), drugged (assumed), psychopaths (assumed) to harm them when they could have just pushed the offending car over the dunes and into the ocean? I don’t think life is quite that simple – then again, I might be wrong so I am genuinely asking for clarification…
MeToo says
He merely said it wasn’t their time….obviously. He quoted what his mother would’ve said. Had this turned out that they got hit he probably would’ve given his condolences.
Leave people alone.
JOE D says
Wow…I REALLY believe that everything has a REASON….but of course that is my belief, which I’m allowed to express under free speech laws.
Sorry that you felt the need to twist my words into something sinister.
But then again, YOUR free speech rights allow you to have a different opinion. I’m just relieved the accident was more of a disaster than it was!
Have a Great Day…
Robert Joseph Fortier says
What everyone else said…I agree.
There is one of you in every crowd it seems.
steve bolter says
This driver passed us in the Hammock on the wrong side of the road weaving in and out of traffic and narrowly missed another vehicle. There was a deputy sitting in front of Rodie’s Restaurant and when he saw the guy coming he activated his lights and took off after him. The guy was going so fast the deputy had no chance to catch him. He then disengaged his red light and continued to travel in the same direction as the driver.
Eric Gomez says
People are so ridiculous. The crosswalk sign. Everyone is making such a big deal about has a breakaway post. It’s made to be hit and easily replaced by one part!
So all they had to do was replace a piece of the post and that’s it. Absolutely ridiculous.
In the picture of a destroyed car and the jaws of life, take a comment about the crosswalk sign!!! That’s just plain shallow and stupid.
PC says
Why on earth??? Why would this guy be racing thru Flagler Beach knowing he could kill someone or be killed. It’s so senseless.
Ben Dover says
Because he was being chased by a police car , time and time again they are told not to engage in high speed chases, but they do anyway , then when someone dies or gets into an accident like this they say they weren`t chasing them , but this kid was obviously being chased , SMH
Steve says
So you are blaming this on the police is what you are saying
Jim Morrison says
so the criminal is the victim approach — works well in CA< IL & NY
BigPapa says
The Police were not chasing him.
Géiser barker says
They were never chasing him! I witnessed most of it… Even if you read the articles, it says how the police didn’t even follow him because he was going to fast for them to pursue.
BigPapa says
“The deputy engaged emergency lights and sirens but had lost sight of the vehicle by the time the patrol car had rounded a corner. The deputy did not chase.”
You should really learn how to comprehend what you read before posting stupid crap….
Roy Longo says
Obviously being chased? Where’s your proof? I don’t disagree cops have needlessly chased minor traffic offenders but nothing here comes close to suggesting that.
Monica says
Sorry but you are incorrect… he was not being chased by law enforcement. I believe you need to read the full story and don’t pick and choose what words you want to meet your agenda.
You first says
Did you not read the article? I clearly stated the police only activated their lights for a minute AFTER the saw him traveling at high rate of speed and when they lost him they turned their lights off. The “chase” was over before it started.
Corn and Taters says
Hey, bendover, you must be new here. This county had an escaped prisoner about 20 years ago, during a pursuit, he killed someone. They really aren’t too chase happy around here. I mean, sometimes….but it’s not the norm. And, well, the article clearly backs that up! Enjoy, bendover!
Jaded Veteran says
The witness, someone who was THERE, said the deputy shut off his lights and did NOT pursue. If you were there and saw something different, please come forward. The driver of the car, even if the deputy WAS chasing him, is the one who created this situation. Why anyone would blame law enforcement is beyond me. S
JOE D says
“Sense” is not a requirement for obtaining a driver’s license….UNFORTUNATELY!
The dude says
I was turning left onto A1A coming out of Malacompra this AM when he came flying by. He was going pretty fast, probably much faster than 70, and passing cars by swerving into oncoming traffic. Had his emergency flashers on.
KB says
This is a miracle no one else was seriously injured. I live in Flagler with my family. I see so many people speeding lately and it makes me so angry. It seems to be getting worse. I had a similar experience today on A1A near Bings Landing, a car passed us to get in front of us and they almost hit the car head on because they thought we were going to slow although we were driving under the speed limit due to the area being congested. Speeding is dangerous and its not okay!
Steve says
The difference in speed is what kills IMO
Jay tomm says
I was going to Bings yesterday. It’s not only the speeders it the slow pokes! Dude was doing 35. It’s 50! Caused so much traffic.
If you can’t drive the speed limit on clear roads you shouldn’t be on the road!
Celia Pugliese says
Just plain criminal. This driver was clocked speeding in the Hammock. Maybe in some areas of the Hammock, crosswalks and in Flagler beach we need strategically located, speed humps, speed circles , tables or cushions to slow down crazy or impaired drivers and safeguard lives. Thank you Flagler Live for the timely reporting.
Dave says
That would be a great idea, maybe a few lights, but that would upset the A1A tourist. With all the growth in the Hammock area, give it a few years and slow mo will be the norm.
Jimbo99 says
I think the video has conclusive evidence that neither public officials nor children were at the crosswalk where the accident happened. There’s a row of parked vehicles as a barrier. Either way, the motorist in the Civic has the distinction of being Flagler County’s reigning “Village Idiot” for at least today.
Jennifer devlin says
So so true!!!
Laurel says
We were in town when this happened. We didn’t see it, but heard the sirens blaring. I’m so sorry this happened, but so grateful no one was killed. There was also some sort of race, or jogging event going on. It could have been even worse. Flagler Beach was close to packed at 9 am this morning. Moody and A1A is a cluster f**k nearly all the time now. Yet, developers and C of C want more people. It will never get better, only more congested. Good luck. Paradise lost.
Concerned Camper says
I am glad everyone on the pedestrian side of the crash is OK.
It’s gotten ridiculous in this area. I live in Beverly Beach. And people either outright refuse to stop at the cross walk. Or go thru while your still in it. And say rude things with gestures. And most are doing at least 10 to 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. And then there are the speeding bikes that tear up the road.
We’ve contacted FCSO for help numerous times. And have gotten nowhere. It’s getting busier here as Easter approaches. And the school year winds down. Plus there is a construction project about to start. I hope it’s not going to take a similar incident to happen here before action is taken.
FCSO please step up and help!!
Benjamin Belhumeur says
There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior whilst behind the wheel. Hopefully, this person recovers and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thankfully, no one else sustained any serious injuries, and a special AttaBoy goes out to Eric for springing into action.
Lance Carroll says
Flaglerlive says the Honda crashed head on into the SUV, Eric Cooley says the Honda crashed head on into the pick up. This article is contradicting. Flaglerlive, please f0llow up with the law enforcement collision report? Was there a high speed pursuit ongoing through the center of Flagler Beach during a sunny weekend? If so, what law enforcement agency was pursuing the Honda? Was the police chase called off? If so, at what point was police chase called off? I do not condone the reckless operation of any vehicles in Flagler Beach or anywhere else. I am trying to make heads and tails of this contradiction in reporting.
FlaglerLive says
There was no high-speed chase, a deputy who spotted the driver in the Hammock briefly chased with lights and sirens, but deactivated after losing sight of the driver. Cooley meant the SUV.
Citizen says
No, the honda crashed into the frontier pickup as correctly stated in the Mayor’s quote.
Jimbo99 says
Makes sense not to chase too. Once past the Hammock area where the Palm Coast Parkway bridge is the next to the last crossing Southbound, for all intents, he’d be on A1A until he would’ve gotten to FL 100 & the pier area. Collaboration with Flagler Beach PD, they could’ve had A1A blocked off prior to any right turn onto a side street that might’ve been an escape route. Short notice though, it might’ve been difficult to implement that well before all the restaurants North of FL 100 & A1A before that 3-way traffic light.
Bruces says
it is amazing that no one was killed in this we were just down in flager and it appears for some reason
Flager county does not like to spend devices for devices on street that so much need it
Mark says
70 mph in a 25 mph area. I see this kind of behavior weekly in the area with the same disregard for other drivers or pedestrians. I know law enforcement can’t be every where at once but maybe it’s time to start writing tickets again for no signals and going 10 mph or faster over the limit. Maybe if people see that law enforcement is pulling drivers over more they’ll slow down a bit. This isn’t a real life “Grand Theft Auto” game.
pete says
NO its time to go way back and enforce the speed limit no 5 or 10 over. Double or triple the fines and get tough It’s been ignored for so long it’s going to take some hard work to bring it back. It’s everywhere in the country just not FB. But the sad thing is NOTHING will be done anywhere just like everything else, they let them get away with crime and it gets worse.
Leslie says
What about the real victim of this tragedy; the driver of the truck? Clearly it was the truck and not the sports utility vehicle that was hit head on. I was at the accident scene and saw the SUV with some rear-end damage and an elderly gentleman sitting in the back fairly shaken up. The truck, however, was the vehicle hit first and with the most impact. There is barely mention of the young local man who was driving that truck and innocently hit head on. How can we make this about everybody else but him? I am grateful innocent bystanders were not affected, however….. Relevent and accurate facts would be nice.
beachcomer says
Dammit, that crosswalk light was just installed for safety. that is a dangerous crosswalk at the pier….
Concerned Camper says
Less than A Day after we are watching people tear down A1A.
Most are doing 10 to 15 miles an hour over. And disregard any pedestrian signage. It seems especially bad from North of Beverly Beach to Flagler Beach. And no law enforcement to be seen. As a matter of fact we were commenting this morning at breakfast that FCSO has been non-existent
We are asking Flagler Live to help our community to reach out to FCSO. Many of us have put in complaint forms and to no avail. Lot’s of children and seniors walk across to get to the beach. We aren’t asking for special treatment. Just for motorist to obey what laws are in place. And to SLOW DOWN!!! You aren’t any more important than the rest of us trying to live life.
Linda Murray says
Mintz has ruined the lives of at least two people. Why in the world would he need to be going 70 mph in downtown?
Jennifer devlin says
What about his life? My friend is friends with him and he may never walk again.
No one even bothers to ask what the emergency was and so concerned with what could have happened!
Guess what! No one was hurt but Andrew Mintz who literally battled to stay alive through 7 critical surgeries
Do people have no mercy? What would Jesus do?
Toto says
This is so senseless, stupid jerk. He might have had a death wish, maybe it’ll come true if he is unable to be saved in the hospital.
To look on the “brighter” side, I’m grateful it wasn’t a shooting incident.
beach bum says
On March 26h, a silver Cadillac was speeding, heading north on A1A in The Hammock when it passed me (and the vehicle behind me), in a double-yellow-line no passing zone at 12:33 PM. The driver very nearly caused a head-on collision with southbound vehicles. I have a photo of the silver Cadillac. A1A is getting crazy. Be careful out there!
Dominic Toretto says
All the cops and speed bumps in the world wouldn’t have prevented this. If someone’s as likely stoned as this asswipe all you can do is hope like hell he doesn’t take someone else down with’em. We got lucky, very lucky, from being on the international stage with dozens getting mowed down. Now lets see if this podunk county’s DA and judge can do their job and lock this bastard up for a super long time. I don’t have a whole lot of confidence in that.
Monica says
Not to make light of the incident and/or situation but if the speeding driver was “stoned” he more than likely wouldn’t have been speeding like he was … he probably would’ve been going under the speed limit.
MeToo says
The Geode says
So glad that at least someone here has a rational thought process. Unless you are going to make the entire road a speed bump, people are going to speed. I liken it to the “gun control” people that think only people that follow laws should have guns when the people that will kill you with a gun already have a gun and access to several more. Most people are decent and humane enough to do the right thing, but a few are wasting God’s precious oxygen and live entitled lives of no consequence.
Laurel says
Okay, here we go again. I think many of you should read “The Phantom Tollbooth,” by Norton Juster (if it hasn’t been banned yet) especially the part about jumping to conclusions. Lots of judgements here.
One commenter observed the car in question speeding in the Hammock. The interesting thing about his observation was that the car had its hazard flashers on. Now, I don’t know what happened, could have been anything, but when I was in my twenties, my mustang accelerated to the point that I had both feet on my brakes to no avail. I was in heavy traffic at the time. I managed to get my car into a shopping mall parking lot and pulled the key. My engine caught on fire from standing on the brakes (I guess that’s how it caught fire). That was scary as hell! By the time the fire truck arrived, the fire had died out on its own. Somehow, some spring or something slipped off my gas peddle and caused my car to accelerate without my further pushing the gas peddle. A mechanic can tell us what happened.
Now, on the “slow down” part, when we moved here, A1A in the Hammock was 55 mph, which meant one could go 60 without getting ticketed. Now, it’s down to 50 mph, with slow ass multi-car caravans going 38 mph. That means you can see each and every gravel in the road, and try to stay awake all the way to Flagler Beach. So, if you cannot handle 50 mph, then you moved to the wrong spot. I’m so tired of people coming here and trying to change the Florida.
We have been traveling back and forth from the Hammock to Flagler Beach for more than a dozen years, and we have not seen the awful, terrible speeding claims that have been made here. So, let’s just wait and see what caused this sad event, and be grateful others were not hurt, and stop jumping to conclusions.
DMFinFlorida says
Laurel does make a good point that I had not considered. Something similar happened to me. I was on an interstate headed home from an evening event at work and had my cruise control set. When I got to my exit I tapped the brake to disengage the cruise. It DID NOT. So I put the brake on harder. NOTHING and I am doing 70 coming up on the rear of a tanker full of fuel. I had nowhere to go and was about to enter a sharp “clover leaf” turn. I frantically blew my horn and the trucker must have thought I was nuts because he did not try to pull over and just slowed down more. The right hand guard rail finally ended and in an instant I thought enough to push in my clutch, go over the curb and down the grass embankment while pulling my emergency brake.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so terrified in my life. Shutting off the ignition reset everything and luckily I only had two miles to home. The dealer never could figure out what happened, but it occurred a second time a few months later and that time I was mentally prepared better. That car got traded in a fast minute.
As a couple of others above said, the car in question apparently had its emergency flashers on. We might just consider that something similar happened to the driver. Hopefully he will survive and the truth will be known one way or the other.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Speed bumps suck when we are in a hurry, but life is more precious than not being late somewhere.
People have to look at the big picture when driving…every life is precious to someone.
Monica says
Sorry but you are incorrect… he was not being chased by law enforcement. I believe you need to read the full story and don’t pick and choose what words you want to meet your agenda.
Ron Vath says
I live @ 5th on Flagler Ave. North and folks consistently come flying.by using it as a shortcut to avoid the light @ A1A and 100rd. Signs may help but need speedbumps to stop this before a catastrophe occurs. More and more children are present.
Local says
All cars have computers now how about making cars that can’t go over to the speed limit they have GPS so they can tell what the speed limit is
Wow says
What happened to the driver who caused it?
palmcoaster says
Maybe he has his buddies working for him to get him off light?
Jennifer devlin says
The Driver who caused the accident, Andrew Mintz was flown to Halifax hospital in Daytona and had 7 life-threatening surgeries along with countless blood transfusions fighting for his life for about a month before he was discharged…
He literally may never walk again
MITCH says
It is so sad that neither Flagler County nor the City of Palm Coast have adopted Traffic Calming Methods to control speed and protect residents. Multiple Counties/Cities in Florida have adopted Traffic Calming Methods to protect residents. Their action show their residents they care and want to protect their lives. Flagler County/City of Palm Coast lack of action to protect residents using Traffic Calming Methods tells residents, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT OUR RESIDENTS as much as those that have adopted Traffic Calming Methods. Next time you vote make protecting the lives of residents an issue, we deserve protection.
JOE D says
In response to: Larry Ladner
I too hope for an UPDATE, but I think quite a bit of the journalistic attention this week went to reporting a follow up of the TRAVESTY that occurred in this week’s Flagler County School Board meeting where the Superintendent was essentially “fired” ( contract not renewed), with the FLIMSIEST of pretenses….leaving FLAGLER County CHILDREN and taxpayers with the tedious and EXPENSIVE task of searching for and hiring a new “political target” (OPPS!) School Superintendent.
Hopefully the follow up for the accident will come soon.
JOE D says
Sorry….Larry Hassner, “auto complete” run a muck!
beachcomer says
When people put others at risk, it is essential to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of everyone involved. The course of action to take depends on the severity of the risk and the nature of the actions that caused it.
If the actions that put others at risk are illegal, such as driving under the influence or committing acts of violence, the person responsible should be held accountable under the law. Law enforcement agencies should investigate and prosecute the offender, and they may face imprisonment, fines, or other penalties. This ensures that the offender is prevented from putting others at risk in the future and serves as a deterrent to others who may contemplate similar actions.
In situations where the actions are not illegal but still pose a risk to others, such as failing to follow safety protocols in the workplace or spreading misinformation that can harm public health, it is still important to take action. In such cases, the responsible party should be made aware of the risk they are causing and be encouraged to change their behavior. This may involve education, training, or counseling to help the person understand the impact of their actions and make appropriate changes.
In cases where the person responsible is unable or unwilling to change their behavior, measures may need to be taken to limit the risk they pose to others. For example, an employee who repeatedly fails to follow safety protocols may need to be reassigned to a different role or terminated from their job. Similarly, an individual who repeatedly ignores public health guidelines may need to be subject to legal sanctions or other forms of enforcement.
Ultimately, the goal should always be to prevent harm to others and promote safety. This can involve a range of approaches, from education and awareness-raising to legal sanctions and enforcement. By taking action when people put others at risk, we can create a safer and more just society for everyone.
vicki Nixon says
I was Not a witness, nor does anyone really know what happened for sure. Was it a a problem with Mintz’s car? Nobody knows except God & Mintz. My question is…are there any updates and is the driver alive to make a statement? I am just SO grateful nobody else was hurt & so very sorry people were traumatized understandable so! :( Just seeing the video breaks my heart. I pass no judgement because I DONT know the facts, so I never assume. If anyone has an update Please post them so we can all better understand this sad accident.
William says
Not that it’s relative to this incident, because what occurred here was clearly the negligence on the part of the driver of the civic.
But there is an underlying issue here that no one seems to see! That is the placement of this ridiculous cross walk in front of the pier. Cross walks shout be placed at intersections where traffic controls are located, and not at random locations along a roadway. I’ve lived in Flagler for over 30 years and that location has always been a problem, particularly on holiday weekends where this area is very crowded!
I personally have experienced people stepping out between parked cars (reduced visibility of pedestrians), attempting to cross the roadway. Even at a crawl (5 MPH) it’s difficult to bring a 4,000 – 5,000 pound vehicle to an immediate stop to avoid some mentally impaired fool stepping out in front of a moving automobile, and risking getting hit.
Personally this crosswalk should be removed and pedestrians should be redirected to the intersection of A1A and SR 100 where traffic controls are located. It’s only through God’s grace that an incident like this has not happened sooner, perhaps it takes a situation like this to bring focus of attention of this cross walk, improperly located with no traffic controls nearby. Over the years the city leadership of Flagler Beach have implemented many policies that represent poor critical thinking skills, but allowing this crass walk to continue to exist after this incident will take the cake!
Jennifer devlin says
That kind of thinking will SAVE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!